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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All softwares that i use or i should use

: SublimeText,notepad++, vim
: VLC Media Player, iTunes
: iTunes
: Diigo, Evernote
: Adobe Reader
: WordWeb, Oxford
Synchronising : Dropbox, SugarSync,Evernote,Diigo Products, SyncToy( o
r best one in this category-google it)
: Chrome, FireFox
: Picasa, Photoshop
: Snagit(picture), camstia studio(video), or use
the best one from free ones
: Eclipse, Aptana
To-do and all : Wunderlist, Lists::: Wunderlist and Sublime Text
: Calibre, Adobe Reader, Press :: Pragmeticc, 37
Signal, O'rielly, 5 Simple Steps, Peter Cooper
: Ccleaner, piriform products, defragmeter,solut
: Quick-Heal, Avast,
: IPMsg(very small, very useful:: cable), pendrives, har
dderives, network cables(both ends RJ-45)
: Freemake products, keepvid site, print(to pdf)
,HTtrack(for website:or find something better),
: Ruby, Java(jre+jdk), Git(Version Control),
: Increase productivity :: Auto-complete, snippe
t manager,
Personalization : Rainmeter, Icons for folders and otehrfiletypes(yet to
learn), themes,
: Microsoft ppt,onenote,word,sublimetext(write i
n it and then edit in appropriate s/w)
: Revo, Pacakge to uninstall antiviruses(bundle
of many antivirus uninstallers)
: utorrent
: find something to rip and burn cd-dvd-bluerays
,demonlite(iso-drive), and something to make iso
: feeddemon, and use evernote
: 7zip, winrar
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Google chrome and extensions and bookmarks(utilities+scripts+quickreachs::shortc
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Extensions : adblock,adblock plus, youtube-skip-the-ad,stylebot,awesomen
ewtabpage,flag to chrome, lastpass
evernote, evernote clearly, diigo:: bookmarks a
nd readitlater,session buddy, super google reader,feedly,
Bookmarks : All section-wise : utility, shortcuts, quickref, otherbookm
arks, productivity, study :::: make other appropriately and nest them accordingl
y so we get
to maintaing concise, clear and easy to follow bookmarks list(
on bookmarks bar)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------People - Blogs - Communities

: Virat Kohali, MS Dhoni, Sachin Tendulkar
: DHH, Pragmetic People, C42 engineering and ruby conf p
eople, 37 Signals, TrueSparrow, jRuby people::charles nutter(mirah), dave thomas
: 37Signals, Seth Godin, Google,
: Ruby, jRuby, mirah(java+ruby),design (smashing magazin
e network) community,
: Signal vs Noise, Seth Godin, technology blogs(labnol),
nettuts+, webdesigntuts+, envato, codrops, webdesigndepot, and
others simple tech blogs(
guiding tech,amm
ercent, and others),kissmetrics, onstartup
: Nettuts+, tuts+ network,, nptel, and other t
ech teaching and tricks channels, labnol and similar channels, android and other
technologies(html+css+js+jquery+..), B learning videos from :: tuts+ network, and cool fun and other videoes f
orm :: vimeo
: Several blogs on tumblr, twitter, and facebook, vimeo,
imagefav, ::::::: GitHub, and other opensource systems, on ruby community and r
tumblr blogs on::: likes, images, quotes and l
ines, ruby-rails-html-css-all-technologies, daily life, and cool thing (ideas+ex
ecutions+..), and one on what i like and learn from people and blogs (copy or wr
ite it in my words or at least write the essence),music-films-comedy-reblogs.
: Peter Cooper and his weeklies, envato, tuts+ network(n
ettuts+), CodeYear, and also join mailing list like :: ruby pune,banglore etc.,r
uby and other
technologies mailing lists. Label them and nest th
em beautifully and in a wasy-to-navigate way.
And people who are craftsman : Sarah Kay, Steve Jobs, Shahrukh Khan, Mad
huri Dixit, Music people(hats off to them),
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dialouge and jokes i made.. want to crack ,,,, oh ha ha
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i'm dumb .. she's intelligent..... and opposites attracts
he said'this boy will'be ruined'...(not that @ is talented or gifted or
good or blah blah blah).... i'll never let that happen
expression is going to rule. naturality make the process flawless, faken
ess makes it pityable.u l
Learn to express. Learn different ways to express... learn from serieses
::f.r.i.e.n.d.s., and other american serieses, pitures and from serials, learn w
ays to
express:: poetry(spokenword, d
ef), jokes(they should be like in friends and not loud but implied and meaningfu
l blah blah, but like in
From best of luck nikki : if you love (doing something: there dance of d
olly) something never leave it, but it doesn't mean you should do it in front of
all(public) (specially when it's not that presentable :: expressive and practic
ed:: this bracket is made by me.. but it's true.)
ruby :pune: siddhu ponappa(most probably) : if that doesn't work code>> pr

