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Emergency Medical Services

Medical Handbook
Standard Operating Procedures
Table of Contents:

Core Values
Introduction to EMS/Rules
Department Command
Chain of Command
How to use the Radio
Radio Language
Vehicle Operation
Jaws of Life
Pulling People out of Vehicles
Fire Police

Mission Statement and Core Values

Mission Statement
As first responders to fires, public safety and medical emergencies and disasters, the LSVFD protects the
lives and well being of Lakeside Valley residents and visitors. The Department advances public safety
through its fire prevention, investigation and education programs. The punctual delivery of these services
enables the LSVFD to make significant contributions to the safety of Lakeside Valleys residents and
homeland security efforts.

Core Values of the Department

Service - The Department continues its unconditional duty to protect and serve.

Honesty - The LSVFD and its members unwaveringly maintain an atmosphere of trust, and
honesty, both for their department, and for their colleagues. It is this trust that is forged between
us that upholds the strength within the department that citizens rely on.

Safety - We strive to keep our citizens reasonably free from harm, and danger especially
deliberate, harmful acts of terrorism or vandalism. With the best equipment and training, the
Department can reduce the risk to the public and its members at fires, emergencies and medical

Honour - The enormous commitment necessary to perform the Department's duty requires
excellence of character. Through our pride, and honour for our department, we unconditionally
uphold and represent our department with complete pride, and continue to not only inspire each
other, but also the citizens of Lakeside Valley.

Dedication - A commitment to the objectives of our mission is an essential part of our Code of
Conduct. The faithful observance of duty calls for us to fulfill our obligations professionally and

Preparation - By combining all of the components of our core values, the LSVFD maintains its
constant state of readiness to meet all threats, challenges and situations with a strong positive
attitude and urgency.

Introduction to the Emergency Medical Services

Welcome to the Life Studios Emergency Medical Services Department. Your duty as an
Emergency Service member is one of the most critical as all members of ArmA 3 Life depend on

your services. As a member of EMS you are required to uphold a professional manner and a
strong role-play character as you carry out your basic duties. You must stick strictly to protocol
that will be outlined in this document.


Under no circumstances can you give any civilian or Law Enforcement Officer medical equipment
except a basic bandage.

No criminal activity is allowed as an EMT when on duty. You are neutral, do not work with criminals, you
cannot aid them.

You must always drive an ambulance with a partner (unless an odd number of people are online).

You must perform your medical duties to the best of your abilities.

Do not give out the EMS and/or Law Enforcement radio frequency.

The most immediately/critically wounded must be treated first. (Police, or anyone for that matter, do not
have priority).

EMS are a neutral force - do not take sides.

You must stay 100 meters away from an active firefight (gun fight), you cannot intervene until it has

You must not fly any aircraft unless fully trained and authorised to fly by a Search and Rescue

Respect and obey your superiors and always follow the chain of command

Even though you are a medic you are not above the law. You must still follow the laws of Lakeside
Valley (some exceptions are obvious such as speed limits during CODE 3).

When on standby, position yourself at the Lakeside hospital, Morrison Town Fire station or the Northern
airfield (S&R).

Drive like a responsible person and maintain a safe level of control over your vehicle. Just because you
have lights and sirens doesnt mean you can drive however you wish.

Make sure to be on the correct radio frequency and actively listen and respond using the appropriate
radio 10-code.

If administering medical treatment, make sure to be at the hospital and not the FD HQ if they need to be
treated at such a facility (Fire Department Headquarters).

The FD HQ is only for getting ready for your shift, all patients must be transferred to the Lakeside
hospital and not the Fire Department.

As an EMT, you are not to possess any illegal drugs or firearms.

You must always wear your assigned EMS uniform and abide by the UNIFORM CODE.

You can only play as a civilian if there are at least 2 medics on the given server (a minimum of 2 medics
per server before you can go off-duty). ONLY APPLIES TO EMTS AND ABOVE (PROBIES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO

You can NOT use your status as an off duty EMT as an excuse to get out of trouble, you will be treated
like any other civilian by Law Enforcement Officers.

While on-duty you may not be intoxicated or under the influence of any drugs, alcohol or narcotics at
any time during your shift.

