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Jan. 25, 1927.


Filed June 22, 1926

2 Sheets-Sheet 1


' "1.1



Jan. 25, 1927.



Filed'June 22, 1926

2 Sheets-Sheet 2 ~


Wife Jc%ira/eZ,

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UNITED STATES rare-arr crimes.

Patented Jan. 25, 1927.



"Application?led June 22, 1926.

Serial No. 117,778.

This invention relates .to inclined cage

The carriage consists of a housing or
hoists such as are used {in connection with frame 15 wherein are mounted shafts 16

well derrioks and the like, the invention supporting grooved wheels 17 running on
being preferably termed 'a derrick safety the cable 14:, The cage is supported from

In devices ofthis description an inclined


this housing by meansof suitable hangers


supporting cable is frequently used. this

Pivoted within the housing 15 isa pair
cable running from the topofthe derrick of brakearms 19 having grooved free ends
frame to the ground and supporting a engaging opposite sides of the cable 14-.
Alsovpivoted in said housing is a brake
cage for passengers and material.
lever, thislever beingpivoted intermediate
One importantobject of the present in its ends to, provide a short cam end 20, hear
vention is to improve the. general construc ing againstthe lower brake arm, and a long
tion of devices of this description.
operating end 21 to which the remaining

wheeled carriage from which depends the

A second important object of the inven

tion is to provide an improved arrangement
of safety latch and brake means for such
A third important object of the invention

hrakearm is connected by a link 22 so that

movement of the lever in one direction
causes these brake arms to grip ?rmly on

the cable 14. Depending from the end of

the arm 21 is a cord or link 23 having a 75

is to so arrange the latch releasing and brake handle 24 at its lower end placed convenient
applying means that the act of releasing the of access by a person riding in the cage.
Clamped to the cable 14 is a latch member
latch will effect application of the brake.

1With the above and other objects in view 25 engageable by a hook 26 pivoted to a
bracket 27 borne by the upper end of the
tion consists in general of certain novel de housing 15. This hook is urged to latch
tails of construction and combinations of engaging position by a spring 28 and is
parts hereinafter fully} described, illustrated drawn outof suchposition by a cord 29
as will be hereinafter apparent, the inven



in the accompanying drawings and specifi

cally claimed.

which has one end fastened to the hook and

In the accompanying drawings like char

the arm 21 to which it is secured. With

runs over a pulley 30 on the bracket 27 to 85

acters of reference indicate like parts in this arrangement pulling downwardly on

the handle 24- releases the hook and at the

the several views, and

Figure 1 is a side elevation of a well der

same time applies the brake so that release

rick, partly broken away, showing the im

proved cage and carriage arrangement.

of the hook is not accompanied by a sudden

and dangerous downward movement of the

Figure 2 is an enlarged vertical longitu~

dinal median section through the carriage.



Attached to the housing 15 is a hoisting

Figure 3 is an end view of the carriage cable 32. which runs over a pulley 32 mount


ed on the derrick and leads to a winding

Figure Z1- is a section on the line 44: of drum or Windlass 83 mounted at the bottom

drawn to a still larger scale.


Figure 2, the view being to the same scale of the derrick frame.
as Figure 3.
In operation Whenever the cage is hoisted
The derrick frame is indicated in general the hook 26 engages the latch member 25
at 10 and, as the particular framing details and thus holds the cage securely in its ele
form no part of the present invention, it vated position. When it is desired to lower
will be sufficient to say that this frame is the cage the handle 24 is pulled downwardly
provided near its to with a working plat which frees the hook and simultaneously


form 11 so positioned that the floor 12 of applies the brakes so that the cage moves


the cage 13 is level with this platform when slowly downward on the cable 14;. the speed
being regulated by the force applied to the
the cage is in its raised position.
Extending downwardly in an inclined di handle 24.
There has thus been provided a simple
rection from the top of the derrick 10 is
a carrying cable 14 which has its lower end and efficient device of the kind described and
firmly secured to some suitable anchorage for the purpose speci?ed.
It is obvious that minor changes may be
on the ground, the same not being deemed
made in the form and construction of the
necessary here to be shown.




nection between the lever and latch means. 25

3. In a cage hoist, an inclined supporting
desired to con?ne the invention to the exact cable, a carriage running on said cable, a
form herein shown and described but it is pair of brake arms pivotally mounted on said
desired to include all such as properly come carriage and arranged to engage opposite
within the scope claimed.
sides of the cable, a brake lever pivoted

invention without departing from the ma

terial spirit thereof. It is not, therefore,

Having thus described the invention, what intermediate its ends in said carriage and
claimed as new7 is:


1. In a cage hoist, an inclined support

having one arm bearirngr against one of said

brake arms, the remaining arm of said lever

ing cable.v a carriage running on said sup having link connection With the remaining
porting cable. latch means arranged to hold brake arm. a latch member ?xed on said
the carriage in its uppermost position on cable above said carriage, a hook pivoted
the cable, brake means supported on the
carriage to engage said cable, and means to
15 release the latch means and simultaneously
apply the brake means.
2. In a cage hoist, an inclined supporting
cable, a carriage running; on said support

at the upper end of said carriage and en

gageable with the latch. member, a spring

urging said. hook downwardly, a pulley sup
ported on the carriage above said hook, a

cord running over said pulley and having

its ends connected to the hook and last men

ing able. latch means arranged to hold the tioned brake lever arm respectively, and a
tarriage in its uppermost position on the pull handle depending from the extremity
cable, brake means supported on the carriage of the said last mentioned brake lever arm.
to engage said cable.v a brake applying lever
In testimony whereof I atlix my signature.
pivoted to thecarriage and mo vable to ap
ply the brake means, and an operative con


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