oves as bug >> improve(correct/modify) the code

instead do this :: code>> proves as bug >> write comment that this(that logic of co
de or concept) is bad >> improve code
: create presentations in prenzi... there are too man
y ways which are better than ms powerpoint... tell a rubyconf someone
used it and slides were better than ppts
: c42: many ways to creat a string(one slide was {ki} == new kid in the blocks.. and next day one man take it ahead and made nu
rsery rhymes with it: we can fork it on github)
: c42 : all are intelligent but moreover they even do
n't think(or care or whatever) about it ... it's like natural (or inherited or i
mplied ) virtue of them + they're focused on their topic but they knew what they
're talking about... they're actually telling their experiences (and experiments
:: waht works and what doesn't like 37signals people: dhh and jason fried)+ the
y're creative to bring something fun and it's all natural : nothing seemed like
it was made up or something.(it's pure enjoyment for them.)
:truesparrow : if you know it(rails and ruby), people
really want you(as intern in my case): they're good people and are with some re
al business( so they are making good money(nice enough:take your talents
blen with other ideas and industries: here designer and looki
ng to solve the problems.
Life can be a lot more different(better & beautiful)
if there is background music there.
F.r.i.e.n.d.s. humour, jokes and expresiveness(joey,
ross, rachel,)
Feel the nature. Feel the breeze and breath the fresh
air. I'll feel better. Get excited and energetic.Never run out of energy(stemin
Humour is at top level at : friends, comedy circus,en
glish comedy serieses, tumblr, and sometimes in some scenes in films to(which ar
e not comedy films mostly) other than this fb pages, smses, and shows like mover
s and shakers provide good humour too.... the key is to delivery, time and way o
f expression and deliver: timing is crucial.
Quotes of startupquotes, tumblr, imgfave, rumi, poems
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All things i want to do
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Read many intersting books
Do it with fun :: like in f.r.i.e.n.d.s. , like pragmetic coders(peter c
ooper, dhh, dave, c42 ...), Shahrukh Khan, Harry Potter, :: full dedication &all
that blah blah
all naturally :: fun and 'game like'
Read and execute :: write and tell a story (in blogs, articles, ppts,tec
h blogs :: situations and cool things and ways) :: Do it a lot :: naturally
Make automated systems :: make system for every task ::: DRY(Don't Repea
t Yourself)
Be natural, smart, Gamify-Sportify (it feels like everytime i code : i'm
entering or playing in a great big ground :in stadium and in lacs of people che
ering me)
Like the poetry of sarah kay :: expressive and touching(fast), (
Like tumblr & imagefav situations and scenes in real : ) Create an envrionment :
for myself and make it fun and love and gamify it.... it's expressive (and peop
le will fall in love with me :: be kind and dont's show off or change then)
Go on rides and go with nature... it's always around you : it gives fres
hness and energy :: imagine-feel-take energy-use it-it'll be filled with more po

