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Writing One.

The flow chart illustrates how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology gathers
and analyzes data on weather conditions to produce an accurate forecast.
We can observe 4 stages in the chart 4 stages, first they receive
information, second the information is analyzed and forecasted, so the
broadcast can be prepared in a third stage and they can finally disseminate
issue an accurate forecast.
The first step is where Australian Bureau of Meteorology receives
information from satellites, radars and a buoy. All the information from these
three sources it is presented in different formats such as satellite photos, on
radar screens and in synoptic charts.
A second step consists in of analyzinge and forecasting all the data received
so it can be fed into a computer system in a third stage so the broadcast
can be produced. Once the broadcast is ready it will be issued disseminated

in a at the final stage. That would be done on thethrough television, radio or

by a recorded announcement.

Writing 2.

Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth and resources among
poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or is it the
responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizen
Nowadays there are big differences between rich and poor countries. The
causes of these differences are multiple but big economies there is have a
big very important influence from big economies over on the situation in the
third world.
Is because of this reason thatThat is why I believe wealthy countries should
share their goods assets in a way that helps poor countries to be selfsufficient.
One of the reasons why I think defend that wealthy economies should help
developing countries is because they are have responsibility in responsible
for those countries situation.
During decades the third world has been colonized and exploited by
imperialist countries. It is time for the richest countries to return some of the
wealth that they have made from other countries resources.
On top of this fact, a Another reason why wealthy countries should help poor
countries with education is because with education they poor countries can
become self-sufficient with education. An educated population is one a
country that can make their own decisions and start to develop their own
sources of income.
On the other hand is it true that when richer countries help the poorest
countries they also want to control the governments which might be the
causereason why those governments are not doing enough for their own
population. So it is important that the help that is provided it allows the
inhabitants to be educated so they can decide who they want at the head of
their governments.
Poor countries need to have their own government that provides and cover
the needs of their citizens and that objective can be achieved with the help
of wealthy countries. InitiallyAt the moment those governments wouldnt be
capable of providinge for their population. And The First World has an
historic debt with them, so they should help them and foment promote the
conditions for this to happen.

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