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Opinions on

Fred Reed
Not Naming the ... Jew
Version 1, Nov 5, 2014

I solve a mystery for Fred Reed by Irish Savant
Letters About Jews - In Search Of Conspiracy by Fred Reed
Jared Taylor and Fred Reed by Streichers Ghost
Fred Reed and Me by Paul Gottfried
American Renaissance: Racists or Diagnosticians? by
Fred Reed
Reading Reed by Fred Reed, correspondents, and A. Linder
What makes Freedy run by JC at VNN
Fred Reed and Me Who Are These Jokers Kidding? by
Richard Hartmann
Letter to jew Gottfried by Chris Conole
Fred Reed, Paul Gottfried and Me by John Birdman
Version History

The following compilation of opinions on the topic of Fred Reed not
naming the jew has been prompted by a recent blog post at Irish
Savant, titled, I solve a mystery for Fred Reed. [1]
For over 10 years now Fred has written a satirical, non-politically
correct column at his website Fred On Everything. [2] So far there
are over 620 columns that deal with all the myriad ills that inflict
American society with an emphasis on race, crime, religion, education
and all other such related issues that crosses Freds radar.
All except one.
Yes, the jewish problem, question, issue, elephant in the room, etc.
As Savant wrote, its a bit like talking about the Titanic without
mentioning that iceberg incident. For those who have woken up to
the central role of jews in the ongoing destruction of White societies,
Freds hear, see, say no evil on the jews is inexcusable.
In a 2004 column Fred does deal head on with the jewish issue and
explains why he doesnt mention jews. [3]
That column and responses to it from various websites are given here
for the readers consideration.
My own take is that Fred, surely by now, is aware of the central and
negative jewish role in whats happening to our societies.
And yet he remains silent.

Needless to say, hes doing a tremendous disservice to his readers and

his race by not speaking up.
November 5, 2014


I solve a mystery for

Fred Reed
by Irish Savant
Monday, 3 November 2014
Im sure that many of you read Fred Reed. I know Uncle Nasty to be a
particular fan. And deservedly as Fred is a fine writer, experienced and
highly intelligent. Having spent many years as a police reporter his
take on the black undertow is searing and unsparing. Which explains
why in this article he despairs at the degree of power wielded by such
an undeserving and small minority.

It is curious that blacks, the least educated thirteen percent of

the population, the least productive, most criminal, and most
dependent on governmental charity, should dominate national
politics. Yet they do. Virtually everything revolves around what
blacks want, demand, do, or cant do. Blacks control what you
can say to your own children in your own home.
Courses of instruction in the schools, academic rigor, codes of
dress, rules regarding unceasing obscenity, all must be set to suit
them, as must be examinations for promotion in fire departments,
the military, and police forces. Blacks must be admitted to
universities for which they are not remotely qualified, where
departments of Black Studies must be established to please them.

Corporate work forces, federal departments, and elite highschools must be judged not on whether they perform their
functions but on whether they have the right number of blacks.
Obama was elected because he was black: an equally unqualified
and negligible white pol would have had no chance. He is now
fiercely pushing the most profound transformation of America
ever attempted, by opening the floodgates to immigration from the
Isnt that powerful stuff?
He ends despairingly with,
things that ought to be unbelievable, and once were, have
become routine.
And my God, that is the truth.
But the article, excellent though it is, suffers from an extraordinary
omission. You see Fred metaphorically throws his hands in the air in
complete bafflement at the fundamental question of how the
unbelievable has become routine. In fact the explanation is there as
plain as a pikestaff ....... for anyone who wants to see it. You see Fred,
all of this unbelievable stuff becoming routine didnt just happen, or
happen overnight. The situation that had prevailed in the former
Confederacy States (and in reality most of the others as well) until
about the middle of the last century was the natural order whereby a
low intelligence, violent and largely indolent racial minority were kept
at arms length from Whites, miscegenation carried punitive social
repercussions and indulgence of their lawless and violent nature
guaranteed swift and severe retribution.
Similar dispensations have applied throughout the world since the
dawn of man, simply reflecting the natural order. And you defy the
natural order at your peril..... as most White Americans of the time

understood at the deepest visceral level. So how then did blacks come
to rule over us and the unbelievable become routine? It was one hell
of a project and arguably one that had never been successfully
undertaken before. It was multi-faceted and required a carefully coordinated set of self-reinforcing measures developed by a specialised
Project Team
First item on the plan was Civil Rights for blacks which set out with
a number of seemingly reasonable proposals (who could object to nice
Mrs. Parks moving up the bus?) but had as its ultimate objective the
rendering of blacks impervious to criticism and judged on different
criteria. Towards this end the Project Team set up a number of key
implementation bodies such as the NAACP and ACLU, fronted by a
few token blacks for the optics. So now blacks could go anywhere and
any time. Problem was of course that the closer blacks got to Whites
the less Whites came to like them. Which then gave rise to the most
audacious element of all: The creation, a la Orwell, of a parallel
universe, one where fact was fiction, war was peace. And black was
Thus academia developed bogus equality theories of race, gender
and culture, rewrote history to downplay the civilisational role of
Whites and to overplay their alleged genocide and exploitation of the
noble savages. Full spectrum media output reinforced these theories.
Thus blacks had to be presented as intelligent, kind, honest .... and
horribly done down by Evil Whitey. The ultimate target was the White
Male, the embodiment of The Enemy. He had to be traduced, belittled,
discriminated against through Affirmative Action, impoverished in
marriage, emasculated by feminism, ultimately reduced to a hollowedout husk ashamed of what he was and what his ancestors had been.
But that still wasnt enough. The screaming cognitive dissonance
needed legislative enforcement to repel reality. Hence the introduction
of a battery of hate and anti-discrimination laws aimed exclusively
at Whites and enforced by politicised activist Federal judges.

So Fred, thats really how the blacks came to power. The achievement
of inducing the greatest civilisation the world has seen to destroy itself
may appear magical (just like this guy). But when the Project Team
control the media, entertainment industry, finance and academia and
have had centuries, nay milennia, to hone their repertoire of
destruction maybe its not so amazing. Anyway Fred, thats the
mystery solved for you. But it wasnt really a mystery, was it? I mean,
youre really smart, well read and have vast on-the-ground experience,
and yet you avoid identifying The Project and the tribe who ran it.
Which kind of defeats the whole purpose of your article, doesnt it? A
bit like describing the voyage of the Titanic without mentioning the
incident with the iceberg.
No Fred, the shades, leather jackets, cigars and constant reminders of
your fearless and scurrilous writings dont cut it as long as you
give the Third Rail the fountainhead of the destruction you deplore
such a wide berth. Come on, youd do a superb job if you chose to
do so. Youre needs are modest. Whats stopping you?


Letters About Jews

In Search Of Conspiracy
by Fred Reed
August 24, 2004
From time to time I write about the cloacal morality of the media as
they go about wrecking civilization and annoying hell out of me. For
rhetorical convenience I use New York and Hollywood as a sort of
abbreviation for the news racket and the screen trades.
This column gets a lot email. Some of it assumes that New York and
Hollywood are code words for Jews, and excoriates me mightily
for not saying what I am assumed to mean. Let me give you a typical
example, the subject line being Fred Sees No Jews in New York and
Dear Fred,
Good greetings.
Your column on Television Tyranny and Degeneration is strong
and important, as your columns usually are. But it also shows
youre unwilling to mention that Jews dominate these industries
again, as your columns always are scared to mention Jews.
Youre not ignorant that Hollywood and New York, movies and
television, are Jewish. Youre unwilling to say so. Youre

unwilling to state publicly the hatred consistently pumped by Jews

into the Gentile populations they dominate, degrade, and destroy.
The fact that even Fred Reed submits to the taboo not to criticize
Jews no matter how obvious and ubiquitous is the power of
Jewish degradation of Gentiles is proof of the ruling power of
Hide the truth protect Jewish power and degradation of
Gentiles. Thats the policy Fred Reed follows, together with and everybody else.
Best wishes,
I didnt just get admitted to MIT I got a PhD from there.
Now that Ive got your attention, Id like to tell you just how
spineless I think your last column was in omitting the very
obvious fact that JEWS have played and continue to play the
largest role in televisions slow destructive agenda.
Jews have both a genetic and cultural desire to subvert and
destroy their host civilizations it is part of their survival instinct
and it is what has caused their genetic strain and culture to
survive for millennia.
The prevalence of Jews in television and advertising provides a
powerful channel for those destructive urges to have their effect.
One wonders whether this unprecedented opportunity for their
hatred and contempt to be actualized will deliver the final blow to
the tired host.

Youre no tough guy forget the cigar and the leather jacket. I
will take you seriously when you have the guts to offend the
execrable self chosen.
Why are you so scared of Jews? Are you just a realist? Do you
know more than I do about what they could and will do to you?
Or are you just paranoid?
I admire the fearlessness of John and Vince in having me take on the
Jews. Lets you and him fight is an old call. Being weary of this
stuff, I am going to do a doubtless overlong column on the subject,
and then go back to better things, such as drinking beer with colorful
Now, the conventions of discourse being what they are, it is hard to
talk about Jews at all. If you say, Some of my best friends are Jews,
it means you hate Jews. If you say, I cant stand the freaking Jews, it
means you hate Jews. If you dont say anything, it means you secretly
hate Jews.
If you say anything good about the Jews, it means that you are a tool
of the Jews, or afraid of the Jews, or have had your mind clouded by
Jews. Where does one go from here?
but wotthehell wotthehell.
The premises of letters such as the foregoing are invariant: (1) that
Jews want to destroy all that is good and holy, and eat Christian
children, and (2) that I know it. It then follows that, since I dont say
it, I must be either cowardly or collusive. The matter is always
phrased as a manhood issue: Either you stand up to the Jews, or you

lack balls. The Jews of course are a monolithic and conspiratorial

group who rub their hands and say Heh-heh-heh.
Permit me a different interpretation.
Jews may be exotic in Peoria. (Or may not be: I have never been to
Peoria.) In Washington, where I worked for years, they are as rare as
automobiles. I have known lots of Jews. I have dated them, gotten
drunk with them, danced with them, argued with them, gone on
junkets to weird Asian countries with them. I liked most of them.
My favorite lunch buddy for a long time was a retired Harvard
professor, Jewish, as decent a human being as I have ever met. My
favorite dance partner was a Jewish radical feminist (I know, I know,
but we liked each other) who was on an undefeated College Bowl
team in the Sixties. My dentist was Jewish. The biochemist I used to
windsurf with on the Potomac was Jewish. Beth, the pediatrician I
dated at NIH, was Jewish, and an absolute sweetheart. I learned the
Texas two-step from a Jewish carpenter (no, another carpenter) who
moonlighted as a dance instructor. And so on.
Familiaritynot fear of invisible radioactive death-needles from
Mossad, or of being run out of journalismis why I dont devote my
life to obsessing about the maleficence of Jews. Are there Jews who
do things politically I dont like? Yes. Are there Jews who do things
politically Im not sure whether I like? Yes. Is there an Israeli lobby?
Yes. Yet I have never encountered the evil Jews of The Conspiracy. I
simply do not see them as bad people. I am not going to pretend
otherwise to establish my virility for John and Vince.
In particular, I do not rave against the Israelis, because I dont know
what I think they should do. I note that their treatment of the
Palestinians is indistinguishable from American treatment of the Iraqis
and Vietnamese. Virtue does not exactly flood the worlds streets,

Further, Jews as I have known them are not monolithic. Politically

they have been all over the place, though running to liberal: a
professional conservative (Herb Berkowitz, the PR guy at the Heritage
Foundation, a raucous Boston Jew and delightful loon), a couple of
AIPACers, (Seth Carus and Steve Glick, pro-Israel but, Im sorry
gang, not anti-American), libertarians, Greens, several with little or no
interest in politics, some who in varying degrees disapproved of Israel.
I spent my high-school years aboard Dahlgren Naval Weapons Lab,
living on Mathematicians Row (Caffee Road, just off the Circle). The
names along the street were Cohen, Reed, Strauss, Kemper. I dont
know how they voted, but they designed armament for the Navy. Id
guess Republican.
I dont see the Jews of the email. That Jews are tremendously
influential in the media is a fact, easily verified on the Web. However,
the leap from Jews are powerful in the media to Jews are
responsible for all social ills, the collapse of civilization, and
everything I dont like is a bit of a stretch. Those I know have no idea
why John and Vince loathe them, incidentally. Being hit on the head
by a piano imparts little understanding of pianos.
Further, never do I encounter from the Johns and Vinces the idea that
any Jew, ever, might have done anything good, however inadvertently.
My experience is distinctly otherwise. For years I was a science writer
in Washington. I spent countless days crawling through NIH,
COMSAT, NASA, talking with Bell Labs and IBM Research, and
places you have probably never heard of. (The PET lab of NIDA,
National Institute on Drug Abuse in Baltimore, for example, then run
by a very bright Jewish woman.) The number of Jews in research, and
in high-tech industry, is wildly out of proportion to their number in the
population. They are a mainstay of the American lead in technology.
This is bad?