wer and freshness -same with people

He was exact opposite if absent minded. He love what he liked.He work ha
rd on it. Everyday. Incredibly simple but true.
Love and if i wanna do something in public as a act(acting, poetry, spee
ch, then polish it first)(never leave what you love: do it : but it doesn't mean
you should do it in public : do it and if you gonna do it in public : first mak
e it expressive and polish it : and tell a story :fun and love and gamify)
Meet new people from all the fields : from artists to bloggers to crafts
man(dhh, sarahkay,..) and follow pragmetic philosophy and 37Signals-virat kohlidhh's approach
Make it easy by learning and practicing it ( make it gamify, expressive
and humourous : spare love, humour and expressiveness)
DRY, Pragmatism, Touch-Typing and these cool skills and techniques makes
a lot of difference (it'll give you more time, clarity of mind, cluterfree syst
ems and expressiveness)
Take decisions quickly and execute it fast (take it whether it's matched
with my philosophies, is it aligned with my purpose, is it fun, and expressive)
Love a girl and if she's is expressive and fun :: marry her (if she fel
t the same way she'll say yes)
Read novels(fun+expressive)
OMG MY life tagline ::: expressiveness + fun + gamification + natural + (ev
ing in proper system : Pragmetic and DHH, Virat Kohli, Sarah Kay..)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All true
: drink a lot.. a lot lot of water(juices are good too : but
drink 12-14 glass of water everyday)
Always use sunscreen : it's benefit has been proved
Have a good hygine(wash hands before eating : same with
fruits,plates, vegetables,..)
Wash face @ 4 times a day with facewash : bath t
wice and after that apply proper creams(anti-acne, scar-removal) specilly before
going to bed apply proper creams and brush & clean the tongue
Take a severly eat care of head and hair: it's the sourc
e.. wash it thrice.. moisturise it after wash and oil lighly everyday , comb hai
r @ 3to5 times
a day
Do exercise, go for run or walk : it opens up pores and
it's really critical that we do exercise everyday , so that inner dirt can be re
moved by skin
as sweat. Do it everyday @ 30 minutes at least.
Funny yet true that : An umbrella is way more effective
than any sun-screen cream.
Consider a doctor (skin specialist or dermetologist) and
do follow their advice. Take medicines regularly. Visit them as per they say re
Most important : Have a good lifestyle, avoid oily and d
airy(!!!::meri baat) products, abandon junk-food. and follow a good diet(@ a fru
it maybe
apple+ a soup and good vegetabl
es ::2 colors everyday ::for fruits & vegetables :: eat seasonable fruits and v
egetables as well.)
everyday.And instead packed foo
d & junk-food : go for fruits and home-made recipies(try new recipies :pastas,an
d all that...but
homemade)(it gives natu
ral glow to skin)
Take care of back, neck, hands and legs .. everyday.
Take care of eyes :: splash 3 to 4 times with cool water
everyday. Always wear goggles when driving and take breaks while working on com

Never put stres

s on eyes. For computer work no more than 8 hours with computer. And take breaks
after 30-60 minutes while workin on computer(pomodoro or alarms help to do that
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And what i'll do
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And i'll have philosophies, exercise, good & glowing skin, systems, auto
mation, samrtness, and good taste(music, programming, films, blogs, pics, videos
and in all), natural expressiveness,..i can do it:i'll do it:and i'll do it aga
in and again(3 steps of sarah kay)

Don't wait. There's alway too little time, too much procrastination. Alw
ays too much addiction and too little interest in subjects.
Always too little motivation to study and too much fun to stroll or in t
umblr, pics, movies, tv etc.
Go through this .. it'll worth it. Study and get good marks.Change isn't
overnight process, but it surely is continuous process.
Everything can be magically(dramitically ) fixed or cured by continuous
efforts and movement.
No one rule: DO WELL in COLLEGE(midsem+finals)
Practice : You define it. SO DEFINE it. Put a bang in the university. Un
iverse will take care of itself.(you know universe-university)

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