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Gonsepis apd NHA XUAT BAN HAI PHONG pain uy | eS | svaup. SUTTER | Fao23 2099s a 15 20 2a & 30 BUY ME! People in cities all ver the world shop in supermar- kets. Who decides what you buy in the supermarket? Do you decide? Does the supermarket decide? When you enter the supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk in the aisles between the shelves, ‘You push a shopping cart and put your food in it. You probably hear soft, slow music as you walk along the aisles. If you hear fast music, you walk quickly. The supermarket piays slow music. You walk slowly and have more time to buy things. Maybe you go to the meat department first There is some meat on sale. and you want to find it, The manager of the supermarket knows where customers encer the meat department. The cheaper meat is at the otha end of the meat department, away from where the customers enter. You have to walk by all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat. Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of the meat on sale. The dairy department sells milk and milk products such as butter and cheese. Many customers like milk that has only a little butterfat in it, One store has three differ- ent containers of low fat milk One says “1 percent {1%} fat” on the container. The second says “99 percent (99%) fat free.” The third says “Low Fat" in big letters and 1%" in small letters. As you can see. all the milk has the same amount of fat. The milk is all the same. The amount of milk in each container is also the same. However, in this store the three containers of milk cost three different amounts of money. Maybe the customer will buy the milk that costs the most. feverywhere) (Find the shelves. aisles, and shopping cart in the picture on page 2.1 (area, part. section} {cheaper} (boss)'{people buying things) (quantity, how much} {but} aislein) ‘ail! Lét di gtita hai hang ghé department (n) \di'po:tment] Gian hang customer (a) eAstema| Khdch hang dairy wn) ‘deorit Sein plain aie site Most of the food in supermarkets is very attractive. (pretty, beautiful) {t all says “Buy me!” to the customers. The expensive meat says “Buy me!" as you walk by. The expensive milk container says “Buy me! [ have less fat.” The supermarket tells you what to buy. A. VOCABULARY Choose the best word for each sentence. Use each word only once. These are ali the new words in the lesson, They are in sentences frorn the text. The new words are also in biacker letters in the text, When you finish the lesson, give yourself a quiz. Check if you know all the new words. You should know all the words at the end oi every lesson. shelves dairy however on sale attractive amount all over decide products containers aisles department customers manager shopping car: 1. Most of the food in supermarkets is very —. 2. You walk in between the shelves. 3. Maybe you go to the meat —— first. 4 People in cities the world shop in supermarkets. 5. The department sells milk and milk .. such as butter and cheese 5. When you enter the supermarket, you see .. ——- fail of food, 7. The —— of the supermarket knows where. enter the meat department. ae 8. As you can see. all the milk has the same . ~ Of fai. 9. in this store the three containers cost three different of money. iG. You push a —. and put vour food in it il of low fat milk. a3. ré a3 Some Meat end vou want io fing i. VOCABULARY (New Context) In this exercise the new words are in a different context They are in differen: sentences but they mean the same as in the text Attractive fadiy Hap dan coniainer (n} Hon den Npwee gusir: # product ind Prodek., Sdn phan. BUY MEP aisles dairy all over manager shopping cart shelves attractive amount on sale customers product containers decide however department 1. A customer in a supermarket pushes a —___ A library has for the books. 2 3. Some of the food in my kitchen is in glass 4. People the world study English. 5. 6. We make yoghurt from milk. It is a There are a lot of ———-_ in the shoe department. They are buying shoes. 7. The children’s clothes. 8. Ina theater there are 9. [like your new shirt, It is very 10. These shirts are They are cheaper now. Li. The of the bookstore is very friendly. he is usually too busy to talk to the customers Candy has a large —— of sugar in it in a department store sells children's between the rows of seats. 12. 9 ORAL QUESTIONS . Where do you put your food when you shop in a supermarket? What is on all the shelves? . Who walks in the aisies? What do you de when you hear slow music? What does on sale mean? . What are milk products? How much butterfat is in each container of milk? . Why does the manager have three different prices for this milk? Most food containers are attractive Why? OOD DWH ms D. COMPREHENSION Put a circle around the letter of the best answer, Questions 5 and 6 have an asterisk (*) in fron: of them. This means that you cannot find the exact answer in the text. You have tc use the information Quyéi dink decide (5 di’said amount (n} ‘@maunti Se tugng row (n) ray Hang, at BUY ME! in the text and the things you already know. Then you have to decide what the tight answer is. i. People walk in the in the supermarket. a. shelves c. aisles b. dairy d. amount 2. The manager knows a. which customers like low fat milk b. which customers like slow music c. where customers enter the meat department d. where customers come from 3. When you walk by the expensive meat. a, maybe you will buy some b. maybe you will buy low fat milk c. you will look for fresh fruit d. you will walk on the shelves 4, There are three different containers of low fat milk. a. One is 90% fat free. b. They all cost the same amount of money. c. One has less fat than the others. d. They all have the same amount of fat *5, Supermarket managers make the tood attractive because a. the customers will buy more b. it is very expensive c. itis in the dairy department d. itis cheap . “6. Yoghurt and chocolate milk are in the a. meat department b. fruit and vegetable department c. candy department d. dairy department E. MAIN IDEA Choose the main idea in the reading. It is the important, general idea. Put a circle around the number. 1. Butter is in the dairy department. 2, The supermarket tries to tell you what to buy. fat (n) [fet] Chat béo yoghurt (n) Yjaugo:t| Sita chua candy (n) tkeendij Kea BUY ME! 3. Customers push shopping carts. 4. Most food in supermarkets is attractive WORD STUDY A. PLURAL NOUNS When @ noun ends in f, change the f to v and adc -es. shelf—sheives ieat—-leaves When a noun ends in fe, change the fe to ve wind add -s knife—snives wite—wives Irregular: roof—roofs Change each noun to the plural. 1. loaf 4. lite 2. shelf 5. knife 3. wife 6. roof B. PREPOSITIONS: to, in to-shows movement toward something Maybe you go to the meat department first ! go to the movies once a week in-~shows location {place) means inside something Poe rust Mai nha loa tn) lout: o banh BUY me! ¥ ME! Milk is in the dairy department. My homework is in my notebook Note: im August (month) in summer (season} in 1986 (year) White to or in in the blanks. Feople ir: cities all over the world shop supermarkets, . Cheese is the dairy department. The manager goes the supermarket every day. Customers often stay the supermarket almost an hour. Alice was born 1963. . Classes end May, . | often walk class. . January is the winter and April is spring. _ Do you usually drive the supermarket? . Do you live a dormitory? . There are fourteen: students the class. . Tom usually comes class early. WORD FORMS: Nouns Every sentence must have a subject and verb. The subject is usually a un. Ut can also be a pronoun.} Read the lists of word forms. Then write the noun form in each blank ch word that you write is the subject of the sentence. Also underline the ro in each sentence (manage) 1 A supermarket works very hard. {work} 2. His___ is very hard, (work) 3, A —_______ at a supermarket is always busy {teach} 4 A ____ works hard too (circle) 5. Choose an answer and circle it, The shows your answer. (drink) 6A of water tastes good when you are hot (cost) 7. The ot meat is high in some cities. (cook) 8. The at the new restaurant is very good {own} 9. The new of our apartment building is very friendly. (drive) 10. A school bus must be very careful. ©. CONTEXT CLUES You can often understand the meaning of a new word from the other words in the sentence. For example. in paragraph 5 it says: “The dairy department sells milk and milk products such as butter and cheese.” What does dairy mean? What does products mean? How do you know? Read the following sentences. Then circle the letter of the best meaning for the word in dark letters. Don't use your dictionary. The triangle (A) before a number shows that the word is a new word in the next lesson. 41. Danish and Norwegian are similar languages. If you speak one, you can understand the other. -er (people) same Verb Noun * Verb Noun manage manager cost cost drive driver drink drink ieach teacher work work work worker circle circle own owner cook cook dormitory (8 ‘dosmitri| Phong ngti own Lv ‘aun! C6, tam cht circie i'se:kil Quay vong a. difficult c. almost the same ©. easy d. very different A2. Their writing class begins at 9:00 and finishes at 9:50. It lasts fifty minutes. a. finishes c. begins b. continues for d not the first AS. What is your reason for studying English? Do you need it for your job? a. Do you like English? c. Why are you studying English? b. Is English difficult? d. How much does it cost? apartment {n) Je'pa:tmant) Co ‘an AO taste (v) {teist| Nem puyMe! 410 4 | plan to study at an American university. This is my major reason for studying English. _ a most important c. difficult b eas, d. second (5. Divide ten by two. The answer is five. at c # b- dos 6. When you remember something, you keep it in your mind. a. the place where you think c._ your hand b. your notebook d. the room where you study BUY ME! EA somemory | “Memorize these words.” “Leam this spelling rule.” “Don't forget the quiz tomorrow.” You remember things every day, but how do you do it? You find a telephone number in the phone book, dial 5 it, and then forget it, This is your short-term memory. It lasts less than 30 seconds. (There are 60 seconds in a minute.} However, you don’t look in the phone book for a friend's number. You know it. This is long-term memory. Your long-term memory has everything that 10 you remember. Why do you forget something? What is the reason? You did not leam it in the beginning. This is the major reason for forgetting, For example, you meet some new people, and you forget their names. You hear the names, 15 but you do not learn them. Then you forget them. You can remember better. Here are some ideas. (short time) (continues for) (most important) 1. Move information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. Practice the informa- tion. Say the information to yourself. Think about 20 it Spend time on it. 2. Overleam. After you leam something, study it some {leam too much, learn more more. Learn it more than you need to. For ex- than necessary) ample, when you know a list of new words, don't stop, Practice the words a few more times. 25 — 3. Be sure that you understand the information. It is difficult to memorize something you don’t under- stand. 4. Do only one thing ata time, Study in a quiet place. You cannot listen to music or people and memo- 30 rize at the same time. memory (n} memori{ Trinh dial (v) i'daioll Quay sé reason (n) [rizent Lydo major (adj) {'meid3o| Chul yeu, chink 44 MEMORY 45 50 5. Try to connect the new information with some- (put together! thing you already know. For example, when you learn the name of a new kind of food, think of a similar kind of food {almost the same) 6. Divide the information into parts. Do not have (+) more than seven parts. Learn one part and stop for a few minutes. Don't try to leam all the parts at the same time. 7. Make a picture in your mind. For example, maybe you see a new word, It is a kind of fumiture. Make a picture in your mind of this furniture in a room. Remember what it looks like. 8. Try to relax when you study. Enjoy it. You cannot remember things when you are tired or unhappy. Some people have a photographic memory. They see everything like a picture. Later they can see the picture in their mind again and describe everything in it They (tell about} can remember long lists of numbers and thousands of other things. Would you like to have a photographic memory? A. VOCABULARY Choose the best word for each sentence. Use each word only once. These are the new words in the lesson. They are in sentences from the text. connect term similar describe mind short-term lasts relax list reason major overleam divide seconds dial 1. For example, when you know a —_____ of new words, don’t 2. Tr _____ less than 30. 3. ______. After you leam something, study it some more. 4. Try to_____t___ the new information with something you 5, —__________ the information into parts. 6. Try to _________ when you study, connect (v) |ke’nekt] Két not similar (adj) ['simila} Tuong tw divide (v) |di'vaid| Chia mind (n) imaind| Tam tri MEMORY 13 7. You find a telephone number in the phone book, —_______ it, and then forget it. 8. Later they can see the picture in their mind again and everything in it 9. For example, when you lear the name of a new kind of food, think of a kind of food. 10. Make a picture in your___ 11. Why do you forget something? What is the —_______? 12. You did not learn it in the beginning. This is the rea- son for forgetting. 13. This is your —.....______ Memory. B. VOCABULARY (New Context) Choose the best word for each sentence. Use each word only once. These are the new words in different sentences. major overlearning connect divide describe dial term list reason mind fast similar seconds furniture relax 1. When you learn something and continue studying it, you are . 2. People in Canada and the United States speak ___________ English. 3. Makea ________ before you go to the supermarket. Then you can remember everything you want to buy. 4. On some phones you do not —__________. the number. You push the buttons. 5. Do you know how to —____________ words into syllables? 6. Tom can run a kilometer in four minutes and 30 7. Can you __________._ your city in English? 8. Keep all the new vocabulary in your long- memory. 9. Put the two parts of the machine together. —______ them. 10. Mary is a student. Her is computer science. 11. How long does the class __m___ each day? 12. After David finishes his classes he likes to ________ before he does his homework. 13, Susan is very intelligent. She has a good 14. Why do you want to learn English? What is the ____? furniture (n) {fo:nitfa| dé dac term (n) |to:m} Thai han describe (v) {dis'kraib| Migu rd second (n) Isekend] Giay 14 MEMORY C. ORAL QUESTIONS . Why do you forget a new telephone number? . Why do you remember your friend's number? Why'do you forget something? . Name eight ways to remember things. What does overlearn mean? Why should you relax when you study? What is a photographic memory? NOT PWNH D. COMPREHENSION: True/False Write T if the sentence is completely true. Write F if it is partly or com- pletely false. The asterisk (*) shows that the answer is not in the text, 1. Your short-term memory lasts a minute, *2. Your address is in your long-term memory. 3. Overleaming helyis you remember. . It is easy to memorize things that you don’t understand. *5. A library is a good place to study because it is quiet. 6. Connect a new word to a similar word in your mind. 7. Divide information into twenty parts. *8. A photographer has a photographic memory. HILT E. MAIN IDEA Choose the two main ideas, 1. It is easy to remember a telephone number, 2. You have a short-term and a long-term memory. 3. You can learn to remeinber better. 4. It is important to remember people’s names. photographer (n) —_[fe'tagrefo| Tho dnh remember (v) Iri'membe) Nhe MEMORY 15 WORD STUDY __ A. NEGATIVE PREFIXES: un- im- in- dis- non- = not Write the correct word in the blank. i il i i disagree unhappy impossible unable inexpensive e nonstop unsafe incomplete dishonest nonsmokers 1. You cannot remember things when you are tired and . 2. The brakes on my car do not work. The car is ____________ to drive. . 3. Ann wants an apartment because she doesn’t have much money. 4. This list has only four words in it but it should have ten. It is - 5. The plane does not stop between London and New York. It is a flight. . Some students try to copy on an exam. They are Itis _______ to fly to the sun. . [would like to come to your party but | am come. . 9. People who smoke sit in the back of a plane. ___________ sit in the front. 10. My answer is different from yours. | OI to. [can’t with you. B. PREPOSITIONS: at at—shows location (place) Rita usually has dinner at home. at—shows time She has dinner at six o'clock. impossible (adj) jim'pasebl| Khong thé dishonest (adj) |dis'onist| Déi trd, bat iuwong incomplete (adj) _,inkem'pli:t] Chua hoan thanh disagree (v) {,dise’gri:| Bat dong MEMORY Note: at six o'clock in the morning - at noon in the aftemoon at midnight in the evening at night Write at, in, or to in the blank. 1. People all over the world shop supermarkets, They shop the morning, the afternoon, or night. 2. They usually drive the supermarket. 3. They walk the aisles between the shelves, 4, Please call me tonight 8:00. My number is the phone book. 5. Bill usually studies home but sometimes he goes the library. He likes to study a quiet place. He studies the afternoon and the evening. 6. Move information from your short-term memory your long- term memory. 7. Make a picture your mind, 8. A bank manager works a bank. 9. There is an attractive jacket on sale the sports shop. C. CONTEXT CLUES Circle the letter of the best meaning for the word in dark letters. Do not use your dictionary. The triangle (4) shows that the word is a new word in the next lesson, Al, The Sahara Desert is a huge desert in Africa. It covers millions of square kilometers. a. very dry c. very big b. beautiful d. wonderful 42. The Andes Mountains stretch trom Colombia to Chile, a. watch c. move b. teach d. walk 3. About 10,000 people live in the town of Watertown. a. asmall city c. astate b. a country d. a street picture (n) ('piktfo; Bute dinh, tranh dnk desert (n) \ditzort] Sa mae MEMORY 17 A4. The United States is a country of fifty states. a. big c. acountry b. joined together d. different 45. When you take ice out of the refrigerator, it melts. a. changes to water c. is hot b. becomes colder d. goes into the air ; 6. This is a glass of pure milk. There is nothing but milk in the slass. a. cold c. warm b. white d. 100% A7. Kuwait has petroleum, Argentina has rich land for farming. Japan has rivers to make electricity. These are all natural resources. a. natural things a country has b. things that people make c. plants and animals d. things countries buy from other countries A8. Kimonos are traditional clothes in Japan. Today Japanese usually wear modern clothes. They wear kimonos for special holidays. a. the kind of clothes people wear in cold weather b. the kind of clothes people wear in summer c. modem clothes d. the kind of clothes people have used or worn for many years A9. In the century from 1800 to 1900 people did not have airplanes and cars. a. one hundred years c. ten years b. rts of a dollar d. a kind of money 410. People use radios, television, telephones, newspapers, and computers for communication. ; . a. reading and writing c. speaking and writing ; d. listening d. giving and getting information refrigerator (n) [ri'frid3orcito| Tiilanh computer (n) |kem'pju:tel May vi tinh animal (n) {'zenimel| dong vat 18 MEMORY w 15 20 25 Greenland is the largest island in the world. It covers over 2,000,000 (two million) square kitometers. Most of it lies inside the Arctic Circle, and a huge sheet of ice covers 85% (85 percent) of it. Imagine that a map of Greenland is on top of a map of Europe. Greenland stretches from London to the middle of the Sahara Desert. The ice sheet is more than 1.6 kilometers thick, and it never melts. There is probably only rock under the ice, but no one knows for sure, Along the sea coast, mountains rise from the sea. There are a few low trees in the southwest, but no forests. Snow covers everything in winter, but in summer very low plants cover the ground between the sea and the ice sheet. Norwegian Vikings were the first Europeans to see the island in a.D. 875, but no one visited it until 982. Three years later a few Vikings went to live there. In 1261 the people in Greenland decided to join Norway. Norway and Denmark united in 1380, This union ended in 1814, and Greenland stayed with Denmark. Greenland is fifty times larger than Denmark, but it is still a part of this small country. About 62,000 people live in Greenland. Most of them are part Eskimo and part Danish, Almost all of them live in towns and villages on the southwestern coast because that is the warmest part of the island. A few pure Eskimos live in the far north and some Danes live in the towns, Life in Greenland is difficult because the weather is very cold. In January it is —29.5° C (minus 29 point 5 de- grees Celsius) and in July it is 4° C (4 degrees Celsius). It is dark twenty-four hours a day during winter. In sum- mer it is always daylight. . [3 | GREENLAND (very large) (think) (reaches) (changes to water) Goined together) (small cities) (100%) huge (adj) ju:d3| To lan sheet (n) Inju:d| Tang melt (v) |melt| Tan ra union (n} Uiu:nion| Lién minh 20 Spring flowers, Greenland. Photos by Arktisk Institut, Charlottenlund, Denmark 35 40 4 & The island has very few natural resources. The peo- ple raise a few vegetables and sheep. They used to fish and hunt, but now they usually buy food at stores. Greenland is important to the world because scientists study the weather there. They can tell when storms are (bad weather) developing over the North Atlantic Ocean. It is impor- tant to know when storms are developing there because it is an important shipping area. Life in Greenland is changing very fast. People lived a traditional life for centuries, but now they are mov- {1 century = 100 years) ing into the modern world very quickly. They are losing their old traditions, but there is nothing to take their place. There are a lot of problems among the people. It is dif- ficult for any country to move from a traditional life to a modern life. It is especially hard for Greenland because the people spent centuries with very litle communi- {giving and getting informa- cation with the rest of the world. These problems will tion) probably continue into the future. A. VOCABULARY sheet united towns degrees. resources: centuries union minus traditional —_ stretches communication melts imagine pure plants developing southwest storms weather huge 1. Norway and Denmark —_____ in 1380. This ended in 1814, and Greenland stayed with Denmark. 2. Most of it lies inside the Arctic Circle and a of ice covers 85% (85 percent) of it. 3. Almost all of the people live in _.________ and villages on the southwestem coast because that is the warmest part of the island, 4. People liveda ss siife for__mtm_—__, but now they are moving into the modern world quickly. 5. Imagine that a map of Greenland is on top of a map of Europe. Green- land from London to the middle of the Sahara Desert. 6. People spent centuries with very litle ____— swith the rest of toe world. natural (adj) |naetroll| Thude vé tt nhién resource (n) |r'so:s| Tai nguyén develop (v) [di'velop| Phat wrién storm (n) |sto:ml Con bao GREENLAND 24 22 7. The ice sheet is more than 1.6 kilometers thick, and it never 8. Afew ____ Eskimos live in the far north, and some Danes live in the towns. ‘ 9. In January itis -29.5°C (___ 29 point 5 Celsius), and in July it is 4°C (4 degrees Celsius). 10. The island has very few natural 11. They can tell when —_____ are over the North Atlantic Ocean. 12. that a map of Greenland is on top of a map of Europe. B. VOCABULARY (New Context) union tesources developing —_ century melts commmunications hunt largest pure degrees imagine united stretch natural minus storm , sheet town traditional huge 1. In spring the weather gets warmer, and the snow —__ 2. Sometimes in winter there is a of ice on the street. 3. A hundred years isa 4. Forests, petroleum, and rivers are natural . 5. It is dangerous to drive during a bad in winter. 6. New Year's Day is a holiday in many countries. 7. Her new ring is made of gold. 8. ff you out your arm, you can touch the wall from your seat. 9. The Arab Emirates is a group of seven emirates. 10. The _________ of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is a ————— country. 11. Tom lives in a small in California. 12. Eleven _________ six equals five. (11 — 6 = 5) 13. It is hot when it is forty Celsius. 14. The university is______ a new English program. 15. We know all the world news because of moder oYus WA 16. Close your eyes. that you are on the moon. century (n) ('sentforil Theé'ky communication (n) jka,mju:ni'keifn| Thong tin lién tac imagine (v) jiimaed3in| Tung tuong stretch (v) |stretf| Lan réng GREENLAND: c ORAL QUESTIONS . Where is Greenland? What covers most of Greenland? What Europeans saw Greenland first? . In what year did Europeans first go there to live? Greenland is part of another country. What is it? Why do most of the people live in the southwestem part of the island? What is the weather like in Greenland? |. Does the island have any natural resources? ). What do scientists study there? 10. Why are there a lot of problems among the people? eparnagnrdwer ” *11. How do people in Greenland communicate with the rest of the world? *12. Why is it difficult for a country to move from a traditional life to a modern life? D. COMPREHENSION Circle the letter of the best answer. 