Architectural, Construction and Environmental Matters of Bahrain's International Formula 1 Circuit

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Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1783–1794

Architectural, construction and environmental matters of Bahrain’s

International Formula 1 Circuit
N.W. Alnasera, R. Flanagana, S.E. Al-Khalifab, R. Mumtazc, S. El-Masrid, W.E. Alnaserd,
School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading, Reading, UK
Bahrain International Circuit, Kingdom of Bahrain
TILKE & Partners W.L.L., Consulting Engineers & Architects, Kingdom of Bahrain
University of Bahrain, Isa Town, Kingdom of Bahrain

Received 30 June 2005; received in revised form 14 November 2005; accepted 20 January 2006


The Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) is considered as one of the best international racing car track in terms of technical aspects and
architectural quality. Two Formula 1 races have been hosted in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in 2004 and 2005, at BIC. The BIC had recently
won the award of the best international racing car circuit.
This paper highlights on the elements that contributed to the success of such project starting from the architectural aspects,
construction, challenges, tendering process, risk management, the workforce, speed of the construction method, and future prospects for
harnessing solar and wind energy for sustainable electrification and production of water for the circuit, i.e. making BIC green and
environment-friendly international circuit.
r 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction sport car event but also for tourists to witness the fabulous
architects and perfect construction which were executed by
There is really nothing like Formula 1 racing circuit, i.e. a Bahraini construction company, i.e. Cebarco Bahrain by
Bahrain International Circuit (BIC). It is a sport that joint venturing with WCT of Malaysia.
exudes many strong attributes like speed, technology and
professionalism. Only 18 countries around the world have 2. Location and architectural design
the privilege of hosting a Formula 1 race, among them now
is Bahrain. The circuit has put Bahrain on the world racing The Kingdom of Bahrain is well known as a location for
map. business, exhibitions, conferences and tourism. In this
The US$150 million track had to be built for the FIA in regard, the BIC would boost Bahrain’s international
just 16 months (485 days only)—from concept to race. It image. Located in the Shakier area (20 km south of the
was a remarkable achievement and a showcase of capital Manama), the BIC built area occupies 170 ha set
collaboration, commitment and innovation that has put within the 300 ha site. It lies between the Al-Areen Wild-
the Kingdom of Bahrain in the international sport tourism. Life Park, the Shakier Race Course and the University of
The BIC also offers a unique case study in co-coordinating Bahrain, and is overlooked by Bahrain’s highest point,
a complex, fast-track project successfully. It is a showcase Jebel Al-Dukhan. The site is bordered to the east by a large
of good construction practices. military camp—constructed by Cebarco Bahrain—and to
Starting from 17 November 2002, excavation work burst the west by settlement of Al-Zallaq. The main access to the
into life on the BIC and after only 6 months the isolated site is through the Bahrain Gulf Avenue via the Zallaq
hot desert was turned into a piece of attraction not for Highway—Fig. 1. Its state-of-the-art facilities provide a
venue for car and motorcycle racing as well as an
Corresponding author. impressive venue for corporate events, conferences and
E-mail address: (W.E. Alnaser). exhibitions.

0360-1323/$ - see front matter r 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1784 N.W. Alnaser et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1783–1794

The high-standard facilities include an 8-storey VIP completion in 483 days, satisfying high construction
tower with hospitality suites, a main grandstand for 10 500 standards, makes it an excellent example of construction
spectators and 35 hospitality suites and a technical resource management. From the official launch of the work on site
centre dedicated to F1 Grand Prix and other international to completion, the project passed through six phases in
racing events. There are also dedicated buildings for which the organizational relationships between man,
international racing teams, administration and hospitality machines, materials and cash flow were fully coordinated
facilities as well as a multipurpose pit building with and synchronized in order to transform a visionary idea
lounge and a grandstand for 3600 spectators. Medical into reality.
and media centres have been constructed and equipped to Fig. 3 shows the master plan of the circuit while Figs.
satisfy international racing standards; see Fig. 2. BIC 4–8 show the plan of the different racing tracks which
different geometry. This is what makes BIC very special
and appropriate for different car race functions and
Fig. 9 shows the main grandstand in the BIC which can
hold 10 500 spectators. It is a 3-storey construction that
covers an area of 20 000 m2, while Fig. 10 shows the main
grandstand hospitality suites.
Figs. 11–19 illustrate some of the outstanding construc-
tions (Pit Garages and Paddock club, Pit building and its
VIP suite, the team buildings, the multipurpose building
and its hospitality suite, the medical centre and media
centre as well as the 8-storey VIP tower).
The roofing system of tents and construction details at
BIC show how modern materials have been moulded to
achieve buildings with indigenous Bahraini characteristics.
Employing tents above the stands and some buildings
satisfies not only functional and climatic requirements, but
also achieves a pleasing visual appearance (Fig. 20). The
circular 8-storey VIP tower, with increasing floor area, the
higher the story, acts as a prominent landmark (Fig. 21).
The inclinations of the walls of the media centre and race
tower make them appear to grow elegantly out of the
ground, while the colours of their cladding ensures they
integrate well with their surroundings. The variety of
Fig. 1. Location of the Bahrain International Circuit and the University shapes of the buildings, and especially of their roofs,
of Bahrain. provides an interesting skyline (Fig. 22).

