Gabbott Et Al 2008

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Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 165, 2008, pp. 307–318. Printed in Great Britain.

Sedimentation of the Phyllopod Bed within the Cambrian Burgess Shale Formation
of British Columbia

S . E . G A B B OT T 1, J. Z A L A S I E W I C Z 1 & D. C O L L I N S 2
Department of Geology, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK (e-mail:
26 Belvedere Blvd, Toronto, Ontario, M8X1K1, Canada

Abstract: We provide the most detailed sedimentological log to date through the Phyllopod Bed of the mid-
Cambrian Burgess Shale Formation of British Columbia, based on millimetre-scale logging of a suite of thin
sections. The sedimentary facies is dominated by alternations of homogeneous mudstone and a coarser-
grained, laminated, variably sandy and shelly mudstone that is locally micronodular. Most boundaries between
these two lithologies are gradational, and discrete fining-upwards turbidite units were rarely recognized. Such
a pattern is interpreted to indicate rapid sedimentation of up to decimetre-thick units at this location from
pulsatory, quasi-continuous density currents consistent with earlier proposals of exceptional preservation
through rapid burial; the density currents responsible were probably largely akin to mud-rich slurries, helping
explain the transport and entombment of the fossils. The homogeneous mudstone units are characterized by
numerous distinctive lenses of pyrite framboids or subeuhedral crystals, previously interpreted as small
ripples. Their 3D shape, however, suggests an origin as subspherical early diagenetic aggregates; their present
morphology is consistent with the high levels of compaction inferred from the preservation of fossils.

The Burgess Shale is arguably the most celebrated fossil-bearing oxidant flux, to the extent that microbial decomposition was
unit in the world. Since its discovery by Walcott in 1909 and severely restrained. As well as restricted bioturbation owing to
particularly since the detailed re-descriptions of the faunas in the near-bottom water anoxia, low permeability was thought to be
1980s it has served as a key example of both the preservation of effected through deflocculated clays, early precipitation of pore-
soft-bodied faunas and the diversity of life soon after the occluding carbonate cements and an absence of coarse grains
Cambrian evolutionary ‘explosion’. Non-mineralized Burgess such as silts, microfossils, bioclasts and faecal pellets (Gaines et
Shale fossil remains are principally composed of kerogenized al. 2005).
films (Butterfield 1990), sometimes with associated aluminosili-
cates that according to Orr et al. (1998) replicated decay-prone
tissues prior to decomposition.
The sedimentology of the Burgess Shale has received rela-
tively little attention, despite the obvious significance that this
aspect has for the processes that lead to exceptional preservation.
Studies to date have interpreted the deposits as turbidites (e.g.
Piper 1972), and these have been used to invoke rapid burial
(obrution) of the fossils as a preservational mechanism (e.g.
Piper 1972; Whittington 1975; Conway Morris 1986; Allison &
Brett 1995). However, as turbidites are among the most common
of sedimentary facies worldwide, whereas Lagerstätten are by
definition rare, other factors to explain the exceptional preserva-
tion have been suggested. More recently, these have included
hypotheses to explain why Burgess Shale-type preservation (i.e.
kerogenized organic remains in a siliciclastic sediment; see
Butterfield 1990) has not been reported as a major taphonomic
pathway after the Cambrian. One suggestion relies on a pre-
ponderance of reactive and/or swelling clays in the sediments of
the Cambrian Gondwanan continental margins; these clays were
held responsible for prohibiting bacterial degradation of arthro-
pod cuticle and other reasonably recalcitrant organic tissues
(Butterfield 1995). Others (e.g. Allison & Briggs 1991, 1993; Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the stratigraphic relationships
Orr et al. 2003) have suggested that after the Cambrian the between the platform deposits of the Cathedral Limestone and Stephen
increase in the amount and complexity of bioturbation eliminated Formations and the basinal deposits of the Burgess Shale Formation (data
the deep-water low-oxygen taphonomic window, where charac- compiled from Fletcher & Collins 1998). The Burgess Shale Formation
teristically Burgess Shale-type preservation is found. Gaines et contains 10 members including the Walcott Quarry Shale Member, which
al. (2005) accounted for Burgess Shale-type preservation in the comprises the Greater Phyllopod Bed and the interval studied herein, the
Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation of Utah through a combi- Phyllopod Bed. WLM, Wash Limestone Member; GB, ‘Ginger Bed’;
nation of influences that reduced sediment permeability, and thus GML, ‘Great Marrella layer’; GEL, ‘Great Eldonia layer’.