Let me tell you a story. In the early Fifties, polio was a nightmare for
parents. Lots of children clunked around in braces or sat forever in
wheel chairs. In summer, the epidemic season, our mothers wouldnt
let us go to public swimming pools because they were thought to be
focuses of infection.
One day a fellow named Salk came out of a laboratory somewhere and
said, Hey, Ive got this vaccine. A bit later, a guy named Sabin
came out of another laboratory, and said, Hey, if we do thus and so
and put it on sugar cubes, see, it will be oral. You cant imagine
how welcome that vaccine was. Parents grabbed their children by the
hair and sprinted through doors, sometimes not bothering to open
them, to get to the clinic. Polio just flat disappeared.
Hint: Salk and Sabin were not Rastafarians. (Jews Destroy American
Iron Lung Industry.)
Does none of this count for anything?
So many of the Jewish crimes popular on the email circuit dont stand
up to examination. For instance, I hear repeatedly that during Vietnam
America won in the field but that Jews stabbed Our Boys in the back
by means of the anti-war movement, thus seeking to promote godless
atheistic communism.
Not quite. The leadership of the anti-war movement was heavily
Jewish. The movement itself was overwhelmingly Christian. At the
conservative Southern college I attended, the studentry to a boy
wanted no part of the war. It wasnt because of Jewish anything. It
was because they didnt want to get shot. Their girlfriends didnt want
them to get shot, nor did their parents.
People didnt need help to weary of an endless, bloody, pointless war,
in which their sons were dying, in a place they didnt care about and
could barely find on a map. Christian kids in huge numbers did

everything they could to avoid Vietnam, which is why the draft was
needed to force them to go. Christians like Dan Quayle, George W,
and Bill Clinton sought student deferments or ducked into the
National Guard. Check how many of the Christian elite from the Ivies
served in Asia. The anti-war movement wasnt a Jewish plot. It was a
national revolt.
Most of the things Jews are supposed to be doing, on examination,
they arent. Is globalization a Jewish plot (as Im told), or the
inevitable result of advancing technology? Is destructive feminism a
Jewish plot, or the result of sweeping social changes in which women
have found themselves thrown into unaccustomed and unsettling
roles? Is the decline of education a Jewish plot, or the consequence of
having teaching in the hands of intellectual dregs, of pandering by
politicians for racial votes, and of the fact that Americans dont really
care about schooling? Etc.
Thats why I dont gnaw at myself about Jews.


Jared Taylor and Fred Reed

Posted on October 17, 2014 by Streichers Ghost
After Jared Taylor was recently attacked in the media by someone
with the suspicious name Robert Sussman, Taylors friend Fred Reed,
who is married to a Mexican woman with Jewish ancestry, wrote a
piece defending him on Amrens website. He defensively goes into
some detail about how non-racist Taylor is. I would like to focus your
attention on the following passages:
Jared, as I would later learn, had often and on the record expressed his
belief in the superiority of North Asians.
One thing he categorically is not is anti-Jewish. [...] He is a proponent
of White European civilization, to which Jews have been major
Taylor believes Asians are superior to Whites, and that Jews have been
major contributors to White European civilization in a positive way.
The race-mixer Reed, too, is a philosemite. Oddly, he at times in the
typical Jewish manner claims Jews are White, but at other times
distinguishes Jews from Whites in order to be able to claim the former
group is superior to, or persecuted by, the latter.
Whatever Taylor and Reed are, they are not White nationalists or
anything like it.
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4 Responses to Jared Taylor and Fred Reed

Hadding Scott says:
October 17, 2014 at 10:47 am
The part that you elided from Fred Reeds statement of why he says
that Taylor is not anti-Jewish is significant: I have known a few
serious anti-Semites. They are obsessive, constantly launching into the
dammed Jews this, and the Jews that, and who do the Jews think they
are, etc. Jared does not.
See, Fred Reed has a caricature of an anti-Semite in his mind. In Fred
Reeds mind, every critic of the Jews is a crank. Because Taylor
doesnt act that way, Reed concludes that Taylor cannot be one of
If Fred Reed met me, he wouldnt guess that I run a blog called
National-Socialist Worldview either, because I dont act that way.
The important question about Jared Taylor and Amren is: how would
the White people who are Taylors subscribers and attendees be
different without AmRen?
My hunch is that, without Tayor, they would have racial views about
Negroes etc. but they would be less informed and less confident about
expressing and defending those views.
You have to bear in mind that quietly racist conservative Whites are
VERY COMMON, but most of the same people are strongly
disinclined to criticize Jews. (Jew-criticism, from what Ive seen,
seems to be growing mostly on the left, not among the conservatives
that are Taylors main audience.)
Another question is: do some of Taylors supporters become more
radical after joining AmRen and seeing Taylor repeatedly attacked by
individuals with names like Sussman?

I cant believe that some of them dont, especially since Taylor is

publicly friendly with people like Kevin MacDonald who do criticize
Jews. Thats going to tend to incline some of Taylors followers to
find out more about MacDonald.
AmRen is like the proverbial half-filled glass of water. Many White
Nationalists seem to notice only that the glass is half-empty. But
attacking Taylor is not going to make the glass full, because, as I
mentioned, conservatives are Taylors main audience, and most of
them arent ready for that.. This kind of attack is more likely to
discourage those conservatives from looking for more.
If you want to have some fun, go to Taylors conferences and ask with
a perplexed expression why it is that Jews are attacking AmRen all the
Streichers Ghost says:
October 18, 2014 at 4:50 pm
It would be one thing if Amren and HBD types simply were quiet on
the JQ in order to focus strictly on racial matters, but when they
express sentiments such as those I quoted in this post, I feel criticism
is appropriate. I agree that Taylor has done valuable work, but that
should not mean that we cant criticize him. The common White
conservatives you refer to, who are scared of more radical views, are
not the audience of this blog anyway.
Sickeningly reverent attitudes toward the jews and Asians who infest
Western countries are far too common in the HBD sphere. To take
an example, you might be familiar with the commentator who goes by
the name John Engelman. Ive actually banned him from this site
myself: he came here to post about how evil I am for not liking jews.
(Yes, he actually used the word evil. I wish I had taken a screenshot
of the comment. He was quite upset, to my amusement.) He also

firmly believes in the superiority of Asians. No doubt he and others

like him hold these beliefs because HBD people go on about how
smart and hard-working jews and Asians supposedly are. On that
topic, Truthteller linked to an interesting thread about the
underperformance of Asians. Many people also seem unaware of how
Asiatic model minorities have undermined their host societies, see
for instance the Japanese American Citizens League, and how they
continue to do so.
Truthteller says:
October 17, 2014 at 6:26 pm
Jared Taylor and others are WRONG about the higher IQ and
superiority of East Asians. Thats a pernicious lie:
The higher IQ bullshit came from Richard Lynn, who derived his
numbers for East Asia from unrepresentative/urban/elite samples. Its
amazing that the anti-racist crowd never called him on it.
James Flynn actually did look at the IQ studies for Asian-Americans
and found that their IQs were actually slightly LOWER than Whites.
Steven says:
October 22, 2014 at 5:18 pm
Richard Lynn is quite the stephenjaygould of these studies basing the
IQ of Ireland from a class of 31 children and 8 farmers.

Fred Reed and Me

By Paul Gottfried

Fred Reed and I have what seems to be a shared problem, receiving

hallucinatory notes from anti-Semitic readers who insist, the Jews
are behind everything. Perhaps I should feel honored that despite my
familys flight from the Nazis, I have been taken into the confidence
of non-Jews who have the same grip on reality as the authors of the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Like Reed, I also feel impelled to let
my correspondents know that they have their heads screwed on the
wrong way. How can Jews, who account for less than two percent of
the American population and for less than that in Europe, explain the
Western worlds descent into multicultural lunacy, including the
advocacy of open borders, the glorification of the Muslims as a
peaceful and enriching presence, and the treatment of homosexual
relations as a privileged human association?
If one subtracted the Jewish vote in New Jersey, Connecticut, and
Massachusetts, would these states be significantly less leftist in their
politics? Most of the left-of-center votes (within our narrow party
spectrum) cast in those states come from nominal Catholics, and these
votes are given to social and economic leftists who are also usually
self-described Catholics. Both the Eastern and Midwestern liberal vote
is disproportionately Catholic and comes from non-Jews belonging to
what used to be a very conservative confession. Unless shown
differently, I shall have to conclude on the basis of my evidence that
Catholics tend sharply toward the left in England and Canada as well

as in the US. And, as far as I can tell, this trend has nothing significant
to do with Jews inside or outside the media. I am also led to a similar
conclusion about mainline Protestant church leaders, who sound
politically and morally like Hollywood actors. Clearly these leaders
are not imitating the politics of Michael Moore or Jesse Jackson
because of their contact with Jewish journalists. Having just returned
from listening to a Protestant convocation speaker at my college,
whom most of my colleagues enthusiastically applauded, celebrating
our universal citizenship and the imminent end of Western nation
states, I am still searching for the smudged fingerprint of international
Jewry behind these ravings. Those Jews who were present at the
speech, one from Italy, were struck by the lack of reality of the
speaker, who thought of himself as a global citizen. Perhaps my
correspondents could have traced for them the causal chain by which
Jews had brought such madness to American Christians.
Where I differ with Fred Reed, whose irreverent humor I have long
admired, is in his concern about not appearing anti-Jewish. Fred goes
out of his way to prove that he adores Jews, including Jewish
feminists, and he hopes that Americans never forget the contributions
of those identifiably Jewish scientists who helped end the polio
epidemic of our youths. One may need to bring up here the problem of
ascribed national grace. Am I supposed to like Abe Foxman, who
blames everyone and his cousin for the Holocaust, because of the
scientific prowess of Jonas Salk? This is a bit like suggesting that
Hitler shouldnt seem so bad once we realize that the Austrians also
gave us Mozart.
In any case its irrelevant whether Fred Reed is socially simpatico
with Jews in and around the District of Columbia for understanding
what needs to be emphasized, that our cultural and political
degeneration as a constitutional society has occurred largely
independently of Jewish influence. Most of what my anti-Jewish
correspondents lament could be accounted for without considering the
Jewish-controlled share of the media or the impact of Jewish votes.

