Life Tips

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21 keys to Magnetic Likeability:

Be Attentive to Others and Never Stop Listening

Compliment People Who Deserve It
Make Yourself Available and Approachable
Speak Clearly so People Can Understand You
Never Try to Be Someone You re Not
Address People by Their Name
Mirror the Person You re Conversing With
Always Ask to Help and Help When Asked
Never Get Caught Lying
Say Please and Thank You
Use Positive Language (Body and Verbal)
Keep Unqualified Opinions to Yourself
Provide Tangible Value
Respect Elders, Respect Minors, Respect Everyone
Make Frequent Eye Contact but Don t Stare
Don t Over-Promise Instead, Over-Deliver
Stand Up for Your Beliefs Without Promoting Them
Make a Firm Handshake
Keep Your Hands Away from Your Face
Dress Clean
Twelve Keys for Building Trust
1. Be transparent
2. Be sincere
3. Focus on adding value
4. Be present
5. Always treat people with respect
6. Take responsibility
7. Focus on feedback
8. Take criticism well
9. Set boundaries
10. Be a class act
11. Your word is your bond
12. Be consistent

When someone insults you, look him or her slowly up and down and come back with:
1. Have you always been this way? (They'll be left wondering what you mean.).
2. Are you on medication for that? Shake your head sadly.
3. By the way, I've heard of a program for people like you. It's called Effect
ive Communication Skills.
4. Give them a pitying look and ask if you can get them an aspirin.
5. Do you always mask insults with humor?
6. Pat them on the shoulder and say: It's obvious you are under stress. Is the
re anything I can do?
7. Mention an acquaintance of yours who is always putting others down and mak
e the observation that people who do this suffer from low self-esteem.
8. Thank the person profusely for pointing out what's wrong with you and lay
it on thick until they get uncomfortable.
9. Laugh (purposely misunderstand them) and tell them that you are going to t
ell all your friends about their remark.
10. Give a big yawn and glance at your watch. (They see that their remark didn
't get a reaction.).
11. We are so alike in some ways, aren't we? (This is particularly effective if

someone has made an insulting remark about your weight.).

12. Ask the person to repeat what they just said. Then ask them to enlarge on
it. Tell them you still don't quite get it and keep asking for more details.
Your guide to resolving any heated argument :
1. Never hold the other party responsible for what is said in an argument
2. Find privacy
3. Lower your voice
4. Speak slowly
5. Reassure the other person of why you are arguing
6. Recommend a Time-Out
7. Treat the issue with respect, don t joke around
8. Do not involve others
9. Stick to the point
10. Sit, don t stand.
11. Keep a physical distance, and respect it
12. Take the argument to another location
13. Confirm that the outcome is acceptable for the other person
21 Suggestions for Success
By H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happi
ness or misery.
2. Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.
3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.
6. Be generous.
7. Have a grateful heart.
8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.
9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.
10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.
12. Commit yourself to quality.
13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige,
but on relationships with people you love and respect.
14. Be loyal.
15. Be honest.
16. Be a self-starter.
17. Be decisive even if it means you'll sometimes be wrong.
18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.
19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the
things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
20. Take good care of those you love.
21. Don't do anything that wouldn't make your Mom proud.

Speed-Reading Techniques
Reading Myths
1. Reading is linear.
2. True reading is word-for-word.
3. Reading is a laborious task which takes a long time.
4. All parts of a book are of equal value.

5. Reading faster will reduce retention.

Getting Ready to Read
SECOND: Ask: What is my purpose?
THIRD: Do a 10 minute PRE-READ.
III. Rapid Reading Techniques
1. Raise your speed- comfort level.
2. See the book as a mine full of ORE not GOLD.
3. Quit Subvocalizing
4. Use your finger.
5. Break the Back-skip habit.
6. Use your peripheral vision.
7. Learn to read KEY WORDS.
8. Eliminate "Bus Stops" (Eye rests)
9. Take breaks.
10. Set a time goal.

Retention Techniques
Underline, circle, make margin notes.
Dog-ear important pages.
Transfer key notes to front of book
When finished, re-read dog-eared pages.
Now write an "abstract" in the back or front.
Consider drawing a "MindMap" of the contents.
But if you borrowed the book,

Finally, remember this: speed-reading is not some magical secret you can pick up
in ten minutes and Presto! You now can read 1000 words per minute. True, you ca
n learn to read faster; perhaps double your present speed in two weeks. But to b
ecome a life-long rapid reader (like becoming a proficient race car driver) take
s time, concentration and practice.This short article can get you started, but t
o really become expert you'll need to practice plenty.
Managing Criticism:
Knowing oneself truly becomes the cornerstone and the key to managing criticism.
To get to know yourself better, take a piece of paper and write down all the thi
ngs that you think are good and bad about you. Be brutally honest
This is based on a lot of research. You ll want to know this.
There are 28 days in a womans menstrual cycle. This cycle is what really determi
nes how things go between you and her. For example, on Day 24 you should learn t
o duck. I talked to sex experts and discovered how the hormonal fluxes in a woma
n s body affect her moods-and your life-throughout the month. Now I have a handy s
chedule for you to consult when you want to know which days you re going to have s
ex, which days your going to get yelled at, and which days your going to get yel
led at during sex.
DAY 1 TO 5: She s ready to iron and fold
What s happening to her: She may complain of cramps a few days before this, but th
is is where the cycle really starts. Her estrogen levels are dropping, so there s
only a 2% chance she ll get pregnant if you have sex. That would be great news, ex
cept you won t be having sex right now. Thanks to those low estrogen levels, she c
urrently sees you as a large lump of cells in a stupid shirt.
Your strategy: Lack of estrogen can also trigger insomnia and restlessness, whic