1. Most of Greenland lies . a. above the Arctic Circle c. in the Sahara Desert b. below the Arctic Circle d. in Europe 2. The ice sheet a. melts in summer c. is three kilometers thick b. is always there d. has a few green plants under it ! 3. Greenland a. is flat ¢. is rich in natural resources b. has warm winters d. has mountains along the seacoast 4. The first Europeans to live in Greenland were a. Danes c. Norwegian Vikings 'b. Eskimos. d. English -5. Pure Eskimos are a. part Danish ¢. part Norwegian b. Danish and Eskimo d. one hundred percent Eskimo 6. Greenland is important to the world because a. scientists study the weather there b. it has rich natural resources ¢. it has communications with the rest of the world d. a huge ice sheet covers it cover (v) TkAvel Bao phii traditional (adj) treldifenll —Truyén thong problem (a) {problom| — Véndé Arctic (n) [orktik] Thudc ving Béc Cuc GREENLAND 25 *7. Greenlanders are losing their traditions because ._-. a. there are six months of darkness b, it is too cold to hunt and fish @ they are learning modern ideas from the Danes d. they have few natural resources E. COMPREHENSION: Greeniand Time Line Find the dates for the list below. Then put each date in the right place on the time line. Put the number of the sentence under the date. The first one is done for you. . Europeans went to Greenland to live. 9845 Norway and Denmark united. Vikings saw Greenland. . Norway and Denmark separated. . Greenland decided to join Norway. . Greenland stayed with Denmark. Aan Rwne Pt ttt} ttt Ht 9888888828 € 8 F. MAIN IDEA Choose the three main ideas. 1. Greenland has a bad climate and few natural resources. 2. The ice sheet is 1.6 kilometers thick. ‘3. Greenlanders are losing their traditions. 4. Itis —29.5°C in winter. 5. Storms develop over the North Atlantic Ocean. ~ 6, Greenland is fifty times larger than Denmark separate (v) {seprot} Tach bier climate (n) |klaimitj Khi hau thick (adj) [Pik] Day WORD STUDY A. COMPOUND WORDS Sometimes you can make a new word by putting two words together. The meaning of the new word is related to the two words. Choose the best compound word for each blank. seacoast daylight southwestern fireplace birthday underline bedrooms notebook 1. David was born on August 25. That is his 2. Greenland has six months of in the summer. 3. Our house has three 4. In the living room there is a . We have a fire in cold weather. 5. Puta line under the answer. ___________ the answer. 6. The eastern of Malaya is very beautiful. People like to go swimming there. 7. In class you listen to the teacher and make notes in your 8. Portugal is in the part of Europe. B. IRREGULAR VERBS Simple Past Past Participle 1. go went gone 2. take took taken 3. buy bought bought 4. cost cost cost 5. know knew known, 6. hear heard heard Learn the verb forms. Choose the correct form for each blank. Use a verb from line 1 in sentence 1, and so on. . to live in Greenland. food with them. 1. Three years later a few Vikings 2. These Vikings seacoast (n) ['si? kavstl Bo bién birthday (n} \"ba:6dei} Ngdy sinh nhat fireplace (n) |'faiopteis} £6 suc GREENLAND 25 24 GREENLAND 10. Bob was bom D. CONTEXT CLUES 3. Where did you your new shirt? 4. How much did it ? 5. £ the answer yesterday, but { don’t remember it today. 6. We some nice music on the radio yesterday, C. PREPOSITIONS: on on—over and touching something touching something The cup is on the table. The clock is on the wall. Note: on Tuesday (day) on August 11 (date) on the radio ‘on television Write on, at, to, or in in the blanks. 1. There are milk products the dairy department. 2. I watched a good program television last night. 3. There is another good program 8:00 Wednesday. 4. Phil bought some new clothes a men’s store. 5. Did you hear the news the radio this morning? 6. We were a basketball game all Saturday evening. 7. Please write the sentences the board. Then copy them your notebook. 8. Sarah took her car the garage because something was wrong with it. 9. Put your papers my desk. October 2. Ai. What is the length of an Olympic stadium? a. How long is it? c, What do they play there? b. Where is it? d. Who plays there? program (n) |'prevgrem| Chuong irinh garage (n) I'geera:3] Gara basketball (n) [bo:skitbo:]] Bong ré stadium (n) ['steidiom} Sdn vain dong 26 GREENLAND 2 eee M4. 47. . Most of the countries in the world compete in the Olympics. a, study c. stretch b, try to win d. imagine . Athletes from many countries compete in the Olympic Games. a. men from Europe ¢. men who play sports well b. people from Europe d, people who play sports well Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, and Senegal are all nations. a. in Asia c. countries b. rich d. poor . There are several important events at my school this week. There are a football game, a dance, and a test for new students. a. a party c. atest ‘b. something that happens d. something new . You must have at least fifty points to pass this test. If you have fifty or more than fifty, you will pass. ff you have less than fifty, you will not pass. a. fifty or more cc. fifty or less b. more than fifty d, less than fifty Ms. Holdman is a professional photographer. She works as a pho- tographer. a. as a hobby ¢. as ajob for money b. for fun d. in her free time . Mr. Brown is an amateur photographer. He is an engineer, but in his free time he likes to take pictures. a. as a hobby c. for money b. as ajob d. as work A9. Pierre moved to Montreal ten years ago. He still lives there, and he likes the city very much. a. last year c. next year b. now d. before A10. Can you solve this problem ?2 + 6 - 5 = a. read c. write >. understand d. find the answer country (n) [kAntril adit nuée point (n) [point diém hobby (n) [hobil Sd thich GREENLAND 28 Photos courtesy of United States Olympic Committee, 10 15 25 30 Every four years people all over the world watch the Olympic Games. It is a time for all kinds of people to unite in peace. Some of them join together to compete for gold medals. Millions of other people watch them on television. ~ ‘ Why do we have the Olympics? How did they begin? The first Olympic Games were in Greece in 776 B.C. There was only one event. People ran a race the length of the stadium. The Games lasted one day. Slowly people added more events. The Games were only for men, and women could not even watch them. Only Greeks competed. They came from all parts of the Greek world, The time of the Games was a time of peace, and the government let everyone travel safely. Kings competed against common people. The winners be- came national heroes. The first modern Games were in 1896 in Athens. The Greeks built a new stadium for the competition. Ath- letes from several countries competed. Then there were Olympics every four years in different cities in Europe and the United States until 1952. After that they were in Melbourne, Tokyo, Mexico City, and Montreal besides in European cities, Each year there were athletes from more nations. The first Winter Olympics were in 1924. The athletes compete in skiing and other winter sports. Today there must be Olympic Games every four years. The Games must have at least fifteen events, and they cannot last more than sixteen days. There is no age limit— people of any age can compete. The competitors must not be professionals. They (noun for “long”) (ordinary) {of the country} (people who play sports well) (countries) {not less than) for money) {as a hobby) must be amateurs. The athletes compete for gold med- game (n) \geim| Tré chet medal (n) {medl} Huy chong event (n) li'vent} Su kign race (n) [reis| Cude dua EE EIS" als. The winners are still national heroes, as they were in the early Olympic Games in Greece. In 1956, Egypt, lraq, and Lebanon boycotted the Games. They did not compete in the Games because several countries took the Suez Canal from Egypt that vyear. Other countries boycotted the Games in 1964 and 1976. In 1980 the United States and other countries boy- cotted the Games in Moscow. in 1984 the Soviet Union 40 and other countries boycotted the Games in Los Angeles. How can the nations of the world salve this ? answer problem? (tnd the Maybe the Games should be in Greece every year, where " ‘they began. Then athletes from all over the world could compete without any boycotts. A. VOCABULARY ‘common! competitors professionals boscoted event competion Stes at least race compete length Aimit nations heroes solve national athletes canal stil 1. The winners became national _. 2. The Greeks built a new stadium for the 3. In the first Olympic Games, there was only one 4 People ran a the of the stadium, 5. Kings competed against people. —______ rom several countries competed. 7. How can the nations of the world this problem? 8, Each year there were athletes from more . 9. The ——— must not be . They must be 0 Some of them join together to compete for, —__ There is no age —_____ people mpete. 12, The Games musitove ——_ifeen arnt 8 tn 1956, Egypt, traq, and Lebanon the Games The winners are national heroes, early Olympic Games in Greece. a obey ween he boycott (v) [baiker Tdy solve{v) solv ! Gaines samme) tkeom'pi:t| Hodn thank (a) SBiorouj Ant hitng 30 THE OLY GAMES ~ B. VOCABULARY (New Context) at least event Jength compete limit boycott races canal medal athletes national common stadium modem hero amateur solve professionals competitors stil 1. Many people South Africa, They will not even visit that country. 2. Toyota and Honda are They both make cars. 3. A birthday is an important in the hfe of an American chile 4 Rice isa food in many countries. 5. Both men and women compete in automobile 6. The speed — ‘on my street is 60 kilometers an hour. 7. A fire fighter saved a family from buming 10 death. He received @ fom the city government. & Engineers, doctors, and lawyers are —_____. 9, Bob is an __________ tennis player. He plays for fun. 10. Every country has flag. 11. You need —__-___ $30 a week for food. You cannot eat for tess than that. 12. What is the of your garage? How long is if? 13. David's baby sister fell into the swimming pool, but he saved her. Now heisa in his family. 14, practice a lot so they can win competitions. 15. The sun went down an hour ago, but tis _________ hot 16. Can you difficult mathematics problems? C. VOCABULARY REVIEW: Opposites Match the words that mean the opposite. Write the letter from Column B next to the word in Column A that is the opposite. Column A Column B 1. different 5, not very important a._melt f. traditional 2. saller 6, very small . customer g. connect 3, take apant 7. change to ice relax h. huge 4, work hard 8. modem d. similar =i. major describe}. storms see ‘canal (n) Iko'nael| Con kénk amateur (n) Tamote:| Neudi choi nghitp die limit (n) [imigh Gidi han save (¥) Isei Ci sdng THE OLY MIC GAMES D. ORAL QUESTIONS What was the only event in the first Olympic Games? How many nations played in the first Games? Where were the frst modern Games? When were the first winter games? How many events are in the Games? What is the age limit? Are the competitors professionals or amateurs? Should countries boycott the Olympics? 79. Where and when are the next Olympic Games? Sr on pune E. COMPREHENSION: Trve/False 1. The first Olympic competitors ran the length of the stadium. 2. Only men competed in the first Olympics, but women could watch them. *3, Today both men and women compete in the Games, 4. Only Greeks could compete in the first Games, *5. The first Games outside of Europe or the United States were in 1956, 6. After 1956 there were no Games in Europe. *7. Professional athletes usually win the most medals in the Olympics. | F MAIN IDEA Choose the four main ideas. 1. The Olympic Games began in Greece with only one event. 2. There must be at least fifteen events, 3. People began having Olympic Games again in 1896, 4. There is no age limit for competitors. 5. There are rules for the Games and the competitors WORD STUDY A. PREPOSITIONS: of ‘of = belonging to things (possession) the back of the room the arm of the chair but David's arm Use of with numbers. one of the students hundreds of athletes Use of with definite and indefinite amounts a lot of events part of the team half of the race some of the athletes Of shows a relationsnp beneen two nouns. the name of the city a kind of sport an example of an event White to, in, at, or of in the blanks 1. The storm is moving from east wes: 2 Some the events are very difficult 3. The first race is 10.00 Rm ig is a winter game, 4. The main events awe —- the stadium, 7. Several countries have boycotted the Olympics. 5. Imagine that you are the Olympics. _ professional (adj) |pro'fefen}| Chuyén nghiep team (rn) jum dot athlete (n) [elit Vn dang vien dign kink belong to (¥) tbilon eel Thuge ve rule (n) iru} Quy rd 2 THE OLYMPIC GAMES THE OLYMPIC GAMES 32 34 Describe the inside the stadium. What is the size this town? ‘There are some good athletic shoes on sale partment, 9, There ate huge containers 10, Did you read the hist competitors? 11, The major event is the afternoon, 12. Four the competitors are from South America 13. The manager the team is very busy. ue the men’s de- water for the athletes. B. SUFFIXES -ful (full of. having). -al, -able Suffixes are endings on words, They change the form of the word, for example, from a verd to an adjective agree-—agreeable . help—helpful An adjective describes a noun or a pronoun. The adiective is usually before a noun or after the verb be Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is beautiful, Write the adjective form of each word. Then write the correct adjective in the blanks in the sentences. Underline the noun or pronoun it describes. ‘Spelling Change y to i before -all and ful. ful vat -able Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Verb Adjective (beauty) 4. Whats the most country in the world? (profession) 5. Olympic athletes are not (enjoy) 6. Tennis is an ____ spor. {help} 7. The athletes irom different nations are offen very to each other. agree) 8 David is a very person, He is always pleasant. feoast) 9. Los Angeles isa _____— city C. WORD FORMS: Nouns ‘The direct object of a verb 's usually 2 noun. It can also be a pronoun, The cirect object receives the action of the verb, It answers the question, “What?” Direct object ‘Winners get medals. What do winners get? Medals. Read the lists of word forms. Write the direct object in each blank in the sentences. Use the noun form, Underline the verb, ity -ment Same Exampl Adjective Noun Verb «= Noun. Verb Noun rational nationality agree agreement —boycott boycott siecric electricity govern. goverment «race. race able ability manage management ski ski possible possibility develop development limit init (possible) 1, We should stop the Olympic boycotts We have a of doing this beauty nation agree {agree} 2. The manager of each team signed an help —— profession —_____ enjoy fable) 3. Some people do not have the to be an event coast —_ nastice athlete. {nation} 1. Baseballisthe __________sportin the United States, tan $ The Olymmes hove 7 * $0 an days ' 2 The frat ; e of sixteen days. event) day. ist day of the Olympics is on (electric) 6. Do villages in China have ______? (manage) 7. Helen is going to study ti 3. The change in the weather after the st se (notice) Ihre mach ceolen nner Aer the Storm (national) 8. Please write your and language on your paper. notice (+) fnautis| Chis enjoy er) Thick coast (n) ikovst Bees beauty (n} ibjust Cai dep baseball (9) Ieisbo: Bong chay cece (=) alexis sign THE OLYMPIC GAMES: apy (erbatity Khd rang THE OLYMPIC GAMES: iy ung D. CONTEXT CLUES G1. The building is on fire! You must leave immediately! a ina few minutes b. rightnow ¢. ina half hour ¢. soon 2. Japan has a lot of factories. They make cars, televisions, computers, and many other things a. natural resources b. buildings where they show movies c. schools d. buildings where people make things AS. Some clothing factories make shirts. Workers dye the shirts different colors. a weer b color cde d. put Ad When Bob was student, he lived with his parents, and they gave him monty. When he finished school, he got a job. Now he is inde- pendent a. has his own job. money, and apartment . gets money from his family ¢. studies G. works hard and studies too AS. The gold miners in South Airica are black They do very hard, dangerous work underground. a. people who buy gold rings '. people who take gold out af the ground <. people wine seil gold 4. peopie who wear gold 6. A sailboat fas a sail, The wind blows into the sail and makes the boat move. The boat sails along on top of the weter. Sailors work on sailboats and other kinds of ships & a large motor ba small motor outside the boat ©. a huge motor inside the beat d_ a large piece of strong cloth 7. The basketball player leaped into the air and put the ball through the basket. a ran b, pushed —¢. walked = d. jumped Proto eounesy of Le Seats be Co deans are the most popular kind of clothing in the world. They are popular almost everywhere—in Japan, France. Indonesia, Canada, and Brazil. Rich peoo'e and ‘The basketball player caught the ball and then tossed it to his team- aa sanle wens there Young people and even sone me 5 old people wear them too. Why are they popular? Who ” aman b jumped c_pushed di threw made the first jeans? fire (nt) Taio’ Lita In 1849 two men discovered gold in California. Men movie) Imma Rap hit from the rest of the United States and other counwies underground (np) /Andapraun’] Diuci dat popular (adi) “papjule Pad bién sal oy bel ah brig ti, shaven discover {¥) |diskAvo| Khir phd va THE OLYMPIC GAMES OT humied there to look for gold too. These miners needed 10 good strong clothes. A young man from Germany named Levi Strauss ar- rived in California in 1850. He went there to sell things to the miners. He saw that the miners needed strong pants. so he began to make them. He used cloth that 15 people make tents from. He put rivets on the pockets fo make them strong because the men put rocks tn their pockets, These pants were very stiong and lasted a long i time. The pants became very popular immediately. ("ight away! |i Later Mr. Strauss started making jeans from cotton ‘ cloth from Nimes. France. “De Nimes” means “from 20 Nimes. “People called this cloth denim. Denim was pop- >» ular in the fifteenth century. Christopher Columbus used denim for the sails of his ships. Sailors in Genoa, italy. (sailors = people who work wore denim pants, The word “Jeans” comes from the on shipst word “Genoa.” Mr. Strauss made the first jeans in the United States, but the idea and the kind of cioth came 2 from Europe. The names came from France and Italy Jeans were always blue until recently. People used indigo to dye them. Indigo is the okdest dye in the world, 30 Most jeans have blue threads going across and white threads going up and down. These two colors make denim look different from other kinds of cloth. Today Levi Strauss and Company makes jeans in arge factories. Other companies alt over the world also make 35 jeans. Usually one worker makes just one part of the pair of pants. Someone makes the front of the leg. and. someone else makes the back. Another person puts in the zipper. ‘Why are jeans popular? In the United States. they are Miners in jeans, 1882. 46 the only kind of traditional clothes. In other countries. Proto covresy of Lew Sass & Co. young people wear them because they want te look modem, Jeans are a sign of youth and independence. (noun for “young” liteedar! Everybody wears jeans because everybody wants to be modem. young, and independent hurry (¥) “hAri Vor vang mines (n) “maino| That m6 teat (x) itent] Léu trai ‘thread (n) \Gred| Soi chi 38 deans swans OF Be A. VOCABULARY sailors. miners immediately rivets indigo dye independence factories tents popular sails threads strong youth Apper denim 1. The pants became very popular 2, People used to them, 3. These needed strong clothes. 4, Most jeans have blue going across and white threads going up and down 5. He used cloth that people make trom 6. He put on the pockets to make them strong 7. Other companies have in many countries. 8. Peopie called this cloth 9. Christopher Columbus used denim for the ot his ships 10. Another person puts in the Li. deans are a sign of and 12 in Genoa, italy, wore denim pants, B. VOCABULARY (New Context) tent popular. sail rivets strong dye youth, immediately sailor miner denim thread factory independence Zipper indigo 1. Bob has a new sailboat. He likes to on the lake near his home. 2. Workers use 8. Please go t0 the office cal. Many jackets have a up the front, A —_____ spends most of his Ife 2 sea, Helen and Susan spent their vacation in the mountains, They slept outdoorsina . Ms, Brown doesn't ike the color of the living room curtains. She is going to them. to hold pieces of steel togetier ‘You have an important phone aus ~ 40 sailor (n} ‘scila| Thus thi dye) ‘dai Nhuasrs independence (m) —indiipendons, de dp zipper (a) “zip, Khod ko JEANS 8. Ann works in a She makes T-shins 9. Ann's brother is a________. He works in a gold rine. 10. Please lend me a needle and some Ihave to mend my shirt 4. The of today wall be the old people of tomorrow. 12. Some countries have a holiday on day the couniry became free. Day. This is the C, VOCABULARY REVIEW ‘Match each word or phrase with the correct meaning, Write the letter of the meaning in Column B next to the word in Column A. Cotumn A Column B 1. on sale a but 2. divide b. reach 3. unite «. 100% 4. swetch 4. ordinary 5. however @. everywhere 6. degree £? 7. communication a7 & pure hata cheaper price 9. common i continue j. join together k. giving and getting information D. ORAL QUESTIONS 1. Why are jeans popular everywhere? *2. Do you think. this is the real reason jeans are popular? 3. Who made the first jeans? 4. Why did Mr. Strauss put rivets on the pockets? ‘5. What kind of cloth did he use for the miners’ jeans? “6. What kind of cloth do factories use today? 7. Where did the name jeans come fom? ‘ordinary (adj) \'o:daneri Binh thuéng free (adi) [fre] Réi rai needle (n} [misc Kim may pure (adj) Ipjuel Tinh khidt JEANS, TE-ettO *8. Do old people like jeans? 4. Indigo is a kind of dye. +9, What is denim? f 5. Today jeans are popular all over the world. “10. Do you think everyone wants to be modern, young, and independent? 6 Denim comes from the name of a French city. £. COMPREHENSION WORD STUDY 1, The word denim comes from the name of a city in & France cc. Italy A. WORD FORMS: -th Nouns >. India 4. Germany 2, The word jeans is from the name of a city in Read the sentences. Then choose the best noun for each blank. a. France Italy B. the United States d. Germany Jn the first Olympics, people ran a race the length of the stadium. 3. Everyone thinks jeans are . Glen is very strong. He has a lot of strength in his arms. a. French ¢. Italian My street is twenty meters wide. Its width is twenty meters 4 > American __ 6. German Some children grow very quickly. Their growth is fast 4 Shauss went to California to This table is two meters long. Its length is two meters. a ings to miners ¢ make jeans That river is fifteen meters deep. Its depth is fifteen meters. b. look for gold d. bea sailor 5, Rivets But: a. make good sails ©. come from Genoa , make tents strong d_ make the pockets of jeans strong How high is that mountain? What is its heigl 6. Cloth is made from thousands of . How much do you weigh? What is your weight? @. tents: ¢. factories growth width depth — strength ~— length = weight -—height b. sails d. threads 7. Jeans are popular 1. Whatis the of this room? Is it wide enough for twelve a. almost everywhere c. only in countries with factories chairs in a row? b. only in traditional countries d. only in Japan, indonesia, and 2. Rivets give ______ to the pockets of jeans. lealy 3. Whatis the of the chatkboard? Can six students write there at the same time? F MAIN IDEA 4, What is the —_______. of the tallest building in the world? on . 5, What is the of Lake Geneva at its deepest point? 1oose the three main ideas. . 6. The _______ of Mexico City is very fast. Thousands of new 1. Two men discovered gold in California in 1849. people come there every month 2. The first jeans came from Europe. 7. Ann is much thinner now. She lost a lot of 3. Levi Strauss introduced jeans to the United States. growth (n) igravdt Suc tang trong depth (a) dep Chieu site pocket (n) I"pokit| weight (n} [weit] Cain nang factory (n) Meckroril width (n) |wide| Chiéu rong introduce (v) lintre’dju:s{ Gigi thiéu JEANS 43 42 mans i ssi essa ee B. PREPOSITIONS: by by = near ‘The teacher is standing by the desk. ‘by = along, through, beside, past “They walked by the library on the way to the stadium 1 ike to walk by the river in the evening You can enter the building by the side door. by = not later than (time) Please be in class by one o'clock, (at one oclock or before one o'clock but not later than one o'clock Put at, by, in, of, on, of to in the blanks. 1, Rio de Janeiro is one the most beautiful cites in the world 2. The telephone is the door, 3. The phone book is, the table the phone. 4, You must be the airport 5:30 because your plane leaves at 6:15. Please don’t come later than 5:30. 5, The manager a supermarket works hard. 6. Your seat is the window. 7. Let's drive the new bookstore on our way home. We don't have time to stop, but we can look it while we drive 8 Her father works a new building 9. Did you ever go the Olympic Games? 10, Ali usually walks the Student Union on his way class the morning He doesn't stop there. 11. You have to be that restaurant 6:06 to get a table. If you arrive later. you will have to wait C. IRREGULAR VERBS Simple Past Part Participle 1. put put put 2. let let Set 3. pay paid paid w lo'raiv; én plane (n) iplein| May bay IEANS, a 4. 