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Policy in Room 234

You will be asked to complete daily homework assignments to
cement your knowledge of that days classwork. Homework will be
checked and given a stamp (each stamp is worth 2 points).
Homework is worth about 15% of your Term Grade equal to about
one test grade.
On occasion, I may randomly choose a group of students classwork
to grade for accuracy, completion, and organization. These will be
graded on a 15-point scale.
You will be expected work cooperatively in groups often in this
Group Work
class. Some group projects might come with a rubric for not only
completion, but also for how groups worked together to complete
the task.
At the end of each class, you will be asked to share what you have
Show What You Know
learned that day. In the case of an exit ticket, this may be scored on
a 3-point scale for re-stating the question, accuracy of your answer,
and use of evidence to back up your answer. Otherwise, this will
just be an informal assessment for Mr. V to see how everyone is
learning (with no grade attached).
Every two weeks, you will be asked to complete an open-notebook
Notebook Quiz
quiz checking on the organization and neatness of your notebook,
as well as its use as a study guide. These will be graded on a 22+
point scale.
Your notebooks will also be collected every 4-6 weeks (or at least
Notebook Check
once per term) to be graded for a maximum of 100 points each
Assessments are your opportunity to demonstrate all that youve
Tests and Quizzes
learned in Humanities. Assessments help me to know what youve
learned, and what I need to do a better job of teaching you. They
are not meant to punish youthey are meant to help us both
understand how successfully I am teaching you Humanities, and
how successfully you are learning it. Quizzes are given every two
weeks for 26+ points, and each Unit will have a Test.
There will be one major project connected to each unit. You will
have 1-3 weeks to complete each project. These projects will be a
chance for you to demonstrate your understanding of the topics
were studying in a creative way, instead of through a test. Projects
will be worth as much as tests100 points. That means that even if
youre not good at tests, if you do well on projects, it will balance
out your grade in the assessment category.
Remember that there are only points in this class if something is worth more points, than it is worth
more for your grade! Your grade will be divided evenly into two categories of 50% each: your
Interactive Student Notebook (homework and classwork), and Quizzes, Tests, and Projects. Check SIS
often to stay up-to-date on your grades, or ask Mr. V for help in logging into SIS.


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