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The Illuminati A Secret Society That Controls the

World and its Best Moneymaking Opportunities

This might come as a shock to you. Then again, it
might not. But its nevertheless true
Every consequential wealth event since the end of
the Great Recession was orchestrated by a powerful,
secretive few.
From the corridors of Capitol Hill to the
boardrooms of Wall Street, this secret society has
been lurking in the shadows, pulling the strings and
levers of power in the financial markets.
Who are these masterminds and financial wizards?
And how can we be so sure they exist?
While their identities remain well guarded, the
evidence of their handiwork is everywhere.
Look no further than Bitcoins.
How does an unregulated cryptocurrency with
no inherent value burst onto the international
scene and embark on an epic and dizzying sprint
thousands of percent higher?

Ill tell you how its the Illuminati.

Thats right. The secret society founded centuries ago is still
alive and well. Heck, our research indicates that todays
Illuminati wield more power and capital than ever before.
And theres no doubt that theyre behind the Bitcoin craze.
They recognized that the fiscal and political climate
was perfectly suited to orchestrate such a rapid run-up.
Moreover, they possessed the influence and capital to
facilitate the charge!
The end result? They multiplied their untold wealth and
power even more.
World governments are still reeling, trying to figure out what
just happened with Bitcoins. The Chinese government went
as far as blocking new transactions in hopes of buying time
to get to the bottom of the situation.

World governments
are still reeling, trying
to figure out what just
happened with Bitcoins.
The Chinese government
went as far as blocking
new transactions in
hopes of buying time
to get to the bottom of
the situation.

Meanwhile, the Illuminati are moving on to the next wealthexploding coup.

Our research indicates that their next bombshell investment
could hit as early as April. But before we tell you what it is, a
little background is in order


For years now, weve made it our job at
Wall Street Daily to track strange
patterns in capital flows throughout the
Why? Because a sudden explosion of
interest and investment in an
under-the-radar, misunderstood, or
neglected sector is the surest sign that
the Illuminati are on the move again.
The trick is recognizing the subtle shifts
early and pouncing on them.


Thats precisely what we did with one of the Illuminatis previous targets 3-D printing.
You dont need me to tell you that 3-D printing is all the rage these days. Investors are falling all
over themselves to get a piece of the action.
Case in point: Theyre throwing gobs of money at private 3-D printing companies via
crowdfunding platforms.
Take Formlabs, for example. In just three hours, it surpassed its $100,000 fundraising goal on
Kickstarter. And within two days, it had raised over $1 million.
Whats worse? Clueless Wall Street analysts are leading the lambs to the slaughter with their
increasingly bold predictions:
3-D printing is the next $1-trillion industry, they say.
Were on the cusp of the next industrial revolution, they proclaim.
It will be bigger than the web, says Chris Anderson, former Editor-in-Chief of Wired
3-D printing is literally going to change the world, MakerBot CEO, Bre Pettis, told our
analysts at the Consumer Electronics Show.
Whew! Lets calm down a bit and get some perspective here


Now, Ill be the first to concede that 3-D printing, which involves converting digital files into
actual three-dimensional objects, is a truly disruptive technology.
And it could change the face of manufacturing. Eventually.
But lets be clear No industry vaults from zero to $1 trillion overnight like some analysts want
us to believe.
In fact, its taken 3-D printing almost 30 years just to get to this point. 3D Systems Corp.
(DDD) filed the first patent in the space (U.S. Patent #4,575,330) in 1986.
So, if its not going to be a trillion-dollar industry next year, how can we explain the fact that
3D Systems stock went from trading for less than $3 in early 2009 to $90 recently? (Thats a
2,900% explosion.)
Its the Illuminati.
Years ago, they started quietly, but aggressively, piling into the sector.


They recognized that the technology was ripe for disruption.

They recognized that the potential for it would whip investors into a bidding frenzy.
In other words, it was the perfect opportunity to orchestrate another wealth-exploding
coup. And they pounced!
As soon as I noticed it, I alerted our subscribers, saying, A potent tandem of gamechanging technology and off-the-charts growth makes this one of the strongest Buys
weve ever seen.
It only took a few months
for us to double our
money, right alongside the
Illuminati. And then we
doubled it again.
Thats when everyday
investors (i.e., the dumb
money) started noticing.
The evidence of their
awakening is plain as day,
too. All we have to do is
look at their internet search
As you can see, total web searches and news headlines for 3-D printing started going
ballistic in 2011 two years after the Illuminati made their first moves into the sector.
Fast forward to today, and public interest in 3-D printing rests at fever-pitch levels.
When this happens, though, its a telltale sign that the wealth coup has run its course.
That is, once the dumb money figures it out, the Illuminati are long gone like a thief in
the night scoping out the next opportunity.


Before 3-D printing, the Illuminati targeted gold bullion. The exact same pattern played


Sudden massive inflows of capital rapidly rising prices rampant search activity.
And by the time the masses
piled in, the Illuminati
were on to the next coup
Im here to tell you that
Bitcoins are running their
course, too.
Ever since the Federal
Reserve embarked on its
easy money campaign,
everyone and their mother
have been on a crusade for an
alternative reserve currency.
The battle cry? Stop devaluing
our money!
Several years ago, the euro was the top answer to the currency woes. Then the eurozone
imploded. Game over.
Chinas yuan entered as the next great contender. But lets be real. We have a better chance of
seeing Jesus tomorrow than we do of seeing the world embrace the currency of a communist
government as the new reserve.
Even if the Chinese government finally decides to allow its currency to freely float rather than
controlling its value within predetermined ranges its still not going to happen.
Of course, during the worlds desperate search, the Federal Reserve just continued printing more
money. That only intensified the desire for an alternative.
The desire was so intense, it was palpable. Sure enough, the Illuminati sensed it and, in turn,
exploited it by manipulating the world into believing Bitcoins were the answer.
As the dumb money is now finding out, though, Bitcoins are anything but the perfect
alternative currency.
Prices are collapsing and the Illuminati are laughing (all the way to the bank) again as the
rest of the world wakes up to the three biggest pitfalls of Bitcoins (see the last page for more
None of these pitfalls matter, of course. The Illuminati have already scored windfall profits on
Bitcoins multiplied their wealth yet again and moved on.


