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University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Department of Automotive, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Course Outline
MECE 3270U
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines- Fall 2015
Course Description:
Classification of mechanisms; velocity, acceleration and force analyses; graphical and computeroriented methods of analyses; balancing, flywheels, gears, gear trains, and cams. Introduction to
Lagrangian dynamics; Lagranges equations of motion; Hamiltons equations, and Hamiltons
Major Topics:

Introduction to Mechanisms
Mechanics of Rigid Bodies
Graphical Kinematics Analysis
Analytical Kinematics
Graphical Force Analysis
Analytical Forces and Balancing
Gyroscopic Forces
Cam Design
Gear Train Including Planetary

Graduate Attributes:

The graduate attributes developed and required by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation
Boards Accreditation Criteria and Procedures are listed below, with those covered in the course
to some degree (introduced, developed, applied). More details about the accreditation of


Covered in this Course

Knowledge base

Problem analysis



Use of engineering tools

Individual and team work

Communication skills


Impact of engineering on society and

the environment

Ethics and equity

Economics and project management

Life-long learning

Course Content Breakdown



Basic Science








Course Outcomes:
The course MECE 3270U introduces you to the geometry, motions and forces of machines. By
the end of the course you should be able to:

1. Identify the working members and joints of planar mechanisms. Identify linkage isomers,
inversions, crossed-forms, coupler curves and transmission angles.

2. Synthesize simple planar mechanisms.

3. Construct accurate velocity and acceleration polygons, including coriolis acceleration, and
solve for point and angular velocities and accelerations.

4. Analytically calculate and use computer programs to obtain position, velocity and acceleration
values for four-bar and slider crank mechanisms and to obtain tables and graphs of the results.
5. Use graphical and analytical methods to obtain static, inertia and dynamic forces on planar

6. Understand concepts and applications of flywheels.

7. Understand concepts and applications of simple gyroscopic forces.

8. Apply static and dynamic balancing principles to rotating systems and understand the concepts
of practical balancing.

9. Understand and apply the concepts of cam design.

10. Understand and apply the terminology of spur gears.

11. Understand the geometry and application of helical, worm and bevel gears.

12. Solve for the motions and forces in simple, compound and planetary gear trains.
Dr. Amir Monjazeb
Office Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
Teaching Assistants
TA Name:
Nadim Arafa
Office Hours:
The office hour will be announced by the first week of the semester.

TA Name:
Omar Sadek
Office Hours:
The office hour will be announced by the first week of the semester.

Required Course Text and Other Materials:

Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery, 2nd Edition By: K. J. Waldron and G. L. Kinzel,
Wiley, 2004
Reference Books and Information Sources:

Machines & Mechanisms: Applied Kinematics, Analysis, 4th Edition By: David H. Myszka,
Prentice Hall, 2012
Mechanics of Machines, 2nd Edition By: W.L. Cleghorn and N. Dechev, Oxford University Press,
Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery, 4th Edition By: H.H. Mabie & C.F. Reinholtz, Wiley,
Design of Machinery, 5th Edition By: R.L. Norton, McGraw-Hill, 2012
Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 4th Edition By: J. J. Uicker, Jr., G. R. Pennock, and J. E.
Shigley, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Course Organization and Delivery Mode:

Two lectures per week

One tutorial hour per week

Two laboratory hours biweekly

Scheduled Regular Class Meeting Times:

Section 002, Dr. Amir Monjazeb:
Wednesday: 3:40 pm - 5:00 pm UOIT Pavilion UP1500
Friday: 2:10 pm - 3:30 pm UOIT Pavilion UP1500

Final Grade Breakdown:

Short Random Quizzes

5% (Bonus)







Midterm Exam


Final Exam


Midterm Location:
October 31, 2015

12:00 pm 1:30 pm

Place: TBA


Five assignments will be given throughout the semester, due on the date and time being indicated
on each assignment.
Late assignments will NOT be accepted.
No makeup assignments will be given.
Laboratories, Prelab Reports, Notes and Reports
Lab Description:


Kinematic Analysis of a Quick-Return Mechanism

Dynamic Analysis of Four-Bar Quick-Return Mechanisms
Methods for Determining Centre of Mass and Moment of Inertia
Design of a Cam-Follower System
Gear Trains

Prelab Reports, Notes and Reports:

Lab reports are due on the date specified on the time schedule. Each group will work on its own
lab reports and will not share/give or accept help from other group(s). Otherwise is treated as a
cheating for both parties. Every group member should sign the report to exhibit that he/she
has made his/her contribution. The following solution procedure is required for the solution of each