The number of Jews in Sweden is negligible, yet politically and

morally it is a far more radicalized country than the US. Perhaps the
reach and behavioral intrusiveness of Swedish socialism may have
more to do with this situation than the presence of a small stable
Jewish minority in the country.
The Germans for decades have been raised to hate themselves as a
people, and when Daniel Goldhagen visited this guilt-obsessed
country after arguing in a book full of factual errors in 1996 that
Germans killed Jews because they had all been eliminationist antiSemites, he was wildly cheered wherever he went. The Germans have
an organization Anti-Deutsch, consisting of thousands of young
Germans, that demonstrates in favor of the saturation bombing of
German cities in World War Two. But this weird organization is not
Jewish; in fact Germany contains a far lower percentage of Jews than
the US. To the response that Jewish groups have succeeded in making
Germans hate themselves, the counter-response is obvious:
Who the hell causes the Germans, except for the Germans
themselves, to behave masochistically?
And who orders white Christian Americans to yammer about their
social sins and about the supposed evil of their national and
civilizational identity? As my recent books try to make clear, there is
something gravely wrong with majority cultures that ostentatiously
despise their inherited identity and there is no reason to assume that
it would not be there if Jews or blacks disappeared. Daring Jews, like
Noam Chomsky and Israel Shahak, who have played up Jewish
bigotry and ethnic nationalism, have been widely denounced as selfhating Jews. But WASPs who dwell on their groups prejudices and
alleged hate-crimes can expect to be generally cheered.
I wonder whether my anti-Jewish correspondents have ever thought
the obvious, that minorities often behave the way majorities want
them to. Americas German and Sephardic Jews in the nineteenth

century tried to model themselves on WASP high society, believing

that they had to do so to move up socially and professionally. Today
Jews who spew hate on gentiles also move up, because they are doing
to Euro-American-Christians what the majority society wants,
blaming that society for the ills of humanity and urging it to become a
multicultural mess. This should not be read as a justification of the
usual suspects but it is a reminder of why Dershowitz, Foxman, and
Goldhagen make money and enjoy popularity among loads of
Christians as well as Jews. Unlike nineteenth-century Germany or an
older America, in our society it pays for bad-mannered, resentful Jews
to exhibit their worst qualities. They are providing a morally confused
and historically misinformed majority with what it craves.
August 28, 2004
Paul Gottfried [send him mail] is Horace Raffensperger Professor of
Humanities at Elizabethtown College and author of, most recently,
Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt.

American Renaissance:
Racists or Diagnosticians?
by Fred Reed
Fred on Everything, March 13, 2010
Racism is in bad odor among the virtuous. I wonder why. At least, I
wonder why any discussion of race is thought to be racism. The
United States faces grave racial problemsmore accurately, has them
but doesnt face them. Refusal to acknowledge their existence is not
productive: Few problems are solved by forbidding their mention. The
question should not be whether views are racist, but whether they are
American Renaissance, run by Jared Taylor, is quite racist in the
poorly thought out and sniffish sense prevalent today. AmRen (as it is
generally known) has recently gotten much bad press because it holds
all manner of views whose mention results in pack attack by our
arbiters of What Can Be Discussed: For example, that blacks commit
violent crime at far higher rates than do whites, that massive
immigration from Latin America offers no advantages to the United
States but a great many evils, that affirmative action lowers the
competence of government, the universities, and schools in general
and so on.

These ideas are no doubt racist, yes. Unpleasant, yes. Butare they
I would prefer to think so. It gives me no pleasure and little hope to
hear that black schools regularly produce functional illiterates, that the
schools of Detroit and of the nations capital and for that matter of
wherever blacks predominate are disasters, that savage beatings of
whites by gangs of blacks are common and hidden by the media. That
these things happen is of no advantage to me. I would be delighted to
see blacks and Hispanics excelling academically. I would like to walk
the streets of American cities without carefully noting pigmentation,
which we all do and pretend we dont. While I like Jared personally, I
would like to tell him that his racial ideas were all wrong.
But are they?
On AmRens web site you find news stories, taken chiefly from the
respectable publications, that in aggregate paint a grim picture of
things racial in America. Can you show these to be in error, isolated
instances, not representative of a larger reality? I hope so. But I cant.
Almost everything I read at AmRen well describes reality as I have
seen it. And also as all cops have seen it, though telling what they
know is a firing offense.
What we have is an ongoing catastrophe, documentable, indeed
documented repeatedly but never openly examined. An apparent
amicability is enforced by heavy federal pressure, by a press that
censors itself, and by that poisonous fog that we call political
But consider. From the Detroit News, a story on the illiteracy of the
president of the school board, as illustrated by his emails:
If you saw Sundays Free Press that shown Robert Bobb the
emergency financial manager for Detroit Public Schools, move

Mark Twain to Boynton which have three times the number seats
then students and was one of the reasons he gave for closing
school to many empty seats.
Do DPS control the Foundation or outside group? If an outside
group control the foundation, then what is DPS Board row with
selection of is director? Our we mixing DPS and None DPS rows,
and who is the watch dog?
The president of the school board? Confusing our for are? My
daughters had better grammar at the age of three. A city that has such
a man in such a position has no place in a civilized country.
Below the surface of the ominous calm lies massive anger. Hostility to
affirmative action runs rampant, whether against female firemen who
cant handle hoses or black teachers who cant spell. The number of
people who would happily run illegal immigrants from the country at
gun point is huge. When the races are not forced together, they
separate like oil and water. The forcing is national policy. It has not
proved a recipe for domestic happiness.
The tendency toward segregation equally among the smugly correct
and the contents of Joes Bar. Many years back, the Washingtonian,
the vaguely heterosexual coffee-table magazine of the District of
Columbia, checked on how many of the Washington Posts news room
sent their shiny white children to the citys black public schools. Zero.
At the first evidence of fertility the town house on upper Connecticut
goes on the block and another pair of liberal diversity-friendly
Democrats bail for the albino warrens of Montgomery County. Yet the
Post honks and blows most mightily against racial discrimination.
How does this mandated hypocrisy help find a solution to racial woes
if there is a solution? It doesnt. I suspect that a prime reason for the
current uneasy stasis is exactly that people have concluded that there

can be no solution. The best thing is to hold the lid on and let future
generations worry about it.
Suppose that you genuinely want the best for what are quietly called
Permanently Disadvantaged Minorities, and you therefore suggest that
officials, to include teachers, whose English is below the level of
second grade be dismissed. God help you. You will be called a racist,
elitist, cultural imperialist, and insensitive, and lose your job. Why
bother? All you can do as a responsible parent is to move away from
the crime, to put your children in the whitest schools you can find, on
the principle that most whites can still read. This of course perpetuates
the problem.
The same fetor of impossibility engulfs any effort at change. If you try
to end the calculated recruitment of incompetence that is affirmative
action, you eliminate a large part of the black middle class (such as the
above-mentioned president of Detroits school board) and hell breaks
loose. What do you do?
Nothing. Which is what we are doing. It is what we will continue to
The folk at the American Renaissance? They dont offer much in the
way of solutions, but I dont fault them for this since I cant offer a
solution either. Anything that might work is politically impossible, and
anything that is politically possible wont work. It may be that nothing
would work.
Are Jared Taylor and his fellows wrong in their description of the
disease? Lets hope. But I fear they arent. Whether, or that, they are
racists doesnt matter. Oncologists recognize cancer. They dont
necessarily like it.
AmRen would be easy to dismiss if it were a pack of bedraggled
Nazis ranting about how Jews sacrifice Christian children. But it isnt,

which is why it is disturbing. Normally a story like the foregoing

appear locally and are carefully, carefully not picked up nationally.
The race of criminals is usually suppressed. The achievement gap in
schools gets occasional mention, but the gravity of the situation does
not. Thus AmRen, aggregating these news stories without apology,
constitutes a form of intellectual blunt trauma.
But is it wrong?
Please contact the Editor if you have news items that you think are
relevant to TOQ readers.
Tags: American Renaissance, biological race differences, Fred Reed,
Jared Taylor

Ethnic Hegemonies in American History, Part 1

Posted on Apr 14, 2010
Why an Alternative Right Is Necessary
Posted on Mar 2, 2010
Amren 2.0
Posted on Mar 1, 2010
Pro-White Conference 2.0
Posted on Mar 1, 2010
seadragonconquerer said:
March 15, 2010 at 12:17 am
Of course AmRen has the facts right. But since Amren is incapable of
Naming the Jew the collective master of the blacks and browns it
is incapable of solving the Problem, even in thoery. Fortunately,
facts intervene. Our globalist ZOG is about to drown in its own debt
(just today, it announced that social security is now in operational
deficit, nothing in the trust fund but 2.5 trillion in IOUs that the rest of
govt can only service by printing money) and, when it finally does
drown, a solution (Civil War II) will be at hand. In the meantime,
thank you, Am Ren.

seadragonconquerer said:
March 15, 2010 at 12:23 am
Of course AmRen has the facts right. But since AmRen is incapable of
Naming the Jew collective master of the blacks and browns it is
incapable of solving the Problem, even in theory. Fortunately, facts
will intevene. Our globalist ZOG is about to drown in its own debt
(just today, it announced that social security is now in operational
deficit, and nothing in the trust fund but 2.5 trillion in IOUs that
Treasury can only service by printing money) and, when it finally
does drown, a solution (Civil War II) will be at hand. In the meantime,
thank you, AmRen.

Hengist said:
March 15, 2010 at 9:17 pm
Fred Reed sure does like to pose as the maverick truth-teller, but never
has the intestinal fortititude to actually strike at the root of our
problems by naming and shaming organized jewry. He has even gone
so far as to pen an essay, on his own sight, about his admiration of
jews, and a demand to his readers, to STOP writing to him about
Make no mistake, Fred Reed is NOT one of us; he a mercenary,
serving the purpose of controlled opposition, for his jewish masters.

HLN said:
March 18, 2010 at 6:27 pm
1. Repeal all the racial laws passed since World War II. They were
totally wrong headed.
2. Give the whites their freedom to politically organize and make their
white neighborhoods the way they did before, without apologizing to

There, half the problem is solved. Let the blacks come up with some
ideas of their own for their solution.

Reading Reed
by Fred Reed, correspondents, and A. Linder
25 August 2004
Letters About Jews
In Search Of Conspiracy
August 24, 2004
[Comments in blue and within square brackets are from Alex Linder]
From time to time I write about the cloacal morality of the media as
they go about wrecking civilization and annoying hell out of me. For
rhetorical convenience I use New York and Hollywood as a sort of
abbreviation for the news racket and the screen trades.
This column gets a lot email. Some of it assumes that New York and
Hollywood are code words for Jews, and excoriates me mightily
for not saying what I am assumed to mean. Let me give you a typical
example, the subject line being Fred Sees No Jews in New York and
Dear Fred,
Good greetings.

Your column on Television Tyranny and Degeneration is strong

and important, as your columns usually are. But it also shows
youre unwilling to mention that Jews dominate these industries
again, as your columns always are scared to mention Jews.
Youre not ignorant that Hollywood and New York, movies and
television, are Jewish. Youre unwilling to say so. Youre
unwilling to state publicly the hatred consistently pumped by Jews
into the Gentile populations they dominate, degrade, and destroy.
The fact that even Fred Reed submits to the taboo not to criticize
Jews no matter how obvious and ubiquitous is the power of
Jewish degradation of Gentiles is proof of the ruling power of
Hide the truth protect Jewish power and degradation of
Gentiles. Thats the policy Fred Reed follows, together with and everybody else.
Best wishes,
I didnt just get admitted to MIT I got a PhD from there. Now
that Ive got your attention, Id like to tell you just how spineless I
think your last column was in omitting the very obvious fact that
JEWS have played and continue to play the largest role in
televisions slow destructive agenda.
Jews have both a genetic and cultural desire to subvert and
destroy their host civilizations it is part of their survival

instinct and it is what has caused their genetic strain and culture
to survive for millennia.
The prevalence of Jews in television and advertising provides a
powerful channel for those destructive urges to have their effect.
One wonders whether this unprecedented opportunity for their
hatred and contempt to be actualized will deliver the final blow to
the tired host.
Youre no tough guy forget the cigar and the leather jacket. I
will take you seriously when you have the guts to offend the
execrable self chosen.
Why are you so scared of Jews? Are you just a realist? Do you
know more than I do about what they could and will do to you?
Or are you just paranoid?
I admire the fearlessness of John and Vince in having me take on the
Jews. Lets you and him fight is an old call.
[I might interject here that Ive written Fred Reed more than one
letter saying exactly the same thing these writers do, and I have
been fighting the jew in my own name publicly for 4+ years now,
so Fast Freddys being disingenuous. His lets you and him fight
is a writers cleverness, a mischaracterization worthy of the jews
he fears to name, and yes, fear is the word, for he has written very
explicitly about media control, and you can rest assured he has
read all the jew-crit out there, and Who Rules America? more
than once. Two of the formulations in his most recent were
practically verbatim, ie, no king of old ever had the power
exercised by todays mass media. Cut the bullshit, Fred. Enough
with the WASPing, already. Youre needed in the fight.]

