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[1 . INTRO] Hey everybody. Good to see you

again. So, you know how sometimes you're out

having a coffee or something and you're on
your own and you're doing some reading or
catching up on stuff and everything is going
great, and then one little thing happens, like
you spill a little of your drink, and it leads to
another thing, like someone slips on it or
something, and before you know it, you're
getting kicked out of the restaurant or the bar
or wherever you are and everybody is
laughing at you or shaking their heads, saying
things like "What a jerk! Can you believe
that?!" and you can't show your face in that

computer by accident if you hit the wrong

sequence of keys or something. Does that
make sense to you? Ok, let's not translate it
just yet, let's first do a bunch more of these. ...
So, what't the next one? Ok, a tip. That's easy.
A tip is extra money that you give to a waiter
at a restaurant to reward them for good
service. You don't have to give tips, but it's
kind of a norm, especially in the U.S. where a
15% tip is expected after a meal. Got that? All
right, let's move on... ... so that's it.
Let's now take these phrases one at a time and
guess what the best translations are. Wipe
out? Zniit. V podstat ano. Mete pout pro
potaov data nebo teba ve sportu.
Samotn wipe je co? Utt, sprvn. Wipe off
by pak bylo sett, teba to co je na tabuli.
Dal... tip, to byste peloili jak? ...

restaurant for years ... Yeah, it sucks. So

anyway, something like this happened to me

... a to bude vechno. Te si mezi sebou

once ... Let me tell you about it. But first let's

vysvtlete co jednotliv slova na tabuli

take a look at some vocabulary that you are

znamenaj. Jeden se pt, druh definuje.

going to need:

Pozor taky na sprvn dotaz po vznamu

slova jak se teba zeptte "co je to 'tip'?"

[2. VOCAB] All right, there you've got the

Ne*. Ne*. Ne*. Nejlep je jednoduch

vocabulary, right on the whiteboard. Let's try

"What's a tip?" Jenom takhle, a s

to make it less boring than it has to be, people.

neuritm lenem. "Hey, what's a goatee?"

Remember, if you're bored, I'm twice as bored.

U sloves a nepoitatelnch slov a mnonho

So anyway, let's start... from the bottom, for a

sla pak bez lenu: "Hey, what's wipe out?

change. ... Wipe something out. Ok, you

What are cleats?" Co se samotnch definic

know what wiping is, right? You spill some

te, nechci slyet "wipe out is destroy" ani

water on the table, you grab a cloth and you

"tip is money for waiter". Chci pklady ze

wipe it to make the surface of the table dry

ivota, chci slyet snahu o pesn definice,

again. ... Wiping out is very different, though,

nechci aby tu za dv minuty znlo "Hotovo.

so I'm not even sure why I told you about the

My u to mme." *** What is it a tip? What

spilling thing. Sorry about that. Wipe out

means tip? What does mean tip?

means to destroy completely. Like you can

wipe out the other team in a game, or you can
be wiped out yourself, emotionally or
physically, after a difficult experience. You
can also wipe out all your data on your


[4. STORY] Ok. Good job, everybody. So back

[6. INQUIRY] Ok. Good. So... whose plate am

when I was still in school, we had to write a lot

I going to land on? (Huh?) Whose plate am

of essays and we were graded on them, you

I going to land on? (Oh. You are fly!) A

know, we got grades depending on how good

fly. But ok. So? (Plate of some man!) All right,

our essays were. So essays were kind of a big

some guy's plate. Is he going to be happy to see

deal. You didn't want to hand in a poor essay

me? (No.) How come? (Because you're a fly.)

or miss the deadline because then you were in

What's the big deal? (People don't like to see

big trouble.

flies in their food.) Why is that? ...

Anyway, one time I was working on this essay

and I ha a really hard time with it and
couldn't finish it and I had to hand it in by the
next day. So I took my laptop to a coffee house
and I ordered a coffee and I started writing.
So I'm sitting there, trying to come up with
some good ideas and sipping my coffee when
suddenly I take a sip and feel something ...

