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Aerobic Gymnastics
UKCC Level 1 Practical Syllabus
The level 1 coach must demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of aerobic gymnastics and the key skills
required for coaching, at level 1:
Throughout the practical module there will be a variety of supported coaching opportunities for the level
1 coach to develop competence in the principles of good coaching practice. These will include activities
to explore listed level 1 aerobic gymnastic movements, pre-requisite skills, physical preparation, the
use of training aids and all recommended procedures - correct technique, points of support, teaching
progressions and knowledge of common errors.
Biomechanical Principles
The level 1 coach must demonstrate a basic understanding of biomechanics and its application to aerobic
gymnastic movements:
At level 1, practical coaching sessions will explore the centre of mass with respect to the:a. Position in various body shapes
b. Stability and balance
c. Rotation of the body about a pivot point or axis
The above basic biomechanical principles will be integrated in supported practical coaching opportunities
throughout sections E to I
Erection And Dismantling Of Apparatus
The level 1 coach must demonstrate:a. A practical awareness of the techniques used in the handling, erection, inspection, dismantling and
storing of equipment within the syllabus
b. Supervision and direction of children handling equipment where appropriate
c. Creating and maintaining a safe environment at all times
Principles of Spotting and Supporting
The level 1 coach must demonstrate the ability to:a. Ensure that spotting or supporting is not a replacement for good physical preparation and sound skill
b. Introduce safe supporting drills
c. Be aware of points of danger
Physical Preparation
The level 1 coach must demonstrate an understanding and practical ability to teach:a. The principle that good physical preparation is the foundation for all development and is applied to
practical teaching throughout the syllabus
b. A simple understanding of how muscles work

c. Typical examples of warm-up sessions including: types of exercise, variety of games, making it fun and
landing drills
d. Basic flexibility training; different approaches; partner work
e. Exercises related to postural shaping straight arch, dish, pike, and logroll
f. Simple exercises for development of strength upper body; mid body; legs
g. Exercises to develop style and line
h. Exercises for co-ordination and body awareness
Conditioning Programmes
The level 1 coach must demonstrate an essential understanding and practical ability to teach:
Conditioning programmes and circuit work to train the fitness components of aerobic gymnastics:
a. Strength: Static, Dynamic and Core Strength
b. Power: Speed and Amplitude
c. Balance: Coordination and Alignment
d. Flexibility: Active Passive and Dynamic Flexibility
e. Cardio Vascular and Muscular Endurance including Anaerobic threshold work
Artistic and Technical Aerobic Gymnastic Components
The level 1 Coach must demonstrate a working knowledge and understanding of all the artistic and
technical aerobic gymnastic components, including difficulty skills:
a. Aerobic Gymnastic Components - Definitions
b. Aerobic Gymnastic Terminology
Choreography, Composition and Performance
The level 1 Coach must demonstrate a basic underpinning knowledge of the 2013- 2016 FIG COP
requirements for routine construction:

Routine Foundation
General Content

Foundation Level Routine
The level 1 Coach must demonstrate competence in composing small sections of a Foundation Level
routine to music, using the 2013- 2016 FIG COP requirements for routine construction:
a. Special requirements
Technical Skill: Technical Education and Physical Preparation
The level 1 Coach must demonstrate a basic understanding of the key activities and conditioning drills
required for the development of precision and technical skill in aerobic gymnastics:

AMP Ballet Barre

AMP Basic Step Drills
AMP Arm Line Drills
General Content: Transitions and Linking including Acrobatic elements A1 A3
AMP and General Content Combinations

Difficulty Elements - Groups A, B, C, D
The Level 1 Coach must demonstrate an understanding and practical ability to teach the physical and
technical preparation for all the core movement skills in each difficulty group and progressions in each
difficulty group to the value 0.4
a. The Practical Coaching of Difficulty Elements - Technical Progressions and Physical Preparation for
Group A B C D Difficulty Elements
b. General Execution of Difficulty Elements
c. General Physical Preparation of Difficulty Elements
d. Specific Physical and Technical Preparation of Difficulty Elements
e. Specific Execution of Core Movement Skills

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