Being weary of this stuff, I am going to do a doubtless overlong

column on the subject, and then go back to better things, such as
drinking beer with colorful reprobates.
Now, the conventions of discourse being what they are, it is hard to
talk about Jews at all. If you say, Some of my best friends are Jews,
it means you hate Jews. If you say, I cant stand the freaking Jews, it
means you hate Jews. If you dont say anything, it means you secretly
hate Jews.
[Funny, but beside the point. As Fred knows. Quit trying to
country-boy us, Reed. Some of us city folk are nigh as clever as
you sophisticated shitcrickers.]

If you say anything good about the Jews, it means that you are a tool
of the Jews, or afraid of the Jews, or have had your mind clouded by
Jews. Where does one go from here?
[Now Fred, to make it real simple-like, the question on the table is
why you syncopate: why you refuse to mention jews where
theyre the operative agent. You dont do that in any other case.
Just with jews. When it comes to blaming jews, a writer is guilty
until proven innocent. That is the only rational way to treat the
matter, given the conditions of employment you yourself have
described most principally the absolute fear of offending
politically powerful groups. Well, theres no escaping it, Fred.
Jews are the most powerful group out there, and if Fred Reed
spends all his columns criticizing the horrible state weve fallen
into without ever once criticizing the jews who produce that state,
then somethings funny in monkeyland.]

but wotthehell wotthehell.

The premises of letters such as the foregoing are invariant: (1) that
Jews want to destroy all that is good and holy, and eat Christian
children, and (2) that I know it. It then follows that, since I dont say
it, I must be either cowardly or collusive. The matter is always
phrased as a manhood issue: Either you stand up to the Jews, or you
lack balls. The Jews of course are a monolithic and conspiratorial
group who rub their hands and say Heh-heh-heh.
[This is Jim Goadlike. No man as cautious as the self-proclaimed
rebel in his Commander Salamander get-up. Reed is fearful
theres something there. This is the source of his weariness. He
prefers the simple life, the not-fully-knowing. So in this column,
unlike others, he affects to deal with the issue as a way of
dismissing it, for good if hes lucky. Let me sleep, whines
drunk, spent Fred. He doesnt want The Burden. It is hard to style
yourself the crazy and fearless rebel when you avoid the battle of
your times. Freds got a rep, even if its self-made. You see the
delicate stepping required. Not easy to do with a head full of

Permit me a different interpretation.

Jews may be exotic in Peoria. (Or may not be: I have never been to
Peoria.) In Washington, where I worked for years, they are as rare as
automobiles. I have known lots of Jews. I have dated them, gotten
drunk with them, danced with them, argued with them, gone on
junkets to weird Asian countries with them. I liked most of them.

My favorite lunch buddy for a long time was a retired Harvard

professor, Jewish, as decent a human being as I have ever met. My
favorite dance partner was a Jewish radical feminist (I know, I know,
but we liked each other) who was on an undefeated College Bowl
team in the Sixties. My dentist was Jewish. The biochemist I used to
windsurf with on the Potomac was Jewish. Beth, the pediatrician I
dated at NIH, was Jewish, and an absolute sweetheart. I learned the
Texas two-step from a Jewish carpenter (no, another carpenter) who
moonlighted as a dance instructor. And so on.
[Fred is apparently the only man in history whos never met a
dishonest or detestable jew. Or maybe hes simply being selective
in the jews he chooses to cite i.e., guilty of exactly that with
which he charges his jew-critic correspondents.]

Familiarity-not fear of invisible radioactive death-needles from

[Fred mocks the idea that Mossad murders people. Is Fred
unaware that Mossad murders innocent people? Or he just finds it
funny? I dont get it Fred. Are you saying that the Mossad doesnt
murder people, or that the murders are matters for jest? It sure
reads like that. I guess the jews didnt put out a press release that
henceforward theyd be murdering people wherever they damn
well felt like it, including within the borders of the United States.
Nothing to see here, folks, just a lot of conspiracy kooks.]

or of being run out of journalism

[but, but, you just wrote a column the other week (Fred uses
frames, see An Oozing Of Gray Sludge) describing how easy it

is to get kicked out should the tiniest organized minority group be

offended. Back in April you said:
Everyone in the [media] racket knows exactly what you cant say
and what you have to say. Thus what reporters know, they dont
say; and what they say, they dont believe.
You seem to have changed your tootle, Marse Fred. Should we
believe you when youre lying, or when youre lying about

-is why I dont devote my life to obsessing about the maleficence of

Jews. Are there Jews who do things politically I dont like? Yes.
[Notice how Fred falls into Polspeak, into jewspeak, the minute
he finds ground he fears to tread. Um, your column ostensibly
answers the questions of your jew-critic readers, Fred, not your
own self-posed, self-serving queries. Quit playing the system pol
and start playing the smart hick we love you for. The fact that you
feel you need to bolsters the case you feign refute.]

Are there Jews who do things politically Im not sure whether I like?
Yes. Is there an Israeli lobby? Yes. Yet I have never encountered the
evil Jews of The Conspiracy.
[Again with the mocking. Conspiracy is a trigger for laughter,
which is why Fred chose it. Like any good writer, he can be as
precise or comic as he feels serves his purpose. Here his purpose
is to disguise his purpose. Very jewy of him. And no coincidence
it comes in defending his jew-position. His aim is to make it
appear to the reader hes addressing serious concerns of the jew
critics, while actually avoiding so and in the process affirming
that, by gum, all the jews he come across be the echtest huntin

buddies a good ol boy could ever track possum with, or whatever

it is they ambush for vittles down in that Crawdad County his
country-fried Grobnik hails from. Hey, Fred: that dog wont hunt!
Isnt that clever? I made it up myself. Ok, Ill come clean. My
jewish friend thought it up, and graciously, as characterizes the
nature of those well-nosed noblemen, allowed me not just to use
it, but to claim credit for it, him being too busy with curing AIDS
to turn his hand to matters literary.]

I simply do not see them as bad people. I am not going to pretend

otherwise to establish my virility for John and Vince.
[Fred sidesteps the issue, which is whether jews operate as a
group against Aryan interests, not whether theyre good or bad.
He knows they do, so he pretends the question is how he feels
about a handful of individual jews. One might know a number of
mob members, and find them great people. Does that mean the
mob does not exist, or that it is not a collective negative for nonmobsters? Does it mean that those who complain of it can be
dismissed as a conspiracy nuts? Fred?]
In particular, I do not rave against the Israelis, because I dont
know what I think they should do. I note that their treatment of
the Palestinians is indistinguishable from American treatment of
the Iraqis and Vietnamese. Virtue does not exactly flood the
worlds streets, anywhere. [Completely off-point. As Reed

Further, Jews as I have known them are not monolithic. Politically

they have been all over the place, though running to liberal: a
professional conservative (Herb Berkowitz, the PR guy at the Heritage
Foundation, a raucous Boston Jew and delightful loon), a couple of

AIPACers, (Seth Carus and Steve Glick, pro-Israel but, Im sorry

gang, not anti-American), libertarians, Greens, several with little or no
interest in politics, some who in varying degrees disapproved of Israel.
I spent my high-school years aboard Dahlgren Naval Weapons Lab,
living on Mathematicians Row (Caffee Road, just off the Circle). The
names along the street were Cohen, Reed, Strauss, Kemper. I dont
know how they voted, but they designed armament for the Navy. Id
guess Republican.
I dont see the Jews of the email. That Jews are tremendously
influential in the media is a fact, easily verified on the Web. However,
the leap from Jews are powerful in the media to Jews are
responsible for all social ills, the collapse of civilization, and
everything I dont like is a bit of a stretch. Those I know have no idea
why John and Vince loathe them, incidentally. Being hit on the head
by a piano imparts little understanding of pianos.
[The jew is the victim of the goy? Havent you ever met any
noble anti-Semites, Fred? Havent there ever been any antiSemites who did the world good? Shakespeare? Wagner? Pound?
Luther? Mencken? Not one?]

Further, never do I encounter from the Johns and Vinces the idea that
any Jew, ever, might have done anything good, however inadvertently.
[Maybe thats for two reasons: the good jews have done is very
little by comparison with the enormous evil; the jew-controlled
media keep up a continual harping on jewish gifts to the world, at
least in the interstices between cries about the Holocaust. Fred
again disingenuously acts as though hes willing to consider
objectively whether or not jews are a collective negative for
goyim. He isnt. Fred is bullshitting.]

My experience is distinctly otherwise. For years I was a science writer

in Washington. I spent countless days crawling through NIH,
COMSAT, NASA, talking with Bell Labs and IBM Research, and
places you have probably never heard of. (The PET lab of NIDA,
National Institute on Drug Abuse in Baltimore, for example, then run
by a very bright Jewish woman.) The number of Jews in research, and
in high-tech industry, is wildly out of proportion to their number in the
population. They are a mainstay of the American lead in technology.
This is bad?
[Jews fill out the ranks of the bureaucracy Fred in every other
column laments, drawing huge salaries, contributing nothing, and
were supposed to thank them for it? It must be all the Aryan
burrocrats who are the real evildoers, eh Fred? The computer
revolution that characterizes our time, technologically, was
brought about by Aryans, not jews.]

Let me tell you a story. In the early Fifties, polio was a nightmare for
parents. Lots of children clunked around in braces or sat forever in
wheel chairs. In summer, the epidemic season, our mothers wouldnt
let us go to public swimming pools because they were thought to be
focuses of infection.
One day a fellow named Salk came out of a laboratory somewhere and
said, Hey, Ive got this vaccine.... A bit later, a guy named Sabin
came out of another laboratory, and said, Hey, if we do thus and so
and put it on sugar cubes, see, it will be oral.... You cant imagine
how welcome that vaccine was. Parents grabbed their children by the
hair and sprinted through doors, sometimes not bothering to open
them, to get to the clinic. Polio just flat disappeared.

Hint: Salk and Sabin were not Rastafarians. (Jews Destroy American
Iron Lung Industry.)
Does none of this count for anything?
[Not if you dont count the diseases jews spread. Funny that it
always comes back to polio, doesnt it? The one example the jews
can cite. Fred should be aware, but probably is not, that jews
often take credit for the work of others, as Einstein did with his
E=mc2, stolen from an Italian named Olinto de Pretto, or put their
name on what was actually a group effort, as Paul de Kruif
recounts in The Sweeping Wind. How many times has an Aryan
developed a test, a jew merely applied the test to a disease
and then claimed credit for the breakthrough? It is telling that
Reed takes immediate recourse in the jews own bleat, the
moment theyre criticized. And again Fred begs the question: are
you really willing, Reed, to make a credit/debit accounting of
jews and their activities in relation to goyisch interests? You
arent. You fake it for rhetorical purposes. You think anyones
buying that ol Fred Reed wants to get to the bottom of Big Jew? I

So many of the Jewish crimes popular on the email circuit dont stand
up to examination. For instance, I hear repeatedly that during Vietnam
America won in the field but that Jews stabbed Our Boys in the back
by means of the anti-war movement, thus seeking to promote godless
atheistic communism.
Not quite. The leadership of the anti-war movement was heavily
Jewish. The movement itself was overwhelmingly Christian. At the
conservative Southern college I attended, the studentry to a boy
wanted no part of the war. It wasnt because of Jewish anything. It

was because they didnt want to get shot. Their girlfriends didnt want
them to get shot, nor did their parents.
[This simply is not true. The jews were not only fifty percent of
the anti-war leaders, they formed a hugely disproportionate
percentage of the rank and file. This matter has been studied.
Freds anecdotes fall before facts. Fred also ignores the flip from
sixties radicals to nineties conservatives, and the tie that binds
in both cases the radical-cons were jews pursuing jewish

People didnt need help to weary of an endless, bloody, pointless war,

in which their sons were dying, in a place they didnt care about and
could barely find on a map. Christian kids in huge numbers did
everything they could to avoid Vietnam, which is why the draft was
needed to force them to go. Christians like Dan Quayle, George W,
and Bill Clinton sought student deferments or ducked into the
National Guard. Check how many of the Christian elite from the Ivies
served in Asia. The anti-war movement wasnt a Jewish plot. It was a
national revolt.
[After a point, perhaps, but this again avoids the issue. I havent
seen a single person blame the jews for stabbing us in the back in
Vietnam. I have seen them charge the jews with promoting the
P.C. ideals of the counterculture in order to complete the long
march through the institutions and bring judeo-communism to
America behind the banner of peace, love and brotherhood,
saving the earth, multiculturalism, diversity and the rest of the
semitically correct garbage. Jews defending jewish interests in the
name of humanity, in the name of objective science this is
what jew critics claim, and this is, in fact, what occurs.]

