Haleeb Report

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Letter of Transmittal

18th April, 2015

Mr. Raheel Yusuf,
Course Instructor,
Advertising Strategy & Management,
IoBM, Korangi Creek, Karachi,

Dear Sir,

The report you had authorized us to write on our research topic as per our course
requirement has now been completed and is as follows.

If any further clarification or elaboration of the material presented in this report is

required please feel free to contact us in person. We will be more than happy to be
there for assistance and clarification.

All Group Members

Institute of Business Management

Korangi Creek, Karachi-75190, Pakistan
UAN (9221)111-002-004, Fax: (9221) 509-0968

Letter of Acknowledgement

We are truly indebted to our teacher Raheel Yusuf for giving us this incredible
opportunity to prepare this term report. We would like to thank him for providing us
information and guidance throughout our report in order to materialize our content
for the report.
His greatest gesture was to not only make the concepts crystal clear in our minds
but he would teach us with such flair and fun that every concept is etched in our
It was a pleasure working on such a report and on a topic so enlightening and


About Haleeb:
Over the years, Haleeb Foods Limited (HFL) has become a popular feature of family
life throughout Pakistan. The first product launched to the many by HFL was Haleeb
milk and today HFL has expanded its business to include Dairy Queen, Tea Max, Just
Fruit, Tropico, Fun Milk, and other dairy products to its production and packaging
lines. HFL has the peculiarity of being the first company in Pakistan to use Tetra
Paks novel packaging formats, Tetra Brick Aseptic (TBA) and Tetra Fino Aseptic
(TFA). Apart from its extensive nationwide distribution network, covering both urban
and semi urban areas, Haleeb Foods is also serving international markets in Central
Asia, Middle East, Australia and Europe.
Haleeb Foods Ltd. was incorporated on July 1st, 1984 with a capital of PKR. 46
Million under the name of Chaudhary Dairies Limited which was renamed as CDL
Foods Limited and now it is known to be as Haleeb Foods Limited. The commercial
production process started with UHT liquid milk from May 21, 1986. The liquid milk
was the first product launched in the market. The company started its operations in
1985 having the state of the art plant in the entire dairy sector of Pakistan.
Comprising an area of 32 Acres, this plant had a capacity of producing 80,000 liters
per day of milk. Then Haleeb Foods Ltd. entered in a franchise agreement with
Cedilac, France. Under this agreement, the company launched Candia range of
value added liquid milk product and also had access to latest production
techniques, and marketing practices. In 1998 Haleeb Foods Launched UHT cream
and Skimz Milk Powder which featured 0 Fat Max Calcium.
In the year 2001 Haleeb Foods introduced Dairy Queen standardized and
homogenized pure UHT Milk with 3.5% fat and 8.9 solid non fats available in a
modern 6-layered Tetra Pak Fino Packaging. At an affordable price and a three
months shelf life; this brand won the hearts of consumers all over Pakistan.
Haleeb further penetrated into the market with the launch of FunMilk, Just Fruit and
Tea Max (Tea Whitener), which led to added contribution towards growth. New
management was introduced at HFL that hosted a completely fresh and modern
approach towards business. The new ideology of work was shared; By thinking hard
we are plotting a strategy that will safely steer our company to uninterrupted
VMFG (Pvt) Ltd acquired majority shareholding in Haleeb Foods Limited and took
over the management of the company. The new management led to one of the most
remarkable turnarounds in the contemporary corporate Pakistan- a milestone

achieved by executing the plotted strategy. With a keen focus on improving the
companys top line as well as the bottom line the company improved its profitability
and focused on innovation and launch of new brands. Moreover with the brands
being renovated HFL has proudly developed a platform to bounce back and reach
out to the consumer while securing their trust and happiness.

