New Era University College of Engineering and Technology Computer Science Department

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Laboratory Activity 1

General Topic:


Specific Topic:


House Alarm System


Importance and Significance:

Many house owner like in the subdivision have pertain that their house
is safe from the intruders but there are situations although if the
subdivision are secure, the intruders can invade the house without any
In this situation, the house owner think on how should be secure their
house at all times and keep the intruders enter to the house easily.
Using the house alarm, the owner should not be worry on the security
of their house against the intruders. They can easily detect if there is
an intruder that are trying to invade the house by alarming the whole


Scope and Limitation

The house alarm system is a device that can use to make the house
secure against the intruders. These alarm systems have different
switch. The alarm enable (E) that enable the alarm system of the
house and there are two sensors, the door intruder sensor and the
window intruder sensor. If the alarm is enable, these two sensor the
will also be activated and when one of the two sensor is disabled, it
means that the sensor detects the intruders who are trying to invade
the house so that, the alarm system will activated and give an signal or
audible sound that gives alert to the whole house. Many standard
alarm systems use these concepts and them applying many sensors
depending on the house structure. The example on how the alarm
system enable if the intruder enters to the door. The door intruder
sensor that is enable will become in disable state it means there are
intruders enter to the door and the alarm system will be activated.



Additional camera sensor to the outside of the house.

Additional alarm for the police assistance.
Additional vibrator

These additional recommendations give other features

advancement of the security of the house alarm system.



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Laboratory Activity 2


General Topic:


Specific Topic:


Seat Belt Warning System

Seat Detection
Belt Detection
Warning Activation

Importance and Significance:

All passengers and drivers are prone to injury while in travel because
of not wearing the seat belt. The authority implement the law that
always wears the seat belt while in a car travel but because many
drivers and passengers are not following the rules of the authority,
these could be lead to injury and accident of many drivers and
passenger especially to those car travelers. By the use of the seat belt
warning system, there could be no worry about the safety of the

passengers and drivers especially to those who are always forget

wearing a seat belt.

Scope and Limitation

The seat belt warning system is a device that can use on a car to
reduce the risk of the passenger and driver. These seat belt warning
systems have the following parts. The (F) is the warning activator of
the whole system. The 8 sensor, the first four is for the seat sensor and
it depends on how many seat inside a car therefore assume that the
car has four seats and each seats has a sensor (S1, S2, S3, S4) and
each seats has a belt sensor the (B1, B2, B3, B4). The system will work
regardless on the number of passengers inside the car and all have
already used the seatbelt. Assume that all seats are occupied by the
passengers, the seat sensor will enable which means the seats are
already occupied and then when the seat sensor is enabling, the
system will activate the warning system if each of the belt sensor is
not enable else, all of the passengers have already used the seatbelt
therefore the system will not give a warning the passengers. In this
system it will secure and reduce the risk of the passenger if all are
wearing the seatbelt.
The system limits the security of the cars against car napping and also
the security of the belongings of the passengers. This also limits
protection of the passenger when the car collide to the another object.



Additional sensor alarm for the car against car napping.

The car balloon bump to protect the passenger to worst injury.

These additional features will give innovation to the system of seat belt warning

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Laboratory Activity 3

General Topic:


Specific Topic:


A Magnetic Positional Control


Importance and Significance:

In creating a large digital circuit e.g. robot or etc., It is difficult to find
out the true position of it. It should also find another way to manually
change and determine its position. To change and also determine the
position of your circuit, you have to use a Magnetic Positional Control
System. A magnetic positional control is a circuit device that generates
position output like the compass. With the help of this circuit, you will
be able to change the position of the robot.


Scope and Limitation

A magnetic positional control is used to control a ship, robot, etc. It was

the control system to change the position of the robot base on the
rotary position of the compass. It encodes the position that you
inputted and decode it to digital code to provide navigational data to
the system. According to the example, they were 8 positional input like
on the compass and those are encoded by a combined circuit what you
call the encoder and generates the positional output. These output are
depends on what direction you have inputted.
The system limits the temporary storage of data and the auto position
of the circuit.

For the improvement of the digital circuit, the circuit should add the
storage register to save the previous state of the position and also the
auto position of the circuit to automatically detect the current position.

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Laboratory Activity 4

I. General Topic:

BCD Framework

II. Specific Topic:

7 Segment LED

II. Importance and Significance:

Circuits like computer do not run if there is no memory because the
memory is the storage of the program or instruction to be executed by
the CPU and also include the decoder to decode what instruction is
inside the memory. In this circuit, it views how the memory works
inside the computer because if the computer is in working state, you
cannot see how it performs inside. So this circuit will help you
understand about the computer memory functions.

III. Scope and Limitation

A BCD framework is a circuit that shows the sequence of the number
by the series of bits. This circuit includes the JK Flip-Flop. JK flip-flop is
the storage that keeps the state or bit and it will change by clock
pulse. It also includes 7 Segment Decoder which decode the bits
signals and display output to 7 Segment LED to see the sequence of
numbers according to the state diagram.
This circuits limits about the reset of the circuit because the circuit do
not reset and it only follows its state diagram according to its state or
next state.

IV. Recommendation
For the additional improvement of the system, the circuit adds the reset
button to manually reset its state.
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Laboratory Activity 5
I. General Topic:
II. Specific Topic:

D Flip-Flop

3 Bit-Adder

III. Importance and Significance:

Computer has large complex circuits that do a large task in a certain
time. It performs many operations like ALU. ALU have four operations
one is the adder. Without the adder the computer wont perform
operations that need to add like the calculating the addresses, locating
indices and similar operations. By the use of the 3 bit adder the circuits
must add and determine the carry bit of the address.

IV. Scope and Limitation

A 3 bit adder is a circuit inside the CPU that perform addition and one
of the features of this circuit is it determine the number of carry. This
circuit also includes the ROM that holds the input of the adder and also
the D Flip-Flops that change the state by the clock pulse and store the
result of the adder to the RAM. This circuit limit the fast adder and also
and the carry save adder that computes all of the output in single S out
and also the carry.
V. Recommendation
For the addition improvement of the system, the circuit must add the
following components.

Screen shot:

Carry Save adder

Carry Look ahead adder

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