308 S . E . G A B B OT T E T A L .

To shed more light on the processes involved in the deposition known and most fossiliferous unit of the Walcott Quarry Member
of the Burgess Shale we have sampled a large proportion of the (Burgess Shale Formation). The results of our analyses provide
Phyllopod Bed from one vertical section at the southern side of significant constraints on the depositional processes involved,
Walcott’s Quarry. The sedimentary facies were logged from thin and allow insights into the mechanisms of fossil preservation at
sections at a millimetre scale. The Phyllopod Bed is the best- this locality.
S E D I M E N TAT I O N O F T H E P H Y L L O P O D B E D 309

Fig. 2. Graphic log alongside composite

image of the thin sections of the Phyllopod
Bed. Heights are in centimetres starting at
0 cm, which is the base of the Phyllopod
Bed just above the ‘Ginger Bed’. White
chevrons on the thin-section image indicate
positions where lateral movement along a
lamina was necessary to capture the
complete image; it should be noted that in
these cases there is no stratigraphic break.
Grey arrows show positions of sharp
boundaries. Stratigraphic gap represents an
interval where no rock was collected or an
interval where the rock splintered so that
thin sections could not be made. ‘Sliver
missing’ indicates position where a
maximum of 2–3 mm is missing as the
shale splintered into small pieces unsuitable
for thin sectioning. The left-hand side of
the graphic log indicates the presence of a
diagenetic carbonate cement and the right-
hand side of the graphic log indicates
features such as pyrite lenses, shell
fragments and bedding structures.

turbidites, where the calcareous siltstone was derived from the

Previous sedimentological studies
nearby Cathedral Formation reef; the muddy deposits and fossils
The Phyllopod Bed has been described as comprising sharp- were interpreted as eroded by the turbidity currents from
based units of calcareous siltstone grading up via interlamination intermediate depths. Piper (1972) described a typical turbidite
into mudstone by Piper (1972), who interpreted these units to be unit as comprising, at its base, a lower calcareous siltstone with
310 S . E . G A B B OT T E T A L .

Fig. 3. Photographs to demonstrate the nature of facies seen in the Phyllopod Bed. Heights provided indicate height above the Ginger Bed for the base of
each photograph shown. (a) The homogeneous mudstone facies from the Great Marrella layer. White arrows and the black arrow indicate pyrite lenses
and a ‘floating’ quartz grain, respectively. Height 1 cm; scale bar represents 2 mm. (b) Coarser poorly sorted facies: pale mottled layers represent varying
degrees of diagenetic carbonate cement. Height 82.2 cm; scale bar represents 2 mm. (c) Image showing the different textural fabrics (representing different
degrees of cementation) within the coarser poorly sorted facies. Height 85.2 cm; scale bar represents 2 mm. (d) BSE image showing a coarser poorly
sorted layer with carbonate cement in the centre and its gradational boundaries with the adjacent homogeneous mudstone. Height 86 cm; scale bar
represents 500 ìm.

distinctly irregular laminae (mudstone laminae being absent), thickness of mudstone laminae; upwards in each unit, mudstone
overlain by alternating laminae of mudstone and well-packed laminae were described as alternating with carbon-rich laminae
calcareous siltstone, with a decrease upwards in the thickness, including some calcareous silt-sized clasts, this grading into the
coarseness and packing of the siltstones, and an increase in the highest part of the unit, comprising mudstone with a small
S E D I M E N TAT I O N O F T H E P H Y L L O P O D B E D 311

