Thesis Proposal

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Background of the Study
Dandruff is a condition affecting the scalp, wherein the old cells of the scalp are
replaced by new cells at a faster rate than normal, leading to a flaky appearance of the
skin, followed by itching. Though the exact cause of dandruff is not yet known, scientists
speculate that poor hygiene and several other factors may contribute to its development.
Other skin conditions like people with skin conditions such as eczema (a chronic,
inflammatory skin condition) or psoriasis (a skin condition marked by a rapid build-up of
rough, dry, dead skin cells that form thick scales) may appear to have dandruff. There
are different types of dandruff. On dry scalps, dandruff is made up of dry, small, fine
white flakes that easily shed and are thus visible on dark clothing. On oilier scalps, the
flakes are larger and thicker and tend to stick to the scalp at the base of the hair.
Dandruff can also be accompanied by an itchy scalp. Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp
is dandruff at its worst, causing the skin around the hairline to become red and flaky.
Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the population at the prepubertal age and of any gender and ethnicity. No population in any geographical region
would have passed through freely without being affected by dandruff at some stage in
their life. The word dandruff (dandruff, dandriffe) is of Anglo-Saxon origin, a combination
of tan meaning tetter and drof meaning dirty. It has been well established that
keratinocytes play a key role in the expression and generation of immunological
reactions during dandruff formation. The severity of dandruff may fluctuate with season
as it often worsens in winter.

Most Filipinos have dandruffs and almost everyone is asking for a cheap remedy.
Dandruff is harmless, so you can treat it at home without a prescription. Though effective
anti-dandruff agents are present, they are expensive and thus leading to the main
reason why many Filipinos were not able to afford them. Theres no other way to treat
dandruff aside from applying anti-dandruff agents. The overall goal of dandruff treatment
is to prevent and fight dandruff from growing through the scalp. After shampooing, we
use to apply conditioner for shiny hair. Since some conditioner causes dandruff, we
came up with the idea of Homemade anti-dandruff conditioner from okra fruit. Aside
from it reduces and prevents dandruff, it also add shine and bounce to your hair.
Okra is one of the most therapeutic vegetables. This therapeutic vegetable is
grown all throughout the tropical and warm mild districts around the globe for its stringy
fruits or pods. Okra can be consumed as a vegetable. Okra aka Ladys finger is in
with the Malvaceae (mallows) family and is named deductively as Abelmoschus
esculentus. Okra is very effective in treating scalp dandruffs which might occur to due to
lack of proper care of your hair. This is achieved due to its moisturizing effect on hair.
Okra is beneficial in improving the overall scalp condition and prevents dandruffs. Okra
(Abelmoschus esculentus) is rich in vitamins, minerals and various antioxidants such as
catechin, epicathechin, quercetin, procyandin, rutin. B1 (thiamne) and B2 (rivoflavin).
These antioxidants help prevent damaged cells caused by stressed and environmental
factors. There is lacking scientific reported study on these plant properties despite its
wide usage as medicinal plant. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to
investigate the underlying mechanism on the natural anti-dandruff substances effect in
(Abelmoschus esculentus).

Shampoos are cleaning formulations used for a wide range of applications,

including personal care, pet use, and carpets. Most are manufactured in roughly the
same manner. They are composed primarily of chemicals called surfactants that have
the special ability to surround oily materials on surfaces and allow them to be rinsed
away by water. Most commonly, shampoos are used for personal care, especially for
washing the hair. Most people use a shampoo to wash their hair on a regular basis;
however, many of those people aren't aware that this common hair care product may
contain ingredients that could be harming their health. For many, their choice of
shampoo comes down to cost, brand, perceived effectiveness or even fragrance
We chose this study to find an alternative that is cheaper and is easy to

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate whether Okra (Abelsmoschus esculentus, Malvaceae) has
the activity of fighting or preventing the formation of dandruff in scalp.
1.) What are the essential nutrients found in Okra (Abelsmoschus esculentus,
Malvaceae) that has the capability of preventing or fighting dandruff of an
2.) Is there a significant difference between the positive control and the formulated
okra shampoo?
3.) What is the most effective concentration between 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%?

Significance of the Study

This study will provide extensive literature to investigate the current topics
relevant to the nutritional properties of Abelmoschus esculentus as a remedy to help
fight and prevents dandruff and improve the overall scalp condition. Since it is
homemade, theres no need to spend great amount of money for commercial products
just to get rid of dandruff when using okra.
Literature of the Review
Okra's fiber content is made up of both soluble and insoluble fiber. According to
Mayo Clinic Okra has a high fiber, vitamin C, and folate content. Soluble fiber may help
prevent diabetes and high blood cholesterol, while insoluble fiber regulates digestive
system functions. A 2009 "Nutrition Reviews" article adds that fiber may also lessen your
risk of obesity, stroke, heart disease and hypertension.
Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties that may help it lessen the risk of
cancer, age-related macular degeneration, heart disease and hypertension. Vitamin C is
also required for bone, skin, blood vessel and immune system health. The vitamin C
content of okra will diminish the longer the vegetable is exposed to light, heat and air.
Folate, which is also known as folic acid or vitamin B-9, is essential for the
metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrates. It is also required for the nervous system
to function properly and for the synthesis of red blood cells and genetic material like DNA
and RNA. Adequate folate intake may help lower your risk of depression, cancer and
heart disease.