Please make note of the ArmA 3 Life rules; Speed Limits that are as follows, 45 km/h in town, 75 km/h


You MAY NOT revive people using the technique that allows you to revive them immediately without an
animation from a distance.

You may not do ride alongs with civilians until you are at the rank of EMT or higher

You may not declare a patient dead after you have revived them initially.

All EMS members must be Whispering while in the Emergency Room in the Hospital

Civilians will no longer be allowed to be unrestrained by EMS once the patient is handed over into EMS

Do not give the EMS frequency out to anyone including LEOs and Civilians.

Only Medics who are Fire Police trained may use the road cones.

The emergency frequency is used to have communication between EMS and LEOs. The frequency is

Off-duty EMS members may not be on any of the EMS/LEO/Emergency frequencies provided.

Only Field-Training Officers are permitted to wear the FTO Vest (Preferably when doing training).
Command must


Medical/Training Department
Medical Personnel are under the Fire Department but are on the career path of higher
training than of an Emergency Medical Technician. All Firefighters will receive basic
E.M.T training and will be able to perform basic medical service.

Emergency Medical Technician - E.M.T is a level of training that will allow a

person to administer basic medical care. An EMT is able to perform such things
as advanced oxygen and ventilation skills, pulse oximetry, noninvasive blood
pressure monitoring, and administration of certain medications. E.M.Ts will be
dispatched to all medical emergencies.
Advanced EMT - Senior EMT is the between point of E.M.T and Paramedic. A
Senior E.M.T is able to perform advanced airway devices, intravenous and
intraosseous access, blood glucose monitoring, and administration of additional
Paramedic - Paramedic is the highest level of training and is able to perform the
highest level of medical care. Paramedics are able to perform advanced
assessment and management skills, various invasive skills, and extensive
pharmacologic interventions.Paramedics have a lot of experience and seniority
when it comes to medical treatment.
Firefighter - Firefighters are also trained E.M.Ts. Firefighters are dispatched for
most emergencies. If an Ambulance or Fast Response Unit is not able to respond
to the victim in under four minutes, Firefighters will be dispatched and will
stabilize a patient until an Ambulance or Fast Response Unit arrives on scene.
Firefighters are skilled in handling and controlling fire situations. As a firefighter
you will be skilled in prevention, rescue, preservation of property, basic medical
care, containment, and extinguishment.

Medical/Training Department Command

Ahkmedul Al Weedazi - Head of EMS

Burt Macklin - Head of Training
Medical/FD Command is someone that will show extreme dedication and work
towards the Emergency Services Community and is highly trained in the field.
Command will supervise all branches that compose the Emergency Services.

Search and Rescue

Nick Key - Head of S&R
Search and Rescue - The Search and Rescue operatives are specialized
members who have access to aircraft, marine based vehicles, and , further
equipment and abilities. The Search and Rescue department operates in
environments in which there is a natural disaster or if there is a person trapped in
an unconventional area otherwise not suitable for standard EMTs to operate in.
(Includes but not limited to, the forests/wilderness, the ocean, air space, or any
area of natural disaster that may occur within Lakeside Valley). They are split up
into three categories, the Air Units (Pilots and Co-Pilots), Divers for underwater
expeditions and operations, and ground forces (Troopers) which will be utilized
during natural disasters and rescue missions mainly operating on land.
Air Ambulance (call sign Medivac Alpha) - Air paramedic units will act as mobile
MEDEVAC units that will respond to the most severe and out of range situations.
They fundamentally consist of a pilot, co-pilot and one EMT/Paramedic unless a
ground unit is already on scene. They will respond in a timely manner and may be
the difference between life and death.

Chain of Command
The basic structure of Lakeside Valley Fire & Rescue is based on the positions of
members. The structure is ordered as follows:

Fire Commissioner (Sebastian Pocadopolis)

Deputy Fire Commissioner (Steve Pawpad)

Battalion Chiefs




Advanced EMTs



The areas marked red are those in command who can make decisions off their own accord, and
who have the ability to promote/kick/train who ever they want (within reason). These commanders
will have power over everybody else in the EMS and will discuss between themselves what is
going to be done next to help out the departments and what will be changed.