proportion of carbonate and no visible laminae. Piper (1972) 7.4 cm), which clearly identifies the base of the section, and the ‘Great
suggested that many of the unlaminated mudstone units towards Eldonia layer’ (125–130 cm).
the upper portion of the Phyllopod Bed were hemipelagic. Our A suite of polished thin sections of the entire rock succession collected
interpretation of the basic sedimentological pattern (see below) was prepared. The thin sections were logged at a millimetre scale using a
PetroScope1 to create the log shown in Figure 2. After carbon coating,
differs substantially from this.
backscattered electron (BSE) imagery was obtained using a Hitachi
Allison & Brett (1995) have also reported details of deposits at
scanning electron microscope (S3600N). Elemental analyses of minerals
Walcott’s Quarry. They described intercalations comprising mas- were determined by energy-dispersive spectrometry using an Oxford
sive thicker beds and finely laminated thinner beds. The laminae Instruments INCA system. Photographs of the thin sections (Figs 3–5)
were commonly seen to fine upwards, to have erosive bases with were obtained by placing the thin sections directly into a Durst M805
small microscours, 2–3 mm across, and some lamina bases enlarger and exposing photosensitive paper.
contained detrital quartz, carbonate fragments, and occasional
rip-up clasts. They identified small ripples, some formed from
pyrite framboids (Allison & Brett 1995, fig. 2c, p. 1080), and
Sedimentary facies
reported that in deposits from Walcott’s Quarry pyrite is almost The sedimentary facies essentially comprises a continuum be-
invariably evenly distributed, with rare clustering, except for thin tween two end-members.
pyrite patinas associated with worm gut traces. Allison & Brett (a) The first end-member is a fine-grained homogeneous
(1995) proposed that organisms preserved in the Phyllopod Bed mudstone facies (Figs 3a and 4a–d) that originally was dom-
were engulfed in high-density mud–silt flows; an interpretation inantly composed of clay minerals (illite–smectite–kaolinite);
consistent with our conclusions. Gostlin & Miall (2005) reported these were recrystallized to muscovite–chlorite–quartz–albite
calcisiltite layers intercalated with massive, sharp-based clay-rich during greenschist-grade metamorphism (Powell 2003). This
mudstones from the Greater Phyllopod Bed. They stated that the facies includes a minor component of silt-sized quartz grains
presence of massive beds and high clay contents were incon- that, in general, become more numerous as the homogeneous
sistent with deposition of the Burgess Shale via turbidity currents mudstone facies grades into the coarser end-member described
and fluidized mudflows, and suggested that deposition of muddy below (Fig. 4c and d); some larger (sand-sized) matrix-supported
sediments and fauna occurred through settling after storm-gener- (‘floating’) quartz grains and shell fragments are also locally
ated back-currents swept sediment into the basin. present (Figs 3a and 4a–d). A feature of this facies is the
occurrence of lenses (up to 1000 ìm, but more commonly 200–
500 ìm in length) composed of pyrite framboids and more rarely
pyrite euhedra (Figs 3a, 4a,c and 6). Intervals over 7 cm thick of
Sampling and methods essentially massive, ungraded mud occur; these include the
‘Great Marrella layer’ (Fig. 2 (0–7.4 cm) and Fig. 3a) and the
The section targeted was the whole of Walcott’s original Phyllopod Bed
(Walcott 1912), which is just over 2 m thick at this site. The Phyllopod Bed ‘Great Eldonia layer’ (Fig. 2 (125–130 cm)).
begins immediately above the informally designated ‘Ginger Bed’, which (b) The second end-member is a coarser facies characterized
is an ochreous, pyritic arenaceous bed, and extends to the top separation by poorly sorted, subordinate quartz silt and sand grains (up to
plane of Walcott’s Quarry (Fletcher & Collins 1998). The Phyllopod Bed 1.5 mm in diameter, but usually 150–500 ìm in diameter) with
