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My name is Rumahorbo Aprilia . I was born in Hutabolon , a small village on the island
of Samosir, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia on 21 April 1990. I was born from a very simple
family. My father's name is Tunggul Rumahorbo and my mother's name is Lilis Suryani
Simamora. My father is a retired teacher at a primary school in my hometown and my mother
worked as a farmer. We are a big family that has a mediocre income. I have five siblings who are
married , one of my brother who was in college , my two sisters who are still in high school.
At the age of 6 years , precisely in 1996 , I went to school at an elementary school that is
Elementary School No.175835 in Garoga the distance is not too far from my home. From early
childhood I have loved learning, elementary school, I always got the first rank and graduated in
2002 with an average value of the great. During elementary school I had attended the Scouts and
being representatives from district to follow the Scout Camp in Balige. After graduating from
elementary school then I continue my education to one of the public schools in our district are
popular in Simanindo district, junior high school, called SMP 1 Simanindo. Since the first half
until the end of the semester I was always in the top 10 and declared as one of the exemplary
student in junior high school. When I was in junior high school I was always active in school
organizations and extracurricular school, I became karate athletes at my school. I am very close
to all the teachers , being a student favorite teacher is my pride ourselves. I graduated from junior
high school in 2005 with an average value very well , and in 2005 it was also I made it into a
favorit high school in Sibolga Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra Province SMAN 1 ( Plus )
MATAULI Pandan. I guess because I just could survive there for a year because of the worsening
economic situation families that require me to resign from SMAN 1 ( Plus ) MATAULI Pandan
in 2007.
In 2007 I finally continuing education in the public school SMAN 1 Simanindo, District
Simanindo, Samosir Island, Sumatera 2007-2008. During my high school I was also quite active
in school, I was pleased to learn, especially in the Social Sciences and Economics subjects, in my
class, I was one of the teacher's favorite student. I have always held the first place. During my
education in high school , I lived with my parents in Hutabolon. At that time , in my everyday
life, I have a lot of activities, after school I learned and immediately doing my homework, in the

afternoon I became an assistant coach in karate SMPN 1 Simanindo my past place school, then
after that I had English language classes. At night I re-learn the subjects that I have learned in
school and learn the material that will be discussed in the next day. I'm the type of person who is
very independent. Since I was little my parents accustomed to be able to live independently. My
parents always taught me to appreciate life and opportunity. They say that it's often an
opportunity comes only once in a lifetime, so anything that can be done should be done with all
my heart, if we want to try God will not stand for the Lord will help . I am proud to have parents
who have always supported and motivated me along the way. Thus, in all circumstances , I can
appreciate life and opportunity .
After I graduated from high school in 2008 , I continued my education to a Private
Polytechnics in the field. However, again due to the economic conditions of forced me to be
backwards. I can only last for one semester because I had to help the family economy. Then in
2009 my parents encourage me to follow my admission to public universities. I graduated that
year and also in Medan State University Department of Economics of Education . During college
I lived in a dorm and learn to be able to meet my needs as not to burden my parents. My daily
life is much different from the situation when I was in Senior Hight School, I worked at a copy
shop close to where I live in Medan. I am more independent and realize life is hard. However , I
am happy and enjoyed it very much. I get a lot of lessons that made me wiser in dealing with
everything. In my classes at the university, I was one of the best student, I am very diligent, often
ask the lecturer for a variety of lecture material that I do not know and are also quite close to the
lecturers. I always strive to be the leader, achieving the highest possible performance and become
the person who has high integrity. I enjoy college while studying so that I can better appreciate
life .
While in college, I 've got a merit scholarship, I used the money to pay the tuition fees
and also buy the books I need. I am very fond of reading, so my loyal readers. I always try to
update the information through newspapers and electronic media . I love reading journals to
update the business and economic development. Since 2008 I became a member of Youth Cell
(Indonesian Bethel Church) to be able to share knowledge and strengthen the faith, an active
member of the Christian Student Activity Unit of the Faculty of Economics University of Medan.
I have been able to divide their time between study , work and organization. I know how to
manage everything on a regular basis. On July 31, 2013, I did a thesis examination ' s Mini (oral

defense) and obtain a satisfactory value. Since then, I officially graduated from the State
University of Medan to complete the 150 -credit program in four years. After examination of the
thesis 's Mini precisely in August 2013 the Ministry of Education and Culture to sign me to teach
in SMK 1 Sidikalang the government program " Talent Scouting ". Over at SMK 1 Sidikalang I
teach Economics Accounting and Entrepreneurship. On October 24, 2013 my graduation. In
December 2013 my contract with the Ministry of Education and Culture is finished and in
January 2014 I became a substitute professor at the Polytechnic Academy of Nurse Imelda with
Citizenship course .
I 've taught Economics and ICT (Information and Technology) subjects at one private
school in Pematang Siantar city HKBP Education Foundation as a teacher training school in
2012 for five months. More recently, I 'm trying to pursue a master's degree in Business
admisnistrasi through scholarship programs at National Dong Hwa University (NDHU), I really
hope to be able to get a scholarship, if I get it and finish my master's degree, I will immediately
went on to earn a doctorate. I really hope that I can be accepted in NDHU because it is a very
good university for me to continue my studies, with the hope that after I graduated I became
personally useful for everyone, for my family to make them proud, to NDHU and Indonesia sure.
May God answer prayer and my request, I was optimistic that I could take.

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