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Week 2 11th September

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Chester Zoo
Year 1 had a fabulous trip to Chester Zoo on

We have had such a busy and fantastic week

this week, with so much exciting learning
taking place all around school. Thank you to
everyone who came to Meet the Teacher on
Monday afternoon and also to those who
have been commenting on our blogswe love
reading your comments!

Save the Date!!

Coming up in the Autumn Term
17th SeptHorizon Meeting for Y6 Parents
23rd SeptSchool Photos

24th SeptEuropean Languages Day

26th30th OctHalf Term
9th & 10th NovParents Evening
13th NovChildren In Need Day

They saw all sorts of animals including baby

elephants and giraffes and really enjoyed
their day. All the adults commented on their
excellent behaviour and they have been
learning lots about the animals they saw
back in school this week.

16th20th NovAnti Bullying Week

Lost Property

Were still finding a lot of un-named lost

property around schoolparticularly in
EYFS. Help us to return lost property to its
Congratulations to Mrs
owners by making
Bruff, our KS2 French
sure your childs
Teacher, who has been inname is in all
vited to showcase her excoats and uniform
cellent work with our KS2
classes at the international e-twinning conference in Brussels in October. She is one on jumpers. Lost
property is
only 16 teachers in the UK to be inviteda
stored in the cupmassive achievement! Well Done!
board in the immersive hall.

Dont forget to visit our school website

Down in The Woods...

Junior Wardens

Y4 had a fabulous afternoon in Forest

School yesterday. All the adults with them
were super impressed with their collaboration skills and their fabulous behaviour. Mrs
Houghton is very, very proud!

12 learners from Y5
have started the Junior
Wardens programme
this week. For 10 weeks
they will be working
with different organisations such as mountain rescue & the
fire service, learning how to keep safe
in the community. Thank you to Julie
Tallant and Miss Wogan for organising
this great opportunity!

Competition Time
Friends of Worsbrough Common
There is still time to enter our Friends
of Worsbrough Commons logo competition. Pay a small cost of 50p to enter
and design a logo for our new Facebook
page. The winner will be announced in
Assembly on Friday 26th September
and will receive a fabulous 5 WH
Smiths gift voucher. Please remember
to put your name and class on the back
of your picture and hand your entries in
at the office. We look forward to seeing your entries in and Good Luck!

Friends of Worsbrough CommonPTA

The next PTA meeting will be held in
school on Friday 19th September at
9am. Were always looking for new faces to join us and all new comers are

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