Fig. 2. Facilities of the Bahrain International Circuit.

N.W. Alnaser et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1783–1794 1785

Fig. 3. Architectural master plan of the Bahrain International Circuit.

Fig. 4. Plan of Formula 1 racing track (total length 5.411 km).

Using a Teflon membrane to cover 10 800 m2 of roofing 3. Construction

provides shading and hence decreases the insolation (the
incident solar radiation) input, which otherwise could reach The construction of the circuit was made in time record
1100 W/m2 on a horizontal surface in mid-June, with 80% for such a huge project. It was completed in just 485 days—
direct and 20% diffuse solar radiation. This lowers the from concept to race. It required 8 265 000 man hours, 2084
interior-cooling load: such a design has been employed workers, 400 000 litres of sweet water, 300 000 hollow
successfully in the King Fahad Stadium in Saudi Arabia. blocks, 190 810 paving bricks (m3), 820 000 m3 rock
1786 N.W. Alnaser et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1783–1794

Fig. 5. Plan of the inner circuit of Formula 1 (total length 2.550 km).

Fig 6. Plan of the outer circuit of Formula 1 (total length 3.664 km).

removing, 300 000 m3 asphalt, 70 000 m3 concrete, 78 919 m2 paint, 40 509 m2 plaster, 10 800 m2 membrane
1000 tonne aluminium, 8500 tonne steel, 7750 m2 glass, roofing and finally 600 palm trees. In creating one of the
30 000 m for electric wiring, 70 000 timing circuitry, world’s most advanced car racing and testing facilities,
N.W. Alnaser et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1783–1794 1787

Fig 7. Plan of the Paddock circuit of Formula 1 (total length 3.596 km).

Fig 8. Plan of the Dragstrip track in Formula 1 circuit (total length 1.2 km).

500 000 m3 of rocks were cleared. This was made only after 4. The landmark design
full environmental impact assessment was done by Posford
Haskoning Environment Gulf which took into considera- The BIC was intended to be interpreted into a genuine
tion the site, traffic, air quality, noise, ecology, water and regional landmark using strong Arabian architectural
waste management and finally the archaeological artifacts. statements and reflecting the culture of the desert.
1788 N.W. Alnaser et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1783–1794

Fig. 9. Main grandstand at the BIC.

Fig. 10. Main grandstand hospitality suites.

Fig. 11. Formula 1 Pit Garages and Paddock Club: 3/2 storey, 18 000 m2.
N.W. Alnaser et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1783–1794 1789

from the balmy heights of the roof gallery, the view is all
desert which reflects the signature of a truly Arabian Grand
Prix. There were around 4000 drawings all produced and
managed using CAD. The design of BIC was praised for its
Arabic (Bedouin Tent) style of architecture.

5. The workforce and materials

Out of 3000 workers, around 2500 were expatriate and

predominantly from India, and split into 65% skilled and
35% unskilled. Arranging work permits was organized by
Cebarco Bahrain in accordance with the local labour laws.

6. Project specifications

Fig. 12. PIT building/VIP suite. The project was made in six phases which are: (a)
building commences, (b) laying of foundation, (c) shape
taking of the structure, (d) emergence of the oasis, (e) the
dream within reach and (f) the vision that becomes real.
Details of these phases as well as the BIC inventory are
published elsewhere [1].

7. Toward sustainability

For such a large project, in a desert region, achieving

greater sustainability is an important aim. Hence, the desire
to harness renewable energy resources may be necessary.
Nevertheless, at this time, electricity, supplied by the
Bahraini Ministry of Electricity and Water (MOEW), is
widely used at the BIC for lighting, air conditioning and
many other purposes, but supplemented by hired stand-by
diesel generators during major events to provide emergency
Fig. 13. Team buildings, 18 units in six buildings, 1 storey, area of back-up. Because of the nearly 10-h electricity blackout in
5000 m2.
August 2004, the acquisition of a subsidiary electricity
supply for the BIC is now regarded as essential. A main
candidate to satisfy the long-term future needs would be to
use renewable energy resources. These would reduce the
consumption by conventional by polluting means.
Photovoltaics (PV) can convert insolation to electricity
with an efficiency as high as 15% [2]. The large car-parking
zone at the BIC could be shaded by umbrellas. These
possess the double benefit of providing shading as well as
generating electricity. Or, as a suggestion, the parking place
of the circuit could be shaded by solar umbrellas similar to
the prototype for a mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. This
was designed in Germany: it integrates the photocells into
the shading umbrellas, so the mechanism of opening and
closing is performed without electricity [2]. For the
windows of the highly glazed VIP tower, which is very
exposed to the sun, there is the possibility of laminating PV
Fig. 14. Lounge of one of the multipurpose building (three floors, area of cells between two panes of glass. The resulting windows
12 000 m2). could provide shading, only letting light and insolation
through the gaps between the cells. Hence, power to
A dramatic, conical tower, standing 9-storey high and operate the VIP’s tower could be generated so avoiding
offering a 3601 view is the focal point of a verdant oasis consumption of electricity from fossil-fuelled power-
from which the drivers charge out into the desert and stations [2]. Also, PV panels could be used on the external
return (Fig. 21). In the atmosphere of one of the suites or walls and roof of each building of the BIC for the same
1790 N.W. Alnaser et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1783–1794

Fig. 15. Medical centre (top) and the media centre (bottom).