constitutes part of the Walcott Quarry Member of the Burgess Shale shelly fossil fragments up to 4 mm in size within a mud matrix
Formation (see Fletcher & Collins 1998); it is the most prolific of (Figs 3b–d, 4e and 5a,d). The larger particles, both of quartz and
fossiliferous beds within this formation (Whittington 1985; Conway Morris detrital carbonate, conspicuously ‘float’ within a finer mud
1986), containing the classic Burgess Shale fauna, and was the principal matrix (Figs 4e and 5a,d). Where present, a locally abundant
focus of previous studies by Piper (1972) and Allison & Brett (1995). The
diagenetic carbonate component overprints most of the primary
latter also studied material from Raymond’s Quarry, which lies c. 35 m
higher up-section (Allison & Brett 1995). The Phyllopod Bed was
lamination (Fig. 3d). Typically, this facies shows a mottled
discovered by Walcott in 1909, and was further excavated by the texture with pale carbonate lensoids surrounded by darker
Geological Survey of Canada (1966–1967). Subsequent excavations (from mudstone (usually the coarser end-member), but the carbonate
1993 to 2000) led by one of us (D.C.) extended 5 m down from Walcott’s lensoids also locally coalesce to give more massive carbonate-
original quarry floor (and coincident base of the Phyllopod Bed) to the top cemented layers between which there are bedding-subparallel,
of the Wash Limestone. Thus the ‘Greater Phyllopod Bed’ is a stratigraphic wispy, muddy intercalations (e.g. Figs 3b,d and 4e). The mottled
interval extending from the top of the Wash Limestone to the top of the textures are, in places, accentuated by stylolitic development (see
Phyllopod Bed and is about 7 m thick (Fig. 1). Powell 2003). In the coarser, poorly sorted facies, pyrite is
The Phyllopod Bed has been logged in considerable detail in the field irregularly disseminated or forms bedding-parallel wisps, and
by Fletcher & Collins (1998), who recognized significant lateral variation
only very rarely occurs as the discrete lenses typical of the
in bed thicknesses. One of us (S.G.) joined the Royal Ontario Museum
field crew and collected samples from the Walcott’s Quarry Member, homogeneous mudstone facies.
including a sequence of samples from the Phyllopod Bed. The log of These end-members, (a) and (b), intergrade in vertical succes-
Fletcher & Collins (1998, fig. 4, p. 419) provided a framework in which sion in both fining-upwards (e.g. Fig. 2) and coarsening-upwards
the Ginger Bed comprises a marker bed that lies directly below the (e.g. Figs 2 and 5b) units; broadly centimetre-scale trends are
Phyllopod Bed, and heights are measured from 0 cm, which defines the common (Fig. 2). Coarsening-upwards trends are preponderant
base of the Phyllopod Bed (and the top of the Ginger Bed). The samples (35 being identified, compared with 24 fining-upwards trends)
collected from the Phyllopod Bed cover 60% of the total interval; there suggesting the frequent incidence of waxing flow events. Clear
are only four significant gaps between 12 and 42 cm (30 cm missing), 59 interfaces that may represent breaks in sedimentation are rare
and 68 cm (9 cm missing), 70 and 78 cm (8 cm missing) and 168 and
(only eight were identified; see Figs 2 and 4) and, where present,
186 cm (18 cm missing); here the rock splintered into small pieces as
collection was attempted. Despite this, the material collected represents
they are commonly relatively fine-based. These might represent
the most complete set of samples for detailed lamina-scale sedimentolo- time gaps involving cessation of deposition; we cannot constrain
gical analysis of the Burgess Shale yet collected. Two highly fossiliferous the duration of these gaps other than to note that neither
layers were reported by Walcott (1912) and constitute useful marker identifiable hemipelagic laminae nor bioturbated intervals are
horizons in the Phyllopod Bed; they are the ‘Great Marrella layer’ (0– associated with these interfaces. The intergradation between
312 S . E . G A B B OT T E T A L .
S E D I M E N TAT I O N O F T H E P H Y L L O P O D B E D 313