5. 6. find. found found sell sold sold meet met met Memornze the verb forms, Choose the correct form ter each biank. Use a verb from fine 1 in sentence 1, and so on. 1. Where did you my pen? 2. Mr. Gray his children stay out late last night, 3. Tom a lot of money for his jeans, 4. Bill a five dollar bill in the aisle at the supermarket 5. The Browns their tent They don’t want to go camp: ing any more. 6. Can you me at 2:30? D. CONTEXT CLUES AL. This is the way to make good coffee. First, buy fresh coffee beans, Grind them just before you make the coffee. Use very hot water. a. Make them into very, very, very smal! pieces. b. Put them into the refrigerator for two days. cc. Melt ther. d. Dye them. 42. A history museum has things about the history of a city or country. An art museum has beautiful pictures, a. an event that was important in history ©, a place where an athlete lives - c. a building where you can see interesting and beautiful things da factory that makes pictures for people's homes 43. Cotton comes from plants. We make polyester from petroleum Wool comes from sheep. a akind of plant 6. akindofoil ¢. akindof cloth 4. a kind of dye Aa. The Millers have a small farm, They raise a few sheep and cous. They also raise vegetables. a, buy b. grow: c pay d, make AS. Ruth works at a supermarket. She earns $475 an hour 2. pays gives money ._ asks for money d._gets money for working ‘camp (v) ‘keempl Cam trai cotton (n) (kota Bong cow (n) (kau Bo sik sheep (n) vFicpl Citu 45 JEANS 6. We can use this board for a table for our picnic. It is wide. We can put 2 clean cloth over it. a. chair ¢. flat piece of wood a rr PAINTING 7. Carl sniffed the air and knew something was buming. a, listened to tasted b. smelled d. smoked 8. The small child toppled off the chair and started to cry. a. opposite of bottom: c. above: ». fell d. below JEANS NAVAJO SAND ‘The Navajo Indians live in the northeastem part of the state of Arizona in the United States. The Navajos have very strong traditions from centuries ago. One of these traditions is sand painting 47 el 5 __ There are rocks of many beautiful colors In this part of Arizona, A Navajo sand painter finds rocks nf several different colors. He grinds cach rock into sand. Then he ts ready to make a sand painting. we He always makes the painting on the floor inside a “2 Y)| 16 small Navajo house. He takes some colored sand in his hand and puts it on the foor in a line He changes to different colors and slowly makes a picture. Sand paint ings are very important 10 Navajos. Only a medicine man or a singer can make them, He knows how because his 18 father and grandfather taught him, ‘The Navajos use sand paintings as part of their reli- sion. They use them to help sick people. The singer always makes the picture exactly the same way. He does not make new pictures, He always makes the ones 20 he leamed from his father. Navajos believe that when the picture is finished, the person's sickness goes into the picture, Then the medicine man e-ases the picture from {he floor. The picture and the sickness are gone. Navajos always welcome new ideas. They got sheep, 25 horses, cows, and cloth from the Spanish. They use the wool from their sheep to make beautiful rags. In the 1880s they started using some of the pictures from sand paintings in their rugs. The pictures were similar to the traditional ones. but not exactly the same. The Indians 30 always changed @ color or a iine, They would not use their religious pictures without changing them a litte, In the 19305 the Navajos started making sand paint« ings to sell They put the painting on a b and sold the beautiful pictures to tourists, However, the 35 pictures were always a litle different from their religious Pictures . Most Navajo indians are poor. They raise sheep, but (grow) farming is difficult because the land is very dry. They have no factories, and itis not easy to find a job. They 40 can earn a lot of money by saling their sand paintings, They sii use sand paintings for their religion However, the medicine man or singer never makes paintings io sel. RUsiness anc religion “are always separate, Some {not together! Navajos think that they should not sell sand paintings 45 because they are part of their religion. Others think thet itis a good way to eam money, and they do not have grind (¥) —graind|—Nghidn 48 NAVAIO SAND PAINTING, religion (n} |ritid3on| Ton giao with glue, (fat piece of wood) many ways to eam money. People in other countries have similar problems. They do not like to use their re- ligion and traditions to earn money, but sometimes it is necessary, ° Before 1930, no one except Navajos could see their ‘beautiful paintings. Now everyone can see them in mu- seums or buy them. A. VOCABULARY ; woo! grinds separate ise exactly paintings board sickness eam glue museums zeligion always makes the picture the same way 2 he ge ee meheep, but farming Is difficult because the land ds 3. Theywserhe from their sheep to make beautiful rugs. 4. He —___________ each rock into sand. 5, The Navajos use sand painiings as part of thelr tthe painting on a _____ with - 7 teen ee a lot of money by selling their sand paintings 7. They can 8 Now everyone can see them in ‘or buy them. 9. Business and religion are always B. VOCABULARY (New Context) ue religions floor ouseurn g arn separa eam peitings woot boards exactly raise 1. The supermarket has meat and dairy products in Ge. partments 2. In both Brazil and Colombia people coffee 3. British and Canadian English are not _________ the same. > fh money does @ professional athlete $ voce i: coffee by hand of use a machine 5. You can 6. Chuistianity, Islam, and Buddhism ere all wool (a) wl Len museum (0) snyu'ziom Borne an) Sal Riga earn (v) en| gin sing! NAVAIO SAND PAINTING Ao TT 7, A —_______ sweater is warmer than a cotton one. 8. Peter was making a wooden box. He couldn't finish it because he needed E. COMPREHENSION: True/False/No Information two more 9, Many countries have @ national of ar White Tif the sentence is true, Write Fifi is false. Write NI if there is no 10. [need to put the arm back on this chair. Do you have some 2 information. 1. Sand paintings are a part of the Navajo region. C. VOCABULARY REVIEW = 2 The Navajos made wool tugs before the Spanish came to dial mind rrimus amount America. sheet events limit at least 3. Navajos eam a lot of money from their rugs. solve compete medals container = 4. Navaios keep religion and business separate. 1 he = 5. Any Navajo can make religious sand paintings. Itis very difficult to. _______ some math problems. 6 Sand painting pictures in rugs are exactly Ike the religious 2. People in the army often win painiey 3 Ravalo sand painters do not need! large of san “7. Navajos have strong traditions. . ———. make their . 5, Think! Use your! Don't be lazy! —— & Navaros own gue 6 Can borrow a of paper? 7. Each lesson takes ________ two days. Some take three. FE MAIN IDEA al racer Phone cal, but I got the wrong number. | didn’t Choose the three main ideas. t com 9. A manage and the birth ofa child ate important a There are beautful rocks in nontheastem Arizona, a family. _ Navajo sand paintings were only for their religion until this century. 10. Put the orange juice in a __ in the refrigerator. D. ORAL QUESTIONS They disagree about selling them. 1 2 3. Now Navajos use sand paintings for their religion and sell them too. 4 5. They make rugs to sell to tourists. 1. Where does a Navajo medicine man get the sand for his paintings? 2. Winere does he make the paintngs? “ WORD STUDY 3. Why doce he make these sand paintings? ee 4. What did the Navajos get from the Spanish? 5. Why did they start making sand paintings on boards? ‘A. WORD FORMS: -self Pronouns 6. Why do they always change the picture a litle? Plural 7. Why are the Navajos poor? Seow ousaves & How do the Navajos disagree about selling their paintings? vearselt selves 9. How do they keep business and religon separate? fereelt remelves "10. Is there any problem ike this in your country? hinwelf minus (v) Ymainos| Trt itself painter(n) Ipeinta} Hoa sf - borrow (v), [borau) Muon rag {n} IrAgi Téim thm poor (ad)) ipo) Nehéo tourist (n) Turse Du théch 50 —_NAVAIO SAND PAINTING NAVAJO SAND BAiNTING. 34 ng Note: Most of these pronouns have the possessive form’ my, your, and (happy) 3. People all want to find fn their lives, so on, However, himself and themselves use the object form. (dark) 4 Puta ble black in this paint and Put the correct word in each blank * isick) 5, When the sand painter erases the painting it takes away 1, When you memorize something, say the information to the 2. Ido not make my clothes ______ I buy them, (wide) 6 The ety government is going to ____my 3, We cannot do this exercise by We have to co it in street class, (important) 7. Athletes understand the ____ of practic 4. A baby cat cannot find (ood for . ang 5. Mary doesn’t usually eat in the cafeteria. She cooks for . (length) 8, My son's pants are too short I have to. —____ 6. Speak English among and you will learn faster. : them. 7. Amateur athletes often learn a sport by : {different] 9. What is the ________ between modem and 8 Prore leamed English by He did not study it in a traditional clothes? C. CONTEXT CLUES B. WORD FORMS: Nouns Al. Wool comes from sheep, We make clothes from it Most leather sneas toe comes trom cous Me use it fo coke shoes. Adie Noun Adjective Noun . something made from animal skin sick sickness independent independence b, something made from animal hair happiness stopertant acpencer © something to eat d_ something to drink diferent ferent difference A2, Betty hurt her eyes when she was small, Now she is blind, Spelling: Use the y rules before -ness. 2. unable to hear «. unable to walk happy—happiness 1 unable to see d. unable to speak 42, Marconi invented the radio, Bell invented the telephone Add -en to these words to make a verb. . a. made the first one ¢. found (darken = make something dark or darker) b Shed owed SA. Thave an important message for you Your family telephoned and cen you must call them back immediately Noun Verb Adjective Verb a. picture book c communication d. medal strength ‘AS, There is a special exhibit of paintings in the National Art Museum. th ark length wide a, music b go out sand d. show <, Ab. The wy sends its messages in code, No one else can understand Wate the correct form of the word in the blank thes * (independent) 1. Jeans are a sign of youth and a letters c. by telephone (strength) 2. Levi Strauss used rivets to the pock- b. a secret way to da modern way to ets on his jeans communicate communicate cafeteria (n) Veiitions| Quan dn ne phuc vu ae re bang ick (adj) sik sant (0) sien a 52 NAVAIO SAND PaMaING NAVAIO SAND PAINTING 59 | A7, Today in class we will read a special lesson Instead of the regular ae lesson, We wil vead the regular lesson tomorrow. a with c. in place of BRAILLE b. in back of &. besdes 8. It is easier to build roads across prairies than across mountains. 2 states c. flat grasslands b, rivers large cities Braille Alphabet and Numbers Sabb Me la ve eg Ln pre os te eg ety wk Sk fat a * Bp rm th oP heros rol uiy ww Tx ma Dos expt ager 7 sign sign \ What does this sentence say ? Louis Bralle was born in France in 1809. His father had a small business, fe made shoes and other things from leather. Louis iked to helo his father in the siore even when he was very small One day when Louis was 54. NAVAIO SAND PAINTING 55 ee 5 three years old, he was cutting some leather. Suddenly the knife slipped and hit him in the eye. Louis soon became completely blind. When he was ten years old, he entered the National Institute for the Blind in Paris. One day his class went to 4 visit a special exhibit by a captain in the army, One thing in the exhibit was very interesting for Louis. it showed, messages in code. Armies send messages in secret codes, so no one else can read them, The captain wrote this code in raised letters on very thick paper 3 Louis thought a tot about this code. Then he decided to write in the same way so blind people could “read” with their fingers. Its very difficult to feel the differences between raised letters. Instead of letters, Louis used a “cell” of six dots, He arranged the dots with two dots, 2 across and three down. There are 63 possible arrangements of the dots in the Braille system. Each arrangement stands ior one letter punctuation mark, or number. He also used his system to write music. Louis Braille invented this system when 3 he was only filteen years old Blind people can also write braille They use a special kind of pen to make the dots, Today there are braille books in all written languages in the world However, these books are large and ex- 3 pensive to make. They must be on special paper. Some- one who can see must learn the braille alphabet and make the raised dots in the paper by hand o: with 2 special typewriter. Now there is an easier way for blind people to “read.” 3 “Talking books” are complete books or magazines on cassette tapes or phonograph records. Blind people listen to the book, Blind people can also write using a type- vwnter or a computer. Louis Braille invented a way for blind people to com- 9) municate. He invented it before the time ol phonographs, tape recorders, typewriters, and computers. When he died Jn 1852, he was buried in the Pantheon in Paris. This is where the national heroes of France are buried, and Louis Bratlle was 2 national hero sip Spl Trac blind (ud) |blaind| Mi exhibit (n) Nig'zibi, Budi trién tam message (n) ‘mesid3| Tin hig 6 DRAILE Ain place of) braille “cel ee A. VOCABULARY aranged exhibit leather code bind instead of invented buried records slipped system messages 1. One day his class went to a speciat by a captain in the army. showed ————____ in Louis’ father made shoes and other things from Suddenly the knife and hit him in the eye, From that time on, Louis was He was in the Pantheon in Paris. He —_____ the dots with two dots across and three down, There are 63 possible arrangements of the dots in the Braille Louis Braille this system when he was only fifteen years old. 10, ____.__ letters, Louis used a “cell” of six dots. SRIAnawe B. VOCABULARY (New Context) code leather systern invented slipped messages records buried instead of blind arrange exhibit 1. Some jackets and women’s purses are made of 2. Ships send to each other by radio. 3. Please the chairs in a circle 4. Did you see the new at the history museum? 5, Paul _________ on the ice and broke his leg. 6. Every language has a of pronunciation and grammar 7. My daughter's pet bird died, and she itn the back yard. 8. The radio officer on the ship sent a message in sono one could understand it. 9. Helen Keller was a famous unable to hear, woman. She was also record (v) rek>:l] code (n) ‘kava leather (0) e091 bury) Teer Chin BRAILLE 57 a a eT 10. The first cars were century, 11. Let's go te the movies at the end of the nineteen:a to the basketball game CC. VOCABULARY REVIEW ‘Underline the word that does not belong with the others, Example: 000k, pencil, red, paper manager, miner, sailor, event denim, tent, wool, leather glue. rivet, zipper, pocket museum, communication. supermarket, factory inexpensive, diShonest, unsafe, eventful seacoast, underline, amateur, notebook Jong, width, depth, height NOU ewoe D. ORAL QUESTIONS What wes Louis Braille's nationality? How did he become blind? What gave him the idea for the braille system? How old was he when he invented this system? ‘What modem inventions help blind people communicate today)? Why was Louis Braille buried in the Pantheon? ao pene E. COMPREHENSION 1, Louis Braille’s father made things from a. leather c. exhibit b. wool d. codes 2. When Louis was ten years old, he began to study a. at his neighborhood school c. at a special school for the blind b, at a university din the army rivet (a) sive] dink én nationality (n) |nicso'neelitil Quéc tick invent (v) {in'veng] Phat mink army (n) formi| quan doi 58 BRAMLLE 3. He saw a special exhibit. It showed in code, a. messages arrangements tb. systems d. computers 4, Itis dificult to fee! the differences between a. coded messages <. a system of raised dots b. amangements of dots raised letters 5, Talking books a. are on cassette tapes have raised dots b. have raised letters 4. are on computers “6. Which of these statements is probably not true? a. More people use talking books than braille today. b. Louis Braille was a very intelligent child ¢. It is easy to leatn and read braille. &. Some blind people can both read and write braille Ff, MAIN IDEA Choose the main idea. 1. Louis Braille visited an exhibit of codes. 2. Braille invented 2 system of reading for blind people. 3. Blind people alsa use talking books and typewniters today, 4. Braille was buried in the Pantheon because he was a national hero. - WORD STUDY A. WORD FORMS: Nouns Use @ noun or a pronoun aker a preposition. {To is different. Sometimes there is a verb after to.) Sometimes there is an adjective before the noun. Example: | will meet you at the aisport This book ts for your younger sister. This book is for her system (0) {sistom| He thong | arrangement {n) _je'reind3meat| ij dot (n) iat Itaip.zais} ‘ypessiter (n} DRAILE 59 ture -or Same Verb = Noun Verb Noun Vero = Noun furnish furniture: sail sailor sail sail sign signature invent inventor change change compete competitor start start Underline the preposition. Write the noun form in the blank. {compete} 1. This medal is for the best finvent} 2. This book was written by the of the tele graph. (furnish) 3. What kind of do you lke best? (change) 4. We will have the class in a different room today. Please tell the other students about this (start) 5. Are you ready for the of the race? (sail) 6. The ship's captain talked to a about his work (sail) 7. The captain is standing by the (signi 8. There is a place for your on your visa application. B. IRREGULAR VERBS Simple Past Participle 1. see saw seen 2, have had had 3. say said said 4 tell told 1 told 5. lose lost lost 6 build built built 7. grind ground ground Memorize the verb forms. Choose the correct form for each blank. Use a word from line 2 in sentence 1, and so on. 1. Did you the big tent in front of the Student Union? 2. Carol a toy sailboat when she was young. 3. What did you > 4. Tony me his telephone number jast night. 5. Did you your wallet? signature (n) signotln; Chats change (v) iufeind3 Thay dat captain (a) Feepting Thayer inedng application (n) |aepl'keifn| dem sin vige ORAILE 6 7. A sand painter A large company a computer factory here last year racks into sand before he makes a sand painting. . . CONTEXT CLUES Al b N a4, 6. The population of China is over one billion. a the number of men in a country b_ the amount of money people earn something everyone likes G. the number of people that live in a place Ali is stuciying for his master's degree. He is doing research on a problem in electrical engineering. He looks for information ia books and joumais. Then he will write a long paper. a. looking for information for a special problem 'b. looking for interesting books ¢. studying engineering dd. venting a composition . Al ikes (o read an electrical engingering journal. {has new infor- mation and research about electrical engineering every month. a. a magazine with professional information b. an interesting magazine ‘¢. something that happens every day dia textbook for a class This smali Christmas tree 1s made of plastic. It is not a real tree. ft is artificial a. beautiful bot natural c. fora special holiday d. in an art museum This is a simple math problem: 2 + 2 = 4. a very difficult ba hile difficult & not dificult d. not easy India was a colony of England, Togo was @ colony of France. Mexico was a colony of Spain, a. a place with a lot of stores & a large farm that grows colfee and bananas ¢. a place or country that belongs to another county a. part of a factory company (n} [kArpoai Cong ty degree fn) igre Bang cap composition (9) |.kompo'zifn Bai buan farm (n) |fezeal Neng iri BRAILLE o1 AT. Let’s have the race even though itis raining a litte. a. [tis raining so we won't have the race. b. It is not raining ¢. We cannot have the race because it is raining, di Itis raining, but we will have the race anyway. 8. The plane trip from London to Paris is an international flight a, between two countries b. between two cities in different countries c. between two continents d_ between two cities in the same county ENGLISH—THE | INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE | 1 will need the shipment of chocolate as soon as possible, Our service from the port is very fast. There are more than 3,000 languages in the world today, but only about six are major languages of the world, Two-thirds of the world’s population speak those (¥}:(namber of people) six languages intemational (a) jinta'nvefanli ——Thuede vé guide v8 population (a) ——_popjulleifn} Dain so language (n) ilengwid3| Ngon ngit 5 10 18 30 5 More than 300,000,000 people speak English as their first or native language. Another 300,000,000 speak It as a second language. No one knows how many people speak it as a toreign language. Chinese is the only lan. guage with more speakers than English. This is because of the huge population of China, more than one bilan people English is the native or official language on one-hith of the iand area of the world. Itis spoken in North Amer. ica, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. In South Africa and india it is one of the official languages More people study English than any other language. In many countries, the textbooks in universities are in English. Many university classes are taught in Engish even though the native ianguage is not English English is the language of international communi- cation. It is the language of international business, res Search, and science. More than three-fourths of the world’s mail is written in English, More than three-fifths of the world’s radio stations use English, More than haif of the scientific and research journals are in English. Most other languages have borrowed many English words. Why did English become the international language? {a the middle of the nineteenth century, French was the intemational language. Then Britain became very pow exful in the world. England started colonies in North America and India in the seventeenth century. By 1900 England also had colonies in other parts of Asia, Aftica and the South Pacific. The people in the colonies had to use English: Slowly it became more important than French internationaily. After the Second World War. the United States became very powerful, and even more people began to learn English, 's English a good intemational language? ft has more words than any other language. The grammar is simpler than in the other major languages. However. English spelling is difficult Foreigners ali have trouble spelling English. So do native speakers! Since 1880, people have invented over filty artificial (between nations) {strong) (eager! (not naxural} ne A. VOCABULARY spoken even though artificial native area mail powerful ‘two-thirds population colonies official stations simpler research journals international 1. Englisi: is the natve or land of the world. 2. English is the language of language on one-dith of the ‘communication, 3. It is the language of intermational business. and science. 4 of the world’s speak those six lan- guages, 5. More than half of the scientific and research are in English 6. Britain became very in the world 7. Many university classes are taught in English the na tive language is not English. 8 England started seventeenth century. 9. The grammar is in North America and India in the than in other major languages. 10. Since 1880. people have invented over fifty jan- guages. 11, More than 300,000,000 people speak English as their fast or language B. VOCABULARY (New Context) simple colony antficial area population middle official international grammar powerful native research journais two-thirds station even though 1. Some cars have a very engine, They can go fest. 2. Tom's leg was cut off in an accident. Now he has an. languages. No one speaks them as a native language. one 3 ht we have a test to- 5 However, none of them has ever become popuiar. Some We ore Soins te & party zonig people don't want to scudy English. but it is the inter- . national language. There is no way to change that now 4 Alarge in the Middle East is desert native (adj “neitiv] ‘Ban ngit simple (adi) *sirapi dan gidin official (adj) jets Chint tite colony (ny Vkolenij Thuce dia area (n) ‘ceria Vaine nib . han tao powerful {adj} Ipauedl| Mauh anuficial (adj) jaw Bsell Nhan tera ENGUSH—THE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE ENGLSH_IME INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE 65 5. Sixty-six percent equals . *8. Why do some countries use English textbooks even though English is 6. Making a hamburger is (tis not difficult.) veg, NOt the native language? ; 7. Whatis the ______ of your country? (How many people live 6 Why do people write joumals in English? there?) 7. Why did English become the international language? 8. Hf you study for a master's degree, you have to do “8. Js English: 2 good international language? on @ special problem. 9. What is an artifical tanguage? 9. What is your _________ language? 