Market Analysis:
Pakistan is at the 4th position in milk producing countries of the world. Pakistan
ranks 2nd in buffalo milk production and 12th in cattle milk production. (Khan,
2008). Milk and milk products represent 27% of the total household expenditure on
food items in Pakistan. Milk plays a vital role in building a healthy society and can
be used as a vehicle for rural development, employment and slowing down the
migration of the rural population. Milk and milk products provide nearly one third of
world's intake of animal protein (FAO, 1998). This may not be true for Pakistan
where milk provides more than half of the 17.4 9 of animal protein available for
each person daily. The total milk yield in Pakistan is 33.20 million tons and entire
dairy processing industry was using only about 15% of it (Hemani & Khan, 1997).
The importance of milk as a cash crop was always neglected in the past. While
comparing the value of milk with other cash crops, it has been stated that milk has
a value about 60% higher as compared to wheat and cotton together (Tanvir, 2007)
Milk production and marketing in Pakistan is dominated mainly by the informal
private sector, consisting of various agents, each performing a specialized role at a
particular point in the supply chain. These consist of producers, collectors,
middlemen, processors, traders, and consumers.

Competitive Analysis:
The consumption of processed milk in the form of pasteurized and UHT milk is
growing in Pakistan. This shift in consumer behavior can be attributed to overall
cultural and behavioral changes due to globalization, rise in per capita income,
change in life style, health consciousness and increasing availability of substitutes.
Furthermore, packed milk is considered safe for consumption in comparison to open
milk which is considered contaminated, adulterated and carrier of several disease
causing pathogens and elements (Moeezuddin, 2004).

Milk Pak:
NESTL MILKPAK, nourishing you and your loved ones for more than three decades.
Protecting pure milk with the utmost care and warmth, making sure it remains
untouched at all stages, we ensure that you get the best in every drop. We do all
this and more, because we know that when it comes to your loved ones, you need
the trust of purity.
So when you think of the best milk, with the most delicious taste and most superior
quality, it is no wonder that the name Nestl MILKPAK is what naturally comes to

Good Milk:
Roz Roz Good Milk Piya Karo
The promise of good milk is to make every day delicious with the rich and creamy
thickness of pure milk. Filled with all the essential nutrients of milk and its natural
goodness, every drop of good milk is enriched with the integrity of pure milk.It is a
great source of wholesome nutrition when consumed directly from the glass, with
breakfast cereals, tea or coffee and desserts.
Available in 250 ml & 1000 ml packs.

Olper's Milk, is 100% Preservative Free UHT milk. It is the milk of choice for every
occasion as its full cream richness, fresh and wholesome taste makes every sip a
delightful experience for our consumers.Known for its supreme quality, Olper's Milk
is also the market leader in packaging innovation where new formats are introduced
to make consumer lives hassle-free in today's time-sensitive world. First ever in
Pakistan to introduce the heli-cap for easy pouring and storing, along with the
microwave friendly Mini jug pack with an air handle and scissor free tear option, this
brand continues to offer its consumers consistent value adding benefits to ensure
an enriched brand experience.
Olper's Milk is available in 3 SKUs 250ml Mini jug in Ecolean Packaging, 1000ml
Edge with cap and 1500ml Family Brick in Tetra packaging.

Nestle Skim Milk:

Dairy Omung:
Dairy Omung has been a ray of hope for people; providing them with a wholesome
UHT dairy drink thats within their means. 100% sourced from dairy; Omung is easy
to digest and mixes well with honey, tea, fruits or any such accompaniment,

becoming a nourishing drink that is loved and enjoyed by all. Dairy Omung carries
all the enriching qualities and purity of milk and perfectly fits the budget of humble
Pakistani households. It gives one the strength and optimism to strive harder in life
and welcome each day with a smile.