Fig. 16. VIP tower at BIC.

benefit. However, this is only likely to be achieved in the Furthermore, the wind energy conversion to electricity
near future as a result of persuasive bargaining by the can be achieved with an efficiency as high as 30% [3].
management of the BIC thereby reducing the present high Furthermore, one can also use two or more wind turbines
capital cost of purchasing and installing PV systems. with hub height of at least 100 m. The high height is
N.W. Alnaser et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1783–1794 1791

Fig. 17. VIP tower reception.

Fig. 18. VIP tower restaurant.

necessary to minimize the wind shear. In energy calcula- where Vo is the wind speed (m/s) at a standard height (Zo)
tion, the exponential wind shear profile-or exponent- (x) is of 10 m.
considered [4]: Such wind turbines can then produce a total of 4 MW of
electricity. This can be used to operate RO; especially, the
V hub ¼ V o ðZhub =Z o Þx , (1) TDS of the underground water is only 12 555 gm/L. It has
1792 N.W. Alnaser et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1783–1794

Fig. 19. VIP tower hospitality suites.

Fig. 21. VIP Tower as a landmark at BIC. Note the benefit of the shade
Fig. 20. Distinguished tents—roofing system provides shading, allowing below provided by the upper floors.
only diffused solar radiation, as well as preserving the tradition to be
incident on the buildings below, as well as continuing the use of a
traditional design in Bahrain. available sustainable resources (Solar and Wind). This is
really the concept of the sustainable buildings.
to be noted that each m3 of desalinated water using solar or
wind require 10 kWh while typical RO driven by conven- 8. Future harnessing of solar and wind energy at the BIC
tional electricity require only 2 kWh. One should always
think about sustainability and environmentally friendly Numerous measurements of wind and solar energy have
energy sources as well as should use ultimately the been taken in Bahrain [5–12]. The average annual
N.W. Alnaser et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1783–1794 1793

cially in cosmetic products, for cooking, as well as for

human and vehicle lubricants. The presence of Jojoba trees
reduces the local air pollution.
Although the present capital costs of harnessing renew-
able energy resources for electricity generation or water
desalination are generally higher than if fossil fuels are used
to stimulate these processes, future economics will increas-
ingly be required to take into account sustainability and
environmental protection.
Further knowledge about the Energy and Environmental
Considerations of the BIC can be read by referring to Ref.
[1] while knowledge on the architecture comfort and energy
including thermal comfort, bioclimatic design, microcli-
matic elements, day lighting and ventilation is well
illustrated in Ref. [15] which can be adopted in the further
expansion of the BIC.

9. Conclusions

Fig. 22. Example of the graceful inclined walls at the BIC. The success of this major project increased the reputa-
tion of the main contractor, who had grown in terms of
profit, image and reputation. The logistics of importing
insolation on a horizontal surface is 473.3 W/m2, of which 90% of the materials represented a challenge that was met
the diffuse component comprises 172.5 W/m2 [5]. The and overcome, providing good experience for future
maximum monthly average being 616 W/m2 occurring in projects in the surrounding countries.
June and July whereas the least 100 W/m2 ensues in March. Decision-making was prompt and decisive, important
The annual average measured sunshine duration is 9.5 h when there are many different companies and cultures
per day. working together on an huge international project in a time
At a height of 10 m above the ground, the monthly record. Setting a common goal and finishing the project on
average wind speed in Bahrain is nearly 5 m/s; the highest time was one of the biggest factors contributing to the
and the lowest monthly average being 11 m/s and 3.6 m/s success of the project.
for June and September, respectively [9,11]. The more The Cebarco–WCT joint venture example had lead to
widespread application of wind turbines would be particu- many mutual benefits. The partners learnt new systems
larly appropriate in Bahrain for generating electricity for from each other for project implementation and developed
lighting, air conditioning and water desalination. a greater understanding of logistics.
The roof area of the BIC complex is approximately The circuit may add to its credibility and attraction by
19 500 m2 and the total window area is 12 000 m2. If making it sustainable. This can be made by utilizing the
adhesive- or flexible-type PV cells were installed over all abundant solar energy in Bahrain to electrify the circuit
the roofs and glazed areas, assuming each m2 of PV cells and to produce water for landscaping.
produce 50 W, then the rate of harnessing of solar energy
would amount to 1.2 MW. Covering the car-parking area References
with solar roofs would have the double benefit of shading
the cars as well as generating electricity. [1] Alnaser WE, Probert SD, El-Masri S, Al-Khalifa SE, Flanagan R,
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The solar-electric generating system employs parabolic architecture. Munich: Prestel Verlag; 2000.
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