Most of the things Jews are supposed to be doing, on examination,

they arent. Is globalization a Jewish plot (as Im told), or the
inevitable result of advancing technology? Is destructive feminism a
Jewish plot, or the result of sweeping social changes in which women
have found themselves thrown into unaccustomed and unsettling
roles? Is the decline of education a Jewish plot, or the consequence of
having teaching in the hands of intellectual dregs, of pandering by
politicians for racial votes, and of the fact that Americans dont really
care about schooling? Etc.
[Fred shows hes either uneducated, or unable to dig out the root.
All these questions are long answered, the information readily
available. But why bother researching what youve no interest in
printing? Safer not to know. Just another burden, and Freddys all
about staying footloose and fancy free; a drink in one hand, a
cockroachita in the other.]

Thats why I dont gnaw at myself about Jews.

[Those who defend jews invariably fall into the same evasions
and mischaracterizations jews use. We arent asking you to gnaw
yourself, Fred. Were asking you to write about jews the same
way youd write about any other group acting the way the jews
do. Quit wasping already, Freddy.]

August 4th, 2007 #6

Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 5,331

What makes Freedy run

He has been too close to the problem. Cant see the forest for the trees.
He was the son of a bright, well-paid father who worked in the
Washington, DC military-industrial establishment and was raised a
suburbanite when DC suburbs were the country. I rambled Robert E.
Lees Northern Virginia and Marylands Eastern Shore, when I was a
boy. Hence Freds tales of hanging out with other country boys with
which he shared some experiences like the woods, the river, and other
bucolic joys of better times but not everything. Ultimately it was the
indulgence of those who ran/run things that permitted his daddy the
luxury of working and living where he pleased. That rubs off on you.
And it rubbed-off on Fred.
Next puzzle piece: Fred also worked in Washington, DC, Vietnam for
a season, and lived or died by what he could sell to the mass media
essentially of entertainment rather than so called news. Like Iraq, first
the usual suspects wanted the Vietnam war and then they didnt, at
least in the media, and such gyrations destroy the self esteem of a
people, who are then ripe for all manner of folly that those who foisted
those shameful, barbaric frauds on them claim will restore their sense
of pride, e.g., the Civil Rights Movement. Now go and do the right
thing. It is that environment of journalistic schizophrenia (and

government schools and ones parents, probably in that order

anymore) that is all most Americans have ever known from which to
form their opinions and prejudices. Fred has a sense of humor and
made a living in it commenting on the emperors new clothes to a
Believe me, Fred gets your point. He is perfectly capable of
understanding, say, Kevin MacDonald. He just can afford it
emotionally. No doubt his self esteem is bound up in his audience, his
lifetime associates, people who would denounce him with a shriek like
Donald Sutherlands in the remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Fred is not going to suddenly eschew the line of court employees from
which hes descended. Better to simply be a jester and act with
apparently reckless abandon, almost crossing the line drawn by those
who trade in the orgy of White nation destroying, without risking
beheading by explaining exactly who is doing it and why. It may no
longer be a matter of putting food on the table but it is certainly a
habit and maybe genetics.
You are aware that he lives with a smart, motivated, personable,
Latina in Mexico.
All this works fer Fred.
He has talent, yes, and, glib as he is, youd love to have him on your
side. Zebras however are not apt to change their camo.
----------------------------------------------If the American people ever allow a central bank to control of the
issuance of their currency, the banks and the corporations that will
grow up around them will, first by inflation and then by deflation,
deprive the people of their property until their children wake up
homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. Thomas Jefferson

Fred Reed and Me Who Are

These Jokers Kidding?
by Paul Gottfried by Richard Hartmann
30 August 2004
[Original here here. Richard Hartmann comments in square brackets,
blue text.]

Fred Reed and I have what seems to be a shared problem, receiving

hallucinatory notes from anti-Semitic readers who insist, the Jews
are behind everything.
[Now, does anyone really say that? I dont believe it for a second.
Why the need to distort and ridicule? Would Paul Gottfried or
Fred Reed care to publicly debate Alex Linder or myself? Bring
it on.]

Like Reed, I also feel impelled to let my correspondents know that

they have their heads screwed on the wrong way.

[Again. Why the need to insult and degrade? Nothing but respect
and decorum for the nuke the Arabs crowd, but open season on
the Jews critics?]

How can Jews, who account for less than two percent of the American
population and for less than that in Europe, explain the Western
worlds descent into multicultural lunacy, including the advocacy of
open borders, the glorification of the Muslims as a peaceful and
enriching presence, and the treatment of homosexual relations as a
privileged human association?
[To put the question another way, How can the jews, who account
for less than two percent of the American population, own nearly
all of the news and entertainment media, which are the primary
formative influence over America attitudes and opinions and have
been for more than half a century. How can the same jews
constitute the leadership of nearly all organized leftist political
and intellectual activity over the past century, including Marxism
and neo-conservatism. Easy. Its in their interest to do so, so they
do it. They have the power to do it through their dominance of the
mass media, their financial power and organization.
Billy Graham to Richard Nixon: This stranglehold [of the jews
on the media] has got to be broken or the countrys going down
the drain.
You believe that? says Nixon
Yes, sir, says Graham.
Oh, boy, replies Nixon. So do I. I cant ever say that, but I
believe it.

Who else in 1965 had the motive or the ability to open Americas
borders? Who else wanted that? Was it Irish and German pressure
groups who pushed for these changes? Was it organized Baptist
pressure that influenced lawmakers to vote for these acts? Is this
what Gottfried thinks? Does Gottfried not know that more than 50
percent of the Democratic partys finances come from Jewish
donors? Historically speaking the Democratic party has been the
jewish party; jews being the only group on the left with any
wealth or power or influence. Was it rich white gentiles in the
media who advocated every destructive leftist policy and program
and political and social attitude? Was it white gentiles who gave
Hollywood its character? Where are all these white gentiles?
Where is the white gentile conspiracy? All I see is powerful
jewish organizations, jewish dominated mass media, and a lot of
career-minded and deluded camp followers.
Gottfried and Fred Reed know that were fighting a war with Iraq
for Jews. Is this not so? Are they denying this? They understand
that our whole foreign policy in the middle east is geared toward
securing jewish interests. How could this be if the jews only
constitute 2% of the America population and dont have the
power to shape policy and public opinion? Why is public opinion
always against any group the jews are against? Why do
Americans despise Arabs as much as they do white supremists
and did Germans? The rosetta stone of American politics: Jewish
interests. Jewish interests dictate the meaning of political
correctness as disseminated through the mass media. As jewish
interests change, what is politically correct changes: that is why
the liberal media today are firmly behind the war in Iraq, flags aflutter on every screen since 911, a neo-fascism in the works. The
executives didnt change. Their ideology didnt change.
Conditions changed. The new patriotism is kosher: it is in jewish
interests. Racism is politically correct acceptable, anyway
as long as it is directed against the jews enemies. The anti-war
movement has no steam it is still out there, wondering why

things arent working the same this time. Heres why: there is no
jewish interest in and no jewish support behind it; no jewish
leadership, organization, financial backing and media placement.
And so it is not politically correct. Jewish interests the key to
understanding American politics.
The Jews constitute far less a percentage of the population of
most European countries than America, and yet in these countries
it is illegal to speak against jews or their genocidal multi-racialist
policies. Are jews not actively pursuing the same legislation here?
Does the FBI not go on about its partnership with the ADL? How
could this be when the jews are but a 2% minority? Are you guys
When the jews of Clintons administration (Sec of State Albright,
Sec of Defense Cohen, Nat Sec Adv. Berger) bombed Serbia for
its ethnic policies, and all the mass media and all of the major
jewish organizations in America supported this campaign, which
NATO General jew Wesley Kahn Clark explained thusly: There
is no room in modern Europe for ethnically pure states, were
there any other groups seriously advocating it? No, but everyone
else went along and kept their mouths shut. It was the power of
the media to shape public opinion and distort the facts which
mattered, and enabled the jew-dominated Clinton government to
pursue this policy.]

If one subtracted the Jewish vote in New Jersey, Connecticut, and

Massachusetts, would these states be significantly less leftist in their
[OK, Saul, and what if you subtracted jewish money from the
bargain, not just now, but for the past 50 years? There would be
no Democratic party. There would have been no civil rights

movement, no money for it, no legal representation for it. There

would have been no pressure on Congress to change the
immigration law in 1965. And what if the media had been staffed
with white gentiles instead of jews during this period? And the
film industry? Paul Gottfried: a jew, so a liar.]

Most of the left-of-center votes (within our narrow party spectrum)

cast in those states come from nominal Catholics, and these votes are
given to social and economic leftists who are also usually selfdescribed Catholics. Both the Eastern and Midwestern liberal vote is
disproportionately Catholic and comes from non-Jews belonging to
what used to be a very conservative confession. Unless shown
differently, I shall have to conclude on the basis of my evidence that
Catholics tend sharply toward the left in England and Canada as well
as in the US.
[Are you suggesting that there were no Catholics, or substantially
fewer Catholics, in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, and 50s, prior to the
influence of television and the jew-led counterculture of the
1960s? No. But regardless of whether they voted for Democratic
or Republican economic policies, the social and racial policies
that came to characterize the left in the 1960s and 70s and now
the right of the 90s and 00s, did not even exist; they had not yet
been popularized by the jewish media and the jew-led
The whole country has moved in a certain direction, shaped and
prodded by the influence of the media, and that is what counts.
Not who votes for what political party. The same political parties
operative 150 years ago are operative today on completely
different principles; they conform to public opinion, not shape it.
The purpose of their organization is not to advocate principles,
but to garner votes and a share of power by appealing to the

public and making themselves useful to various interests. What

matters is public opinion, and this is shaped by the mass media.
The character of politics in America has changed immensely
during the past 50 years, reflecting the changes in public
sentiment brought on by the influence of television and jew-led
political and social movements.]

And, as far as I can tell, this trend has nothing significant to do with
Jews inside or outside the media.
[Well then you dont know shit.]

I am also led to a similar conclusion about mainline Protestant church

leaders, who sound politically and morally like Hollywood actors.
[Corrupt church leaders are just trying to sell themselves to the
public, as always. They conform to the attitudes of the public,
whereas the media shape those attitudes. Church leaders, business
leader, entertainers, and everyone else operate in an atmosphere
over which they have little control; they have to conform to
political correctness; the jews of the media shape it. But you liars
are content to speak about political correctness as though it were a
force of nature, mysterious and unexplainable, unrelated to any
real interests or tangible power.]

Clearly these leaders are not imitating the politics of Michael Moore
or Jesse Jackson because of their contact with Jewish journalists.
Having just returned from listening to a Protestant convocation
speaker at my college, whom most of my colleagues enthusiastically

applauded, celebrating our universal citizenship and the imminent

end of Western nation states, I am still searching for the smudged
fingerprint of international Jewry behind these ravings.
[Ill help you find it. Could these people have found any audience
willing to listen to them 60 years ago? No, not more than a few
thousand lunatics nationwide would have listened to them. Now
they have half the public willing to listen to their mad ravings due
to the influence of Hollywood and jewish television on public
opinion over the past half century. Its the same with our popular
culture. Degenerates and antisocial elements have always existed
in society. Now theyre given record contracts and television
shows by the controlling jewish executives. There are many
elements of decay, but none would have had any serious effect
without the jewish power element.]