10. My computer science professor learns new information from every month. E. COMPREHENSION 1, The______ Students Club has students from thiety nations 12. Kenya was a British 1. There ate mote than languages in the world 13. The United States of Mexico is the ____ name of Mexico a. 3,000 < 500 : b six d_ 4,000 © VOCABULARY REVIEW 2. China has more than one people, . a. thousand trillion Match each word with its meaning bition & biog 1. slp a. freedom *3. English is the native language of 2 blind b putin order a. South Africa © all of Canada 3. nonsmoker © not together b. Australia 4. Malaysi 4 independence 4. right now 4. More than of the world's radio stations are in English 5. dye & miner a one-fifth © two-thirds 6. separate £ almost fall . three-fifths d. three-fourths 7. invent 9. color 5, England started a colony in India in the 8. immediately h. country . a. 1600s 17005 9, strengthen i leather b. 1800s 4. 1900s 10. arrange ji can'tsee 6. English spelling is 4 make for the first ime a. easy fun 1 person wino doesn't smoke b. simple 4. difficult ™m. make stronger 7 D. ORAL QUESTIONS F. MAIN IDEA “1 Are Chinese and Arabic probably major languages of the world? 2. How many major languages are there? : Choose the two main ideas. “3. How many people speak English as a native and second language? 1. French was the intemnational language around 1850 4. What language has the most speakers? Why? : 2. English is the major international language of the world. hoa i 3. Nobody knows how many people study it as a foreign language percent (n) \po'sent! Phan wram : 4. Engiish is the int Jn: bee Jand was v¢ we cyeal (ay fwot Bini ding English isthe intemasions! language because England was very po science (a) isaions| Khoa ioc : on ENGUSHIHE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE 66 ——_ENGLSK THE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE I HE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE OP WORD STUDY 4, understand understood understood —_— Ke oourVew 5 come came come ‘A. WORD FORMS: Past Participles as Adjectives ° become became bevome nun an ‘The past participle form of a verb can be used as an adjective 8 begin began begun Leam these verb forms. Put a verb from line 1 9 sentence 1, and 50 on Example: Spoken English is easier than written English 1. Have you —___ any letters this week? Mary her book this morning Al ___ in fronr of the class and gave a speech. Did vou _____ tne question? 2 Jn regular verbs, the past participle ends in -ed. Itis the same as the past 3 4 5 Alhas —_.__ to class every day this week, 6 7 8 form Example: limit—limited—tiited Sarah wants to ____.__ an engineer. Mark has In the Olympic 100-meter race three times It is 10:06. The class has atready Some fregular verbs: eat, ate, eaten write, wrote. written C. CONTEXT CLUES speak, spoke. spoken make, made. made At Roald Amundsen was a great explorer. He was the first person to reach the South Pole, a. 8 person who werks in intemnationa! business and travels @ lor b. 2 place thatis difficult to find ‘Write the past participle in each sentence Underline the noun it describes (wane 1. Grimes and Engh ar languages <. someting that an aitplone caries {Spear} Some ianguages are languages bur not <. a person who looks for new places and information about them , 4 vena ho | : 42. Ferdinand Magellan's ship was the first ship to make a voyage atound Heit Some languages have @ __ vocabulary the world, He was killed in the Paiippines in 1822 Imakel This shirt is hand a snes ne eat) 8. My daughter left a balk orenge on the Saat table. (new) 6 Muhammad Ali was a well boxer Set te ‘completei_ 7 The student gave his testo the teacher. 5. Some peopl keto keep 2 Journal. Thay unten very dy. They vite about what they cid. what happened, and whet they though. B. IRREGULAR VERBS a. @ magazine about scientific research b, a textbook ple Pi Past Participle ¢, a sports magazine 1. get got gotten 6 a notebook about their daily activities 2. forget forgot forgotten 44 Lois is reading a book about the geography of Australia She is 3 stand stood stood Teaming about the mountains. deserts, and rivers. She s ieaming about ‘speech én rT Bai pha bide boxer im Ihokso! Win dong vitn din bode ip in ni Cain di 3 ENGLISH THE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE 69 ENGUSH_THE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE 7 0 the plants, animals, and natural resources. She is also learning about ‘the people. a. the study of the history of a country b. the study of science ¢. the study of the land and people of an area d. the study of the music and art of an area AS. London is distant from Tokyo. a. near b. far similar d. beside 6. Looked everywhere for my glue, and | finally discovered it in the Kitchen, 2. found b. put ©. covered date 7. Farmers raise eattle for beef and milk. a pigs b. horses c. sheep d. cows ENGLISHTHE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE | 9 | CAPTAIN COOK Captain James Cook was a great explorer. Before he started exploring, maps of the Pacific Ocean were almost empty. He visited hundreds of isiands and put them in the conect places on the map. He made maps of the & coastlines of Australia and New Zealand and made them colonies of England. ‘On each of his three long voyages. he wrote in a (tips) journal every day, He wrote about what happened on the ship. When he visited places, he wrote details about 10 the weather and the geagraphy. He wrote about the people who lived there, and he described the plants and animals, His journels were full of new information about distant places (tan) James Cook was bom in England in 1728. His parents 1. were poor farm workers. When lames was 18, he found a job on a coastal ship. He worked on ships until he was 27 years old, and then he joined the navy. He fought in Canada in a war against France, and he mapped some of the eastern coast of Canada, 20 In 1768 King George Ill made him the captain of a ship and sent him to the Pacific. He was gone for nearly three years. When he returned, he was a national hero. For a Jong time, Europeans believed thal there was a great southern continent south of the equator. They 25 thought it covered most of what is really the South Pacific Ocean, In 1772 Cook went to the Pacific again to find this continent. He tried to sail from New Zealand to the southem tip of South America but there was foo much ice. However, he was the first person to cross the Ant- 30 arctic Ciscle, and of course he discovered that there was no great southem continent. Hound) explorer (0) liks'pio ro! Nha thar hie | ‘voyage (n) {yoiid3] Chuyén hank tinh bang ditdng bien detail (n) Frdicteilt, Chi nei navy (a) “neil Hae quan " eee eee ets a ne He always took good care of his men. He gave thems 4 goad food and kept the ship clean. He also was kind to the islanders and took them new kinds of plants and t 35 animais—cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs ‘et He started his third voyage in 1776 On this trp he tw ‘Was the first European to visit Hawaii. Then he mapped ° the west coast of North America. He crossed the Arctic Circle and saw Eskimos, 40 When he finished mapping the North American coast, he returned to Hawait, There was some trouble between the Hawelians and the white meni and they started iight- ing. Captain Cook was killed The fighting was a mistake, and the Hawaiians were very sorry. 45 When Captain Cook died, the world fost one of the greatest explorers in history A. VOCABULARY Getails geography navy journal explorer coastlines goats cattle mistake distant tp equator discovered continent voyages mapped 1. Gn each of his three long he wrote ina every day. 2. He wrote about the weather and the - 3. Captain James Cook was a great 4, For a long tme. Europeans believed that there was @ great southern south of the 5. He also was kind to the islanders and took them new kinds of plants and animats— sheep, and pigs, 6 His journals were full of new informagon about places, 2, He worked on ships untl he wes 27 years old, and then he joined the 8. He tried to sail from New Zealand to the southern of South America 9. He that there was no great southern continent 10. He some of the eastern coast of Canada, ‘cattle (n) eet Gia siie Boat {a} gout) Con de Cook, Royal Navy, F.8.S.. painted by Nathaniel Dance. history (n) [histori Lich sit he Ratonal Merume Museum, London geography in) M3 >groth Mon dia to CAPTAIN COCK 73 vi CAPTAIN COOK B. VOCABULARY (New Context) voyages details coastline journal goats explorer mistake discover cattle continents distant mapped equator tp geography navy 1. Christopher Columbus was a famous 2. Ecuador, Kenya, and indonesia are on the 3. Children have to study in school. 4. The army fights on the land, and the fights on the sea 5, ——__. and are animals, 6. There are several about each main idea in the lesson, 7. Asia and Arica are 8. European explorers parts of Africa, 9. Nadia is trying to a way fo grow com in hot areas of the world 10. Australia ts from Canada. 11. Masie keeps a. ______. She waites in it every day. 42. ican't think of his name, but it is right on the tongue. 13. Pacific islanders made Jong of my actoss the ocean, C. VOCABULARY REVIEW March the word in Column A with the meaning in Column B. Column A Column B L. immediately a. a flat piece of wood k. number of people 2. over- ipretix] not natural 1 putin the ground 3. bury © secret wating m, between countries 4. simple d. leather 5. population €. right now 6. intemational 1 easy 7. artificial 3. journal 8. equal AL minus 9. board i= 10. code __too much continent (n) kontinont) Lue dja distant (adj) "distony] Khodng cach map (0} |mept Bin ds ‘equator (2) Ikeweito | diting xich dao 74 CAPtAIN COOK cn D. ORAL QUESTIONS 1, What was Captain Cook's nationality? 2. What part of the world did he explore? 3. What did he write in his journals? 4 When did he start working on ships? *5, Why did he write in his journal every day? £6. Do you think sailors tiked to work for Captain Cook? Why? *7. Why did he take new kinds of plants and animals to the islanders? E. COMPREHENSION: True/False/No Information ~ —+-— *1. James worked on ships for nine years before he joined the navy. ——~— 2. Cook mapped parts of both the east and west coasts af North America 3. He gave the wortd a lot of geographical information, ——— 4. Captain Cook found a great southem continent between New Zealand and South America, —— _ 5. Captain Cook sailed along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. ——— © The Hawaiians killed several of Cook's sailors —— _ 7. Cook saw Eskimos, Hawaiians. and people from other is ands. ——— 8 Cook fought in France. F MAIN IDEA Choose the three main ideas, onsen Captain Cook was a great explorer His parents were poor farmers He explored and mapped large areas of the Pacific He discovered that there was no great southe:n continent He started his thied voyage in 1776 He mapped some of the coast of eastern Canada eee farmer (n) Ifa:ma| Nong dn CAPIAIN COOK 75 MO TB ee . WORD STUDY >—_ ees ‘A. WORD FORMS: Verb + -ing You can use the -ing form of a verb asa noun. Example: Learning English is not easy, Nancy enjoys skiing, Spelling. 1. When a word ends in silent e, drop the e and add -ing wnité—writing ——arrang¢_—arrenging 2, When @ word has one syllable with one vowel followed by one consonant. double the consonant before adding -ing, (This is the 1-2-2 cule.) map—mapping swien—swimming But speak—speaking ‘alk—talking Write the noun form of each verb. shop} 1 at a supermarket is simple. (eat) 2 foreign ood is interesting (read) 3. You can learn more English by (overlean) 4. People memorize by {map} 5. Captain Cook is iamous for the Pacitie Ocean raise) 6. cattle is a lot of work. B. WORD FORMS: Common Noun Endings—-er, -or, -ity, -ment, -th, -ness, -ce, -ture, -ure Verb Noun Adjective 1 similarity similar 2 distance distant 3. datken darkness dark 76 famous (edj} carta COOK [Meimas, 4. please pleasure (unpleasant 5. furnish furniture (un}furnished 6, invent invention inventor 7. explore exploration ‘unlexplored explorer 8. manage managerent manager 9 warm warmth warn 10. arrange arrangement LL. discover discovery 12, (un}populatiy lun}popular Choose the comect form of each word Use the right form of the verb, and use singular or plurat nouns. Use a word fram line Im sentence 1, and 50 on. 1. Istherea between the words discover and invent? 2. What is the beween Japan and Hong Kong? 3. Brown isa color. Yellow is tight. 4. The weather is very today. 5. Did your friend rent a apartment? 6. The computer is a wonderiul 7. The sixteenth century was the Age of 8. Sally has a new job. She 2 radio station % You have to millk before you give it to a baby. 10, The ¢lassroomn chaiss are in a new today Th The of the New World by Europeans was very im- portant in history. 12. Sally doesn’t have many friends. She is CC. PREFIXE Example: You write 2 composition Then you rewrite it and correct the mistakes, . Te = to do something again A prelix changes the meaning of a word, for example. write and rewrite, Pleasant and unpleasant furnish (¥) pleasant (adj) "teint [plea Trang be Thodi mat, vit ve casrancook 77 OST ‘Add re- to each word. Then put the correct word in each sentence. Use 7. The kiwi lays the largest eggs in the world. The strangest thing about the night form of the verb and singular and plural nouns the kiwi is that it cannot fly arrange read do tell marry build a swndol fsh c. a kind of cat 1. The students arranged the chairs in the classroom, but the teacher b. a kind of rock a kind of bird —————~ them in another way. 8. Tom's car hit a tree, and he was bad 2. This homework is all wrong. You will have to it a hurt © 3. Paul was maried 10 Ann They got a divorce, and a year later he b. inside d. distant 4 In every lesson, read the text. Then x 5. After the terible storm. some people had to their homes, 6 Children lke to hear their grandparents ‘ell and the same stories. D. CONTEXT CLUES Al. Gary used up all the coffee this moming, There isn't any more, so we have to buy some. a used all of it ©. used it for a short me ’. picked up d. used te 52, You have to choose a place with good soil if you want to have a goed garden, 2. darkness ©. land or dirt b. distance @. inventions 43. Humans can talk, but animals cannot - a goats and cattle © Pacific islanders b. people birds 44 Fall, winter, spring, and summer are the four seasons times of the year months b. days. d. date G5. Factories and cars pollute the air. The air in Los Angeles is very polluted, 2. make bright © make clean b. make fresh make dirty 6. The doctor gave me some medicine. It will cure my sickness a, make worse & make sick b. make better make lighter many @) fmeeri Lip gia dink divorce (vj [di'vors| hyde garden {ny {ga:dn Vuen cintin) hist} at 79 CAPTAIN COOK 78 CABIAIN COOK cance (679 —" 1. Population. Most problems ‘of the environment Ho CONSERVING THE WORLD'S | tac tarantino NATURAL RESOURCES eaten Se ds lon oe eas More people need more water. more food, more 15 wood, and more petroleum 2. Distribution, Scientists say there is enough water fon ow childrens in the world for everyone, but some countries have ¢ sake 2 lot of water and some have only a litle. Some areas get all thei rain during one season. The rest 20 of the year is dry There are huge forests in the Amazon area of 1 Brazil In other pasts of the workd there is oniy desert. i 3. Pencleum. We are using up the world’s petro- if Jeum. We use it in our cars and to heat our build- (verb for “hot") we must wonk tage f, 2 ings in winter. Farmers use petrochemicats to make the soil (land or ditt] to protect tich. They use them to kill insects that eat plants, & . These chemicals go into rivers and lakes and kill OUn OM a the fish there. Thousands of people also die {rom 30 these chemicals every year. Chemicals also go inte oun water 6 the air and pollute it, Winds carry this polluted air {make it diny: oun soi? 2 to other countries and other sorte sand 4, Poverty. Poor farmers use the saine land over {noun for “poor”) oun forsts f and over. The lend needs a rest so it will be better 35° next year, However, the farmer must have food this year, Poor people cut down trees for firewood. In the decade of the 1970s, the United Nations or (10 years) In some areas when the trees are gone, the land, ganized several important meetings on the human en- (people) becomes desert. However, people need wood to vironment to study a very serious problem. We humans cook their food now, Poot people cannot save the are destroying the world around us. We are using up [using all of} 40 environment for the future all of our natura! resources. We must learn to conserve (save, keop! We now have the information and the ability to solve gry MY Ba oo hier an ou sho cuan ove nen of he word fir a pole for archi world, Iti oe nete ae veveral major parts to this problem, all humans, The people and the nations of the worid must 45. work together to conserve the world's resources. No one controls the future, but we all help make it conserve (¥) ikon'so:¥] Bide wine decade (n) ‘dekeidl Thai bi isteibution (n} | distbju.Snl Su phan be onganize (v) ‘genaig Te che te ot daring destroy (v} idi'stran, Pha bury poverty (n} ipoveti Sue nghea déi 80 CONSERVING THE WORLD'S NATURAL RESOURCES 61 mC A. VOCABULARY using up insects decade poverty destroying soil heat conserve environment organized pollute controls human distribution: season, chemicals. 1. Inthe of the 1970s, the United Nations —_——. several important meetings on the — io study a very serious problem 2. We use petroleum in our cars and to 3. Farmers use to make the They use them to Kil 4. Chemicals also go into the aiz and an “There are several major parts to dus problem. They are population ., petroleum. and No one the future, but we ail help make it We are all of our natural resources ‘Some areas get all their rain during one We must learn to We humans are our buildings rich, our natural resources the world around us, B. VOCABULARY (New Context) Beene u soil controls decade poverty insects heat destroyed Use up distribution conserve organize humans chemical season polluted environment 1. The of free food helps some poor people 2 lars going to _______ some water to make coffee. 3. Some birds eat Others eat plants 4. I you drink Water, you will get sick, 5. 6 Most plants cannot grow in bad People in a city live in a very diferent in a village, We are going to @ sports day ior the students, 8 People on the five continents are all different, but we are all 9. World War Il was during the 1940-1950, irom people i 10. 3. A fire 2. Please don't 13, Winter is the coldest 14. Arunner has to A 16, The government fs a serious problem in the world today thousands of treas in Califomia last week. ali the milk, Save some for my coffee, his strength until the end of the race. engineer works with chemicals, passports and visas. C. VOCABULARY REVIEW: Antonyms (Opposites) Match the words that mean the opposite Column A 1, earn powerful artificial united distant all over difference cetails traditional . official Swvorsms ees D. ORAL QUESTIONS Columa B main idea nowhere modern spend natural area weak . department separated boycott near similarity m, unofficial cpr rye repe gD 1, Why must we conserve our natural resources? . 2. What is the major cause of most problems ofthe envizonrsent "3, Isit easy to control population growth? Why or wiay not? 4. Explain the problem of dsttbution of the world's water 5. How do chemicals pollute the environmant? ; 6 Why do poor farmers continue t9 hurt the ensronman? le cut down trees? Why canta county sive oan erronentt cba by tl? insect (0) Finsekt Cen tring buman (n) iTRju:mon, Con nguci potlure (v) Ipe'lu:t onc chemical {n) erik Hea chai CONSERVING THE WORLD'S NATURAL RESCU! unofficial (adj) environment (2) passport (a) Khong chinh tie [Ana'tish iin'vaioranment| Moi trvng tparspat{ Ho hud CONSERVING THE WORLDS NATURAL RESOURCES 83 a i ( ssi‘ CS E. COMPREHENSION 1. We humans are destroying our © decade & environment ». farms d. deserts 2. We are using up all of our a. oceans ¢, farms b homes d. natural resources 3. Most environmental problems come irom a forests © too much rain b. population growth 4. There are about a 25 B44 5. Good distribution means a. having things in the right places at the right time cutting down forests and selling them to other countries c. building water systems to carry water to farms . conserving our natural resources 4. poor distribution billion people in the world now. © 16 463 6 Petrochemicals help make the neh, a. insects soil b. air water 7. Poor farmers don't give their land a rest because a. they don’t have petrochemicals to kill insects b. they don’t have enough land to let some of it rest each year c. they need more water d. they need frewood 8 Which one of these statements is not true? a. People must work together to save the environment. b. We have the ability to solve environmental problems ¢. We contro! the future d. We help make the future F MAIN [DEA Choose the three main ideas. 1. Humans are destroying the environment. 2. Population growth, distribution, and poverty are major parts of this problem. statement (1) i'stevtmant] 84 CONSERVING THE WORLD'S NATURAL 4 People throughout the word must work together to solve these Frobiems. 4, We are using up our petroleum and forests, 5, Some countries do not have enough water. WORD STUDY A. NOUN SUBSTITUTES Example: We humans are destroying the world around us. Us = humans Look at these words in the text Tell what each word means. We them: alite page 80, line 3 line 6 page 81. line 18 line 23 line 24 it line 27 line 27 line 31. it tine 34 it WO euagneenn in B. SUFFIXES: -less less = not having, without There is an endless number of environmental problems. (There is no end to the number of problems.) Add -less to each word. Then use the correct word in each sentence help thought home hope change liceit sleep care 85 a CONSERVING THE WORLD § NATURAL RESOURCES OO —_—_ D. CONTEXT CLUES 1. The Whites’ house burned down, Now they are 2. Helen was very wottied about her test and she dic not sleep well, She was very tired after a right 3. A baby cannot get food or dress itself ft 4. Ht you ate when you drive, you may have an acci- dent 5. The possibilities for learning ave new things fo iearn. 6. Some traditions in our counties are There are always They are always the same 7. | said something that hun Ann's feelings, but [ was just not thinking. It was lust a mistake 8 Qur environmental problems are serious but not We have the ability to conserve our environment . IRREGULAR VERBS. Simpte Past kau cut 2 hit hit 3. send sent 4, spend spent spent 5. keep kept kept 6 feal f felt Tread read read 8 think thought thought 9 fight fought fought i. Alice some flowers and put them in the living room 2, Tony his little bother and made him ery. 3. Have you a birthday card to your sister yet? 4. Par usually a lot of money on clothes. 5 Daud always his comected compositions in his note» book 6. How do you today? 7) three books last month 8 Have you about your vacation plans yet? 9. The Germans against the French in the Second World War. tot chy Ke nphe um) vacation int Ww [bern ‘kev CONSERVING [HE SIORLD'S NATURAL RESQURCES At An accident caused Louis Braille’s blindness. a, because c. made happen b. made better d, made worse Mr Taylor died of @ serious disease, He was sick a long tne a. sickness: ©. accident b. heakh 6. doctor People should not breathe polluted ait a. see © push b. bring d. take air into and out of the body Polluted alr harms ‘he body. a. hurts hunies >. organizes d. details People throughout the world enjoy the Olympics. a threw & go out b, compete d. all over ‘The sun rises in the east. Spain is in Europe. Captain Cock was English. A circle is round These are all facts. a. geography cc science b. true information d. mathematics The world’s population is increasing. and the amount of food for each person is decreasing. a. getting bigger cc. getting newer bb. getting smaller d geting olcer When the hurricane hit the coast, it blew down buildings and trees. a. the dry season ca huge truck b. high water 4. @ powertul winds:orm ie fire starts on your stove, use a ire extinguisher, ‘he fire will soon disappear 2. something to put out fires < matches > alighter d. something 19 cook with OS seience {n} ‘saions Khoa how stove (8) stavy Cate ratels in} meet) Que die CONSERVING THE WORLDS NATURA. RESOURCES 87 NO SMOKING! | mamied to smokers, there are twice as many deaths from lung cancer as there are amnong women married ‘0 non. smokers, Men have the right to kill themselves by smok- 20 ing if they want to. They do not have the right to kill their ‘Smoking causes lung cancer. Lung cancer is the number one cancer among men. Ninety percent of the people who get lung cancer die, Smokers have six times as much cancer of the mouth, tongue, and throat as 5 nonsmokers. Smokers have twice as much heart dis- ease. Smoking gives people breathing problems. it harms the stomach, Smoking causes one million early deaths in the world every year. Throughout the world. women live longer than men, © Wy? Because men smoke more. Nonsmoking men live lust as Tong as women, Smokers pollute the air. They breathe out 100 times as much pollution as nonsmokers, They breathe 't out on their children and on their wives or husbands Chil. ‘5 dren whese parents smoke have more breathing and lung problems than other children, Among nonsmoking women wives and children by smoking, Smokers are absent from work more. Factories and businesses lose millions of dollars every year because of smokers. Smokers have higher medical bills. 25 All of these facts irom research show that smoking is i bad. So why do people smoke? Young people start smoking because everyone else is doing it. They feel grown up and independent. It helps them relax. Then it becomes a habit. 