The telltale sign? Again,

internet search activity. The
dumb money cant get enough
of Bitcoins lately.
Like I said before, once the
dumb money figures it out,
the Illuminati are already
long gone like a thief in the
night scoping out the next
Heres the thing our sources
reveal that the Illuminati have
already honed in on the next
wealth-exploding opportunity.
Were noticing strange patterns in capital flows into a completely obscure, but revolutionary,
technology. One that promises to transform the way humans interact with their surroundings.
As youll see in a moment, its an opportunity thats perfectly suited to the super-secretive


Enter smart dust.
When you first hear the words, you might think of something magical. But smart dust is actually
a system of tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), robots or other devices that can
detect everything around them light, temperature, vibrations, pressure, magnetism, chemical
composition, humidity, location, acceleration The list goes on.
Smart dust particles are referred to as motes. And they can be as tiny as regular dust particles
and can spread throughout the air to collect and monitor data.
As tech research firm Gartner explains, motes are generally aimed at monitoring real-world
phenomena without disturbing the original process. They are so small and light that they can
remain suspended in the environment like an ordinary dust particle. Air currents can also move
them in the direction of flow and, once they are deployed, it is very hard to detect their presence
and even harder to get rid of them.
Applications for smart dust abound across almost every industry from medicine to agriculture
to communication.
For instance, smart dust can alert soldiers to poisons in the air, track soil moisture in agricultural
settings, and even enter human bodies to check for physiological problems.


Much like 3-D printing, the technology has been around for
decades. In fact, the concept for smart dust came out of a study
convened by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) and the Research and Development Corporation
(RAND) in the early 1990s.
The technologys development has progressed so much, however,
that before long, smart dust will be in every building, road and
home to monitor energy usage, manage traffic, detect earthquakes,
provide security and collect any type of meaningful data you can
One leading tech giant, for instance, plans to deploy over one
trillion smart dust sensors across the planet to map out the central
nervous system of the Earth, if you will.

One leading tech giant, for

instance, plans to deploy
over one trillion smart dust
sensors across the planet
to map out the central
nervous system of the
Earth, if you will.

In all aspects, this is virtually the perfect opportunity for the

Much like them, smart dust is a technology thats almost
imperceptible, fast moving and all knowing. And sure enough, our
research indicates that theyve been deploying fresh capital in the
So whats the best way to play it? Its simple, really.
Remember, the trick to profiting alongside the Illuminati is
recognizing their subtle shifts of capital early and joining.
So all we have to do is scoop up shares of the leading innovators in
the smart dust sector.
Weve already cornered three such companies that promise to
deliver explosive, Illuminati-driven gains in the months ahead.
Once the dumb money wakes up to the technology, and the next
opportunity masterminded by the Illuminati, these are the names
that theyre going to pile into. Just like they did with 3-D printing
and 3D Systems.
At that point, well look to book our profits and move on.
In the coming days, we plan on releasing the names of the
companies so our readers can position themselves accordingly.
Stay tuned!
Ahead of the tape,




Bitcoin Pitfall #1: In God Nobody We Trust
No doubt, the atheists who cringe over the fact that U.S. paper money says In God We Trust
love the fact that Bitcoins pledge no such allegiance.
In fact, many supporters of the digital currency tout the lack of any centralization or regulation
over Bitcoin as a key selling point. But without regulation, and the guidelines and legal protections
that come with it, consumers have no reason to trust the currency.
And if we cant put our trust in a currency, we wont use it. Simple as that.
Besides, if you think governments around the world are going to sit on the sidelines and allow an
unregulated, digital currency to gain momentum, youre crazy.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has already dropped the hammer on Mt. Gox, the
worlds largest Bitcoin exchange, for operating a money-transmitting business without a license.
And thats only a preview of whats to come.
So this whole notion of an unregulated currency is really just a pipe dream. While citizens might
want it, world governments wont allow it.
Bitcoin Pitfall #2: No Guarantees
In addition to lacking trust, we have no guarantee that Bitcoins are safe and secure. Bitcoin
exchanges have already been hacked and stolen.
We also have no guarantee that Bitcoin wont be replaced. I mean, whats going to stop a better
Bitcoin from coming onto the scene?
Nothing. Truth be told, there are actually five digital currency offshoots in existence, collectively
referred to as altcoins, aimed to fix inefficiencies in the market Litecoin, Peercoin, Freicoin,
Ripple and the Linden Dollar.
Bitcoin Pitfall #3: No Inherent Value
Haters continually deride the U.S. dollar because its not backed by anything of value.
Whats the difference with Bitcoin?
Just like theres no inherent value in paper, theres no inherent value in a bunch of ones and zeros
in cyberspace.
That means theres no way to figure out what a fair price is for a Bitcoin. And thats ultimately the
digital currencys undoing. Its nothing more than a (wild) speculation.
I mean, would you be willing to accept your next paycheck in Bitcoins? Yeah, I didnt think so.

In a world of liars, the


starts here.

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