Those Jews who were present at the speech, one from Italy, were
struck by the lack of reality of the speaker, who thought of himself as
a global citizen. Perhaps my correspondents could have traced for
them the causal chain by which Jews had brought such madness to
American Christians.
Where I differ with Fred Reed, whose irreverent humor I have long
admired, is in his concern about not appearing anti-Jewish. Fred goes
out of his way to prove that he adores Jews, including Jewish
feminists, and he hopes that Americans never forget the contributions
of those identifiably Jewish scientists who helped end the polio
epidemic of our youths. One may need to bring up here the problem of
ascribed national grace. Am I supposed to like Abe Foxman, who
blames everyone and his cousin for the Holocaust, because of the
scientific prowess of Jonas Salk? This is a bit like suggesting that
Hitler shouldnt seem so bad once we realize that the Austrians also
gave us Mozart.

In any case its irrelevant whether Fred Reed is socially simpatico

with Jews in and around the District of Columbia for understanding
what needs to be emphasized, that our cultural and political
degeneration as a constitutional society has occurred largely
independently of Jewish influence. Most of what my anti-Jewish
correspondents lament could be accounted for without considering the
Jewish-controlled share of the media or the impact of Jewish votes.
The number of Jews in Sweden is negligible, yet politically and
morally it is a far more radicalized country than the US.
[Ahem. The jewish victory in WW2, and the European defeat; the
defeat of nationalists everywhere in Europe, set the tone for the
subsequent decades. Nationalists everywhere were banned or
exiled and leftist governments installed. There is no free speech in
Europe, no right to bear arms; not since the US occupation of
1945. Europeans have been swallowing American-jewish culture
for 50 years. If the European nationalists had defeated the Soviet
Union, instead of the US and the Soviet Union conquering a half
of Europe each, how would Swedens culture be today? Or
Englands? Or Italys?
Would these nations be on the verge of destruction now, with
below replacement level birth rates, flooded with foreigners and
laws against nationalist political activity, laws against speaking
out against the jews and their policies? Would American-jewish
culture; Hollywood, MTV, rap music and modern art, be the
culture of Europe? No. Only because Europes resistance to the
jews was defeated in WW2; Germany, Italy, and nationalistic
volunteers from every country in Europe, is Europe now on the
brink of destruction. The shaping influence in modern western
society: the media, is almost entirely in jewish hands.
The changes that have taken place over the past 50 years have
been engineered by these jews, in service of jewish interests.

They are not a coincidence, they are not a natural development,

they are not and never have been inherent in the western
character. Jews have not gone along with it; they have led it, and
are benefiting from it. Alongside the destruction of European
society has arisen the state of Israel, which is now poised to
become a world power, dominating all of the middle east.]

Perhaps the reach and behavioral intrusiveness of Swedish socialism

may have more to do with this situation than the presence of a small
stable Jewish minority in the country.
The Germans for decades have been raised to hate themselves as a
people, and when Daniel Goldhagen visited this guilt-obsessed
country after arguing in a book full of factual errors in 1996 that
Germans killed Jews because they had all been eliminationist antiSemites, he was wildly cheered wherever he went. The Germans have
an organization Anti-Deutsch, consisting of thousands of young
Germans, that demonstrates in favor of the saturation bombing of
German cities in World War Two. But this weird organization is not
Jewish; in fact Germany contains a far lower percentage of Jews than
the US. To the response that Jewish groups have succeeded in making
Germans hate themselves, the counter-response is obvious: Who the
hell causes the Germans, except for the Germans themselves, to
behave masochistically?
[Hmmm... your theory seems to break up upon the fact that
German culture without jewish influence, i.e., in the 1930s and
prior, was anything but anti-German, and it took the most
destructive war in history and the guilt-inducing psychological
warfare and lie campaign of the post-war period to destroy the
German national character the way it has been destroyed.
Likewise European culture was more or less healthy and
developing in a healthy direction up until WW2.]

And who orders white Christian Americans to yammer about their

social sins and about the supposed evil of their national and
civilization identity?
[Bogus question. Who ever claimed they were acting on orders?
When youre raised and formed in an atmosphere in which these
ideas are dominant then you cannot be held responsible for
accepting them. What you should be asking is who is responsible
for creating this atmosphere and these ideas and imposing them
on us, not blaming school children and television viewers for
being victims of this brainwashing. But then youre a jew
youre not us. It should not surprise us that you want to shift
blame to the victims of the brainwashing and away from the
jewish brainwashers. And it should not surprise us that certain
career-minded folk want to blame abstract cultural marxists and
secular humanists or a western death wish instead of a real,
tangible group with power that will retaliate when its interests are
threatened. Many a former employee of somewhere has learned
this over the years: Congressmen, journalists, teachers, etc. But
dont worry, Saul, not all of us have swallowed the brainwashing,
as your emails indicate, and you can be sure that those who are
responsible will be held responsible.]

As my recent books try to make clear, there is something gravely

wrong with majority cultures that ostentatiously despise their inherited
identity and there is no reason to assume that it would not be there
if Jews or blacks disappeared.

[But we already know this to be false if we examine the jew-free

cultures of Germany and Italy in the 1930s and the culture of the
European world in general before WW2. The entire intellectual
basis for the leftism of the post-war era was formed by jewish
intellectuals during this century and the latter half of the last.
Marx, Freud, Boas, the Frankfurt School, and all the rest. Will
Gottfried deny this?
These jewish movements were run out Europe in the 1930s and
40s. They came and set up shop in the United States and moved
into the universities, eventually coming to dominate the
intellectual climate of American academia. These jewish
intellectuals did not behave like objective students of their fields;
they had no tolerance at all for disagreement. They reviled and
ridiculed anyone who dared to disagree with their theories, or
should I say, who obstructed their agenda, and in this way the
basis for political correctness was laid.
It was the jewish victory in WW2 that enabled leftism to
contaminate the European world. It was the lack of serious
nationalistic resistance in America to these jews that set the stage
for the post-war counterculture which enveloped the universities
and popular culture, and it was this lack of resistance to the jews
in America that had allowed our military might to be used to
crush the nationalistic resistance in Europe 20 years earlier. This
is why Europe is now dying, because all of its healthy elements,
its nationalistic elements, its whole political and cultural
leadership, was exterminated by the victorious allies of WW2,
America and the Soviet Union, and replaced by a jewish culture
and leftist leadership.
This idea that there is something inherent in our European
character that causes our people to act against their own interests
or to hate themselves is a vicious lie. European societies have
existed for thousands of years without any sort of leftist or self-

destructive tendencies. The development of these tendencies go

hand in hand with one thing: the emancipation of jews and their
entry into European society during the past two centuries. Jewish
interests and jewish influence are the basis of leftism, nothing
else! To say otherwise is an insult and direct attack upon
Europeans everywhere! It is a deliberate lie aimed to mislead and
confuse us and exonerate our enemies, or else a ploy by hacks to
protect their own asses. Anyone who protects our enemies must
be treated like an enemy!]

Daring Jews, like Noam Chomsky and Israel Shahak, who have
played up Jewish bigotry and ethnic nationalism, have been widely
denounced as self-hating Jews. But WASPs who dwell on their
groups prejudices and alleged hate-crimes can expect to be generally
[Cheered by some, while others remain silent out fear of
ostracism, fear of being politically incorrect, and in much of
Europe fear of being locked up. Yes, leftism is white self-hatred.
But for the vast majority of jews who are leftists, and who make
up the leadership of leftism, it is not self-hatred, but white hatred.
White self-hatred is induced by these jewish leftists, their media
influence, their intellectual and cultural influence. The whole
jewish-leftist intellectual atmosphere on college campuses and the
corresponding propaganda of the media is a jewish program, a
jewish campaign aimed at advancing jewish interests and securing
jewish power, by destroying potential sources of resistance to
jewish preeminence.
Only by destroying the self-confidence and self-image and
identity of whites and suppressing nationalism everywhere can
jews hope to retain their dominance over the culture and politics
of western societies. Jewish leftists are not ideological, theyre

merely pursuing their own interests. At the same time that theyre
leftists theyre also Zionists and supporters of the state of Israel
and its policies. While 80-90% of American-resident jews vote for
the Democrats, 90% of them are also pro-Israel. Theyre only
leftists when it comes to harming us, when promoting policies
that harm us.
In Israel they support ethnic cleansing, ethnic exclusivism,
expansion and military conquest. Here they promote
multiculturalism, white guilt, universal tolerance and political
correctness. It is perfectly consistent: among themselves they
promote what serves their group, among us they promote what
serves their group by harming our group. There is no
contradiction when you understand the basis of their activity.
Leftism is simply jewish politics in a gentile society; jewish
intellectuals, jewish money, jewish organizers, jewish
propagandists, advancing jewish group interests by rendering
harmless potential sources of resistance to themselves:
nationalism, racial identity, cultural cohesion, religious identity,
etc. Leftism is the jewish program for subduing a nation and
bringing themselves to power in it; destroying the nations pride
and self-confidence and cohesiveness, and thus creating
conditions in which jewish power can thrive unopposed.
Seriously, how is it that in a country that is 90% Christian, public
displays of Christianity are practically illegal? It is the jews alone
who wanted this, for fear of the potentially antiSemitic
consequences of a strong Christian identity in the population and
the effect such might have on their status and position. And at 2%
of the population theyre able to do it, they have the power.
It is no different where race is concerned. Racial identity is as
much a threat to the jewish dominance of western societies as
religious identity; any identity, any cohesion among our people is
a danger to jewish power over us. It is jews alone who have had
the motive and the ability to suppress nationalism throughout the

western world for the past half century, jews alone who have
blocked the advance of right wing and nationalistic political
movements; through censorship, through distortion, through
ridicule and demonization, through financial and media pressure;
jews alone have had the motive and the ability to suppress
nationalistic feeling and political activity in the white world. And
what theyve done to us is precisely what they want to do to the
Muslim world, and for this reason want to use American military
might to subdue the Muslim world and open it up to jewish
influence. How long before Hollywood movies and jewish
television programs come to dominate the culture of the new
Iraq? How long before Judeo-Islam is proclaimed, and Sunni
preachers are bewailing the historical guilt of the Muslim peoples
for their intolerance and anti-Semitism? Well, that is how the jews
would have it. That is what theyre aiming for. It isnt just about
Israeli security, it is about total jewish control.]

I wonder whether my anti-Jewish correspondents have ever thought

the obvious, that minorities often behave the way majorities want
them to. Americas German and Sephardic Jews in the nineteenth
century tried to model themselves on WASP high society, believing
that they had to do so to move up socially and professionally.
[Bullshit. jews have been the foremost subversives and radicals,
actively trying to overthrow the status quo and gain influence and
power, as jews.]

Today Jews who spew hate on gentiles also move up, because they are
doing to Euro-American-Christians what the majority society wants,

blaming that society for the ills of humanity and urging it to become a
multicultural mess.
[Bullshit; theyre not conforming to our way and never have.
Were conforming to them, to the culture theyve built for us in
order to advance their interests. Theyre the ones with the power,
not us. They remain as jewish as theyve ever been; were just
ceasing to be white.]