30 his very dificult to stop smoking, but the chance of getting lung cancer decreases only one year ater you stop. After ten years, the chance is aimost the same as for nonsmokers. Itis possible to quit smoking Thirty mi tion people in the United States have quit because they | 85 believe the research. You or your fends can quit too. cf How to Quit Smoking jung (gets smalleri {makes happen} throat ~— Here are a lot of ideas to help you quit smoking If one doesn’t help le you, try another. Good luck! Decide to smoke only ence en hour. Change to 2 kind of cigarette that you don’t tke. Exercise to relax your body. Tell your Inends you are going to quit Quit for one day. Then you can quit for one more day Plan what you will do with all the money you will save. Oversmoke the day before you quit Smoke three packs Make a list of your major reasons for quitting Don't clean your ashirays. Let them show you how little you are smoking See and smell how dirty they are Eat carrots or celery or chew gun when you want a cigarette If you usually smoke immediately after a meal, get up and take @ walk Breathe deeply and relax instead of having a cigarette. Throw away your lighter and matches (sickness) thurs} fnoun fer ™ tell ever! 1 2 3. 3. 5. 6 7 8 9. 9. 1 1 1 BER cause (¥) [hko-zl Gey ra tung 0} IIAnt Padi cancer (n) [kseaso: Bénb ung thie hrarm (¥) iho] Gay het 88 Wait an hour for your first cigarette. The next day wait two hours, and 50 on. Put all your ashtays away a fact (n} decrease (v3 quit) ashtray (n) feck Nuk) Ikwar, estrei Thawe Liim gid Tech Cit gar tan 89 NO SMOKING! eS A. VOCABULARY 10. isa — __ that there are Olympic Gamnes every four years causes fees lung decreases H. Tim is studying he can pass the test jongue iscase nonsmokers throat 2. You should never an animal. i deaths ight 12, You si i Preathing cancer throughout Suersmoke | -—=«13. Every human has the ________ to the necessities of lite L the world, women live longer than men. 2. Smokers have six times as much cancer of the mouth, tongue, and C. VOCABULARY REVIEW Underline the word that does not belong with the others. 3. The chance of getting lung cancer only one year after you stop. 1, chemistry. geagraphy, mathematics, navy 4, Smoking 2, newspaper, journal, radio, magazine 5. Smoking causes one milion early __ in the world every 3. coastline, distibutton, irewood, windsterm year 4, zipper, teg, jeans, pocket 6 Smokers have twice as much heart 5, separate, joined, united, together Th the stomach, 6. dipper, amateur, competitor, inventor 8. Mer have the to kill themselves by smoking if they 7. possibitiy, happiness, development, incomplete want to 9. Smoking gives people problems, D. ORAL QUESTIONS We ee creme Sm ha smolirg bad 1. How many people die when they get ung cancer? 2, What does smoking do to the body? B. VOCABULARY (New Context) 3. What happens to children when their parents smoke? ai hheoat ' [ 4, What happens to wives when their husbands smoke? rg fact decreasing ought 5, Why do women live longer than men? ronsmoking ashtrays cause Jungs 6. Why do people smoke? breathe deeply death so ; 7. What are the chances of getting lung cancer ten years after @ person 1 {tis important to Geeply when you exercise i stops smoking? 2 The joins the mouth to the stomach *8. Should people smoke even though itis harmful? Why or why not? Careless smoking can a fire. 9, Which do you think are the five best ways to quit smoking? There are teautilul parks We breathe with our Poor peopie have more ple have more money for medical care There are many causes of 5. The desert areas of the world are incre is our city. £. COMPREHENSION in this iesson the author is trying to make you believe something. She does this in two ways aoaen than tich people. Rich peo- Smoking is dhe of them, ° ; ; The amount of farmland 2. She gives facts. What paragraphs give facts that show you that you should not smoke? 9. Some diseases are not very serious. Others can cause deat (ny (ae Ct chet Firewood \foiowud. ci ahi throat (n) iGrowe Cé hone necessity (M (oi'sesits Niet ede shit ye throughout {adv} Bru‘aut Toda bo, o khép met net windstorm (n) svindsta: ml Bae boreattie (v) Ihe:3] The 90 NO SMOKING! NO SMOKING! 1 SN GB. IRREGULAR VERBS 2. She gives her opinion. What sentences show the author's opinion? ici 3. The other lessons in the book give information. This lesson tries to make Simple Past Past Participte you believe something. Where do you usually find the kind of writing 1 do a done tn this lesson? 2. say said said 3, rise rose een 4 wear wore worn FE MAIN IDEA 5 teach taught taught 6 give gave given Choose the main idea of this lesson, Die lay iain 1. Men do not have the right to kill their wives and children by smoking, 1. Have you yout homework? 2, People should not smoke. 2, She she didn’t understand me 3. Smoking is bad for the body 3. The sun at 7.00 AM. this morning 4 Cath a leather jacket to the game yesterday. 5, Ms. Gorder has English for several yeers WORD STUDY 6 Poula her sister 2 birthday present every year. 7. Bob dow on the bed to vest after lunch yesterday. A. PREFIXES: over . CONTEXT CLUES over. = too mach, too many Oversmoke the day before you quit. Smoke three packs 21, Beautiful fowers grow wild in the mountains a. in the winter . people plant them. Add over- to each word, Then choose the correct word for each sentence. ©. people don't plant them ¢. in gardens 2. You have to feed a baby. It cannot find food by isett. eat heated slept . a. give food to © organize populated weight cooked i b. tip limit A3. Japan is an industrial nation. It makes radios, computers, cars. ships 1. Some countries are They have too many people and hundreds of other things 2. Maria missed her first class because she didn't wake up on time. She a. farming c. has a lot of factories ag ». colonial d. has too many people 3. Mark weighs 100 kilos. He is Ad, dapan exports cars to tae Middle East. 4. The car engine We had to wait far it to coal down a. buys from other countries —¢-makes in factories 5. Some people do not have enough foad and others », sails to other counties 4 plans and organizes & The vagerables did not taste very good because they were £5. We ate going to have a big pienic with all our aunts, uncles, cousins and other relatives. opinion in) pipinton} $ hid a. members of a family cc. grandparents heat (aj hit] Cai none b. children d. young people ‘gine (m) vend3ia) dong cer present (n) Mén qua 92 NO SMOKING! NO SMOKING! 93 AA6. Indonesia, Togo. and the northem part of Brazil are tropical a dry and hot ¢. cold and wet b. dry and cold 4. hot and wet 7. The early Hawaiians were great navigators. They cauld sail across the Pacfic Ocean by looking at the stars. a. people who can work on a ship. b. sailors ¢. people who can tell where a ship should go. people who study the stars 8 Whales and elephants are gigantic animals a. small ¢. land b sea a huge CORN | from (naturally. not planted? 1 eastern North America almost to the tip of South Amer- | ica, Indians started planting it in gardens at least 5.000 | years ago. They even raised popcorn. Some Indians 3 ground their com into flour and made com bread. Others made very flat, round corn pancakes. Columbus took corn to Europe. and from there it spread to ott wild (adj) Hoang dai flour (n) Be: spread ( 74 NO SMOKING! corr: (a1) 95 Today com is a popular and important food in the PEANUTS 10 Americas. However, farmers use most of it to feed t0 (give food to] Peanuts are also called groundnuts because they grow & cattle, pigs, and chickens. Soft drinks are sweetened with ; underground. A peanut is not really a nut. tis a relative oe Be com suger People use corn cil for cooking, Corn is also i of beans and peas. SO used to make paper and industrial alcohol. (to use in factades} | 40 The peanut is a native of tropical South America, (not, wet areat gar 22 Wild peanut plants still grow there. Farmers raised pea. Ed COFFEE nuts at least 2,000 years before Columbus went to the 15 Coffee is the favorite hot drink in almost all countries. Americas A “coffee break” is an important part of life in the United The Portuguese tock peanuts to Europe and Africa, States. 45 and the African slaves took therm to North America, Today peanuts are raised in warm areas all over the world. In West Aftica, the peanut is an important food In most countiies peanuts are used for oil, However, in the United States they are used for candy and peanut 50 butter and to feed to animals. An old story says that coffee was fist discovered in Ethiopia. Men taking care of their sheep noticed that the 20 sheep stayed awake al night when they ate coffee beans and leaves. Coffee wes first used as a food, then a kind of wine. and then medicine. It became a drink about 700 years ago. A. VOCABULARY 25 People took cotfee to Arabia in the thirteenth century feed industriel export cane From there it went to Turkey, Europe, and the Americas, wis pancakes spread put 5 lour leaves beans relative In 1963 the United Natons helped organize an Inter slaves sas bea Some i it. Countries that ort coffee ‘sell to other counties) national Coffee Agreement. Co at exh 1. Columbus took com to Europe. and from there it te agree on the price, This agreement heips Brazil and the 28 other exporting countries get 2 fair price, other countries, 2. Some indians ground their com into SUGAR 3. However, farmers use most of it to to cattle, pigs, anc chickens Sugat cane is 2 kind of grass, Its 2 relative of corn {member of the ferns} 4. Itgrew ________ from eastern North America almost to the tip and bambco. No one has ever found a wild sugar plant, i of South America so no one is sure where the plant came from. Scientsts : 5. Com is also used to make paper and alcohol. 30 think it probably came from Southeast Asia. Farmers were 1 & The sheep stayed awake all night when they ate coffee raising sugar cane in India by 300 6.c. It reached China and before the first century B.C and also moved slowly west 7. Counties that coffee agree on the price to Persia. When the Arabs won a war against Persia, they 8. This agreement helps Brazil and the other exporting countries to get introduced sugar throughout the Middle East, Sicily. and 2 price 35 Spain. Columbus took it to the New World 9 Sugar cane is 2 of com and bamboo. 1 ugar mn i Teun 0. Sugar isa kind of industrial (lj) finrdstrio Thad v¢ cong ngligp Tat a) iat Hat bean (n) bisnf daw tropical cadj} fieapikl’ Nhiet det cane (n) jkein Cay mia slave (n) |sleiv: Ne le expon {¥) |'cksp2:t} Mit kha relative (a) relociy} Ho hing FOUR PLANTS 7 96 FOUR PLANTS 11. African 12. A peanut is not really a took peanuts to North America. 13, The peanut is a native of South America. B. VOCABULARY (New Context) wild industrial relatives: nuts feed fair exports peanuts grass beans rropical slaves cane flour spread leaves 1, Germany and Canada are countries. They have alot oi factones. 2, People grind wheat to make Then they make bread. 3. Pine are very popular in the Middle East. 4. This is how to make @ peanut butter sandwich. Take hwo pieces of bread, —_________ peanut butter on one. Spread butter on the ther if you like, Then put the two pieces of bread together 5. Lions and tigers are —___________ animals. 6. [spent my vacation with my parents and other 7. Sugar, bananas, and pineapple are plants. & isn't ste give a girl two presents and her drother only one, ©. Many countries bought from Africa before the tyen- tieth century. 10. A farmer has to his animals every day, 11. Flowers are many colors, ________ and___ are green. 12, Com and are both native to the Americas 13. Cental America bananas to other countries 14. Sugar is made from sugar ____ and sugar beets. 15, are a popular food in Mexico. C. VOCABULARY REVIEW exactly cart union sii competition equator independent youth religion message exhibit explore: discovered voyage goats use up fair (adi) fee] Céing hing suger (2) [Fuge| dtcang grass (a) Igeoss| Cay ec TS 1. Christopher Columbus made @ long across the Atlan- tic Ocear. 2. The Soviet _ |s one of the largest counties in the world 3. What time is it? Itis 11:37 4. Mary isn’: here right now. Can I take @ ____? 5. Hemando Cortés was a famous Spanish in Mexico. 6 ‘The Museum of Science and Industry has an excellent ‘on computers, 7. You can put a lot of food in a shopping at the su- permarket 8 Most people in Hawall are from other areas of the world. However. there are _______ some pure Hawaiians 9. Nadia is very She likes to do things for herself 10. Farmers offen raise sheep and ________togetner 11. Old people like to think about the time of their 12. What is your ? Are you a Buddhist or 2 Muslim? D. ORAL QUESTIONS Which nwo plants came frorn the Americas? How did they spread to other counties? What is corn used for today? Where did coffee come from? What was it used for before st was a drink? What is the International Coifee Agreement? What two plants in this lesson are relatives? Where did sugar come from? What are peanuts used for? *10. Explain how plants spread from ene area to another. “11 How did new plants reach the Pacific Islands? wu aunens E. COMPREHENSION: True/False 1. Europeans invented popcorn. 2. Sweeteners are made fram both sugar cane and corn 3, Most explorers probably introduced new plants to ther coun. tries, "4, Coffee is probably he favorite hot drink in Chin: __ Eoltte 55 probably the avert Rot Gnng ip Oe sheep (0) vip Can cite favourite fa) feivort Yeu shich 98 FOUR ALANS cums 99 00 FOUR PLANTS ¥5. Armies inwoduce new food to other countries. 6. Peanuts grow on small tees ?. The peanut is a relative of beans. #8. Suger cane is a tropical plant F. MAIN IDEA: Supporting Details Pat the letter of each detail under the main subject. Some details go under more than one subject. Corn Coffee Sugar Peanut a, It isa kind of grass. b. It grows underground. ¢. tis an intemational drink 4d. It was spread 10 other countries by explorers. 2. It was spread to other countnes by an army. £ This used for food, git is used in industry. 1h. tes used for of i kris used as a sweetener i. theame from the Americas k. It was used as 3 medicine. WORD STUDY A. SUFFIXES: -ly Adverbs Adjective + -ly ~ adverb An adverb describes a verb, cedjestive adverb Example: Yoko is a beautiful writer. She wntes beautifully, Spelling: Usually there are no speting changes. Usual + -ly = usually complete + -ly = completely But; Drop the final -le simple + ly possible + -ly = possibly Change a final y to i. busy + ly = busily Wirite the adverb beside each adjective. Then choose the correct adverb for each blank. Underline the verb it describes, caretul thoughtiess similar inexpensive silent possible easy accidenta! 1. A student can live Af she lives in a dormitory, cooks her own food, and has a bicycle 21 _— dropped my cotiee cup, and it broke. 3. Pere ___________ spoke to his friend during the test. He knew that he shoulde't talk, but he didn't think about it ‘The professor explained his research very to the class. We may _____ go te Disney World on our vacation 6 You can learn to play baseball isn't dificult game op B. WORD FORMS: Other -ly Words The meaning of a few common -ly words is different from what you might think: 1. likely = probable We just finished a lesson. We are likely to have a test. (We will probably have a test } Stop (v} hdsopl Lim ye FOUR. PLANTS 104 102 CC EIEEESS SSR SSS SSIS 2. greatly = very much Hawaii has changed greatly since Captain Cook visited there, (Hawall has changed very much. ] 3. largely = mostly, mainly Greentand is changing very fast targely because of moder communi cations. {Its changing mostly because of modern communications, This is the major reason | 4 lately = recently {was in London six years ago, but I haven't been there lately. (havent been there recently.) 5. hardly = not much, only a litle, almost none Hardly is a negetive word. Don’t use not with it We have so much homework that we hardly have time to enjoy our- selves. (We have almost no time to enjoy ourselves.) 6. widely = in many places, over a large area English is the international language. It is widely spoken as a second and foreign language. (English is spoken in many places.} 7. shortly = ina short time, very soon ‘We will finish this lesson shortly, There is only one more exercise. (We will finish it very soon.) 8. nearly = almost Our slight lends i Tokyo at 3.50, Its nearly 3.50, and we are nearly there, (It is almost 3:50 and we are almost there. } Choose the correct word for each sentence 1. We are 10 drive. 2. The teachers students cooked 3. Dr. Jensen will be here Please wait a few minutes, 4. isamu used to play tennis a lot but he hasn't played to Bonn. We have only 50 more kilometers enjoyed the intemational dinner that the 5, We are deshoying our environment because of pop- ulation growth, 6. Sugar is used as a sweetener. It is used throughout the world, 7. We are to have environmental problems for a long me. We will not solve them soon. 8 Kim ever drinks coflee. He likes tea instead, FOUR PLANTS C. CONTEXT CLUES AL a2. Aa a4 38. az “The equator is an imaginary line around the center of the Earth. a. Arctic Circle c. world b. a county in South America. land Cotton, coffee, corn, peanuts, and bananas are all crops. a. plants that produce olf and beans b. plants that produce fruit and vegetables c. plants that 2 farmer grows d. plants that grow only in tropical countries People write with a pen or pencil. They also use typewriters and computers, These are all methods of wnting a. powerful ¢. machines 'b. ways to study G, ways to do something dapan exports cars. It imports petroleum. @, buys from other countries c._sells to other countries b, increases d. makes in factories In the United States children always have birthday cake on their birthdays, This is a custom. a. tradition c. a special kind of clothes b. chemical d. someone who buys something This is 2 complicated math problem: 67945328 x 91837650 + 14278694 — 9687. 2. simple c. dlifficul b easy dd. similar Catol and George were doing their homework. Meanwhile, their parents were cooking dinner a when c. similar b. aiso d, at the same time Tepees were made of animal skins, They kept out the rain and cold When the Indians cooked. a hole in the top let out the smoke. When they moved, they could fold up the tepees and take them with them, a a kind of animal <. a kind of food b. a kind of house da kind of clothing Hunreds of years ago, wild animals ranged over the continent of Europe, a. lived and traveled ¢. arranged b ran d, made a loud sound FOUR PLANTS 403 si“ es—“‘CSCsisSCsSCssSCSC‘( FE] WORLD HUNGER Hunger is a problem throughout the world At least {noun tor "hungry" a half millon people are hungry every day) in 1980, tity three developing counties did not have enough food. ‘More than twenty African countries have very serious 5 food problems. There are also hungry people in devel- ‘oped countries. ‘What causes world hunger? 1. Geography. Only about ten percent of the Earth’s world’s) land is good for agriculture. Another twenty per- (farming) 10 cent is good for raising animals. 2. Climate. Sometimes the weather is too hot, too cold, too wet, of #00 dry. Sometimes there are storms, and floods, The weather can destroy all the erops in an area. {acm plants) Destruction of crops. Insects, rats, and other an- {noun for “destroy") ‘mals eat from one-fifth to one-third of all the crops in developing countries 4, Transportation. Sometimes there is extra food in. one part of a country, but there is no way to take 2 it to another part of the country. There are not enough trucks and trains, Developed countries give food to poorer countries, but sometimes there is no way to transport it fo the villages 5. Education, Villagers need to learn the new ways of 25 farming. They cannot grow enough food when they use old methods. Developing countries need to (ways) do research 16 tind solutions to their agricultural noun for “solve” 6 8. A child receives food at problems, but they do not have enough spectal- the UNICEF Mother and ists Mone Cente in hunger (n) *hAngo! Cui di Prot coy SCE earth (n) jo “Prd ati agriculture (nm) faegrik Alfa) Neng nace destruction (n) is WAKIn} Sue pha hag 105 30 6, Choice of crops Some poor countries use most 45, of their land to grow just one or two crops for export They do not have enough extra jand te ‘grow food for the people. li there is bad weather ora plant disease, the crop is destroyed. Then there is ne money from the exports to import food. import # export) 7. Customs, Sometimes an area can grow a new kind of food, but the people want to eat the kind of food they are used to. If they always eat rice, they don’t want to eat cor. If they are used to beans, they don’t want to eat peanuts These are not simple problems, They are very com- plicated. One problem causes another problem. The solution to one problem causes a new problem. Some powerful people don’t want to solve these problems. As long as they have a lot of money. they are happy. Mean- {at the same time} noun for “choose"') _ B 9. 10. 1 ‘Then there is no money from the exports to. ———___— Developing countries need to do research to find to their agricultural problems. but they de not have enough ‘These are not simple problems. They are very . people are hungry. B. VOCABULARY (New Context) ‘hunger climate Earth destruction agriculture developed method solttion transportation import research complicated crops meanwhile geography custom, specialist flood choice beans 1. The heavy rains in the mountains caused a bed along the river ; 2, Masake is studying for a master’s degree in Indiana. she is learning a lot about the United States, 106 ethods of wile, Peon are hang a Euopoat ounce cae and bana or La ‘A. VOCABULARY sti for Japanese woinen to wear kitsonos on choice education research agriculture speci holidays climate Earth's transport import 6. Ds Miners is 2 im heart disease, ‘ransportation hunger desteuction customs 7. A computer is a very machine. methods problems specialists meanwhile &. You have to make a between the two shirts. You ean solutions floods crops complicated choose only one 1. Only about ten percent of the land is good for 9. The Ministry of Agriculture is developing a new _.__ of ‘growing corn. 2. Developed counties give food to poorer countries, but sometimes there 10, What is the to this problem? Is no way to 2t to the villages, WL is not very important in Kuwait 3 is a problem throughout the world 12, Kuwait has a desert 4. They cannot grow enough food when they use old 13. Rice and tea are important in Japan. 5. The weather can destroy all the in an area 14 ig a sericus problem is many countries teday. 6. Sometimes there are storms and . 15. A flood caused the of one hundred houses and many 7. Five causes of world hunger are of crops, : of the crops in the area, and cof crops, 16. The is round, This is a fact choice (2) Wis, See tts hese method (n) TmeBed, Phung php import {¥) Fimpo:t Nheip kia specialist (n) sped alist Chiyin gia custom (a) kAstom, Phong tue tap gain transportation (a) jrrensp wisn] Stein ia complicated (ad)> —jkomplikeitid) —— Phhite ssp crop) ‘keop Mite ming VORLD HUNGER senor 107 WOILD HUNGER 107 i, C. VOCABULARY REVIEW b. in both developed and developing countries c. only in Asia, Africa, and Latin America Match each word with its meaning din North Africa and below the Sahara #2, People can use atvout percent of the world’s iand to raise Cotamn B food. 2 strong a. 10 «30 © make dirty 20 d 40 3. discover ©. use all of it *3. Insects, rats, and other animals destroy crops 4, goat dan animal a. only in developing countries 5. soil e. people . in all agricultural countries 6. decade {. Umaginary line around the world & only in countries below the Sahara Desert 7. conserve @ find d. in one-fifth of ali counties 8. pollute h. everything around us _ 4 Some countries grow just one oF two crops because 9. powerful i far a. the people like to eat them best 10, simple i. organize b. they can export them, 11. humans k amange c. they use them in factories 12. use up Land of dirt 4, insects and rats wifi not eat them 13. environment rm. keep of save *5. Which two sentences are not true? P. ten years a, Ifyou introduce a new crop to a vilage. the people wil start growing ©. not complicated it and eating it right away. b. Some powerful people do not want to salve the problem of world D. ORAL QUESTIONS unger ¢. Transportation is often a problem in poor countries. d. Small African countries have a lot of agricultural specialists 1. How many people are hungry every day? 2. How many African countries have serious food problems? 3. What are seven causes of hunger? Explain each one. 4. Why is it difficult to find a solution to the problem of hunger? *5, Why do some governments do nothing to solve this problem? F MAIN IDEA *6. Why do some countries grow crops lo export instead of food for their people? Choose the two main ideas, "7. Can humans do anything to change the problems of geography an¢ climate? 1. Asia has the largest number of hungry people 2. There are hungry people in developed countries E. COMPREHENSION 3 Cire 1s a major cause of world hunger. junger is a serious and complicated wcxid problem LH 8, There are seven major causes of world hunger lunger is a problem a._only in Third World countries rat (n) beet Chust deny climate to} teste] Khi iin village (n) Ivilid3 Lang mae 108 WORLD HUNGER, WORLD HUNGER 4109 440 WORD STUDY A. PREPOSITIONS You have leamed a few common meanings and uses of prepositions. There are often no rules or ditect translations for prepositions at all. You must just leam ther by practicing Put the night prepositions in these sentences 1 1980, ftty-three developing countries did not have enough food. 2. Asia has the largest number hungry people. 3. Hunger is also a serious problem Altica 4. Only about ten percent the Earth's land is good ag. ciculture, 5. The weather can destroy all the crops an area 6, Insects, rats, and other anmels eat one-fifth one-third all the crops developing counines. 7. Sometimes there is extra food cone part 2 country 8, Developed countries give food poorer counties. 