DEP4014Exam2Review (SUMM2015)

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DEP 4014 Exam 2 Review (Chapters 8-14)

Thoroughly read the PowerPoint slides. You are also responsible for concepts discussed in class. Some of
the questions on the test may contain portions or sections of a concept; make sure to choose the best
answer in all cases.
1. Be familiar with the research on how parents promote gender socialization. Slide 5,6 and 7.
2. Be familiar with the ways parents contribute to the development of autonomy in children. Slide 9
3. Be familiar with the concept of effortful control. Slide 14
4. Be famililar with prosocial behavior and the ways that parents help promote prosocial development in their
chidlren. Slide 15 and 16
5. Be familiar with the research on the effects of daycare on children.
6. Be familiar with the ways that parents help their children prepare for school.
7. What are the findings on the effects of spanking?
8. Be familiar with the ways parents can help prevent childhood obesity. 36
9. Be familiar with research on the effects of birth order. Slide 5 and 6
10. Be familiar with the research on sibling rivalry and differential treatment. Slide 13
11. Be familiar with research on father involvement and childrens outcomes. Slides 17-19
12. Be familiar with the ways parents monitor their children during middle childhood? Slide 23 and 24
13. Be familiar with parenting factors that have been found to be associated with childrens behavior problems
(e.g., internalizing and externalizing problems). Slide 29
14. Be familiar with the ways in which marital conflict negatively affects children. Slide 32
15. Be familiar with the effects of divorce on parenting. Slide 39
16. Be familiar with the problems associated with labeling children as smart. Slide 55
17. Be familiar with common eating disorders in adolescence (e.g., anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating
disorder). Slide 25
18. Be familiar with the factors associated with school dropout. Slide 27
19. Be familiar with the outcomes associated with teenage drinking. Slide 30 and 31
20. Be familiar with the leading causes of death among teenagers. Slide 15 and 16
21. Be familiar with teen pregancy in the US; have teen preganancy rates increased or decreased since 1990?
What are the reasons why rates have changed?. Slide 19
22. Be familiar with depression in adolescence (prevalence, indicators, causes). Slide 34, 35, and 36
23. Be familiar with outcomes associated with having a positive/warm parent-teen relationship. Slide 41 42
24. Be familiar with the research on the frequency of family meals and adolescents outcomes. Slide 47
25. Be familiar with appropriate and inappropriate discipline techniques for adolescents. Slide 51
26. Be familiar with the risk factors for teen pregnancy. Slide 17
27. Be familiar with adolescent egocentricism and ways it can interfere with parenting among teen moms. Slide
28. Be familiar with the research findings on gay and lesbian parents. Slide 29 and 30
29. What is a requirement that adoptive parents must fulfill in order to adopt a child that biological parents do
not need to fulfill? Slide 21
30. Be familiar with the characteristics of children who have Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). Slide 24
and 26
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31. Be familiar with the research on positive child outcomes associated with living with a grandparent. Slide 36
32. Be familiar with the research findings on socioeconomic status and parenting. Slide 5 and 6
33. Be familiar with the parenting factors that protect children from the negative influences of 1) poverty and 2)
homelessness, respectively Slide 19 and 20 21 , 22
34. Be familiar with research on outcomes for children exposed to intimate partner violence. Slide 29 and 30
35. Be familiar with the research on intergenerational transmission of maladaptive parenting after childhood
maltreatment. Slide 32
36. What are the findings from meta-analytic studies on the likelihood of children developing problems if they
have a parent with a mental illness? Slide 41
37. What factors might decrease likelihood of parents being adversely affected by the birth of a child with
disabilities? Slide 48
38. Most parenting research is being conducted in Western cultures (by Western researchers). What is the main
problem with that? Slide 7
39. What parenting style is more likely to promote collectivistic values? Slide 14
40. Be familiar with the meta-analysis of 43 stucies from around the world conducted by Khaleque and Rohner
(2002) on the effects of parental rejection on children. Slide 16
41. Be familiar with research on parenting among Latinos, African-Americans, and Asian Americans. Slide 2130
42. What were the similarities found among immigrant families in the study by McEvoy et al. (2005)? Slide 39
43. Be familiar with the terms act of commission and act of omission. Slide 8
44. Be familiar with the indicators of child sexual abuse. Slide 27
45. Be familiar with Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP). Slide 11
46. Be familiar with the factors that put parents at greater risk to become perpetrators of physical abuse Slide 16
47. Be familiar with the research on neglect and the brain. Slide 25
48. What are the important roles that parents must fulfill in order to help their children recover from sexual
abuse? Slide 33
49. Be familiar with psychological maltreatment. What are the most common manifestations of psychological
maltreatment? Slide 34, 36 and 37
50. Be familiar with the dose response view of the effects of maltreatment. Slide 42
51. Be familiar with Child Advocacy Centers Slide 46 and 47

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