coarser and finer mud ranges from centimetre scale to millimetre particles and seawater) that led first to initial ‘random’ precipita-
scale. Higher in the succession (starting at 109 cm), and tion of framboids. Subsequently, we suggest that rapid diffusion
associated with a general increase in the proportion of coarser of iron and sulphide ions to local centres of precipitation would
material, there are local intervals of inclined millimetre-scale have taken place, the diffusion paths being driven by concentra-
laminae up to 2 mm thick (Fig. 5c) that may represent ripple tion gradients produced by the pyrite crystallization process itself
cross-lamination. We found no textures that could be clearly (Fig. 7); roughly spherical aggregates of pyrite framboids would
associated with bioturbation. result. Subsequent application of the considerable amount of
compaction (a minimum compaction ratio for the Burgess Shale
of 8:1 was inferred from fossils by Whittington (1975)) would
Pyrite lenses result in the transformation of the spherical aggregates of
A characteristic feature of the homogeneous mudstone units framboids into highly flattened ellipses. Thus, their present shape
within the Burgess Shale are small (200–800 ìm in length) and alignment, in this interpretation, reflects compaction directly,
bedding-parallel lenses, each composed of some dozens to and bedding only indirectly.
hundreds of pyrite framboids or, less commonly, of euhedral to
subhedral crystals (see Figs 3a, 4a and 6). These have been
Interpretation and discussion
previously observed and interpreted as small-scale ripples of
transported pyrite grains (Allison & Brett 1995, fig. 2C, p. 1080). The pattern of lamination observed does not accord with the
We have observed these on bedding surfaces, where they have previously published sedimentological description of Walcott’s
a roughly circular distribution (Fig. 6c and f); consequently, their Phyllopod Bed as a succession of rhythmic couplets of a simple
overall geometry is that of ovoids that are highly shortened along turbidite model where each couplet represents sedimentation
the vertical axis; this is not consistent with ripple-forms. As far from a discrete turbidity current (Piper 1972). Rather, we have
as we could judge, these pyrite lenses showed no spatial observed a considerably less ordered pattern that shows a
association with fossils or organic fragments, although patinas of succession of gradations between relatively coarser and relatively
pyrite are locally associated with both soft tissue and skeletal finer sediment with reverse graded intervals slightly more
fragments in the Burgess Shale (e.g. Whittington 1975; Conway common than normally graded intervals. Reverse grading and
Morris 1985, 1986; Allison & Brett 1995). ‘floating’ outsized clasts and bioclasts in an otherwise ungraded
The textures seen by BSE imagery are generally consistent with mud (facies (a) described above) seems also not consistent with
a diagenetic origin of the framboids in the lenses, and the large size the model proposed by Gostlin & Miall (2005) of settling of
of most of the framboids (e.g. mean diameter for framboids in the material from the water column after storms.
pyrite lens shown in Fig. 6a is 9.7 ìm) suggests precipitation Likewise, the facies pattern we have observed seems not
within the sediment rather than within the seawater column (see consistent with deposition either by hemipelagic processes or
Wignall & Newton 1998). Powell et al. (2003) suggested that pyrite from more or less continuous sea-floor currents (i.e. as contour-
framboids in the Burgess Shale displayed significant evidence of ites). Modern hemipelagites are mostly intensely bioturbated and
recrystallization and accordingly that the statistical analysis of so do not provide a good comparison. Better comparison is made
framboid size as a palaeoredox indicator was limited. However, the with hemipelagites described from early Palaeozoic basins; for
framboids measured here from the lens in Figure 6a do not show example, those from the central Welsh basin (Cave 1979; Davies
the recrystallization features reported by Powell et al. (2003), such et al. 1997). Here, hemipelagites that accumulated on an
as solid spheroidal grains of similar size to framboids, and so we essentially anoxic sea floor, as were prevalent in those times,
interpret them as original. The pyritic lenses are strongly bedding- show a clearly laminated structure with organic-rich (pelagic)
parallel even in mudstone that otherwise appears perfectly homo- laminae alternating with clastic laminae deposited from nephe-
geneous, and so growth of the framboids along some pre-existing loid plumes. At intervals when the sea floor was oxygenated this
bedding-parallel fabric can be precluded. Thus, in attempting an lamina structure was visibly disrupted by bioturbation. None of
interpretation, both the clustering of the framboids into the lenses the deposits we describe resemble this widespread early Palaeo-
and the alignment of the lenses need to be addressed. zoic facies. Similarly, although our idealized log (Fig. 8) super-
Tentatively, we link the clustering of the framboids into the ficially resembles the idealized contourite of Stow et al. (2002:
lenses with the rapid sedimentation we infer for the entire unit p. 18, fig. 10) the gradational boundaries of the latter are
(see below). Thus, we envisage that the sudden burial of a mass achieved through pervasive bioturbation, a phenomenon that we
of sediment, initially containing a high content of (at least partly have not observed in our material from the Phyllopod Bed.
oxygenated) entrapped seawater, might produce, fleetingly (be- The pattern observed, with only eight boundaries where a
fore significant compactional dewatering began), a broad rela- significant break in deposition may be inferred in the material we
tively permeable zone of redox contrasts (i.e. between sediment have studied (over 60% of the Phyllopod Bed), is more consistent

