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Return of Jackpot Battle

Generally the idea is about the return of the old Jackpot Battle with some changes to get interesting
fights and fair winners!!!
For all people who dont remember the old Jackpot Battle:
20-25 Maps with max 500 people on one Map
Quarterfinal 4 Maps with max 500 people
Halffinal 2 Maps with max 500 people
Final Map with max 500 people
Final Map gets smaller until 1 Person is left (Jackpot Winner)
All players where without name on the map was shown ******** as the nickname
In the really past you saw the nickname + serverID
I think after a limit of users all Maps get NotAttackingZone (NAZ). After that there were like 5
minutes break where the surivors get merged to different Maps.
Lets say 20 000 registered Users on JPB so when 10% where alive they put NAZ and put the 2000
Users on 4 different Quarterfinal Maps and so on.

How the first Map could get created?

Total Server today: 55 (100%)
58-3 Italian are not allowed to take part in Jackpot because of some rules for gambling.

Europa West (25) Global 1-7(7), De 1-7(7), Fr 1-4 (4) ES 1-4 (4), SK, GB 1-2, IT 1-3(3)
45% --> 9 Maps
25 Servers/ 9 Maps = 2,77777= 2/3 Server on 1 Map
3 Server on each Map, maybe a combination between less busy and busy servers. Some Maps with
3 Servers and some Maps with 2 Servers. This can although be done with the nationalities (different

Europe East (19) CZ 1-3 (3), PL 1-3 (3), RUS (1-6), TR (1-6), HU (1)
35% ---> 7 Maps = 2,7....= 2/3 Server on 1 Map
America East (8) Global America 1,2,3,5 (4), BR (1), USA East 1-3 (3)
15% --> 3 Maps = 2,7= 3 Server on 1 Map

America West (3) Global America 4 (1), Mexiko (1), USA West (1)
5% ---> 1 Map = 3 Server on 1 Map
This is a try to get fair and interesting fights. The idea is about let a few server playing there map
until a number of surivivors. I was thinking about 20 maps and tried to make a fair combination
about the number of servers. Each map is going to have 100 survivors. For sure bigpoint has better
information in there data base to combinate the server with the number of activ users. If on the map
no users are dying anymore the Map get smaller after 20-30 min like in JPA and like in old JPB.
More information on the down.
First Round 20 Maps
Europe West (9)
Map 1: GL 1, GL 3, GL 5
Map 2: GL 2, GL 4, GL 6
Map 3: GB 1, GB 2, SK
Map 4: DE 1, DE3, DE5
Map 5: DE 2, DE4, DE6
Map 6: FR 1, FR 2
Map 7: FR 3, FR 4
Map 8: ES 1, ES 2, DE 7
Map 9: ES 3, ES 4, GL 7
Europe East (7)
Map 10: CZ 1, CZ 2, CZ 3
Map 11: PL 1, PL 2, PL 3
Map 12: RUS 1, RUS 3, RUS 5
Map 13: RUS 2, RUS 4, RUS 6
Map 14: TR 1, TR 3
Map 15: TR 2, TR 4

Map 16: TR 5, TR 6, HU
America East (3)
Map 17: GA 1, GA 3, EAST 2
Map 18: GA 2, GA 4, EAST 3
Map 19: GA 5, BR, EAST 1
America West (1)
Map 20: GA 4, Mexiko 1, USA West
Quarterfinal (2000 Users --> 100 of each Map)
Map 1: Last 100 of MAP 1, MAP 4, MAP 8, MAP 12, MAP 16
Map 2: Last 100 of MAP 2, MAP 5, MAP 9, MAP 13, MAP 17
Map 3: Last 100 of MAP 3, MAP 6, MAP10, MAP 14, MAP 18
Map 4: Last 100 of MAP 7, MAP 11, MAP 15, MAP19, MAP 20
Half Final (1000 Users --> 250 of each Quarterfinal)
Map 1: MAP 1 and MAP 3
Map 2: MAP 2 and MAP 4
Final Map (500 Users --> 250 of each Half Final)
Over the time the map gets smaller so we going to have 1 winner in the end who dies last!
Each Map would run 30 minutes, after 25 min the map gets smaller and smaller. The whole Jackpot
Battle would be 2 hours in total.

Changes for a new Jackpot Battle:

Names, Clantag should be shown again, Server maybe too
Protection of own Company in Round 1 (not nessary)
Possibilty to create groups of 8 (Aegis, Cita going to be interesting ships for team fights)
Deactivation of cloak (already exists before), deactivation of Direct Damage Mine because it
kills people what works against free flying and team fights, the old mines and shield mines
can only damage a lot but not kill, No kills without shooting
Counter of alive users (Middle Up), existing before in the Log on the map, maybe something
permanent (199/500) without opening a window. It can be in different way too for count
down 500/100 so everybody knows how many need to die until the next map
4 New Archivments Bronze(reach Quarterfinal), Silver (reach Halffinal), Gold(reach
Finalmap), Jackpot Winner
Anyone who want translate this post to other languages just post here the link the post of the other
Any questions?
If bigpoint is interested to continue working out this idea let me know.
Best wishes Someone

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