h is why many women feel the urge to clean and organize during these days, says
Christine Northrup, M.D., author of Women s Bodies, Women s Wisdom (I read it so you
wouldn t have to). My suggestion: Forget about sex and point her to the clothes.
DAYS 6 TO 9: She s up for anything
What s happening to her: She s calmer and happier now because her body is saturated
in feel-good hormones and endorphins. That means she s more receptive to new and cr
eative ideas, says Northrup.
Your strategy: Break out the new and creative ideas! This is the time to settle
old disputes and get buy-in on your golf trip with the guys.
DAYS 10 TO 14: She s horny.
What s happening to her: A rise in the hormone androgen has rekindled her interest
in sex. This causes the thin lining of mucus around her cervix-deep inside her
at the entrance to the uterus-to become thin and watery.
Your strategy: Your woman s so ready, you may not need more than a few minutes of
foreplay. Set the mood in a few seconds by telling her how much you want to have
sex with her, says Tara Roth Madden, author of Romance on the Run Quality Sex for B
ust Couples. Your pants should be off before you finish the sentence.
DAY 15: She s really horny
What s happening to her: On the positive side, she CRAVES sex because she s at her m
ost fertile. On the negative side, the sex doesn t necessarily have to be with you
. Research shows she s more likely to be unfaithful during this time. In one study
, researchers observed 500 women in nightclubs and found that they were more lik
ely to wear revealing clothes and send suggestive signals to men in this phase o
f their cycle. Naturally, the researchers still went home alone.
Your strategy: Don t let her out of the house by herself. Instead, take advantage
of her adventurous mood by trying a new position or location.
DAYS 16 TO 23: She s a lesbian
What s happening to her: Her estrogen level is dropping again, so she s less fertile
. Research shows that during these 8 days, she s more attracted to feminine-lookin
g men because they appear more nurturing (as I call it, the Justin Timberlake fa
ctor). She s no longer looking for a strong man to provide sturdy genes and protec
Your strategy: Shave and put on some Melissa Etheridge.
DAYS 24 TO 28 She could crack at any moment
What s happening to her: Estrogen continues to fall as tantrum-provoking progester
one rises. This leads to premenstrual syndrome, during which she ll be extra sensi
tive to criticism, more neurotic about her looks, and more likely to throw a fit
, or a Crock-Pot.
Your strategy: Play tennis or go run with her-vigorous exercise can reduce her s
ymptoms. That way, if she feels fat , at least she s doing something about it.
DAYS 26 TO 28: She s craving ice cream and jelly beans
What s happening to her: Her estrogen and progesterone levels are falling as her b
ody prepares to start the cycle all over again. Low estrogen causes her to crave
high-fat foods such as chocolate, which studies show can elevate mood.
Your strategy: Indulge her cravings by taking her out to eat rather than bringin
g home some Ben & Jerry s. Reason? She ll eat the whole tub and blame you for lettin
g her do it.
How to Feel Better When You re Depressed
1. Calm down
2. Feed your mind with positive thoughts
3. Remember good things
4. Look at the big picture
5. Believe that everything will be all right

6. Exercise
7. Forgive
8. Take action
9. Say something positive
10. Think about other people
Five ways to make a great second impression

Remember the details of the first meeting.

Try not to repeat yourself too much.
Over prepare.
Be grateful for the chance to meet again.
Take it to the next level.

Let fear become your greatest source of excitement

1. As you attempt something that you ve been fearful of for a long time, you ll feel
a rush of adrenaline course through your veins. This catches most people off gu
ard because they re not used to it and it s a feeling that they don t understand. But
really, it s your body revving itself up for an unpredictable situation.
2. In many ways, you can view it as enthusiasm that can actually be quite benefi
cial for you. It places you in a heightened state of mind. If you learn how to c
ontrol it, this feeling can sharpen your thinking and give your actions a greate
r sense of alertness and purpose. You can view it as something to look forward t
o instead of something to avoid.
3. Once you start to look forward to this feeling of adrenaline, you will become
what most people refer to as a risk taker. But instead of putting yourself in p
hysical risk like the skydivers and snowboarders who are known to have this trai
t, you ll place yourself in reasonable situations that most people avoid because t
hey fear being hurt emotionally.
4. You will overcome fear not by trying to fight it directly but by looking forw
ard to the energy and enthusiasm that it gives you. It will be in these moments
of excitement when you will feel the most alive.
5. I know that whatever I know is only a point of view based on a past history o
f experiences, with every single point of view hiding in the minds of all, being
equally unique and valid to their past, as similar or as different as it seems
from mine. To only be focused on my individual point of view is to build a belie
f, that how I see things may be more right than the others around me. This keeps
me isolated in my own limited world of opinion, without the opportunity to lear
n from the brilliance that we're all here to offer.

Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for
silence. A time to let go... And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it
's all over.
Ambitious projects are by definition close to the limits of your capacity. A sma
ll decrease in morale is enough to kill them off.
The idea of "making your life a creative work of art." A great piece of art is c
omposed not just of what is in the final piece, but equally important, what is n
ot. It is the discipline to discard what does not fit
to cut out what might have
already cost days or even years of effort that distinguishes the truly exceptio
nal artist and marks the ideal piece of work, be it a symphony, a novel, a paint

ing, a company or, most important of all, a life.

By always breaking projects of any size into their true constituent next actions
--and it's definitely okay to have several at once per project--we're making it
fast and easy to always know what should be happening next. Your work often isn'
t difficult because you're necessarily all that busy, but because you hadn't tak
en the time to list it all out in a way that makes it clear and do-able . This is s
o important as you begin actually working on your tasks, when the last thing you
want is to wonder whether you're doing the right thing at the right time.

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