The ranks marked purple are still commanders, yet must request permission from the
captains/above to change any position or factor of the EMS. This includes, ranking, demoting,
access to funding and selecting instructors for departments of training. The Lieutenants have the
ability to accept or deny EMS applications, as well as putting forward names and suggestions for
promotions or ideas on how to improve the EMS as a whole. Lieutenants also have the authority
to issue warnings to lower members of EMS within valid reasoning. The commanders must be
notified of the warning.

The blue ranks have more authority than the ranks below them, but still not as much as the purple
or red ranks. Paramedics and Advanced EMTs are more senior members of the departments who
have spent time and dedication into their EMT careers and have worked their way up the chain of
command. These paramedics are able to use the more advanced vehicles such as the Crown
Victoria or the Toyota Prius. They are able to issue basic orders to standard EMTs or Trainees
such as sending them to certain dispatch requests or requesting basic tasks to be done.

EMTs are the main workforce of the EMS department. They are the Ambulance operators and the
main response units. It is an EMTs duty to respond to calls as fast as possible and to revive the
patient as efficiently and safe as possible before transporting the patient back to hospital if they
need it. EMTs do not have large amounts of authority over Trainees, although they may show them
the ropes and teach them the basics. This does not make the trainee officially trained in any of the
trainee modules though.

The Trainees are the new guys to the EMS. It is in their interest to receive a high level of training
from the commanders/FTOs and to prove their worth to be a standard EMT. It is possible to be
demoted from EMT to Trainee if Lieutenants or above do not feel satisfied that you are not fully
qualified or competent for the full responsibility of being an EMT. Trainees are not qualified to do
their job alone, they must partner with an EMT or higher until they have received at least their
basic training module. Any Trainee found operating without a partner, superior or training will be
handed a warning and further investigation into the situation.

How to use the radio

Control + P brings up the short range; Alt + P brings up the long
range radio.
Click on the frequency display.

Highlight the frequency and remove it.

Type in the EMS frequency.
The Current radio frequency is 57.7
Click the ENT button on the radio.
Close the radio via Control + P and/or Alt + P again.

Radio Language
Radio 10 Codes
10-01 Radio Silent (STOP BS)
10-02 Responding to Emergency
10-03 Returning to Base
10-04 Acknowledgment
10-05 Repeat Messages
10-06 On Standby
10-07 Out of Service
10-08 In-Service
10-10 Unit Location
10-15 Requesting an Ambulance
10-16 Victims Condition
Respond with after Code:
Victim Deceased
Life Threatening Serious Injury
Non-Life Threatening Serious Injury
Non-Serious Injury
Standby for Patient Condition

Requesting Police Assistance - Life Threatening Situation

(call to dispatch only and give location)
Requiring Additional Units
Major Emergency (Building Collapse, Plane/Helicopter Crash,
First on Scene

Vehicle Operation
All E.M.S. must only use vehicles which are available for their position. Using a
vehicle not assigned to your position will result in a warning. There are 3 codes
available in every vehicle.
CODE 1: Sirens and lightbars are disabled. This is used when not responding.
You must abide by traffic laws.

CODE 2: Light-bars are enabled, sirens are not. This is used when responding to
a non-fatal emergency. Traffic laws are not applicable .
CODE 3: Sirens and lightbars are enabled. This is used for fatal emergencies.
Traffic laws are not applicable.

Must be manned by a minimum of 2 EMTs when possible. They must be used to
transport critical patients.
For Probie+
There must be 2 Ambulance to 1 Supervisor or Fast Response Ratio
Crown Vic;
Can only be used as a means of fast response or for transporting patients of minor
injury. Driver must stabilise the patient and wait for an ambulance.
Only for Paramedic+
Ford Explorer/Evo
Can only be used as a means of fast response or for transporting patients of minor
injury. Driver must stabilise the patient and wait for an ambulance.
Only for Paramedic+
Supervisor/Command Vehicle;
This is only for EMS commanders, and will be used to supervise the actions of EMTs at
an incident.
Only for Command

Ambulance Stretcher
A moveable stretcher has been provided to provide transportation to and from the GMC for patients that
are not ambulatory. The stretcher can be moved and placed inside the GMC as well as discharged from it
with a patient loaded or without. The stretcher allows you to restrain patients that may be a danger to
themselves, you, or others.