This should not be read as a justification of the usual suspects but it is

a reminder of why Dershowitz, Foxman, and Goldhagen make money
and enjoy popularity among loads of Christians as well as Jews.
Unlike nineteenth-century Germany or an older America, in our
society it pays for bad-mannered, resentful Jews to exhibit their worst
qualities. They are providing a morally confused and historically
misinformed majority with what it craves.
[Jews are the leadership, the shapers of the modern anti-white
culture and intellectual paradigm you lament. And it is anything
but harmful to themselves. Rather, they are in their element now
in the West, more powerful than ever before, with a dumbed
down, self hating population of dazed media-slaves to use and
exploit. Jews get their empire in the middle east while white kids
die to secure it, and we Europeans and Americans get racial
oblivion in the coming decades.
Ill have a few jews sum it up:
Earl Raab:
The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the
American population will soon be non-white or non-European.
And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the

point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this

country. We have been nourishing the American climate of
opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has
not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our
population tends to make it irreversible and makes our
constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than
ever. (Earl Raab, Jewish Bulletin, February 19, p. 23)
The ADLs Earl Raab served for thirty-five years as Executive
Director of the San Francisco Jewish Community Relations
Council and is currently Director of the Perlmutter Institute for
Jewish Advocacy at Brandeis University. Raab, like most Jews
and all Jewish organizations, promotes multiracialism and
nonwhite immigration in the United States and other majorityWhite nations, while supporting Jewish racialism (Zionism) and a
Jews-only immigration policy in Israel.
Philip Weiss:
Remaking the American power structure without Jews is like
remaking sports without blacks. At least when it comes to blacks
in sports, you can talk about it; you can say that blacks changed
sports. But no one is allowed to speak up about something we all
quietly know: Jews changed America.
There is hardly an area of public life on which Jews have not
had a profound impact in the last generation, as discrimination
against them ended and as they gained power. The civil rights
movement reflects Jewish values of justice. Feminism is a
reflection of liberal Jewish matriarchal values (note the Jewish
groups that are talking about Roe v. Wade in opposing John
Ashcroft for Attorney General). Ever-more-powerful Jews in the
media have ushered in the information age. Psychologically
attuned Jews and Hollywood Jews changed the language of

popular culture-Seinfeld, Weinstein... altogether they represent

the force of Jewish values coming into public life.
...the greatly diminished influence of church on public mores
wouldnt have happened without secularized Jews gaining
cultural power.
And no one ever talks about it. The most important change in
establishment culture in the last 25 years, and it goes unspoken.
There are so many Jews in the media that the cone of silence
falls over the territory where you might expect wider discussion.
I remember when I got to Harvard in 1972, and all my outsider
Jewish energy was focused on tearing down the WASP bastions
that kept me back. And we tore them down.
... Jewish imagination has been the most powerful force in elite
life in the last generation...the celebration of feminism, the
emergence of the media: all have been spearheaded by Jews who
re-imagined America.
So long as Jews continue to see themselves as powerless, they
fail to recognize the effect they have had on society and come to
terms with their real spot: big winners in the new order. It looks
like the next chapter in the democratic discourse is going to be
about winners and losers in the globalist pursuit of excellence.
(Jews in Bushs Cabinet? Dont Hold Your Breath by Philip
Weiss, New York Observer, December 22, 2001)
Fuck you, jew Gottfried, and fuck you, jew-tool Fred Reed.
Fondest wish: That one day we can state truly, Like all jews,
Paul Gott Fried!


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Letter to jew Gottfried

30 August 2004

Dear Mr. Gottfried,

You and Fred Reed deserve credit for at least addressing the antiSemites who dog you so. No doubt it was enervating to receive all that
crank email insisting that the Jews are behind our cultural melt-down.
You and Reed seem to place a great deal of emphasis on weight of
numbers as your argument, but a quick look will show what a red
herring the numbers argument really is.
When the British ruled India in the 19th century, they ruled a subcontinent of some 300 million people with an army of soldiers and
civil servants of what, some 200,000 men. Thats a ratio of over
1000-1 of ruled to rulers! Yet I suppose the story of British rule of
India is a myth, since the numbers offered are so lopsided.
I weigh just a little over 200 lbs. My Cadillac has an empty weight of
over 5000 lbs. I thus weigh a mere 4% of my cars weight and cant
even muster 1% of its horsepower. I suppose the next time a cop pulls
me over for speeding, I can say But officer, this car is so vastly
heavier and more powerful than me. How in the world could I possibly
control it? Do I really deserve this ticket? If he lets me off the hook, I
will honor you and Reed by naming it the Reed-Gottfried defense.
The individual AIDS viruses in one infected human body, I would
guess, dont even weigh 1 gram by the time they dispatch their victim.

So maybe Thabo Mbeki was on to something when he said publicly

that the HIV virus couldnt possibly cause AIDS.
Maybe you would accuse me of spurious reasoning for using my
above mentioned British rule of India argument, since the English had
all the guns. But if the pen is mightier than the sword, how much more
powerful than the pen is the cathode ray tube? Do you believe the
networks that supply the ammunition to all those tubes are controlled
by self-hating Presbyterians? Mormons? Quakers?
Im sure that you would object that the vast majority of American
Jews dont live in Hollywood or New York, and thus bear no blame
for the sewer that popular culture hath become. Fair enough. The next
question is: What is it about Jewish culture that creates the
Dershowitzes and Wolfowitzes, Spielbergs and Spellings and other
riff-raff that leads our nation, and all other western nations, into the
Could it possibly be due to the fact that as a minority culture living
amidst majorities for at least 2,000 years, the Jews require a lowintensity antagonistic relationship with their gentile hosts in order to
preserve their separateness amongst an otherwise tolerant gentile
community that, over time, would absorb the Jews among them due to
mere strength of numbers? Perhaps the truth is that if anti-Semitism
didnt exist, it would be necessary for the JEWS to create it!
The reason that I am telling you this is that if any Jew can understand
the anti-Semitic argument, its you. If you cant understand antiSemitism, then no Jew can. What is anti-Semitism, after all, but
normal human reaction to Jewish behavior? And who is better
equipped to study Jewish behavior than you?
This letter to you can be understood to be a last gasp, if you will, to
get you and your kind to understand and cross the vast gap that exists
betwixt us twain. Your ancestors have created it, therefore your people

must surmount it. Otherwise your familys trauma at the hand of the
Nazis may be revisited on you in your lifetime.
Not a threat, or even a promise, but just a warning.
Its the least I could do.
CHRIS CONOLE,PaulGottfried&Me.html

Fred Reed, Paul Gottfried and

By John Birdman Bryant

Fred Reed is a sharp critic of multiculturalism, and a clever and funny

writer to boot, and I post his essays from time to time on my Daily
Reads page. But Fred, like so many other blight wingers, is scared
shitless of the Jews, which is a bad way to be if you are going to
criticize the multicult its a lot like trying to win a footrace with
your leg cut off. But then Fred writes in defense of American freedom
while living in Mexico, and there is a certain natural awkwardness in
that, too.
In any event, awhile back Fred wrote a piece posted on Lew
Rockwells website entitled Dont Write Me About the Jews (http://; durable link here), in which
he attempted to prove to his critics that he was perfectly justified in
treading lightly around the Foreskinners. It was a well-written piece,
as most of Freds pieces are, but in terms of the bottom line, it didnt
cut the mustard or even muss the custard. Here is what I wrote to Fred
in response to his piece:
Date: 8/27/04 10:43 AM

From: John Bryant
Subject: Da Jooz Dont miss this one, Fred
Im a member of the high-IQ organization Mensa, have written 40
books, and am listed in Whos Who In the World.
Now that Ive got your attention, let me tell you the Good News and
the Bad News. And then the REALLY BAD news.
The Good News is that my personal experience with Jews is like
yours both lengthy and positive. If you wanted to you could say
that I am or was prejudiced FOR Jews.
The bad news is that my POST-judice is AGAINST Jews. By which I
do not mean personal I still like most of them, find them fun,
intelligent people. More precisely, my post-judice is against
ORGANIZED JEWRY. Which is not about what this or that Jewish
individual does, but rather what JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS AND
Now the REALLY BAD news is this: I did not reach this conclusion
on gut feeling or intuition or what my parents or my guru told me. I
reached it on the basis of WHAT I HAVE BEEN READING AND
have a HUGE collection of stuff that IMHO simply leaves no
doubt that the Jews are a BIG BIG PROBLEM FOR GENTILES

But theres more, Fred. First of all, I have organized this material into
sections and subsections and subsubsections that will make it easy for
you (or anyone) to just go to my website and click the Articles of
Others section, and immerse yourself for as long as you want on the
And thats not all, Fred. I have written several lengthy articles
intended especially for novices such as yourself to lay out the facts in
simple, easy-to-digest form. Two of the best of those are the
(!) The Case Against the Jews: A Documented Critique of
Contemporary and Recent Historical Jewish Behavior The
Birdmans hardest-hitting, best-documented and longest essay on the
Jews. If you are serious about knowing the facts, read this tightlywritten piece. This is a much-improved version of an essay sent to
3500 people on the Mensa email list, which resulted in more than a
hundred yelping and snarling responses which might not be so bad
considering that there were 3400 people who didnt complain.
This article can be found at found at:
(2) Updating the List of Jewish Crimes Jews continue their assault
on the white race and Western civilization by laying the foundations
for World War Three; for it is Jews who are almost certainly primarily
responsible for 911 and the bogus War on Terrorism, the later of
which has so far brought us two real wars (Afghanistan and Iraq) and
a further shredding of our Constitution. (Dont believe it? The proof is
RIGHT HERE.) This was the Birdmans 2003 letter to Mensans, and,
as usual, the Uno Hooze and their shabby goy gofers promptly got
Birdmans ISP account canceled. Why is it that Jews always seems
associated with such things as cowardice, hypocrisy,
underhandedness, suppression, censorship and lies up the tush?

This article is located at:
But remember, Fred, this is only a beginning. Theres lots more in the
Jewish Question section of my webpage if you care to educate
yourself. But of course if you stick with Little Lew-Lew and his
sidekicks, you wont find out a thing, because these people are some
of the biggest hypocrites and liars around, to say nothing of being
frosty-frizzy-cataleptic afraid to touch the Jewish Question with a tenfoot pole. And if you have any question about the intellectual
sleaziness of the Rockwellites, just check the Rockwell Files in the
Net Losses section of my website.
Its all there, Fred. Ive spent years putting it together. But I am sure
that you, like so many others who in the words of Peter Finley
Dunne know so much that aint so, will have absolutely no trouble
in ignoring it.
-Birdman (
After penning (keyboarding?) the above piece, someone alerted me to
a piece by Jewish Prof Paul Gottfried which he wrote in defense of
Fred. I found Gottfrieds work almost as irritating as Freds, so I sent
him a copy of my Fred letter for his comments. This set off some
relatively meaningless comments from Gottfried in a couple of email
exchanges, so finally I wrote him the following letter:
Dear Prof Gottfried:

Let me go back to the beginning, so to speak, and get things properly

straightened out.
In your article Fred Reed and Me (I know you are trying to echo
something in that title, but I cant quite think what it is certainly
not The Egghead and I), posted at
[Durable link here]
you write:
Fred Reed and I have what seems to be a shared problem, receiving
hallucinatory notes from anti-Semitic readers who insist, the Jews are
behind everything. Perhaps I should feel honored that despite my
familys flight from the Nazis, I have been taken into the confidence of
non-Jews who have the same grip on reality as the authors of the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Like Reed, I also feel impelled to let
my correspondents know that they have their heads screwed on the
wrong way. How can Jews, who account for less than two percent of
the American population and for less than that in Europe, explain the
Western worlds descent into multicultural lunacy, including the
advocacy of open borders, the glorification of the Muslims as a
peaceful and enriching presence, and the treatment of homosexual
relations as a privileged human association? [END]
When I sent you a copy of my letter to Fred, what I was doing, to put
it in simplest terms, was to lay down a challenge to both you and Fred
on your basic thesis expressed in the paragraph above that it is
nonsense to say Jews exert significant control over America and the
world, and that, by means of this control, they are significantly
responsible for what we all hate, namely, the decline of Western
civilization via multiculturalism and similar liberal policies.