Fig. 4. Sharp boundaries in the Phyllopod Bed. Heights provided indicate height above the Ginger Bed for the base of each photograph shown. (a)
Homogeneous mudstone facies with three conspicuous pyrite lenses (white arrows) and a shell fragment (black arrow) sharply overlying less well-sorted,
coarser mudstone facies; this is the sharpest, most distinct boundary within the sampled Phyllopod Bed. Height 57.7 cm; scale bar represents 2 mm. (b)
Relatively sharp boundary lying just above the large carbonate clast (note large bright quartz clast just to right of this) towards bottom of image, between
finer (below) and coarser (above) mudstone layers. Upper half of image shows gradational contacts between finer and coarser layers, both of which
contain ‘floating’ clasts (e.g. shell fragment labelled with white arrow). Height 7.4 cm just above the ‘Great Marrella layer’; scale bar represents 2 mm.
(c) Rapidly gradational boundaries between coarser (with abundant silt and fine sand) and finer mudstone layers. (Note pyrite lenses (white arrows) in
finer mudstone layer and large detrital quartz clast (white) in the coarser layer.) Height 68.5 cm; scale bar represents 2 mm. (d) BSE image of moderately
sharp boundary between coarser mudstone with a little carbonate cement (below) and finer mudstone layers. Poorly developed pyrite lens (white arrow)
and ‘floating’ quartz clast (black arrow). Height 79 cm; scale bar represents 500 ìm. (e) Image showing the variable nature of boundaries between layers
of different grain size from sharp (white arrow) and irregular gradations (bottom and top parts of image). (Note the ‘floating’ shell debris.) Height
143.8 cm; scale bar represents 2 mm.
314 S . E . G A B B OT T E T A L .
S E D I M E N TAT I O N O F T H E P H Y L L O P O D B E D 315

Fig. 6. BSE images of pyrite lenses. (a) Cross-section through a pyrite lens in the Great Marrella layer composed of framboids of varying sizes. Scale bar
represents 100 ìm. (b) Close-up of pyrite lens shown in (a): the framboids are moderately disordered but show no evidence of overgrowth or alteration;
microcrystals are euhedral to subhedral. Scale bar represents 50 ìm. (c) Bedding-parallel image to show a pyrite lens in the Great Marrella layer. (Note
that the framboids have a roughly circular distribution parallel to bedding.) Scale bar represents 100 ìm. (d) Cross-section through a pyrite lens where the
pyrite crystals are more closely packed than framboids forming the lens in (a) and (b). Height c. 89.5 cm; scale bar represents 100 ìm. (e) Close-up of the
pyrite lens shown in (d), showing pyrite crystals ranging from anhedral to euhedral (octahedral and cubic) in habit. Scale bar represents 50 ìm. (f)
Bedding-parallel image to show a pyrite lens in the Great Eldonia layer. (Note the circular distribution of the octahedral pyrite crystals.) Scale bar
represents 30 ìm. (g) Framboids in pyrite lens from the Great Eldonia layer where the microcrystals are fairly disordered: these are moderately tightly
packed in the largest framboid but are loosely packed in the other framboids; microcrystals are cubo-octahedral. Scale bar represents 10 ìm.