You are to use extreme discretion when considering restraining a patient to

the stretcher, this is not a precaution that is to be taken lightly as it may cause
severe distress to an already anxious patient potentially exacerbating a traumatic

experience. Only when you assess there is significant danger to the patient,
yourself, and/or others are you to consider using this feature.
Leaving a patient restrained to the stretcher while you are not moving /
operating it is forbidden and will be punished equally as causing the death of the
patient. Should you accidentally disconnect from the server with a patient
restrained you are to immediately contact another member and advise them of the
location, any EMT can un-restrain patients regardless of whom has restrained
them. Should no other EMT be online then you are to make all reasonable
attempts to reconnect and free the patient. The manufacturer will try to make
available a timer system that releases the patient after a predefined period.
The stretcher is to be operated carefully and with extreme regard for people
or objects in the vicinity as it may cause bodily harm and damage to property or
the environment.

Under no circumstances is the stretcher to be used as a melee weapon!

You must ensure the stretcher is placed on a flat surface, uneven surfaces
or inclines may cause the stretcher to roll away or topple. When the patient is to
be collected from an uneven surface or incline, do not release the stretcher but let
another EMT assist them in getting on while you hold on to it.
When loading the stretcher in the GMC ensure that no people or equipment
are already occupying its intended position.

Do not go around actively impounding vehicles that are not necessary to be
impounded (Unless there is a great lag in the server, make sure your job is being done;
We are also not the Emergency Mechanical Services)
All Vehicles in the front parking places nearest to the door at the hospital are only
for Emergency Vehicles (F&R Vehicles and LEO Vehicles in CODE 2; make sure to ask
people that park there to move, if they are not leaving feel free to impound)
Do not impound vehicles that have not been there for a while as the owner might
be getting toolkits
If there is a tow truck driver that can remove the vehicle, please let them do so

Jaws of Life
Do not actively use the Jaws of Life to unlock any vehicle
The Jaws of Life are to be only used for emergency situations (Unconscious/Not
Unconscious people in a locked vehicle)

Pulling People out of vehicles

Only to be used for pulling people out of emergency vehicles when they are AFK

Only EMTs and above can do ride alongs with civilians
You must state to the ride along civ that you are not responsible for injuries or
They must be wearing the Ride Along Vest, which can be found in the EMS
store (You will need to buy it for them, and MAKE SURE to get it back after you are
done, there will be consequences if they do not give them back; because technically
they are not allowed to wear EMS clothing.)

Fire Police

Fire Police are specially trained medics who can use road cones in the time of
need. Only command may train.

ACE3: Advanced Combat Environment 3

Treatment order
Arrive on scene.
Create an overview.
Your own safety is priority no.1 (You cant help anyone if you get hit by a car and die).
Treat ALL life threatening injuries ((Apply bandages) Head, torso, massive bleedings).
Treat all minor injuries.
Apply epinephrine to resuscitate the patient.
Escort the patient to your ambulance.
Continue to resuscitate other patients if there are more casualties on the scene.

Transport your patients to the hospital.

Apply morphine to ease their pain.
Continue to treat the patient until they are healthy again.
Bandages - These will be used to patch up any sort of wound such as scratches, Gun Shot
wounds, etc. They will be your main method of healing.
Epinephrine - Epinephrine other know as an Epi Pen will be used to revive the patient and get
their heart started again (Will bring them back up). Once used the patient should become
conscious and will start being responsive. There is a very small chance that the patient if in
enough pain could pass out again and in this case you need to administrat another Epi Pen to
bring them back.
Morphine - Morphine is a pain reliever and is to be used at the hospital only unless a patient is
conscious and responsive once you arrive at the scene. This is the only time you are allowed to
use morphine in the field all other cases must be brought back to the hospital for further
treatment before being allowed Morphine.

Following your examination and review of this booklet you will typically sit an entrance test, that
will observe and quantify your knowledge of the contents of this booklet.
Goodluck with your test should you be sitting one, and we hope to see you in the field in the
near future
- Emergency Medical Services Command

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