Fred is not going to take this challenge. In spite of his leather jackets,
cigars and ability to eat tequila worms, he is a pussycat on the Jewish
Question. In fact, he is laying low in all probability because to coin
a phrase in his heart he knows Im right.
But you are different. You are a scholar, and hold an academic
position. And you have reflected on this subject in several books, as I
understand it. So it is right up your alley, scholastically speaking.
Now you can accept my challenge, or you can ignore it. (As I often
say, you can lead a horses ass to oughter but you cant make him
think.) I expect the latter, because the material I have is simply too
devastating to your position. But maybe Im wrong maybe you
have the guts to accept it. That doesnt mean you will come to agree
with me (or say you agree, even if you secretly do), of course, but at
least you will have grappled with my material, and there is something
good in that.
Now having laid out my challenge to you, let me comment on several
You protest about all the delusional antisemites who are always
saying that da Jooz are responsible for everything. Very crudely
speaking, and without all the qualifiers, modifiers, ifs, ands, buts,
adverbs, adjectives and gerunds, thats what Im saying too. But you
have a problem in dismissing me as a delusional antismite, because
(among other things) you reviewed very briefly my book on
Jews and had a favorable word to say on it, even if nothing that
amounted to a Great Panegyric. So on that basis alone, you have
created your own reason for looking at what I have to say.
But I think you are wrong to dismiss the people who write you as
delusional antisemites. On the contrary, they are people who see you
as maybe just maybe a Jew who is openminded enuf to hear
them out, and someone who will give their concerns a reasonable

hearing. Or to put it another way, they are saying two things: First,
they are complimenting you, and second, they are not petitioning
some Aryan war council to gas all Jews now, but are rather coming
to a Jew and asking for an explanation. They are saying, Surely, as a
reasonable person, you can see how the Jews are abusing us, so why
not support us? If thats delusional, maybe youre speaking a different
language. (He-Brew?)
Now if you wish to talk about delusion, lets mention something that
is not a delusion: The Jewish Question is forbidden to be discussed
disreputable places like my website is such discussion allowed. And
the only reason YOU are able to discuss this question is because
is not discussion at all just MONOscussion. Lew Rockwell wants
to be respectable, hence he has turned his website into yet another
engine of Political Correctness which does not allow honest
discussion on what I and a great many others consider the MOST
IMPORTANT QUESTION OF THE DAY. Does it not give you pause
to realize that the platform from which you speak will not allow
discussion of the most important question of the day? If you were
really honest, it seems you would not give Rockwell your imprimatur,
because in contributing to a website that supposedly enshrines
freedom, you become a silent partner in the hypocrisy.
If you want my opinion (and you probably dont), I think you are the
one who is delusional, because you are being deluded by your own
logic. That is, you argue in your first paragraph, How can the Jews
possibly control America/the world there are so few of them! It is a
clever argument, and readily invites assent. There is only one problem
in Huxleys words (or was it Menckens?), it is a beautiful theory
that has been slain by the ugly facts. I have already set out those facts
in great detail and at length, and will not try to summarize them in 25
words or less. It is up to you to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest
them if you have the stomach.

If there is any weakness in my thesis, it is most probably to be found

in the matter of identifying cause. As a philosopher, you are
undoubtedly familiar with the literature on cause, and the fact that
cause contrary to common misconception can only be analyzed
as invariable connection, and not as agency. What this means
briefly, and without proper qualifications is that we can say that A
causes B only because B is invariably preceded by A, and not because
we can divine some deep connection between the presence of A and
the subsequent occurrence of B.
The relevance of the cause question to my thesis is that one can argue
that Jews are not the cause of the decline of the West, but rather
there are numerous causes, from the discovery that God is dead to
the invention of contraception and venereal prophylaxis. There is not
exactly anything wrong with this approach, and to some extent an
analysis of the cause of the decline of the West because of the decline
of religion, etc as opposed to Jewish influence is dependent on ones
purposes and ones view of what is important. There is, however, a
scientific criterion that sanctions the analysis in terms of Jews
economy and elegance and a utilitarian one, practicality. By
economy and elegance I am of course referring to Occams Razor, or
the Law of Parsimony, which decrees that the simplest explanation
which fits all the facts is to be preferred to others; and by practicality,
I mean that there is nothing we can do about the demise of God, etc,
but a few things we can do about Jews. Thus the cause argument
becomes a matter of deciding whether the Theory Of Everything
Jewish is best because it fits all the facts, or whether we must adopt
something more messy because it doesnt.
While we are on the subject of cause, let us consider your statement
As my recent books try to make clear, there is something gravely
wrong with majority cultures that ostentatiously despise their

inherited identity and there is no reason to assume that it would not

be there if Jews or blacks disappeared.
Here you could say that whites are responsible for (i.e., a cause, or
THE cause, of) their own downfall, and there is some merit in that
statement. HOWEVER, one may also look at the situation as one
produced by the Jewsmedia which have infected whites with the virus
of self-hatred; and in such a case we can wonder who really deserves
the blame. (My own rule of thumb is, Dont blame others if you can
blame yourself. tho this may be a tough sell when we consider that a
person could always have taken SOME precaution that would have
stopped whatever incident is under consideration, from which we must
conclude from my rule that we must ALWAYS blame ourselves.)
Thank you for hearing me out. I will be eagerly awaiting your reply.
[As an aside, another writer, Richard Hartmann, responded to
Gottfrieds article with an inspired piece that deserves careful reading,
and which I briefly quote from in succeeding correspondence. Durable
link here]
[Gottfried responded to me with the following short paragraph:]
On 9/3/04 at 9:10 AM Paul Gottfried wrote:
Obviously we cannot reach agreement on this point because of the
superhuman power you attribute to organized Jewry and the
incorruptibility of Euro-American society. If gentiles were as gullible
as you suggest and if Jews were as brilliant, it would be poetic justice
for the Jews to dominate. PG
[I replied:]

Thats a cute point, Paul you are telling me that if the Jews really
do have as much power as the bigots say they do, then it is right for
Jews to dominate. But then your logic would imply that, if the
bigots had the power, then it would be right for THEM to dominate
and maybe run you and your fellow ethnics thru the gas
chambers. Which is of course to say that had the nazis had
homicidal gas chambers in which they aerated Jews, then they, too,
would have been perfectly justified in doing exactly that. Very good,
Paul! A Jew that supports nazi homicide! We really must bruit this one
about! And I shall surely do so!
But, just like in all our previous correspondence, you miss the point
apparently deliberately. Because you have put on an image of a Jew
willing to see Jewish faults, to criticize other Jews, you have had
innumerable gentiles stretching out their hand to you in more-or-less
friendship, asking you reasonable questions about the behavior of your
fellow Jews. Asking why these Jews are trying to put white Western
culture six feet under. Your response in the face of a mountainous
assemblage of evidence is to airily dismiss the claim of Jewish
dominance as absurd. So not only do you spurn gentile hands offered
in friendship; not only do you insult these people by saying that the
elephant in the livingroom is nonexistent; but you show yourself as
totally intellectually dishonest, and functioning as yet another cog in
the Jewish juggernaut that is rolling over the greatest civilization ever
created, and one which has given Jews the greatest opportunity to
survive and prosper that they have ever had.
Really, Paul, you have simply forced me a Jew-friendly gentile
into the same corner where not-so-Jew-friendly Richard Hartmann
found himself in analyzing your essay on Fred and Me, and I quote:
Fuck you, jew Gottfried, and fuck you, jew-tool Fred Reed.

When people find out what youve said, Paul, and the laughter and
guffaws and the I-told-you-sos begin, you are going to start whining
that dominance doesnt necessarily mean genocide. Well, maybe
genocide isnt a logical consequence of dominance, but dominance
in this context clearly means that the fate of whites is in the hands of
Jews, and what hope is there for whites in that case? You dont just
have to look at the Jewish scriptures which refer to gentiles as cattle:
you dont just have to listen to rabbis saying that goyim are not worth
a Jewish fingernail; you dont just have to see how Jewish-supported
programs from feminism and minority rights to immigration and
integration are destroying the white race; rather you have only to look
at the real world example of how the Jews treat Palestinians, which is
just like Jews fantasize that the nazis treated Jews. Which is to say that
you can take your poetically-justified dominance and shove it right up
where your head is.
But maybe you will claim that all you are advocating is the good old
evolutionary struggle of survival of the fittest, which may confirm
that natures red in tooth and claw, but hardly that she should be
condemned because of it. That move, however, transports our
discussion out of the realm of morality, and in fact renders it moot by
saying Que sera, sera (Whatever will be will be). It is in effect an
assertion that nature has no moral rules, so the Jews need not have
them either. But then we are right back to where you positioned
yourself if inadvertently on the gas chambers: for if nature has
no morality, and this implies that neither the Jews nor the nazis need
it, then you are again forced to condone (supposed) nazi genocide, or
indeed, anything whatsoever. Is that what a Professor of Philosophy is
going to do?
A final note: One of the key concepts of cybernetics/systems theory is
that large forces may be controlled by small ones. The classic case, of
course is the button: If the President pushes it, he can destroy the
world. In your case, you claim it is absurd to think that Jews can
control the world when there are so few of them; but in doing so,

you reject the concept of cybernetics just stated. More particularly,

when Jews are at the two great chokepoints of Western civilization
the media and the money system there is little else that is not
within their reach.
So, have you had your butt whipped enuf yet, Paul?
[Not to anyones surprise in this neck of the woods, Gottfried did not

Followup 3 years later:

To: Fred Reed
From: John Birdman Bryant (
Date: 31 July 2007
Dear Fred:
In response to your 30 July 2007 column on The Crimes of Jews at
I have just one basic thing to say: You are as DISHONEST AS HELL.
While I have several reasons for saying that, the main one is just this:
Let me explain. About 3 years ago, I wrote you the following letter
which is permanently posted on my website at,PaulGottfried&Me.html [this file]

In that letter I offered you the facts about the crimes of Jews, as you
so mockingly refer to them, in the form of several urls. Basically what
I offered you were two things: First, a collection of my own essays on
Jews which summarize and analyze the facts, and which are found in
the Jewish Question section of my website at
and second, a HUGE collection of articles setting forth the facts upon
which these essays are based, and which are so voluminous as to
require being divided into the following TWENTY-SIX categories:
Parasitism Power&Influence&Dominance

You can access this list of urls from the Articles of Others section,
located at
Just scroll down to Jews.
Let me say it again, Fred:
GRATUITOUS INSULTS such as the one in your present article
which reads:
I get a steady rivulet of strange mail telling how horrible Jews are.
Apparently there is no crime of which they are not guilty. I find myself
wondering: How do they find the time to be so evil? Are they on
amphetamines or something? A curious odiousness runs through it. I
dont care whether you like Jews, but these birds need their heads
No, Fred, we do not need our heads examined rather YOU NEED
TO EXAMINE THE FACTS. OK, maybe you dont think they are
facts. Maybe they have been blown out of proportion. Or maybe they
omit vital information. But so far, no serious questions as to their
veracity have been put forward. One thing that HAS BEEN put
forward, however, is the laws of numerous countries which make it

illegal to state these facts. And why would that be, Fred? There can
So maybe it is YOU who needs your head examined for ignoring the
elephant in your livingroom while smearing the people who point it
Got that, Fred?
Love and kisses,
PS: Speaking of honesty, Fred, I have a very special way of
guaranteeing that I am honest. Anyone who has a serious criticism of
me will get an answer, and if there is any major substance to the
criticism, that criticism (and my answer) will be posted on my
website. Then my readers can judge for themselves whether I am
honest or dishonest, right or wrong, sane or crazy. As far as I know, I
am the only website in the world that follows such a policy. So, based
on the above policy, I am offering you a chance to embarrass me on
my own website. Answer my letter, and I will post it, in however
many exchanges of correspondence you want to have. Then we will
let the readers decide whether it is you or whether it is I who is honest,
or right, or sane. And you dont need to rely on just my readers
bring your own by informing them of our correspondence. Or post it
on your own site. But of course you wont, Fred. You wont because
you are fundamentally dishonest. And ignorant. And planning to stay
that way.

Freedom isnt free! To insure the continuation of this website and the
survival of its creator in these financially-troubled times, please send
donations directly to the Birdman at
PO Box 66683, St Pete Beach FL 33736-6683
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Version History
Version 1: Published Nov 5, 2014
Note: This document is available at:

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