9 Villagers need to learn the new ways farming 10. Some poor countries use most their land to grow just one or two crops export. B. IRREGULAR VERBS Simple Past Part Participle i. spread spread spread 2 grow grew grown 3. win won won 4. feed fed ied 5 bear bore born Put the correct form of the verb in the blank, The last five are review, bea (0) Ibex Con gai wort HUNGER 1. Coffee to the Middle East and Europe. 2. Indians have ‘com for centuries 3, Which county the most gold medals at the Olympics? 4. Ms. Jay hee new baby every four hours. 5. Where were you 2 6. (wear) Mr. Jensen his new suit this morning 7. (exeet) How did you your wile? 8. {build} The govemment a new office building last year 9. {speak} Nadia hes English since she was a child 10. (sell) Masia her car last week C. SUFFIXES: Nouns Ending in -ist (a person) Example: Developing countries do not have enough spe sts Put the right word in each sentence, Use the plural form if itis necessary. chemist artist zoologist finalist pianist specialist scientist 1. Tom tkes animals and wants to become a 2. The competition has lasted for three days. Now there are only two players competing They are the __ 3. Michelangelo was a famous 4, Franz Liset wrote music for the piano, He wes also a famous 5. Bob has 2 doctorate in chemistry. Now he is looking for @ job as a 6 Most medical students finish medical school and then continue studying so they can become tell us that smoking ceuses lung cancer. D. CONTEXT CLUES ‘Many words have mare than one meaning. Choose the meaning {or each word as it is used in the sentence chemist (a) “kemist! Wha hed hoe zoologist (a) zavsiodgist] Nh cing ws hoe pianist (n} janist! Nghe of deme ceim arttsi (n) “tsi Nghe si WORLD HUNGER - gt 444 - | 1. When the plane Jended in Paris, all the passengers went through cus- toms and immigration. They showed their passports and opened their C ARE AN D OXF, “AM suiteases so the olficials could check them a, traditions b dothes ¢ a government office that checks things entenng a country 4. applace at an airport to buy tickets 2. Alter we patd the bill for our dinner, we left a tip for the waiter a. the very end of something —_—b._ money for good service b. Chile and Argentina G. information 3. When the children turned off their loud music. it was suddenly very still. “an aut «wen row ; “hg b. quite yet ved 4, Robert Clark has been in the army for twelve years. He was a captain, but new he is a major. a. a student's most important subject ex b. a military officer qs «. the most important d. the opposite of the navy 5, The table tennis game was very short. You got here late, and the game 4 is all over. a. everywhere ¢ troughout the city b. above 4, finished 6. Bananas, lettuce, and cucumbers are in the produce (pronunciation pt6-duce) depanment of a supermarket. 2: flan gee er Many exganzatons av tying to da okton tothe problem of world hunger. Two of them are CARE and ‘Oxfam, They both provide food to hungry people ‘give However, they both beleve that its more important to § help people produce their own food, Because of this belief, both organizations have programs to help peopie improve their hives. inake better) immigration {n) ami gretfn| Si nedip cue care (n) skeal Swcehiem sce land én} Ulsendi siti dai provide () pro'vaid Cun edie bal (a) il Hod dite thunk iodn tién improve wv) imipru:y Cait tien military {0 ['mthicaril Quan sit organization (0) >:ganai'zei/n|— Te chat 443, 112 WORLD HUNGER, CARE CARE was organized in 1945 to help people ater 10 World War I It distributed over 100 million food pack ages. Meanwhile, it was starting self-help programs. To- day it has development programs in 37 counties CARE gives equipment and teaches people how to build water systems, reads, schools. houses, and health 15 centers, It also teaches people how to increase produc fon on their farms, how to refecest areas, and how to start smail village industries. Dociors and nurses volunteer to go to vilages. They provide health care for the people. They also teach peo. 20 ple how to improve their health They train people to prouide simple medical care CARE also provides food for about 30 million people each year, most of them children. It gives special help when there is a flood, an earthquake, a drought, or a 28 war, a OXFAM During World War Il, a group of people in Oxford England, organized Oxiam to send money to Greece When the war was over, they continued to give money. 80 food. and clothing to other counines in Europe In the 1960s Oxfam started working on, Jong-term de- velopment in many countries. It wanted to attack the causes of hunger, poverty. and disease. It wented 19 pre- vent problems instead of trying to solve them after they 85 start. However. it continuss to provide four to the hur gey. sick, and homeless. Oxiam believes that all humans share one world with limited resources, Rich and poor countries denend on each other. Where do Oxfem and CARE gat their money? Ordi- nary peopie in developed countnes give money. Oxfar also has small stores, They sell beautifu: things that wil- ‘teach fro tain for 2 tong time lagers in developing countries make. Oxtam and CARE receive millions of dollars every year distribute (69 idiste'biuct| Phan piss equipment én} Wkwipmant Pramg thi be train (9) itrein, dave tao deought (a) irae Haan fan 444 cane AnD OWA oF "45 Both argenizations are international. They help people of any race. color, or religion. They meet with the people to decide on programs together. CARE and Oxfam help provide the necessities of life to less-developed countnes. A. VOCABULARY ordinary race train prevent ‘organization share provide attack improve teforest equipment drought 1. CARE gives systems. 2. ft gives special help when there is a flood, an earthquake programs Gistbuted volunteer and teaches people how to build water ——_____. or a war. 3 over 100 milion food packages. 4 Dectors and nurses to go to villages 5. They —____ people to provide simple medical care ' 6 Oxfam wanted to the causes of hunger. poverty, and disease 7. It wants to problems instead of trying to salve them | after they start 8 _____ people in developed countries give money. 9, They both 10, They help people of any 11. Both organizations have programs to help people lives. 12. Oxiam believes that all humans ned resources B. VOCABULARY (New Context) food to hungry people color, or religion their ‘one world with lim organizations provides reforest ordinary races necessities ain earthquakes volunteer equipment shave prevented drought distribute improve attacked ordinary (adj) o:dancril Bink theese relcrest (v ric Porist Tréng sire attack (v} in'tewk Fan cong volunteer (8) |salea'dal Tink nguyen cane AND OXFAM 445 1. Itisn’t necessary to dress up for the party. Just wear your clothes. 2. Parents usvally teach their children to other children Captain Thomson will the new ite fighters Who will to do the next exercise? 5. When Betty saw 2 car driving on her side of the street. she pulled far over to the side andl an accident, their toys with pe 6 The army the village and killed 150 people 7. We need to take the volleyball. the soccer ball, and other spors to the picnic. 8, One of the students helped the teacher the papers. 9. The schoo! books. paper, and pencils for the stu dents 10, ltalans, Nigerians, and Japanese all belong to different 11. Japan has a lot of . but usually they are not very se rious, 12, There is a when it doesn’t rain for a long time. 13. Athletes by practicing, C. VOCABULARY REVIEW Underline the word that does not belong with the others decade, poverty, season, century signature. specialist, inventor. manager crops, beans, nuts, cotton nationality, management, happiness, likely soil, water. season, sun lung, heart. breathe, stomach uncomplicated, nonindustrial, disorganized. reforest relative, nephew, niece. cousin ORAL QUESTIONS When and why were both Oxfam and CARE organized? Which is more important, to develop programs so people can help themselves, or to disinbuie food to hungry people? What kind of training does CARE give? 4. When does CARE provide special helo? 9 aaa pwene “2 "8, Why is it important to prevent problems instead of solving them? share (Vv) we Chase, prevent (5) ipr'vent!| Nedn cade special (adj) [sper soccer (a) jsdka, 116 CARE AND OXFAM } E 1 2. Oxiam and CARE do not believe that 3. CARE teaches people in less developed countries how to 5. Oxfam and CARE get their money from F 6. What does this sentence mean? “‘All humans share one world with linsited resources." 7. Where do these two organizations get their money? 8. How ate these organizations sirniar? COMPREHENSION CARE and Oxfam both believe that a. people should learn how to improve their lives b. its important to train people to produce theit own food ©. people should help decide about their own programs d. a,b, and ¢ are tue a. they should provide food for hungry people b. they should help only Europeans or Christians c. they should help when there is 2 drought or an earthquake 4, they should train people to improve their lives a. plant trees in places where they cut them all down b. build large factories ¢. make expensive medicine d. get money fom developed countries Doctors and nurses go to villages because a. they must go <. they want to go b. they earn alot of money. they cannot get jobs other places a. the government ’, other organizations Both crganizations decide what is best for the people they help send specialists to tell people what to do help specialists and village people decide things together tel Europeans how to improve life in poor countries © poor countries d. ordinary people b. c d MAIN IDEA Choose the four main ideas about CARE and Oxfam, 1. They provide food ior hungry people 2. They build roads and schools medicine (n} government (n} Thc men Chink phat medst; ‘medisa gAvamant axpoxtam 147 a —_> They develop programs to help people improve their lives. They train people to provide medical care. ‘They get money from ordinary people They help all kinds of people. Oxfam has small stores NOOR WORD STUDY A, WORD FORMS ‘Some common adjective endings are -al, -able, -ful, -less, -t, -ous ‘White the correct word form in the blanks. Use a word from line 1 in sentence 1. and so on. Verb Noun Adjective 1. decide eeision 2. onganize organization {disorganized 3. conserve conservation conservationist 4. distribute distribution 5. prevent prevention {un}preventable 6. believe belief {unJbelievable 7. differ difference different 8 religion religious 9. harm harm harmful, harmless 10. destroy destruction 11. complicate complication {unlcomplicated 12. improve improvement 1. You must make a 2. Tom's notebook is very init, Decide immediately He never can find anything want to save the Earth's environment. Poor ___ of food is a cause of world hunger Droughts and earthquakes are Different religions have different on Re CARE AND OXFAnt Islam and Christianity Abdullah is very He prays five umes a day 9, Some chemicals are but others are 10. A flood or an earthquake usually causes great 11. There are many 12. Some countries have made great people 7. in their beliefs, 8 in this new program in the lives of their B. WORD FORMS: Adjectives Adjectives have only one form, There is ne phiral, Be careful with this Kind of adjective: Paulo has a vacation for two months. Paulo has a two-month vacation, It takes three hours to drive from San Diego to Los Angeles Itis a three-hour drive from San Diego to Los Angeles Don’: use @ plural fonn. Use a hyphen |.) Use the information in the parentheses to ail in the blanks. 1. Bill won the race. (It wes 1,000 meters long.) 2 Iisa dnve from Chicago to New York. (It takes nwo days.) 3 hisa fight from London to San Frencisco. {lt takes ten hours.! 4. Some university students have a mer. (It lasts three months | 5. ftisa tip from Boston to New York. |It 1 340 kilo. meters. } vacation in the sum. C. NOUN SUBSTITUTES Look at these wards in the reading selection, Tell what each word means. 1. page 113, line 2 them 2 ine 5 theie betiefs (my ibilicy Tin nguang Pray (¥) rei Cau menyen CARE ANS Oxram 149 rc ec lll —_ 3. page 114. ine LO 88, “Hello,” “hi,” and “good morning” are all greetings 4 tne1S to a, something to say when you see a person 5 line 16 their b, something to say when you leave a person. 6 ine 18 they ¢. something to say onty to new friends 7 fine 23 them d. something to say onty to old friends & line 29 they. ___ 9. Floods, droughts, earthquakes, and plane accidents are all disasters 9. Ine 35 it | a. bad things that happen ¢_good things that happen 10. ine 42 they bo. matural things that hagpen d._accidents caused by humans a line 42 that D. CONTEXT CLUES AL. Whatis the temperature? I's 30°C. a. How far is it? b. How big is 8? c. How hot or cold is it? d. What time is it? A2, Artists create beautiful paintings. | a. make ©. see | b. write watch, 43. Without the Easth's atmosphere, we coud not breathe. | a. the air around the Earth c._ the height of the mountains 4 b. the water in the oceans G. the size of the cities 4. Scientists predict that there will be 6.3 bition people in the world in the year 2000, a. study the future c. say what will happen in the ~ b. study the past future di say what happened in the past 5. When the wind blows in the desert, there are terrible dust storms. a. rain snow b. dint d. wind A6. Some zoologists do research by observing animals. They make notes about everything the animals do. a. selling . buying b. helping 4, watching 7. When a plane accident accurs, most people are killed, a. happens © watches b, falls a flies research (¥) [r'soct, wesacue]| Nene exe flood (n) \flaal Tran tut 120 CARE AND OXFAM CARE AND OXFAM, 124 i i s—i‘sOOCOSCsCsCSCSCsSsSCSC ey EFFECT Scientists say that something very serious is happening to the Earth. It will begin to get warmer in the 1990s ‘There will be major changes in climate during the next century. Coastal waters will have a higher temperature 8 This will have a serious effect on agriculture. In northern areas, the growing season will be ten days longer by the yeat 2000 However, ini warmer areas, it wil be too dry, The amount of water could decrease by fifty percent. This, would cause a large decrease in agricultural production. 10 World temperatures could increase two degrees centigrade by the year 2040. However, the increase could be three times as great in the Arctic and Antarctic re- gions. This could cause the ice sheets to melt and raise lereas) | THE GREENHOUSE effect (n) Sit cinh huctng, hig tng mreenhouse(n)——_fgrisnhaus, Nha hie region (n} iricd3on| Ku ve vemperstire (x) temprotte) Nhiee do 122 the level of the oceans by one to wo meters. Many coastal 15 cites would be under water. Why is this happening? There is too much carbon dioxtde (CO,) in the air. Wher oll. ges. and coal bum, they create large amounts of carbon dioxide. We send five billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere 20 every year. This amount wilt double in fifty years This carbon dioxide lets sunlight enter the Earth's atmos- phere and heat the Earth However, i» does not let as much heat leave the atmesphere and enter space. It is like a blanket, The heat can pass from the sun through 25 the blanket to warm the Earth, The heat stays there and cannot escape through the blanket again. ‘Scientists call this the greenhouse effect. A greenhouse is a building for growing plants. It is made of glass or clear plastic. 20 These scientists say we must start planning now. We need to do research so we can predict what will happen We must conserve coal, oll and gas. However, other scientists disagree. They say there no reason to worry because we have twenty years to 35 plan. They think that the greenhouse effect will not be very serious. They believe that there is no way for the world to slow this down or stop it, We must just prepare {or a high-temperature world These scientists also say that the causes of the world 40 cimate are very complicated. The greenhouse effect is only one cause, Other gases and dust in the air and ‘changes in clouds are also irnportant to the climate of the Earth Meanwhile, all scientists agree that we must continue 45 measuring the amount of carbon dioxide in the at- mosphere and observing its effects. Scientists must en- courage this research so the world will be ready if the greenhouse effect really occurs. A. VOCABULARY escape serious coal coastal temperatures encourage sunlight carbon dioxide predict observing dust becurs Utell the future} de) watching! thappens) atmosphere regions measuring create create (3) Ikeivek: Tao ra coal @) @ el Than di atmosphece (a) actmosfiel — Bdu kh quyén predic: (v) Ipridiktl Dur bdo, doan TE GneestHouse ec 423 a ec el Bo Nog There is too much World year 2040, However, the inctease could be three times as great in the Aretic and Antarctic —__ Carbon dioxide lets sunlight enter the Earth's Meanwlile, all scientists agree that we must continue the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and its effects, could increase two degrees centigrade by the in the air. We need to do research so we can Scientists must if the greenhouse effect really When oi), gas, and amounts of carbon dioxide, ‘The heat stays there and cannot again, what will happen, this research, so the world will be ready bum, they large through the blanket 10. Other gases and in the air and changes in clouds are also important to the climate of the Earth B. VOCABULARY (New Context) escaped blanket greenhouse dusts atmosphere predicts iemperatures double coal carbon dioxide created occurred observing regions encourage measure 1. The tropical of the world are near the equator, 2 and petroleum were created from dead plants and animals 3. Factories pollute the : 4 David that his team will win by three points 5. What at the student meeting last night? 6. Religions teach that God the world. 7. Greeniand has very low in the winter, 8. Would you please this table? { need to know its Fength and width 9. When Glen cleans his apartment, he the furniture 10 1s used to put out fires 11, When you visit another country, you can learn a lot just by what happens around you. 124 7 Tron hha encourage [¥) inka dng vien, khusén kihich smeasure (¥) me pel de dac ‘occur (¥) ks) Mayra THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT 425 _ 12. My pet bird 13. Lydia's parents from its cage. her to study hard and get good grades. C. VOCABULARY REVIEW: Antonyms Match the words with their opposites Colman A Column B 1. provide a. cause 2. ondinary b. get worse 3. improve c flood 4. prevent d. take away 5, distribute @. at different times ~ 6 simple f unusual | 7. destruction g. collect 8. drought fh solution | 9. import L creation | 10. industrial |. complicated ! 1, meanwbite i customs b export m. agricutural D. ORAL QUESTIONS What is a greenhouse? What causes the greenhouse effect? Why do scientists call this the greenhouse effect? What changes will this make in the Earth’s climate? How is the Earth's atmosphere like a blanket? Why do some scientists disagree about the greenhouse effect? What can the world’s population do to decrease the greenhouse effect? What research must scientists do? etanadue £. COMPREHENSION: True/False/No Information 1. Some scientists say there will be major changes in the Earth's climate during the next century. solasion (n) Jsettu:sl Gi pip 2. At the equator the growing season will iengthen. 3. The increase in temperature will be greatest in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. 4. Some scientists say there is too much carbon dioxide in the air When wood burns. it produces carbon dioxide We need to continue measuring the amount of carbon diox- ide in the atmosphere. 7. The causes of the werld climate ate very complicated. *8. Temperatures at the North and South Poles might increase 6c 9. Scientists will study the atmosphere from the Pacific Ocean because the air is clearer there. F. MAIN IDEA ao Choose the two main ideas 1. Some scientists say there will be a greenhouse effect, and it will be very serious, but others say it will not be serious. 2. The warmer areas of the world wil become too dry 3. We are burning too much petroleum. gas, and coal, This causes the greenhouse effect. 4, There ere a Jot of dust and gases other than carbon dioxide in the air WORD STUDY A. WORD FORMS: Nouns 1. Use @ noun after an articie (a, an, the). There may be an adjective before the noun, Example: This could cause the icesheets to melt. The atmosphere is ike a thick blanket. lengthen (v) NenBen| Kéo dai dust (a) |dAstl Bui 26 THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT Td a _ 2. Some common noun sulfixes are -sion, -tion, -ation, and ~t Write the correct word form in each blank. Use a word from line 1 in sentence 1, and so on. Use the right verb form and singular or plural nouns. Underline each article and the noun that follows it. Verb Noun 1. provide provision. 2, observe observation 3, create creation 4, prevent prevention 5, distribute distribution 6. produce product production 7. fy flight 8. populate population 9. divide dixision 10. inform information 1. The —____ of foad for hungry people is very important, 2. Students who want to be teachers visit classrooms. They the teachers, 3. The invention of the computer has system of communication a completely new 4, If people are careful with their camplires, they can forest fires. 5, CARE helps with the of food and clothing, 6. Cars are an important, of Japan. 7, The —_____ to Tokyo leaves in thirty minutes 8. Quer is a problem in Mexico City 3. Along math problem is difficult for children. 10, Please the professor that someone is here to see him B. PREPOSITIONS Woe the correct preposition in each blank. 1. Scientists say that something very serious is happening the Earth campfire (a) “kaernp fui Laie trai fight ¢n} ait Chteven bay THE onennouse cerect 127 There will be major changes This will have a serious effect agriculture. The amount water could decrease fifty percent. World temperatures could increase two degrees centrigrade the year 2040. climate during the next century, open 6. There is too much carbon dioxide the air 7. We send five billion tons of carbon dioxide the atmosphere every year 8 The heat can pass the sun the bianket to warm the Earth 9. We must just prepare a high-temperature world. 10. Changes douds are also. important the climate the Earth. C. IRREGULAR VERBS: Review Write the correct form of the verb in the sentence (stand) 1. The teacher is in front of the class. {hear} 2. Have you ever a bluebird sing? {begin} 3. You ate only a few minutes late. The movie has hardly teach} 4, Schools English in nearly every country fouy) «5. Lhave several new shirts lately. fell) 6 Ruth _________ David the answer before he could think of it (spend) 7. Did you much money last weekend? (think} 8. Dr. Rose we are putting too much carbon dioxide into the air. (feel) 9. Saleh dida't well yesterday (meet| 10. Maria —_________ someone from her hometown shortly alter she arrived at the English center. D. CONTEXT CLUES Al. Maryis a female. 2. woman © man b. bor in the United States. d. boy prepare (v) Ipripeo| Chun bluebird (n) Ibiu:bo:e! Chim som ca 128 WE GREENHOUSE EFFECT A2. AB Ag AB, a6. AD. 48, Jobn is a male a wornan < man b. gitt d. forty years old You can attach one paper to another with glue a. cut ©. put together b. take apart 4. use up Most insects are tiny, a. huge c. intelligent b. very small d beautiful The water at the edge of the lake is very hallow. a. wide «thick b. not narrow not deep Some fish live near the surface of the water. Others live deeper down, a. top «edge . bottom middle People like to go to the seashore, They lie on the beach, piay in the sand, sleep, and enjoy themselves. a. the deep part of the water ». the edge of the land next to water ¢. high mountains d. snowy areas for skiing When an animal grows up, it inds a mate. Then they produce young animals a. the husband or wife of an animal b. a large insect © the child of a fish 4. eggs produced by birds Thave to seareh for my backpack until | find it 2 ask for ©. look at b. talk about a took for narzow (adj) bottom (n} inerau| hep Ibororms iy ‘GREENHOUSE EFFECT 129 ly THE SEAHORSE The seahorse is a very strange animal, It isa fish, but sts head looks like a horse. The male takes care of the eggs until they hatch into baby fish. The seahorse swims ‘stancing up. ° Its eyes cam move separately so il can see everywhere at once. lis mouth is at the end of its nose. The female seahorse deposits her eggs in a small pouch under the male's tall. (A kangaroo also has a pouch for her babies} Then she swims away and never sees the male or her babies again. Six weeks later. the baby fish are bom. At birth, each one is about one cen. timeter long and as thin as a piece of string They are very hard tc see because they are almost as clear as glass oy mS seahorse (n) {si.'ho:s) Cd nyse hateb (¥) thew} Netirting string (n) str Sai day pouch (7) Ipauut| Tee 430 However. their skin is very tough. About 300 are born at once 15 Alter the fish are bom, the father pays no attention to them. They attach themselves to each other by their tails Other fish swim head first. using their tails to move through the water. The seahorse swims “standing up.” It uses a tiny fin on its back to move. This fin moves up 20 to 70 times a second, {f the fish loses this fin, another cone grows back The seahorse moves very fast, with its heed leaning forward. The mouth of the seahorse is at the end of its long rose. It pulls in food the way we drink a soft drink through 2 a straw. It cats only tiny living and moving animals, but it tats @ lot. It stores fat in its body Seahorses live in warm, shallow water where there istots of sea grass, They can change their color to match be colors of the grass, so it is very hard to see them. 20 Their coloring protects them. This is called protective edoring. In warm weather, they spend their time mostly about a meter below the surface of the water, When it get cold, they go down to about seven meters below thesusface. At this depth, the temperature of the water 35 doe not change very much. When there is a storm, the sealorse holds onto a piece of grass with ils tail. Then it camot be cared to the shore. A seahorse fives for two or three years and produces aroind 2,000 young. Some bigger fish and sea animals 40 eat gahorses, so many of the young never grow up. Man’ animals leave them alone, but no one knows why. nen a seahorse is grown up. it searches for 2 mate connect} (shallow + deepr tedge of land near water! ‘looks ion) (husband ot “The emale deposits eggs in the male's pouch, and the le of an arvmalh cyek begins again. (circle) 4. VOCABULARY string tng male fernale leaning shore young hatch swim pouch searches ‘ough provects fin eyele stew mate shallow surface attach tough (adj) ta Sdn sit attach [v} lovee dikem fin (n) ifn) Vayea straw (0) Iser:] eng hit par seaonse = 434 32 1. The seahorse deposits her eggs in a small under the male's tail. 2. The takes care of the eggs until they into baby fish 3. At birth, each one is about one centimeter long and as thin as a piece of 4. Seahorses live in warm, water where there is a lot of sea grass. 