... so let me recap: because of a stupid fly, my

laptop is now dead and I will have to have it
fixed. I will also get an F on my essay. And I
won't be able to go back to my favorite caf

... and we're almost done, there's just one last

bit: when's the next time that Mike will go get
a cup coffee at this place? (Not anytime soon,
is what I'm guessing.) What?! What was that?
Oh, I must have dreamed that. Anyway, right.
Not for a while. Why is that? (He's not
welcome.) That's right. So... where am I right
now? (We don't know.) That's right. Could I be
dead? (It's possible.) Yeah, but I'm not. What
if I met Mike again, though? What would he
do to me? (He kill you.) No. What WOULD he
do to me? (He would kill you.) Yes. Good.

because everybody hates me there or thinks I

Te zkuste vysvtlit maranovi co

am a crybaby. All because of this one stupid

pesn m v popisu prce nk a jak

little insect.

jsou vhody a nevhody tohoto

Vborn. Te si povyprvjte co jste

prv slyeli. Jeden z vs je vypravova
maminka a druh manelka toho
pleatho chlapa. Jeden z Vs zane
vtou, "I hear your husband almost
killed my son!" Tak do toho.


zamstnn. Jeden z vs je straliv

zvdav maran, kterho vechno
ohromn zajm a klade spoustu
vetench dotaz. Prvn dotaz je "Why
would someone want to be a waiter?"


* V tto fzi je nejlep volbou to play it by

[8-3: FILL-IN] Tady mte doplovaku,

ear. Podle dosavadnho prbhu hodiny,

kad mezera je jedno slovo, zkuste si ji ve

reakce student a celkov atmosfry ve

dvojicch doplnit ... ideln by bylo, kdyby

td se nabz ti zkladn monosti.

kad dvojice zaala u jinho odstaveku,

abyste se neodposlouchvali... ...

[8-1: POINT-OUT] Vborn. Jak byste

Plus mnus hotovo? Tak pojme mezeru po


mezee. "Today, I was..." sprvn,

SPOKOJEN?" ... lep ne "satisfied" je v

"having". Vbec se nebojte pouvat

bn anglitin "happy", ono pece jenom

prbhov tvar od HAVE, ve vtch jako

"satisfied" m blzko k eskmu

"I'm having a party tonight." Take "I was

"uspokojen", take tam radi opatrn ... a

having a coffee at my favorite coffee

hlavn, co slovo "TAK" ... ne, "too" se v

house..." ... ne, tady DURING bt neme,

zpornch vtch nepouv, namsto nj


mus bt... ano, "EITHER" ... take: "I love

you too", ale "I don't love you either" ...

[V ppad, e je jet as:] Posledn

jasn? ... ok, dal, "MYSLEL JSEM, E

vykldn: jeden z vs je vdma, druh


je moucha, mouchu zajm co se j

[8-2: BLOW-UP] Pojme se podvat na

pr zajmavch gramatik. Co to spojen
"nkter dny nestoj za to vbec vylzat z

dnes stane. Prvn dotaz: "So I wonder...

am I going to die today?"

WORTH tam opravdu je klov slovo, ale


nastv u nj pr komplikac. Zaprv: cel

Good job, everybody. Don't let the door

spojen zn BE WORTH, take v zporech

hit you on the way out.

postele," jak byste jej peloili? ... Dobe,

ani otzkch nesm zaznt DO ani DIDN'T

ani nic podobnho. Pracuje se jen se
slovesem BE. Take: jak byste ekli "nestoj
to za to?" ... a otzka: "stlo to za to?" ... a
potom: "bude to stt za to?" ... co teba "to
by nestlo za to." Vborn. Dal vc je
esk NUTIT. To se pekld pomoc...

I know I know I know. There's

no way in hell you can fit all of
that into one lesson. Not a
chance. I get that, I agree with
you and I'm sorry. But hey,
worth a shot, right?

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