In the worlds fourth largest milk producing country, Haleeb has been one of the
leading brands in the category of packaged milk for well over two decades. Haleeb
is a pure homogenized and standardized UHT milk, comprising 3.5 % fats and 8.9%
solid non-fats. It is packed in 6 layered tetra packaging, with a shelf life that lasts for
3 months under an ambient temperature.
This brand is known for carrying 100% natural goodness, bringing you the best of all
nutrients you need in a day. It is an all-purpose milk that stands out as the
healthiest choice for the entire family. Be it making a refreshing cup of tea, mouthwatering desserts or simply drinking on its own; Haleeb has always been the first
choice of consumers with in the UHT category.
With tremendous improvement in the quality of milk that the company now collects
through a ban on contractor milk and certain other quality driven initiatives, New
Haleeb is a vastly improved product in terms of quality, taste and packaging. With
the new attractive pricing of this brand, we can safely claim that it delivers a great
combination of quality and price to the consumer.
Haleeb is altogether a tasteful experience satisfying all your needs of highly
nutritious wholesome milk. It is available in 250ml and 1000ml SKUs.


Optimizing resources and deliver sustainable growth

Mission Statement
Productivity: Be a highly efficient & effective organization
People: Develop a team of passionate and committed individuals whose goals are
completely aligned with the corporate objectives

Portfolio: Maintain a portfolio designed to meet changing consumer expectations by

delivering nutritious and high quality food solutions in a cost effective manner
Profit: Maximize long term return to shareholders while being ethically responsible
Partners: Develop sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships with customers,
suppliers and other stakeholders
Planet: Be a responsible corporate entity by helping build sustainable communities

For close to three decades, Haleeb Foods Ltd (HFL) has sustained its reputation of
being a company which cherishes values such as fair play, honesty and reliability.
Members of the Haleeb family are determined to observe and follow the highest
ethical standards required by a company that is in the dairy sector and that aims to
win and sustain the confidence of the consumer as one of its primary objectives.
This focus on ethics and integrity is not only outward looking, the daily functioning
of the company encapsulates values like equal opportunity for all employees, a
culture of complete meritocracy and no discrimination on the basis of gender,
religion, cast and other such considerations. We believe the a fore mentioned
values to be fundamental pillars of our success. We take pride in how we conduct
the business by saying and doing the right thing, while consistently emboldening
every one with us to the right thing at all times.

Pursuit of Excellence
The Haleeb team is sold to the idea of perfection completely. There are many
manifestations of this concept; we want to deliver to the consumer outstanding
quality and taste in the shape of our products; we want to deliver to the
stakeholders; our investors and lenders the returns and profitability. For the
employees, we want them to stretch themselves and chalk out a glittering future for
this company and outstanding careers for themselves. For our business partners,
our vendors, customers and service providers, we want to develop long term and
mutually beneficial business relationships which allow them to grow in consonance
with Haleeb.

At Haleeb the germ of pursuit of excellence is fairly contagious and it inspires

people at all levels to perform exceptionally.

Empowerment and Accountability

Authority and accountability are twin concepts and we at Haleeb believe in
providing employees at all levels the right kind of authority which develops their
decision, making skills and makes them think independently. And grow as business
executives/managers, obviously with adequate controls in place so as to manage
the risk in all decisions. This creates a sense of ownership in people boosting their
morale as authority is delegated. Empowerment results in devolution of trust and
establishment of a healthy working environment. Delegating responsibility,
however, comes with personal responsibility. Thus, in order to ensure a result
oriented and effective business environment, competent monitoring processes are
practiced, where each employee takes responsibility for his/her respective

Cooperative Spirit
Admitting the importance of teamwork, the Haleeb family passionately promotes
the culture of sharing knowledge and working collectively. The concept of working in
teams and with coordination comes in handy for reaping benefits from pooled talent
and expertise ultimately resulting in higher productivity. A platform is provided to
people where going an extra mile to accomplish team objective is a common
routine. To add further value to our work practices, experienced and capable top
management provides consistent counseling which enables employees to work
towards a shared vision.