5. They themselves to each other by their tails. 6. ituses a on its back to move. 7. However, theit skin is 8 Their coloring them. 9. In warm weather, they spend their time mostly about a meter below the —_____. of the water. 10. When a seahorse is grown up, it fora 11, The seahorse moves very fest, with its head forvard. 12. Then it cannot be cared to the . 13. The female deposits eggs in the male's pouch, and the begins again. 14. tt pulls its food in the way we drink a soft drink through a. 8, VOCABULARY (New Context) searched tough attach posit lean females ouch siore males birth Protect by fins. hatch shallow sting stew surface mate ele 1. Ineed a piece of to fe up this package 2. A baby is when itis bom, Then it grows. 3. Insome countries, both and serve in the army and navy. 4. A chicken sits on her eggs until they 5. A kangaroo carries her baby in a 6 Please don’t on this glass. [¢ might break. 7. The small boat moved slowly toward the 8 Cheap steaks are not good The meat is 9. You can ‘two pieces of paper together with a pape cip Tean (9) jlin, Wea ve phil protect (v} ipea'text Bao ve shallow (ad) ifeetou| Nong, can seposii (v) idi'pozae, dé ming THE SEAHORS: 10. 1 12. 13 14 Fish have on their backs and sides. We all study the water in school. Water moves irom clouds to the land, to the ocean, and back to the clouds again Some animals choose one for the rest of thei lives, Small children have trouble drinking 2 soft drink through a One end of the swimming pool hes water. This is where children play, 15. The of a table is very flat 16. Captain Cook for islands in the Pacitic Ocean. 17. Parents try to their children from danger. . VOCABULARY REVIEW on sale shelves customer attractive mind ist connect dial town stretches minus common 4. Tall moder buildings are in lange cities throughout the world. 2. Betty's new dress is very Hike it 3. Ms. Green made a of al the food she needed before she went to the supermarket She got there early and was the frst . She walked between the and chose what she wanted. She found some fruit 4. You seem worried, Do you have a problem on your 2 5. Many new telephones do not have a 6 Marie grew up in a small in eastern Canada, 7. Twelve nine equals three. D. ORAL QUESTIONS 1. What things about a seahorse are strange? 2. Who takes care of baby seahorses? 3. How does a seahorse swim? 4. How does it eat? 5. Where does it live? 6. Why is a seahorse hard to see? 7. How fong does a seahorse live? mate (n) ‘meit} Ban tinh shote (a) $33) We trouble (n) [rab Sue phdn tack danger (n) I'demd3! Stenguy hiém THE SEAHORSE —. COMPREHENSION: True/False/No Information The seahorse is a fish Its eyes can move separately, and its mouth is below its nose. Some fish won't eat a seahorse because it doesn't taste good A seahorse swims with its tail A seahorse looks for a mate in deep water during the spring About 1,000 babies are born at the same time A seahorse has protective coloring, Seahorses live in sea grass in warm, shaitow water A grown-up seahorse is about one centimeter long COU AKRON e F MAIN IDEA Put the letter of each detail under the comect main idea. What a seahorse looks like 2, How a seahorse lives Its mouth is at the end of kts nose . Its head looks like a horse A baby attaches itself to another baby by its tall. it has a tiny fin on its back, tt has protective coloring Ic llves in warm, shallow water When it is cold, it swims into deeper water. The male takes care of the eggs until they hatch. A baby is as clear as glass It swims “standing up. ve resreas se WORD STUDY A. SUFFIXES: -ive Adjectives The adjective sutfix -ive means able to do something, tai (rn) itil Cai duc 134 THE SEAHORSE Example: This is called protective coloring The color of the seahorse can protect i. Choose the correct adjective for each sentence Adjective protect protective destruction destructive 1 create (un)creative prevent preventive product (un}productve imagne (unjimaginative act linjactive 1. Billy sa very child, He makes up stories and always thinks of interesting things to do 2. Flocds and earthquakes are 3. Desert soil is —____ 4. All and Masako are both very Students Organization 5. CARE and Oxfam think that helping people after they are sick. without water in the International medicine is better than B. IRREGULAR VERBS Leam these verb forms. Simple Past Participle 1. blow blown 2. swim swum 3. drink drunk 4 sweep swept 8. choose chosen 6 fy flown 1 The wind hard last night. 2 A seahorse usually about a meter below the surface ‘of the water. 3. Bob ——__.. is milk with @ straw at lunch yesterday: protective (ad)) ——_Iprattektiv| Baie ve THE SEAHORSE 135 eel 4 Ann 5. Have you 6. Has your sister ever the Iotchen floor early this rmoming the classes you are going to take? on the Concorde? C. NOUN SUBSTITUTES Look at these words in the text. Then tell what each one means. I. page 130. line2 its line 3 they line 5 its line 6 her line 8 her . line 10 one page 131, line 16 themselves line 17 their line 21 one Bne 28 they line 41 them aes | BS emnan l 1 D. CONTEXT CLUES Al. Acold ocean current moves from Antarctica along the west coast of ‘South America. It brings cold water from the south. It is called the Peru Curent. a. ativer in the ocean © akind of fruit >. something happening now da small lake . ‘2. The weather in Hawaii is always mild. It's pleasant and warm. There is usually a light wind to cool the ait. a. not natural very hot 'b. not too hot or too cold rainy 3, Something terrible happened in my neighborhood last night. A man ile his wife and all bis children, Then he killed himself 2. afraid b. very, very bad 44. Al wants to sell his car. How much is it worth? Is it worth $1000? a. What color is it? b. How old is it? © unpleasant d. unusual How much is it? d. How big is it? 136 substitute (¥) THE SEAHORSE [sApsuiguy Thay the a AS. An earthquake Is likely 10 cause a lot of damage a. happiness. c. floods b, boycotts 4. destruction 6, Mr Cox is an engineer. His income is $40,000 a year a. the amount of money he eams b, the amount of work he does ¢, the amount of time he works d, the amount of money in his bank account 7. The temperature was very high for ten days. Now it s normal again © tegion drought a. usual b. likely THE SEAHORSE 137 fo ee eee ocao, Preteure Sitection Cortes SBvarm 7 = ie EL NINO dwt The world’s largest weather system is over the Pacific | ‘Ocean. There isa high-pressure system over the Eastern EA — \ ont Pacific. This causes winds to blow toward the wet low: . wt LD Mate pressure system over Indonesia. All of this causes the _ eS 5 ocean currents to move toward the west. These currents ~~ ° cause warm water to pie up in the Western Pacific. {if f as ~ (ae you blow across the top of a cup of coffee, the coffee os NY piles up on the opposite side of the cup. The same thing amen ~ happens with the ocean currents.) 4 10 Every four to ten years, something happens to this fag ‘weather system. Everything changes, and scientists don't N understand why. The low-pressure area moves towerd 0 j the east, the highspressure area is very weak, and the rmal Weather A winds blow toward the east. A great pile of warm surface 15 weter moves toward South America. People call this “Ei Nifio."” It usually happens at Chiist, mas time, and El Nifo is the Spanish name for the baby wonts Jesus P en: Usually the effects of El Nifio are very mild, However, pe X 20 the one that started in 1982 was different from the other ee 4 B xe recent ones. It had a very powerful effect on the world’s climate. It caused huge changes in the ocean currents, It caused floods in some areas and droughts in others. There wete terrible windstorms and huge ocean waves. These 25 waves swept houses into the sea. £3 Nifio did billions of dollars worth of damage. Thousands of people lost theie hives and thousands of others were tel homeless Jn 1983, the winds, ocean currents, and pressure areas started to become normal again. Meanwhile, scientists 30 throughout the worid organized research to lear mee about El Nifio. They are using satellites and research boats to observe the atmosphere and the ocean. It is a pressure (n} Iprerete)! Gp sua current (n) Havre Dang chay 136 damage (n) Idaemid3, Thiét ha 439 very complicated problem, but if the scientists of the word work together, they should be able to learn the causes 35 of BI Nifio. Then they will be able to predict what wll happen and work to prevent a repeat of the death and destruction of 1982-1983. Location United States: 1. Mountain and Pacific states 2. Gulf states 3. Hawaii 4, Northeastern US 5 Cuba 6 Mexico, Central America 7. Ecuador, northern Pen 8 Southem Peru, western Bolivia 9. Southern Braail, northem Argentina, eastern Paraguay 10. Bolivia 31. Tahiti 12, Australia 13. indonesia 14. Philippines 15. Souther China 16, Southem india, Sr Lanka 17, Middle East, chiefly Lebanon 18. Southern Aitica 19. Iberian Peninsula, northem Africa Phenomenon Vierions Damage Storms 45+ dead $1.1 billion Flooding 50+ dead $1.1 bitton Hurricane 1 dead $230 milion Storms 66 dead = Flooding 15 dead $170 milion Drought - $600 million Flooding 600 dead $680 mniion Drought ~ $240 millon Flooding 170 dead $3 billion 500.000 evacuated Feeding __50 dead, 26,000 homeless $300 million Hurricane 1 dead $50 milton Drought, fires 71 dead, 8,000 homeless $2.5 billion Drought 340 dead $500 million Drought - $450 millon Wet weather 600 dead 3600 million Drought — $150 milion Cold. snow 65 dead $50 milion Drought Disease, starvation §1 billion Drought ~ $200 millon 20. Westen Europe Flooding 25 dead $200 million Source: Nasonel Oceanic and Almosphwrie Adwiniaaon Congmsht #1983 by the Nese York Tunes Company, Bepmiad ty permison, 140 ELNINO phenomenon (f) ~~ feinaminen Tiler tang Jocation (nj lav'keifal Viwi evacuate (v) [iMeckjoeit Ser tin starvation ¢n) sta."veifn| Nan doi ae A. VOCABULARY waves ‘worth satellites swept pressure currents mile pile nonmal blow damage terrible 1. Usually the effects of Et Nifigjare very There is a bigh- system aver the Eastern Pacific There were windstorms and huge ocean 2 3. —____ 4, EiNifio did millions of dollars —__ of —_____ 5. All of this causes the ocean to move toward the west. 6 in 1983, the winds, ocean curents. and pressure areas started to become —________ again. 7, These currents cause warm water to Western Pacific. 8 These waves 9, They use sphere and the ocean. B. VOCABULARY (New Context) up in the houses into the ocean and research boats to abserve the atmo. damaged pressure current waves normally iid pile gweep temble satellites homeless worth 1. Ann's new diamond sng is $5,000 ; 2. The ocean hit the shore day and night, without stopping 3, —.___. enable people all over the world to watch the Olympic Games on television. 4, Paul had an accident last night. His car was ‘one was hurt. 5, Because of E] Nifio, parts of the United States had heavy snow and other paris had a winter 6 A doctor checks your blood amination 7. Each class are only twelve 8, Every fall, people have to but no during a physical ex- has fifteen students, but this semester there the leaves off the sidewalk, They up the leaves and then put themin the garbage, wor (n) we Gi ari blow (vy, sblou: Thot satellite (n) ‘sacroluisy Ve tinh sweep () wn Ques ENN 4144 CCC I EPEP' eet 9. Karl never studies and he gets 10, An ocean water from near the equator, grades. off the eastem coast of Japan brings warm C. VOCABULARY REVIEW exactly message exhibit journals distributes death ah throat fact so usd feed spread fair flour 1. Pete is Peter — his papers all over the table and then put them 2 rabbits are not dangerous, 3. Barbara has a sore She can hardly talc 4. The government food to poor people. 5. There is a beautiful of ph phot hs at Ie seum this month, Saepis a he ar nu 6. i don't understand what you mean 7, Saudi Arabia cannot grow enou. igh food io - Jation, se Pops 8 isa that the Earth is round A drought can cause the of hundr eds of people. 40. Many famous people have written wy a - They interesting to read Y are very D. ORAL QUESTIONS Use the text, the maps, and the chart to answer these questions Where is the world’s largest weather system? ‘What causes winds to blow toward Indonesia? In which direction do the ocean currents usually move? What is normal weather lke on the western coast of South America? Why does this weather system change every four to ten years? in what direction do the winds blow during E] Niko? Where does the warm water go during El Nifio? an ine grade (n) \greid] idm equator {n} ikweital dluéng xich dao 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7, 142 EL NING 8, What effects did the 1982 5] Nifio have on the world’s climate? Name five. 9. What happened in Ecuador and northem Peru? 10. How much damage was done in Western Europe? 11. What kind of research are scientists doing? 12, Which area had the most dollars’ worth of damage? 13. What pact of the Middle East had the most damage? 14 How many people died in Bolivia? 15, Where were there flocds? E, COMPREHENSION 1. The world’s largest weather system is a. over Northern Europe c. over the Pacific Ocean b over Central Africa d. over the Atlantic Ocean 2. Usually the ocean carents in the Pacific move toward the a. north © east b. south west 3. These currents cause warm water to pile up in the ____. a. Northern Pacific c. Eastern Pacific 'b, Southern Pacific d, Western Pacific *4, EI Nifo usually happens a. in December c. in the spring ». in June 4. in the fall 5, The 1982 El Niho was different from the other recent ones because a its effects were very mild c. itcame in June b. its effects were very strong dit came in September 6 swept houses into the sea, 2, Droughts ¢. Windstorms b. Huge ocean waves: cd. High pressure areas 7, The same number of people died in 2, the Northeastern United States and Southem AMrica Southem China and the Philippines ¢. Hawai and Tahiti : 4. Western Europe and Cuba 8. The same emount of damage was done in China, Ecuador, and Peru <. Tahiti and Austraiia b. Southern Africa and Hawaii d_ two areas of the United States spring (n) ‘sprint Mita xan anita (adj) |maild Gn heat 143 wave (A) Is Sone EL NIKO 9. During 1 Nifto there is a low-pressure area 1 vocabulary is boring. . in Southeast * n oe t Asia ¢ in Mexico 2. Many Third World countries are trying to Instead of 10. Research wall help scientists in Acstole depending on agriculture a lean the ae 3. Carol is getting a master’s degree in agriculture. She is a eam the causes of ENR 6, obser the atrosohere sn soll chemistry. d. change the ocean curents 4, The passenger area of aisplanes is because planes thy so high, FE MAIN IDEA 5. England Australia and New Zealand atter Captain Cook vsted them. Choose the two main ideas B, WORD FO 1 EIN ta Spanish nace Put the right word form in each sentence. . El Nifo is eaused by a change in the Pacific weather system Verb Noun Adjective 3. ELNio causes high waves and dough 1, pile pile | The 1982-1983 E1 Nio caused great changes in the world's weather 2, damage damage 3. protect protection protective protector 4. measure measurement WORD STUDY 5. encourage ‘encouragement encouraging 6, discourage discouragernent discouraging A. SUFFIXES: -ize Verbs 7 atmosphere mosphere region regional Some words can be changed into verbs by addi 9. equip equipment adding -Ize. Th , to make into, to cause to become eve means 1h, ave nds industal Example: Th jl 12. imagine imagination (unjimaginative I fe ore gone is going to modernize its jeans 13, volunteer volunteer (person) voluntary "yew make an old factory modern) 1. Please all the books on the table Add size t 2. The wind several trees lastnight comect verb form, word Then pat the right verb in each sentence, Use the 3. Ms. Gomez is over- of her cilcren. She won't et them be independent Spelling: Drop the final y and the final e. 4, What are the of the living room? 5, Saleh can be a better student He just needs some pressure memory 6. Getting bad grades is very industrial colony cece 7 The pressure changes before a storm Popular 8, The English teachers are having a meeting this month Next month there is a national meeting mademize (v) !m>dainaiz| Hien dai hoa discourage ©) distkArig3 Lava nin fone 4 ELNEO. depend (v) ditpend} Phice thude ano = 145 el q re, ee 9. The new science laboratory is empty. The school will it next month. 10. Capiain Cook needed a lot of 11. The United States is an 12 Do you have a good 13. Mr. Smith isa . CONTEXT CLUES AL. Iisa mystery why some people can learn languages very easily and others have great difficulty a. something easy to understand b, something ne one understands © something beautiful something tenible : A2, A knowledge of the English language enables people from different countries to communicate with each other a. makes possible c. makes difficult b. stops d. damages 43. The semester lasts four months, It started in September and in December it will be over. a. above ©. continuing b. everywhere finished 4. It's important to be accurate when you spell so people can under stand what you write a easy © exactly correct b, measured normal 5. Most people consider it rude to eat something in front of others and not offer to share the food a. contain ©. attach b, decide 4. think 5. Carlos has a big appetite. He likes to eat. He eats a jot at each meal and eats between meals too. 2. throat ©. feeling of hunger b. pouch a. straw 7. Some people believe thar if you put up an umbrella in the house, it will bring bad luck. This is an old superstition tials aro H.R.B. 8. Howard Robert Brown's i a ashort name nation b. the first letter of each part of a name > ©. a first name d for the Red Cross a last name for his long voyage. 2. 2 scientific fact ©. an untrue belief . something taught in school d._ something measured empty (adj) Vempu| Trong ring laboratory (n} ——_farbocotori| Phrimg the nghiéms 46 NiO contain {¥) Ikon'teiny Bao sim tio 147 ee “What time is if?” “I don't have enough time.” “Is i time to go yet?" “Huny up! We're going to be late." We talk about time every day. We measure it by the second, minute, hour, day. week, month, year, and cen- tury. But what is time? No one can say exactly what it is. {Lis one of the greatest mysteries of our lives. We don't know exactly what time fs, but our ability to measure itis very important. It makes our way of life possible All the members of a group have to measure 10 fime in the same way. Time lets us put things in a definite order We know that breakfast comes before lunch, The reading class is, mystery (9) ‘mister isu hmayen Bi ssfinite (adj) definit Xie dink order (n} [3s] Veni 148 ae 18 25 35 45 after the writing class. Children can't play until schoo! is over ‘Time enables us to organize ovr lives ‘The caaiest people sew changes around them. They sew day and night, the changes of the moon, and the seasons. They started measuring thelr lives by these changes “Then people started javenting clocks. The Chinese in- venied a water clock in the eleventh century, but the Egyptians had them long belore that. As water dripped Fevrone container to another, it measured the passing me ‘Clocks as we know them were probably developed by very religious people in Europe in the thirteenth cen- zury, They needed to know the exact time 30 they coud pray at the right times. By the 1700s, people had clocks and watches that were accurate to the minute. Some ‘docks were beautiful, They had very complicated moving pars. Some had figures of people cr animals that moved bn the hour or quarter hour. Others played music. The jmovement of the parts is beautiful to watch when you ‘open these clocks. Today's clocks and watches have quartz crystals “they are very accurate, but they are not beautful to watch, You cannot even open them to see the inside. People in different countries look at time differently In some countries being on ime and organizing every” thing by exact time is very important. 'n other countnes people are more relaxed about time. it doesn't matter i someone is late, In fact, people might consider it rude if you are exactly on time "No matter how we lock at time, it is very important fous, Clocks change the way we look at the world, Clocks measure time, but nobedy knows what itis. This is one of the mysteries of if A. VOCABULARY hourglass quar crystals aeuurate in fact consider container over dripped enables mysteries figures exact enable (¥) anp () aceurate (ad}) figure (n) jae} ‘dei Sekguuit igal Lim cho 6 the Nhe giet Chink xac Hink cinkt linished/imakes us able? {exactly correct) chink prey definite divided religious THE 149 150 1. Children can't play until school is 2. As water from one container to another, it measured the passing tme 3. Itis one of the greatest of our lives. 4, Time lets us put things in a order 5. They needed to know the exact time 80 they could at the right times, 6, Time us to organize our lives, 7. Today's clocks and watches have 8 . people might it tude if you are exactly on time. 9. By the 1700s, people had clocks and watches that were to the minute, 10. Some had hour or quarter hour. of people or animals that moved on the B. VOCABULARY (New Context) in fact quarte crystals divide exact mystery containers definite accurately drips organized pray over enailed figure hourglass consider 1. Watches with 2, Rio de Janeizo is 2 beautiful city, beautiful cites in the worie, 4. Leould see the tell who it was, 4. Please in the afternoon, | you want to rent this apartment, you must give us a answer by tonight, or we will rent it to someone else. © Some people can figure math problems are difficult, 2. The show on television last night was very exciting, couldn figure out who stole the money. are different from earlier watches. . itis one of the most ofa man in the distance, but I coutdn't changing your class schedule so you can work even if they 8. The class will be _______ in fiteen minutes. 9. People with diferent religions in different ways crystal (m) sist Pha ié quant (a) svt Thach ant schedule (n) (edqul; skea3utp KE hogch Te a litle even when | turn tt off 10. My shower always —————— ae LL. Tom got a much better job Tast month, It has move into a better apartment. ¢, VOCABULARY REVI EW Match each word with its meaning Column B buy from another county teach happen a person who belonys te another person a . © d e, area £ took for ¢ h i i k 1 Column A 1, slave 2, method 3. volunteer 4, search 5 tiny 6. import 7, dust 8, occur 9, shallow 10. train 11. region 2. attach way of doing something escape do Decause you want £0 coal very small connect m. not deep a. dirt D. ORAL QUESTIONS Why is time & mystery? > vee Sto mensre te is our abilty ow dvs i nee 18 08 Where was the waiet clock invents How does an hourglass work’ 7. How are today’s clocks difecent 3, Ie it polite or rude to be late’ 9, What is time? important? lives? rau ewrre 2 from the ones before hs inh invent (n) Hn'vent Ph ee E. COMPREHENSION 1. Our ability to measure time explains what itis ¢. enables us to organize our hives b. isa mystery d. makes us late 2. The earliest people meacured their lives by a. the changes of the <. day and night moon d a bande b. the seasons 3. Modern clocks were probably invented in a Europe © China b, South America d. Asia 4, By the 1700s, clocks were accurate to the @ hundredth of a second —<, tenth af a second ©. second d. minute 5. Which clocks had figures and music? a. clocks with moving parts 5. hourglasses © clocks with quartz crystals . water clocks “6. Which one of these is not a natural measure of time? a day and night ©. weak b. month d year F MAIN IDEA, Choose the two main ideas. 1. Measuring time is very important, and we measure it in soveral ways 2. The earliest people started measunng time by the changes they saw 3. By the 1700s, there were clocks that were accurate to the minute 4. We don’t know exactly what time is, bul we measure it WORD STUDY eee A. PREPOSITIONS Pat the correct preposition in each blank 1. We talk time every day. 52 That 2. We measure it the second. minute, and hour 3. itis one the greatest mysteries our lives. 4, All the members a group have to measure time the same way. ainer another 5. The water dripped cone coni 6. Some had figures people that moved the hour or uarter hour. . a some countries, being time and organizing important everything exact time is very 8, No matter how we look time, it is very important us 8, NOUN SUBSTITUTES Look at these words in the text. Then tell what each one means. 