Okra Health Benefits by Btong0 | Feb 6, 2015 | Okra Health Benefits Okra
(Abelmoschus esculentos)
Popularly known as gumbo or ladys fingers and among the most nutritious
vegetables in North-Eastern African region. It is often gathered while its pod is still green,
tender, and at an immature stage. The Okra plant is cultivated in high temperate and
tropical regions throughout the world for its fibrous fruit. It often grows in manure-rich
and well-drained soil. The vegetable is packed with nutrition and benefits that greatly
contribute to better health, the reason why it is a favorite to many countries. Okra
Nutritional Contents Okra is rich in vitamins, minerals and various antioxidants such as
catechin, epicathechin, quercetin, procyanidin, rutin, B1, and B2. These antioxidants
help prevent damaged cells caused by stressed and environmental factors. On the other
hand, its physiological effects are credited to its carbohydrate contents.
Okra is very effective in treating scalp dandruffs which might occur to due to lack
of proper care of your hair. This is achieved due to its moisturizing effect on hair. Okra is
beneficial in improving the overall scalp condition and prevents dandruffs. As you
continue to use okra as a hair rinse, it will give your hair an amazing shine as well as
giving your distressed hair its bounce once again.
As okra helps improve the overall scalp condition, it results in a moisturized and
dandruff-free hair. Theres no need to spend great amount of money for commercial
products just to get rid of dandruff when using okra. Okra inhibits properties of exfoliation
and anti-oxidant. It has proteins, and vitamin A, B6, B12, and C which are essential for
Studies published in 2010 and 2011 in the "Nutrition Journal" and the "African Journal of

Indicate that okra has a higher concentration of antioxidant compounds than

other high-antioxidant vegetables, as well as many high-antioxidant fruits. Antioxidants
are able to inhibit the ability of free radicals to damage DNA and cellular tissue and
excellent solution for both skin and hair. The Mayo Clinic's Donald Hensrud, M.D., says
that a diet incorporating lots of antioxidants may help prevent heart disease, cancer and
neurological disorders like Alzheimer's disease.
Benefits Of Okra/Ladys Finger For Skin, Hair And Health
By Sudipta Roy
Designation-Assistant Professor at Rajasthan Pharmacy College Jaipur India.
Okra is better known by its common name as ladys finger or Gumbo. This high
fiber vegetable is known for its high soluble and insoluble fiber content. This vegetable is
usually used in many recipes and is also a part of many nutritional diets, as it is
beneficial to the heart.
Okra improves the overall scalp condition and fights dandruff to moisturize your
scalp and keeps dandruff away.
Another study published in the Jilin Medical Journal in October 2005. Okra is a
rich in Vitamins A, C and K. It also contains Zinc, Copper, Calcium, Folate, Potassium,
Thiamine and many other nutrients. Okra can be used to give volume and body to your
hair. It can be used as a hair gel, shampoo and conditioner. Okra is known to promote
healthy and quicker hair growth, strength and shine. Okra helps in getting rid of the
dandruff apart from that it also enhances the overall condition of the scalp. Regular use
of it ensures the prevention of dandruff too.

Okra (Bhindi) Hair Treatment and Conditioner according to Nayantara Karnik on June
Okra is one of numerous natural items that contain mucilage, which is the slimy
stuff you must be familiar with when its cooked. Mucilage is good for the skin and hair,
and even for your gut health. The reason I was even looking this into was because Ive
been trying to find a way to put less chemicals into my system. And I definitely see an
improvement in the quality of my skin and hair since.Okras also high in Vitamins A & C,
folic acid, calcium, zinc, including biotin, all of which make it incredibly nourishing for the
hair. Thats probably why its been used as an ingredient in various high end products
including a conditioner by Lush. All this means it can be used in different ways to treat
and condition hair as a rinse-out conditioner, leave-in, de-tangler or even as a hair gel
as it gives excellent curl definition. The best part is that it doesnt have a weird smell, like
many natural things you may be using in your hair already. It actually doesnt have any
noticeable smell.

Statement of the Hypothesis

1. The essential nutrients found in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Malvaceae that
has the capability of preventing of fighting dandruff of an individual are proteins
and Vitamin A, B6, B12 and C that inhibits properties of exfoliation and antioxidant.
2. There is significant difference between the positive control and the formulated
okra shampoo.
3. The most effective concentration is 100%.