Environment, Health and Safety

Haleeb family has successfully managed to align their goals with procedures that
priorities and comply with employee safety and health. Acknowledging the
paramount significance and vitality of human capital for ensuring a successful
business, the company arranges wellness programs aided by comprehensive safety
literature to educate the employees about safe work environment. We facilitate
employees with prompt first aid service and medical treatment, accompanied by
periodic medical check-ups, a trained team for fire fighting, emergency exit drills,
laundry management and locker management system. Last but not the least;
Haleeb is privileged with ISO 9001-2008, 14001 and 2200 certifications.

Corporate Social Responsibility

At Haleeb, employees are encouraged to contribute consistently and positively
towards a better standard of life, not merely for our customers but also for the
community at large. While acknowledging the importance of profitability and
generating adequate returns to the stakeholders, we have also been mindful of

integrating our operations with activities that help giving back to the community.
Haleeb has supported the project of MEDA Pakistan; Pathways and Pursestrings.
Besides empowering the less advantaged, Haleeb is also conscious about being
environment friendly through strict observance of waste reduction and numerous
other environment friendly practices.


Thick Milk







Highly sophisticated plant and equipment
Qualified work force
Focus on research and development
The Thickest Milk

Low promotional activities


Comparatively weak distribution system


CDL Foods limited has been changed to Haleeb Foods Limited, so

this change in name can help them to attract foreign customers

Haleeb Foods Limited can go for related diversification by

producing pure juices and flavored yoghurt

Haleeb Foods Limited can go for joint venture with other

companies to attract the market share.

Strong competitors i.e. Milk Pak etc.
Price sensitive people
Milk men (Gawalas) providing non branded milk in homes
Focus Shifted from Main Product to other products
Lack of Research & Development

Target Segment:
The market for Tetra Pack Milk is all consumers worldwide. The potential
customers of Haleeb would be of age group of 14-35 years. As for the income
levels, Tetra Pack Milk targets customers from the middle class to the upper
class. The market of Tetra Pack Milk is geographically vast. Major segments
are basically those people who love to prefer hygienic pure things in their
daily routine. So, their basic segments are those people who drink milk

Demographic profile:
Psychographic profile:
Marketing Strategy:
For Marketing strategy we will be using Platform we will be using Youth as our
platform we say Express, Let it out, Say it, let the heart speak never hide.

The Price of the product is set according to the competitors. The cost is
tried to make less and less and the price is set at the market
penetration strategy.

Brand Position:
Big Idea: Garhay Rishtay
For aren't we one of the last few cultures in the world which believes
the deepest treasures lies in our relationships. That in life, the only
thing worth fighting for and keeping safe is our family and friends

Creative Manifestation:
To create a maximum of meeting points with the customer through the
different media vehicles in order to achieve the widest advertising impact.
We will be targeting cooking shows for promotion of our product on festivals
especially Ramadan in which the consumption of Milk is also becomes high.

Communication Strategy:
All the modern as well as traditional communication ways are adopted by Haleeb
Foods, including Faxes, Letters , emails, BTL and monthly visits to different offices
for improving the communication and coordination between the plant and retailers
and also the customers.

Key Consumer Insight:

One that supersedes the know-how of all new bees and sometimes, for all your
talent or prowess, it is experience which ends up giving you the best results!

The company will use sources like TV, radio, Outdoor, Print Media, Digital and
BTL activation promotional campaigns to attract the customers and create
product awareness about the new product message.
Other Tools:
Public Relations:
A public relations campaign must be undertaken. This robust program
Media tours
Monthly press releases
Media briefs
By-lined articles and supplements
Speaker placements
Digital Marketing:
We will have effective web presence in this interactive world .To promote the
entire site, an online marketing program will be launched. A comprehensive,
highly targeted group of destination web sites must be chosen for the
program. The web site should be registered with yahoo search portal. And a
number of tactical elements will help drive online awareness and inquiries
into the program including:

Online newsletters
Web site links
Content marketing and licensing
Opt-in email

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