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Help with data manipulation techniques

2.4 – Describe common data preparation techniques and use them as


Common Data Preparation Techniques

Preparing data makes it easier to analyse and identify data patterns, such as trends.

The process of sorting, in a database example, is arranging field(s) or groups of data
into a logical order. Data can be sorted alphabetically or numerically or by date order.

How it is used/GG Example

Sorting data makes it easy to look at data in order. For example data could be sorted
by date to show data in a time order; or alphabetically, for example to find a particular
person or a certain data entry. Sorting can be done quickly both on a database and on
paper in relation to other data preparation techniques.

Show an example of Gee Gardens data sorted

Collation is the collection is the grouping of data or written information into, a
normally, recognisable order. Similar to sorting in that it can be alphabetizing data
into an order.

How it is used/GG Example

Collation can be used to bring together different types of information into one place
for analysis. For example, Gee Gardens use codes related to particular craftsmen in
their database. When looking at orders staff could collect all the orders in which a
particular craftsman was involved. This could be to check demand for certain services
for example.

Show an example of Gee Gardens data collated

Help with data manipulation techniques

Transcription is the process of copying something from one place to somewhere else,
whether it is computer data or written information.

How it is used/GG Example

One form of transcription is creating a backup, this applies to computer data. A

backup is creating a copy somewhere else and is the original fails there is still another
copy. Transcription may also be used when creating a final document from an original
draft piece. When orders come in at Gee Gardens, the garden designers may jot the
order down and then copy it into the database. Although now presented differently,
the data is still the same.

Graphical Analysis

Data can be used to create a graph which shows a visual representation of data to
make it easier to analyse, compare and identify trends.

How it is used/GG Example

Analysing a graph can quickly tell you the most common piece of data and compare
data against each other.

Show example of Gee Gardens data graphically analysed


Querying data is extracting different types of information from either one or more
tables. Queries filter data according to criteria.

How it is used/GG Example

For example if staff wanted to find out all the orders taken in a certain month then a
query could be executed to do this.

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