1. page 148, line 3 it 2 ineS it 3. page 149, line 15 them = —________ 4, ine 22, it - 5 line 24 them | ___ 6. line 26 they | —___—___ 7 fine 28 that 8 ine 30 some) 9 fine 43 . IRREGULAR VERBS iple Past Past Particip! Simple 1 rng brought brought 2. catch caught cauatt 3. drive drove ave 4. fall fell isen 5. hang ung hur kept 6. keep at , 7, leave relt left ass a book about her country to 2 Bob and Paul _______— six fish last weekend. 3 Have you ever —_____ across Canada? 4, In northern countnes, the leaves _______ if the trees in the fall 5. Alice —________._up her coat when she came into the house 6 Ms Clark ————____ all of her money in a checking account 7 Lhave only $20 for the rest of the month. D. CONTEXT CLUES Ai. Canada has one kind of political system, Saudi Arabia has another. China has another England has another. a. seligious systesn ©. population system b. system of government d, water system A@. CARE and Oxfam give assistance to Third World countries a. heip © attendance b. string d. damage 43. Carol's health is not very good She is sick a lot a. condition of the body ©. condiuon of the mind b. education d, organization 4 Before Captain Cook leit for the Pacific. he filed his ship with all kinds of supplies. a food c. things he needed b medicine d. things for his journals ‘5. People in many countries make contributions to the Red Cross. a. take money. &. sell things b. give money d. buy things 6. A spider is a smaii creature. itis similar to an insect, but it has eight legs, a. anima} ©. vegetable b. plant 4. satelite 7, We cannot foresee the future a. forget ©. occur p b. think about see before it happens & In the past, ships used lights or flags to send signals to each other Today they use the radio. a presents messages >. letters d, telephone calls 9. The seatp covers the head. Hair grows out of il a a kind of hat c. the color of hair b._a cloth over the head d._ the skin on the head ‘otendans, Sued mit 154 ‘o'keunt| Tet kein UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, serves the children of the world, It serves children of ali races, nationalities, religions, and political systems in more than 100 developing countries. lis purpose is to help provide a better lite for children and their mothers. It gives bath long-term assistance and emergency help. ‘Thig program is very necessary, Today 800 milion rumans live in conditions of poverty and hopelessness. Two-thirds of them are children and mathers of smal childeen, Four-fifths of these children have no regular health services. Nine outof ten ere not protected against ‘childhoad diseases. One hundred milion do not Rave enough of the right foods. Mosi ‘of them drink impure Chink ri Mue dich Su giip Ua political (adj) tpotivikt, purpase (mn) "pacpas| ‘assisiance th) osistonsi emergency (0) gimo.denst Trutang bop kbain cp water, Unsafe water is one of the reasons millions of 15 people die every year. UNICEF works with governments to provide three kinds of services. They plan and organize programs, they train people to work in the programs, and UNICEF provides supplies and equipment, UNICEF has programs to improve children's health {i does this in several ways. It improves water supplies It provides food and teaches people what to leed their children. tt helps equip heatth centers, provides medical services, and trains people to take good care of their 3 children. It helps disabled children, and provides vita- min A jor children who might go blind because of the fack of i. UNICEF helps equip schoois and train teachers. It as- sists in preparing textbooks. It equips centers for youth ) and women. It trains vilage leaders 10 work in these Programs. It works to improve the situation of women, During emergencies, UNICEF supplies tenis, medi. cine. food, and water supply equipment UNICEF's main goal is prevention, It works to prevent " Giseases. It gives shots to immunize children against disease. It educates people about the importance of pure water, healthful food, and other ways to prevent disease UNICEF gets its money from volunteer contribu. tions from many counties, It aiso sells beautiful greet- ing cards which are very popular. All children and their mothers have the right to med. ‘cal care. a place to live, pure water, and enough food UNICEF helps millions of the world’s children get these rights, A. VOCABULARY hopelessness purpose greeting cards supplies regular emergency lack, conditions vitarin health political childhood assistance situation supply (nt Hing hod cung cap disabled {n} Histeibta Niguel tan att situation (n) sife'eitny Tink hint immunize (e} Fimiu nate) Ticme phing & UNCER fdoon'« have it} contributions nationalities disabled immune assists and —___.. help. 1. It gives both long-term nd ‘ks to improve the ‘ 3 i ees children of alt races, nationatities. religions, and systems in more than 100 developing countries mike 4. They plan and organize programs, they tin people 2 wae rams, and UNICEF provides —_———— and equip 5 it helps children, and provides = i blind because of the ——_—_——- ee St fe help provide a bette: Me for chiren and their a 6, Its mothers. 7. Four-ifths of these children have no service a textbooks. ; Dk — i oe children against dis: 9, It gives feat whit ular. 10, Italso sells beautiful pic ate ty Poa 11. UNICEF gets its money from volunteer countries. iseases 12, Nine out of ten are not protected against, _____—— B. VOCABULARY (New Context) ’ equips r regularly fone oo contribution brevet * ation venue, greeting card purpose sua menu me ies 3 _ one % bealth Sete emerges What is the of this program? Why was it organized? 4. What is the —_—_———— —_—_——. 5PM 2. The bus leaves at 415 — The room ata hospital takes care of pe 3. The t sick Cone leon a sites Fe pe? | need to rearrange the chais 5 Some shook 1, books, and othes ——_——— é Mee oun ee eee ee He lost his job, and then be 6. Mr Brown isin a was hurt in an accident, . 7. It is usually difficult for the peopl whe have le in a country to change thelt _ system cE ented psi én thes chikthood fa) atta! raat ee : a ue UNICEF shot (0) ot 58 3 Pat had a had accident and now she is wheelchair all the time. 9. Good water. good food. and exercise ate necesary for good 10. A birthday card is one kind of 11. Most governments have programs to against diseases. They give the children 12. Allthe students should make a to the class discussion, 13 ate important for good health. 14, There are fitteen students and fourteen chairs, We She uses a children, one chair C. VOCABULARY REVIEW controls choice, transport attacked race escaped coat leaning eyele surface straw attach share mate female tough 1. Trucks and trains are widely used to supplies, 2, Germans and italians belong to the white 3. What is your name? Are you Are you mamed or single? 4. We buin ges, oil, wood, and oF to produce heat 5. The army during the night. Only a few people unharmed. 6. In some factories, a computer _______ mast of the machines. 7. Ali forgot his book today. Will someone please _______ with him? 8 The elephant has very skin, 9. Which one do you want? What is your 10, The woman against the wall is from my county D. ORAL QUESTIONS 1. Which children does UNICEF serve? 2, Why is this program necessary? 3. What are the three kinds of services that UNICEF helps provide? "4. What other organizations do similar work? “5. Is it necessary to have more than one organization doing this work? ‘control (7) ken'tvlt adi Big elephant {0} Felifont! Con seu uncer ME Lh How does UNICEF improve children’s health? What does it do during emergencies? ‘What is UNICEF's main goal? How does it prevent disease? ‘Where does UNICEF get its money? Beouae £. COMPREHENSION: True/False/No Informarion 1. UNICEF works for children and their mothers. 2. It gives only long-term assistance. *3, About 530 million children and their mothers live in cond sions of poverty and hopelessness. 4, UNICEF believes that people in developed counntigs should do all the work in its programs, 5. UNICEF's main goal is to help children after they get sick. 6. The United Natons provides UNICEF with the money stneeds >7, UNICEF probabiy has a big program in Sweden +8, UNICEF helped fight the effects of EI Nic °9._ [eis not necessary to immunize achuts, F MAIN IDEA ‘Choose the three main ideas. UNICEF sells beautiful greeting cards to eam money. UNICEF provides many kinds of long-term and emergency assistance The main goal of UNICEF is prevention. UNICEF serves chiidren and their mothers UNICEF provides and equips training programs, health centers, and water systems. where WORD STUDY A. PREFIXES: Verbs with en- Example: The ability 10 measure time enables us to organize our lives, This ability makes us able to organize our fives Myc én yo aut goal (ot * Trung sim center in} i’seato! uncer 155 RESON Just mis I mn juice Write en- at the beginning of each ward. Then choose the right verb for Az leis oe ae ‘emonade Seat van ‘mon Juice, and sugar each sentence. Use the correct verb form, t Pour ‘nto use up 43, Please give me your reelpe for this cake so I can make it too verge Ganger fey aa dish ¢. directions for cooking something orcle neh seurage '. directions to your housed. a meal , ' 4, Water, oil, and colfee are exampies of a Hquld J} Marie her fiend 1 jin the team, a. something you can drink —c. something you can bum 2. The government pas the school system because of | bb. something you can pour d. something from plants an increase in population. hot and humid, A desert is 3. Do vou wetching television in English? 25, The weather the Amazon rego ish iy. 4. Beautiful paintings our lives. t wot 7 windy 5. Poverty the lives of millions of children 6. People gather fruit from trees and other plants. + cc. soil B. IRREGULAR VERBS : oe Sect Memorize these verb fois 7. Colfee beans aze dried in the sun, roasted, and ground. Then they ict ate ready to make cotfee. Lee ae Past Partciple a cooked with a dry heat —¢._ broken into tiny pieces, 2. mean meant meant ®. putin piles in the sun d._ mixed with hot water 3. shine shor 8, This river is very shallow. People can wade across it ne shone i c. walk in shallow water i a. swim eam oon nn ®. go under the water 4. walk on top of i 6. sing " cone 9. Before a baby leas to walk, it has to crawl on the floor sing id sang a. walk on two feet c fly L. The mother rabbit her babies to the water before she ‘ d. sit in a chair d. move on the hands and knees drank hersel 2. They to be on time, but they were late. 3. The sun every day last week 4. Helen usually near the window. 5. Has the final bell yet? 6. The students ‘new song they learned in class, C. CONTEXT CLUES 41. Coffee originalty came from Ethiopia, Now many tropical counties grow it a now . in the future . in the beginning pressure — A lemonade (n) jdemo'netdi Nea chhaah courage (m) teria) Sirdiny cain cee ier ‘ideo bell (n) bel Cai cluding ‘ 60 “UNCER 462 * Ey) CHOCOLATE Everybody loves chocolate. We gat chocolate candy and chocolate dessens. We drink hot chocolate. Even the word for chocolate is similar in most languages. Where did chocolate come from originally, and how is it pro- 5 duced? Chovolate is native to Mexico, The Indians there called it “chocolat!” They ground beans from the cacao or ‘cocoa tree and mixed them with water and vanilla to make a drink. The Aztec Indians believed that God sent A them this special kind of tee, and their chocolate drink. was important in their religion, ‘Spanish explorers 100k cocoa beans back io Spain in the sixteenth century. The Spanish added sugar to their chocolate drink They kept their recipe secret from the 15 rest of Europe for a hundred years In the seventeenth century, people in England started ‘opening chocolate houses. By 1715 there were 2,000 chocolate houses in London alone. People met there to iaik and drink chocolate. The custom of teaving tips for 20 waiters originated in chocolate houses. The Swiss were the first to make solid mik chocolate. jn 1876, Milk chocolate ig @ mixture of chocolate, sugar. and milk. Chocolate bars are made of milk chocolate, Cacao trees can grow only in the hot, humid tropics 25 The batance o! temperature, rainfall, and soil conditions must be exactly night. ‘A cacao tree is about seven meters high and is covered with large leaves, Up to 6,000 small pink or white flowers appear on a tee every year. Only a few of these flowers 30 produce a pod. Each pod is about 15 to 20 centimeters Tong and contains from 20 to 5D beans. A wee produces only about 20 to 40 pods a year __otlly about 20 to 40 pods a year originally (ads) jerid3aali" sali (adi) Jsoiidi balance (¥) Thelons) Can bine humid (adi Phys mie dm {in the begineingt {directions for cooking} | 463 People gather these pods, break them open with large knives, take out the beans, and dry them, After a few days the beans are cleaned, reasted, and ground into tiny pleces, The natural fat in the beans becomes a lig: uid. Chocolate is made from this iquid. ‘Today the largest suppliers of chocolate are Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Brazil, Ghana got its frst caceo tree from Fernando Po, a Spanish colony off the coast of Alrica. A Ghanian who was working on Fer nando Po in 1879 took a cacao pod home and planted it It grew into a tree, Other people slowly started growing cacao trees. Before this, there were wars in the region for decades. When peopie started growing cacao trees, they stopped fighting, In this way, chocolate brought peace to the Africans there. A tropical tree with an Indian name brought peace to ‘West Africa. Chocolate brings pleasure to all of us when we eat and drink this delicious food. feotect) A. VOCABULARY mixed appear cocoa, cacao delicious gather solid recipe bars balance liquid originally toasted vanitla pod hurnid 1. They kept theit hundred years, secret from the rest of Europe for a 2. Cacao tees can grow only in the hot, tropics 3. Where did chocolate come from ? 4 The Swiss were the first to make milk chocolate, in 1876. 3. They ground beans from the or tree and them with water and to make a drink 6. The of temperature, rainfall, and soil conditons must be exactly right eather () "geedol Thu thdp roast () irovst Nucng liquid ia) Pikwid) Chat tong deitcious (adj) [di'livos| Ngon 64 CHOCOLATE (cooked with a dry heat) 2. Chocolate are made of milk chocolate & People these pods and break them open with large knives 9. Up to 6,000 sma pink or white fowes on a tree every year 10. The natural fat in the beans becomes a 11. Only a few of these flowers produce @ 12, After a few days the beans are cleaned, and ground into tiny pieces 13. Chocolate brings pleasure to all of us when we eat and drink this food. B. VOCABULARY (New Context) T cocoa solid onginal balance bar humid liquid mix recipe vanilla delicious appeared gathered custorn pod roast 1. People fy some kinds of meat and others. 2. Do you have a for plaza? 3. is the name of a tee. Itis also another name for hot chocolate 4. Chocolate and are two kinds of ice cream, They are both 5. Beans and peas grow in a 6. You cannot il and water 7. The students in the hall after class. 8. Suddenly Dracula out of nowhere and attacked the beauitifut young woman, 9, Please make ten copies of this schedule and return the tome 10, In tropical regions, the climate is 1a. We need « of soap and | want a chocolate bar. 12. Can you a pencil on your nose? 13, keisa Water is a pod (n) Ipod: Qui recipe (n) fresepil Cong thie barn) Ibo. Than vanilla {1} Wwe'nila: Bat va ni CHOCOLATE 165 C. VOCABULARY REVIEW: Antonyms Match the words that are opposites. Column A 1. disconnect 2. tenible 3. accurate 4 health 5. contribute 6, search for 7. definite 8. tiny 9. female 10. shallow 1. damage D. ORAL QUESTIONS ‘Columa B wonderful indefinite pressure male fix sickness wrong wave huge attach find seep take have BgcRe Tore ce anes 1, How did Mexican Indians use chocolate? 2. How did the Spanish change the recipe? 2, Where did the custom of tipping onginate? 4, Explain how caceo grows 5. Explain how chocolate is made. 6 What unusual effect did chocolate have on Ghana? “7, What other food did the Spanish bring to Europe? "8. Cacao is a crop in several other countries, Where do you think they ate? E. COMPREHENSION: True/False/No Information -——~ 1. Chocolate originated in Mexico. 2, Aatecs put sugar in their chocolate, 3. Tipping originated in Spanish chocolate houses. custom (n) 166 CHOCOLATE Phong t0e. 4. Cacao trees need a hot, wet clirnate, 5 One wee produces up to 2,000 beans per year. 6. People gnd cacao heans, and the natural fat is made into chocolate. *7. Fernando Po is an island. 8. Chocolate is delicious. F MAIN IDEA Put the letter of each detail beside the correct main idea. 1. The History of Chocolate 2. The Cacao Tree 3. How Chocolate Is Produced The Swiss made the first solid chocolate. A cacao tree produces up tc 6,0000 flowers per year. The flowers produce only about 20-40 pods ‘The first cacao tree in Ghana came from Fernando Po. Spanish exploress took chocolate to Europe. The word “chocolate” came from an Indian tanguage. The pods are broken, and the beans are taken out. The Aztecs used chocolate in their religion A cacao tree is about seven meters high. Cacao beans are cleaned, roasted, and ground. There wore hundreds of chocolate houses in England in the 1600s, Chocolate stopped a war in West Attica m. Chocolate is made from the natural fat in cocoa beans. WORD STUDY A. SUFFIXES: Nouns Ending in -age Example: The Johnsons have been married a long time Their mar- riage has lasted jonty years. grind (9) ‘graing| Nyghidn marriage (a) imacrid3) Han win cHocoume 167 Add -age to each word, Then put the right noun in each blank, Spelling: Change the final y te i. Drop the final e, many post pack out short store 1. Saleh went to the post office to mai a . The was expensive. 2, Terrible storms damaged most of the banana crop in Latin America The supermarkets in the United States are short of bananas. This made the prices go way up. 3. Duringa bad storm, the electricity went out all over the city for six hours. This caused a lot of problems. 4. Most houses have a room. People keep their suit- cases, summer or winter sports equipment, extra furniture and other things in this room, B. PREPOSITIONS. Put prepositions in the blanks. Even the word, 2. They ground beans water and vanilla, chocolate is similar most languages. the cacao tree and mixed them 3. Spanish explorers took cocoa beans back Spain the sixteenth century. 4. They kept their recipe secret the rest Europe 2 hundred years. 5. The custom leaving tips waiters originated chocolate houses ee C, WORD FORMS Verb Noun Adjective 1 science: {uniscientific scientist 2 decide decision (indecisive 3 discuss discussion 4 please pleasure {un}pleasant 5. consider consideration: {in}considerate 6 immunize, immunization 7. assist assistance 8 sweeten sweetener sweet 9 mix rmixture 10. originate origin original it attract attraction {unjattractive 12. (disieppear (dis}appearance A scientist does You must make a 1 research, 2 3. Alter the «the students decided what to do. 4. 5. Most chikiren think shots are dohn is a very doesn’t think about other people. 6. UNICEF organizes 7. Thank you very much for your 8 Sugarisa 9. Hot chocolate is a —_______ of chocolate, sugar, and water 10. What is the of the word “chocolate”? 1}. Disneyland is an important tourist in California, 12. When you mix sugar with water, the sugar seems to. person. He thinks only of himself. He programs during emergencies 168 6. Chocolate bars are made milk chocolate. but it is really there, 7. Cacao trees can grow only the hot, humid tropics 8. 6,000 flowers appear 2 tree every year. 9. People gather these pods end break them open a knife, D. CONTEXT CLUES 10. Chocolate is made this liquid . 11. Ghana got its first cacao tree Femando Po, a Spanish colony 41 Capiain Cook was only a farm worker, yet he became a famous the coast Akcica explorer 12. __ this, there were wars the region decades, a. because © even though 13. this way, chocolate brought peace the Aficans there. bout 4. throughout - — discussion KiskA | Cude hi: tnd peace (n) {pies} Hoa binh sweeten (¥) Sswistn Lem ngor CHOCOLATE A2 33 AB Before you buy something, check the quality first. For example, if 3s cheap, it might net be very good. a. how good it is c. what the color is b, what the size is d. how big it is Ghana produces a large quantity of chocolate. a. good © amount b. dank d. fast When you put water in the freezer part of the relngerator, the water freezes. Then itis rozen a. gets ween <. gets cool b. changes to aliquid d changes to ice Baseball players wear baseball caps on their heads. There is a poler ice cap at the North and South Poles. Each ice cap is like a cap on the Earth. a. small hats ¢. baseball gloves b. special shoes a rain hat ‘The teacher will not accept your composition. She says it is not ac- ceptable because itis very badly written. a, She likes it. b. She will not take it ¢. It's a good composition d. She likes to read compositions. The speed limit is 60 kilometers per hour on this street a. fast b. a, an c. slow d. even though Factories are usually in cities. Farms are in rural areas. a. in the city tropical b. inalarge town ——d, in the country outside the city Masako and Yoke are cousins. They are related aod b young relatives d. iriends, |. David attempted :9 run ten kilometers, but he couldn't a ted b. tent © attacked = ran Leannot afford a new car. | have to buy a used one a. have enough money to buy something b. search for ¢. gather the necessary information d, use one in an emergency gloves ini Ave Gang say accept (vi ok'sept Chip rua polar (adi Spacto dies exe 170 CHOCOLATE Water is necessary for lie. People can live only a few days without it, Yet nearly 25 million people cie each year because of it, Both industrial nations and less-de- veloped countries are worried about the quality and 5 quantity of water in the world. ‘The United Nations has named the 1980s the World Water Decade. The UN hopes to provide pure water for everyone by 1990, Even though people, animals, agriculture, and indus- 10 tty use @ lot of water, there is more than enough on the Earth, Water covers about three-fourths of the Earth's, sustace. However, 97.4 percent of itis salt water, Three- fourths of the Earth's fresh water is frozen in glaciers and in the great polar lee caps. Mosi of the water we auality (ni ott Chit heen Sexsetity (n) vewontati So tune lacier in) “ehesio’ Song bing THE WORLD WATER DECADE farmount] 4714 15. use comes from rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere. Less than one percent of the Earth's water is usable, and we use it over and over again. ‘One of the problems about water is distribution. Water is not akvays distributed where the large population cen- $ ters are, Some regions get enough rain, but itis allin one. or two short rainy seasons” Thore are three kinds of water use: {1} domestic for drinking, cooling, cleaning, and bathing, (2) agricultural and (3) industrial. For acceptable living conditions, do- mestic use per year is 30 cubic meters per person. How- ever, in many areas people have much less water. For example, in parts of Madagascar. people have less than two cubic meters 2 year. Farmers need 300 cubic meters per year to provide enough food lor a healthy life for one person. Mexico and India use 90 percent of their water for agriculture. Industry in the United States uses 2,300 cubic meiers per person, but ess developed coun- tries use only 20-40 cubic meters. Over half the world is without pure drinking water, Seventy-five percent of city people have safe water, but only 29 percent of rural people do. About 80 percent of all iliness is related to bad water. Millions of women and children spend up to six hours a day canying water. When these women finish canying water and doing their domestic work, they don't have time for anything else, In some dry areas, children stay home from schoo! 10 help carry water. The United Nations hopes to change this. It is at- tempting to develop water systems that people can af ford. Vilages wil be able to create and take care of these systems themselves, and other villages can copy them. UNICEF. the World Bank. and other organizations are helping. Local, national, and international organizations must all work together to improve the quality of lite of millions of people with pure water 25 50 glacier or each) (sickness drying) {have enough money for! sural (ai) antempi (vi) relate (v) 172 "mara sempre nitleit Nong thon NS ce Lien quam 168 TME WORLD WATER DECADE egg a A. VOCABULARY frozen glaciers quantity polar ice caps yet ines quality related domestic atford local per rural attempting acceptable 1, Three-fourths of the Earth's fresh water is and in the great nearly 25 million people die each year because of it, 3. For living conditions, domestic use. —_____ year fs 30 cubic meters per person 4. Nations are worried about the of the water in the world, 5. There are three kinds of water use; {1} tural, and (3) industrial in ard » (2) argrcul- 6. The UN is : Pe to develop water systems that a village 7. Seventy-five percent of city people have safe water. but only 29 percent of people do, 8 ome + Rational, and international organizations must work 9. About 89 percent of ali J —___ water, ‘ota B, VOCABULARY (New Context) local aliord rurg al per quality ill yet freezes attempted quantity domestic ice cap acceptable glaciors impure relaied 1. World hunger is to overpopulation. 2. There is land under the Antarctic 3. City life is much faster than ite 4. There are on the Alps in Switzerland. The snow and ice never melt. 5. Paula has been for hwo weeks, but she is better now. domestic (adj) afford (y} ugrieuitural (ad) \do'mestik! eto Trong gia dink CO Bhat nding eh tre Nong nghiep THE WORLD WATER DECADE A73

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