Problem statement

Schematic diagram

Assumptions and approximations

Physical laws and material properties


Results and discussion (with reasoning and verification)


An indication of how tutorials will be conducted is given as: a) examples will be solved in front of
the class by the TA; b) students who worked on their assignments and tests will learn the correct
solutions with further discussions at the tutorial sessions.
Computer Experience:
Working Model, Matlab, Adams, and UG NX6 will be used in relevant assignments and design
Medical Certificates and Deferred Exams:
Medical certificates MUST be sent DIRECTLY from the Doctor's Office or Hospital within five (5)
days by mail or preferably by fax to the Academic Advisor of FEAS (Fax: 905.721.3370, Attn:
Academic Advising Team).
The approved deferrals will be either written or oral at the discretion of the instructor.

Should the medical certificate proven to be invalid due to any kind of action by the student, such
student's behaviour will be considered as a major misconduct and respective disciplinary actions
will be commenced.
Failure to comply with the above will result in a zero mark for the exam.

Students with disabilities may request to be considered for formal academic accommodation in
accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. Students seeking accommodation must make
their requests through the Centre for Students with Disabilities in a timely manner, and provide
relevant and recent documentation to verify the effect of their disability and to allow the University
to determine appropriate accommodations.
Accommodation decisions will be made in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Accommodations will be consistent with and supportive of the essential requirements of courses
and programs, and provided in a way that respects the dignity of students with disabilities and
encourages integration and equality of opportunity. Reasonable academic accommodation may
require instructors to exercise creativity and flexibility in responding to the needs of students with
disabilities while maintaining academic integrity.
Academic Integrity and Conduct:
Students and faculty at UOIT share an important responsibility to maintain the integrity of the
teaching and learning relationship. This relationship is characterized by honesty, fairness and
mutual respect for the aim and principles of the pursuit of education. Academic misconduct
impedes the activities of the university community and is punishable by appropriate disciplinary
Students are expected to be familiar with UOIT's regulations on Academic Conduct (Section 5.15
of the Academic Calendar) which sets out the kinds of actions that constitute academic
misconduct, including plagiarism, copying or allowing one's own work to copied, use of
unauthorized aids in examinations and tests, submitting work prepared in collaboration with
another student when such collaboration has not been authorized, and other academic offences.
The regulations also describe the procedures for dealing with allegations, and the sanctions for
any finding of academic misconduct, which can range from a written reprimand to permanent
expulsion from the university. A lack of familiarity with UOIT's regulations on academic conduct
does not constitute a defense against its application.
Further information about academic misconduct can be found in the Academic Integrity link on
your laptop.

UOIT and faculty members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent
plagiarism. Students agree that by taking this course all assignments are subject to submission
for textual similarity review by Assignments submitted to will be
included as source documents in's restricted access database solely for the purpose
of detecting plagiarism in such documents for five academic years. The instructor may require
students to submit their assignments electronically to or the instructor may submit
questionable text on behalf of a student. The terms that apply to UOIT's use of the
service are described on the website.
Students who do not wish to have their work submitted to must provide with their
assignment at the time of submission to the instructor a signed Assignment Cover
Further information about Turnitin can be found on the Academic Integrity link on your laptop.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Information Act:

The following is an important notice regarding the process for submitting course assignments,
quizzes and other evaluative material in your courses.
As you may know, UOIT is governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Information
Act (FIPPA). In addition to providing a mechanism for requesting records held by the university,
this legislation also requires that UOIT not disclose the personal information of its students without
their consent.
FIPPAs definition of personal information includes, among other things, documents that contain
both your name and your Banner ID. For example, this could include graded test papers or
assignments. To ensure that your rights to privacy are protected, UOIT encourages you to use
only your Banner ID on assignments or test papers being submitted for grading. This policy is
intended to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of your information where graded papers are
returned to groups of students at the same time. If you still wish to write both your name and your
Banner ID on your tests and assignments, please be advised that UOIT will interpret this as an
implied consent to the disclosure of your personal information in the normal course of returning
graded materials to students.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to the new policy or the issue of implied consent
addressed above, please contact the UOIT privacy office.

Detailed Course Content:



# Lectures

Introduction to Mechanisms


Mechanics of Rigid Bodies


Graphical Kinematics Analysis

Analytical Kinematics


Graphical Force Analysis


Analytical Forces and Balancing


Pre-mid-term review



Gyroscopic Forces

Cam Design




Gear Train Including Planetary

Review Lecture

This is draft course outline only and has not been approved. Contact your department chair to have this outline
approved before publishing this outline.

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