with pulsatory deposition from waxing and waning semi-contin- In terms of the Bouma model the single intervals most closely
uous density currents producing successive packets of rapidly compare with units Td (the millimetre-scale coarse–fine inter-
accumulated sediment (see Best et al. 2005). Some of these units gradations) and Te (the homogeneous mudstones) with frequent
would have been at least decimetres thick prior to compaction; gradations between these. Locally, near the top of the section
for example, the Great Marrella Bed (here 7 cm thick post- studied, there are thin intervals consistent with the rippled Tc
compaction). unit. However, such comparisons with the Bouma model (or with

Fig. 5. Gradational boundaries in the Phyllopod Bed. Heights provided indicate height above the Ginger Bed for the base of each photograph shown. (a)
Typical section through the upper part of the Phyllopod Bed showing rapid gradational boundaries between units of different grain size and sorting, and
variable expression of the superimposed micronodular, carbonate cement fabric in the coarser layers from discrete bedding-parallel ‘laminae’ to irregular
mottling. Scattered pyrite lenses in finer layers (white arrows) and ‘floating’ quartz clasts and shell fragments throughout. Height 154 cm; scale bar
represents 2 mm. (b) Typical gradational coarsening-upwards trend in generally homogeneous silty mudstone. Height 47 cm; scale bar represents 1 mm.
(c) Overall fining-up succession with lenticular and wispy lamination (indistinct ripple forms?) in lower part of image. Height 109 cm; scale bar represents
2 mm. (d) Lower half of image shows silty mudstone with large ‘floating’ shell fragment (white arrow); this facies gives way upwards to alternating layers
differing in grain size and with variable degrees of micronodular, carbonate cement (pale). Height 165.3 cm; scale bar represents 2 mm.
316 S . E . G A B B OT T E T A L .

indicates that the density current possessed, at least over the

distance between the source of the large clasts and the aggrading
surface (see Branney & Kokelaar 2002), sufficient competence to
transport such material. This in turn implies deposition not from
dilute turbidity currents (by sedimentation of mud particles from
suspension), but from denser, mud-rich suspensions that, at least
intermittently, were perhaps akin to slurries, or ‘slurry-flows’
(i.e. flows transitional between turbidity currents and debris
flows: Lowe & Guy 2000; Lowe et al. 2003) (see also Mulder &
Alexander 2001; Amy et al. 2006). Given the frequency of both
reverse and normal grading in the Phyllopod Bed, we prefer
interpretations involving progressive aggradation of the waxing
and waning of such flows rather than models involving en-masse
freezing of high-density, non-turbulent currents (e.g. McCave &
Jones 1988).
For comparison, in mud-dominated turbidite deposits, such as
those of the Welsh Basin (Davies et al. 1997), that portion of the
turbidity currents responsible for the deposition of the Bouma D
and E intervals was typically insufficiently competent to transport
and entomb graptolite rhabdosomes (which would mostly have
Fig. 7. Schematic illustration showing one possible model for the
been hydrodynamically lighter than most of the Burgess animals,
formation of the lenses comprising pyrite framboids, and more rarely and thus more easily transported). Graptolites in these rocks are
euhedral to anhedral crystals. (a) Highly uncompacted sediment layer as typically found as current-sorted accumulations in rippled Bou-
mud–seawater mixture following deposition from density currents; initial ma C intervals (Davies et al. 1997; Zalasiewicz 2001) of
randomly distributed precipitation of pyrite framboids. (b) Creation of turbidite units, whereas overlying Bouma E mud layers are
Fe2þ and sulphide ion species concentration or diffusion gradients relatively well-sorted, fine-grained and contain neither trans-
favouring further pyrite nucleation in localized, roughly spherical ported graptolite remains nor outsized mineral grains (Fig. 8).
volumes of sediment. (c) Compaction of the sediment by .85% to create This variation on the standard turbidite model, as regards the
pyrite framboid clusters as flattened ovoids (‘pancake shapes’). Phyllopod Bed, may well be a factor in the exceptional fossil
preservation observed within this unit (see below). The best
preservation of non-mineralized fossils occurs in intervals of the
Burgess Shale that are within the finer-grained, more homoge-
neous units within our classification; for example, the ‘Great
Marrella layer’ and the ‘Great Eldonia layer’. Our interpretation
of the depositional process is consistent with the concept of rapid
burial (at least within the interval that we have studied) outlined
by earlier workers (e.g. Whittington 1975, 1980; Conway Morris
1986). In addition, our interpretation of these units as having
been deposited from relatively dense slurries (in which turbu-
lence may have been damped), rather than as typical Bouma E
units, is consistent with the size of the animals or carcasses being
transported (Fig. 8) and the lateral variability in bed thicknesses
recognized by Fletcher & Collins (1998).
Furthermore, the location of these units within a broader
interval (the Phyllopod Bed), which shows signs of having been
rapidly accumulated overall, strengthens the argument that rapid
burial is a key factor in exceptional preservation at this locality.
Fig. 8. Schematic logs comparing the distribution of clastic particles If the Phyllopod Bed was indeed deposited effectively as a small
(including fossils) between a typical early Palaeozoic turbidite facies, number of units, from pulsed, dense, mud-rich slurries, and if the
such as the early Silurian strata of central Wales, (a) and the Phyllopod compaction factor of .85% deduced from the entombed fossils
Bed (b). It should be noted that the mudstone layers in the Phyllopod (Whittington 1975) and the geometry of the pyrite lenses (see
Bed contain outsized clasts (including fossils), whereas these are absent above) is broadly correct, then one may envisage a geologically
from the turbidite mudstone layers in the Welsh example depicted. instantaneous (and thus ‘catastrophic’) accumulation of deci-
Hemipelagite facies have not been recognized by us in the Phyllopod metre- to metre-scale thicknesses of sediment. The entombed
Bed, but are an integral and distinctive component of the Welsh animals would be prevented from floating away as they accumu-
turbidites, either as laminated organic-rich layers laid down in anoxic lated decay-generated gases and many would also thus be
sea-floor conditions (AHP) or penecontemporaneously oxidized and ‘instantly’ taken below the highly bacterially active surface layers
burrowed layers (OHP), if laid down on an oxygenated sea floor. of sediment.
This scenario contrasts sharply with typical centimetre- or
the finer subdivisions of the Td and Te units proposed by Piper decimetre-scale turbidites that, again drawing analogy with the
(1978) and Stow (1979)) are probably an oversimplification, for, Welsh Basin, were separated by decadal or centennial intervals
characteristically in the Phyllopod Bed, over-sized quartz grains during which slow hemipelagic sedimentation and sea-floor
and shell fragments commonly ‘float’ within finer-grained sedi- chemical and biological activity took place (see Fig. 8; Cave
ment accompanying the macrofaunal animal remains. This 1979; Davies et al. 1997). All of the laminated intervals of the
S E D I M E N TAT I O N O F T H E P H Y L L O P O D B E D 317