Paradigm of the Study




1. Boiling the
1. It fights and
okra fruit
1. Okra as
until it
2. There is a
soft and get
2. Is there a
2. Comparing
the positive
between the
control and
control and
the positive
3. The most
1. The okra fruit extract
3. helps
the and prevent dandruff. okra
2. There is a significant difference
between the positiveshampoo.
control and formulated on is the
3. 50%, 75%
100% okra
okra shampoo.
and 100%
3. Among the three (3) concentration (50%, 75%,100%) the most potent is the extract.
100% okra fruit extract.

Okra fruit


Store at 8-100C

Formulation of

50% fruit

100% okra
fruit extract
75% okra
fruit extract

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted within the area of Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. This
will be test on the causative agent present in dandruff which is Malassezia globosa. Only
the okra fruit will be use in the study.
This study will be limited to 2 trials only in each concentration.

In this chapter, this will discuss the research and design method, the subject,
instruments and procedures that will be use.
The design was based on the purpose of this study, which is to determine the
effectiveness of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) as an anti-dandruff. To accomplish this,

an experimental design is to be used. A randomized test is to be done which is achieved

through culturing the causative agent of dandruff which is Malassezia globosa. The
cultured malassezia globosa will be treated with okra shampoo.
The researchers will going to harvest the okra and they will store it in
temperature 8-10C in a plastic container. And they will perform the experiment in the
University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City Pharmacy Laboratory.
Identification of Malassezia on skin has been aided by the application of
molecular or DNA based techniques. These investigations show that the Malassezia
species causing most skin diseases in humans the most common cause of dandruff and
Seborrhoeic dermatitis is M. globosa. (De Angelis et al., 2007). These yeasts are
naturally found on skin surfaces of many animals including man.
The researchers will isolate and identify the fungus M. globosa, the dandruffcausing and they will treat it with the formulated different concentrations of the okra
shampoo and the positive control and they will compare who will be the most effective.

The subject for this study will be the causative agent of dandruff (M. globosa).

Materials used in formulating okra shampoo
The researches will use 10 young okras, 11 oz (325 ml) of water, four beakers
(500 ml), slicer, strainer, stirring rods, container and lavender oil (7 drops).
Materials in collecting the sample and preparing the cultured Malassezia
In collecting the sample the researchers will use a sharp and sterile forceps, 70%
ethanol, dark sampling paper. In preparing the culture media the samples that will be


collected will be cultured on BAP (Blood Agar Plate), chloramphenicol, petri dish, sterile
Materials in testing the anti-dandruff activity of the shampoo
The researchers will used a cultured Malassezia globosa to test the effectiveness
of okra
In making different concentrations the researchers will use 50ml of the
formulated shampoo and they will add 50ml of water, 75ml of the formulated shampoo
and they will add 25ml of water and 100% concentrated of the formulated shampoo.


A sharp and sterile forceps will be used to detach the hair and scalp samples
from the infected persons (Cheesbrough, 2000). The infected region will first wash with
70% ethanol followed by scraping with the sterile epilation forceps which was held at an
angle of 90o with the head. The specimen will be transferred into a dark sampling paper
to prevent exposure to sunlight. Each sample will be labelled with the patients name.
The samples collected will be cultured on SDA (Saboraud Dextrose Agar)
incorporated with chloramphenicol to rid the media of bacterial contaminants. Small
amounts of the samples collected will be introduced into Petri dishes containing the
media using sterile forceps. The Petri dishes will be then labelled and will be incubated
at room temperature (25oC) for three days and then, up to a week (Kindo et al., 2004;
Cheesbrough, 2000).
How to make homemade shampoo with Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) as an
anti-dandruff (Naturopathy at home October 2010)
1. Remove the stalk
2. Cut each okra vertically / cross sectionally into thin slices.

3. Boiled the okras and water for about 15 minutes on a medium heat. In time, the brew
should become slimmy and slightly brown
4. Cool the brew
5. Strain the brew to separate the liquid from the fiber. The liquid is the base from your
6. Add the essential oil (lavender) 7 drops
7. Apply the shampoo to wet hair
First, the researcher will remove the stalks of the okra. Second, they will cut each okra
vertically/ cross sectionally into thin slices. Third they will boil the okras and water for about
15 minutes on a medium heat. In time, the brew should become slimy and slightly brown.
Fourth, they will add 7 drops of the essential oil which is the lavender oil. Fifth, they will add
sodium lauryl sulfate that acts as detergents. Sixth, they will add methyl cellulose or
carbomer that will increase the viscosity. And they will mix it. They will transfer it in a proper
container. And they will treat it to the cultured Malassezia globosa.





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