Phyllopod Bed have a texture generally consistent with tractional (e.g. Allison & Brett 1995; Powell et al. 2003; Caron &
lamination. We observed no interval that appeared to represent Jackson 2006) suggests a sea floor that was at least intermit-
hemipelagic deposition, as is typical, for instance, of the deep- tently oxic, and the presence or absence of burrows has been
water graptolite shales of the Early Palaeozoic (e.g. compare used to infer changes in basin oxicity (Caron & Jackson
Armstrong & Coe 1997; Davies et al. 1997, plate 10A–C, p. 65). 2006). Our analysis suggests that the perceived absence of
Similarly, we have seen no evidence of microbial mats as burrows may here be due to inhibition of colonization through
reported by Powell et al. (2003) and Caron & Jackson (2006), rapid sediment accumulation, where bioturbators were unable
although these come mostly from below the Phyllopod Bed. We to keep pace with sediment influx, as much as by sea-floor
cannot preclude the existence of brief pauses to allow the growth and/or sediment anoxia.
of microbial mats, or to allow brief intervals of colonization The pervasive occurrences of the distinctive pyrite lenses and
(sporadic burrows have been noted in this interval; Fletcher & our inference of a diagenetic origin for them (see above) suggests
Collins 1998), but we saw no evidence of these associated with a distinctive geochemical environment of early diagenesis in the
the sharp interfaces recognized in our material. Burgess Shale perhaps linked with the distinctive mode of
How do our data reflect upon the status of the Burgess Shale deposition we infer. The originally uncompacted state of the
fossils as ‘census’ life assemblages (i.e. a fossil assemblage deposits inferred from our results and from fossils that are found
composed of species belonging to a single community and at various angles to bedding (locally very high angles despite
preserved in the environment in which they lived), death subsequent compaction) suggests that the preservation model of
assemblages (i.e. a transported fossil assemblage), or time- Gaines et al. (2005), for the Wheeler Formation Lagerstätte of
averaged assemblages (i.e. an accumulation of fossil species, Utah, cannot be used to explain fossil preservation in the Burgess
over a period of time)? The Great Marrella layer and the Great Shale. Those workers showed that a number of factors resulted in
Eldonia layer are striking examples of the homogeneous mud- sediments with much reduced permeability, a situation further
stone facies, with evidence of subtle waxing and waning flow, compounded by early, ubiquitous pore-occluding, carbonate
and a lack of interfaces, that we deduce represents material cementation. Gaines et al. (2005) suggested that preservation of
transported as substantial gravity-driven units akin to slurry kerogenized carbon films in the Wheeler Formation sediments
flows. Hence, the animals entirely enclosed in these layers were was the result of low permeability that lowered oxidant flux
subjected to some transport and were not buried in situ. It is sufficiently to restrict microbial decay. However, rapid sedimen-
perhaps possible that some animals were able, if buried in situ, tation from mud-rich density currents would have produced
to migrate up through the newly deposited layer. However, we relatively high initial levels of porosity and permeability in the
see no evidence of, for instance, escape traces, nor of fossils Burgess Shale. This is suggested both by estimates of the
associated (as colonizers) with the few sedimentary interfaces compactional flattening of enclosed fossils (Whittington 1975)
that we have recognized. Moreover, the fauna in the Great and pyrite framboid aggregates (see above) and by the high
Marrella layer and Great Eldonia layer includes taxa (e.g. porosities of modern muddy sediments immediately after deposi-
Scenella, Selkirkia and algae: Caron & Jackson 2006) unlikely to tion (commonly up to 80% by volume: Singer & Muller 1983,
be capable of moving through tens-of-centimetres thickness of p. 188). Subsequent burial would squeeze out pore fluid, but
suddenly deposited sediment. probably not on the short time scale necessary for effective
However, we cannot constrain the distance of transport, which operation of a low-permeability preservational mechanism. In
may have been minimal, nor the relative coherence of the addition, unlike the Wheeler Formation, the Burgess Shale of the
assemblages as communities. Caron & Jackson (2006) have Phyllopod Bed does contain skeletal bioclasts and larger detrital
demonstrated that single beds in the Great Phyllopod Bed grains that would have served to increase primary porosity. Our
(including the Great Marrella layer and Great Eldonia layer) observations thus suggest burial rate rather than porosity as a
contain articulated organisms, interpreted as census assemblages major factor.
and in situ dissociated and completely dissociated organisms, High levels of compaction may have produced significant
interpreted as time-averaged assemblages. Their analyses of diagenetic fissility in the Burgess Shale. This, with heating to
more than 50 000 specimens indicated that, although many 250–280 8C (I. Harding, pers. comm., in Butterfield 1995) upon
organisms were moved, they were not transported out of their burial to 10 km (Powell 2003), could have produced the reported
community habitat, and hence the often cited concept of a pre- S1 bedding-parallel ‘cleavage’ (Powell 2003) by mimetic recrys-
slide environment (where the animals lived) and a post-slide tallization on the fissility. As these rocks were not isoclinally
environment (where they ended up) was not valid (Caron & folded prior to the Mesozoic Laramide Orogeny, and as over-
Jackson 2006). Some degree of transport is consistent with burden (lithostatic) pressure itself does not produce a directional
reported occurrences of numerous organisms preserved at fabric, this might represent a better explanation for the ‘cleavage’
various angles with respect to bedding, the existence of reported from these rocks.
sediment between appendages and the preferred (current- Our observations and inferences help provide an explanation
aligned) orientations of Selkirkia tubes (Conway Morris 1986). for the exceptional preservation in the Burgess Shale, but may
However, we cannot preclude that some of the fossils in the not offer much insight into the wider problem of the concentra-
Phyllopod Bed (although not those in the Great Marrella layer tion of Lagerstätten around continental margin and shelf-basin
and Great Eldonia layer) may have been buried in situ; this is environments in the Cambrian (Allison & Briggs 1993). The
suggested by the presence of trilobite and other arthropod perceived high relative abundance of Cambrian Lagerstätten has
moults in the Great Phyllopod Bed (D.C., personal observation; been linked to physico-chemical conditions, such as specific clay
Caron & Jackson 2006). chemistries (Butterfield 1995) and factors reducing permeability
The rate of deposition we infer, together with the absence of (Gaines et al. 2005), or to a post-Cambrian increase in the
recognizable hemipelagic deposits, suggests that it is difficult amount and complexity of bioturbation, which effectively elimi-
to constrain the oxygenation state of the Phyllopod Bed (see nated the deep-water slope-basin taphonomic setting (Allison &
Cave 1979; Davies et al. 1997). The recognition of sporadic Briggs 1991, 1993, 1994; Orr et al. 2003; but see Aronson 1992;
burrowed intervals more broadly within the Burgess Shales Pickerill 1994). Whatever the solution to this general problem,
318 S . E . G A B B OT T E T A L .

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Received 6 February 2007; revised typescript accepted 14 June 2007.

Scientific editing by Howard Falcon-Lang

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