For Branch Manager Report

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Reports For Branch Manager


Daily Report
Weekly Report
Monthly Report
Quarterly Report


Daily Report
Activity Report (Sales)
Dealer Sale Summary (Parts)


Activity Report:-

*Firstly go to Business Partner Master > Business Partner Reports > Activities Overview- Click on
Activities Overview.

* Select Handled By as per user, mention Activity start Date for the next day report then click on OK.

Report is display with Content (Activity No. ,Start Date, Handled By, Customer Name, Contact Person,
Remarks, Sales Employee, Closed Status, Closing Date, Mobile No. , Privies Activity No. ETC.)
This report for Daily Follow-up Report for the sales Employees.
If there is closed status is No. its pending for the follow-up and you can enter back date and find the non
Follow-up report also.
Export This report in Excel and use.


Dealer Sale Summary (Parts)

This report will show you the daily parts & Lubricant Sale.
* For this report firstly go to Sales A/R > Sales Reports > JCB DBMS Parts Reports > Dealer Sale Summary.
Click on the Dealer Sale Summary.

* Mention Date in the From Date and To Date and click on OK.

* Report will Display with Content (Branch Name, Cash/Credit Sale with {DNP, Sale Rate, ED and MRP}
FOC sale with {DNP, Sale Rate, ED, & MRP} Warranty Sale {DNP, Sale Rate, ED & MRP}, Bill to customer
(Workshop) sale {DNP, Sale Rate, ED, MRP}, Bill to Customer Return with DNP, Lubricant Sale {DNP, Sale
Rate, MRP & Liter}, Lubricant return, Total Parts Return (Excluding Workshop), and Total Sale - Return on
Export this report in Excel and use report as required.
This same report is used in daily sale report which is send by Sunil Sharma on daily basis.

Weekly Report


Lead Creation Report (Sales)

Opportunity Report (Sales)
Open Delivery Report (Parts)
Open STN Report (Parts)
Loss Sale Report (Parts)
Open Service Call Report (Service)
Over Due Service Call Report (Service)

Lead Creation Report (Sales) :- for find out how mach lead created and lead status Active Or
inactive with sales employee.
* Go to Business Partners > Business Partners Master Data.
Mention * sign in the Code, Select the Lead in customer type then press find or enter.

List of business partners displayed. with all the required fields of the customers.

Export this report in text format in the system.

Now go to any excel file then go to file select open.

Choose the file from saved location and open the file.

Text import wizard open choose 1. next Then 2. Next

Choose the Updated & Creation Date then select date in Column data format then select DMY format
then click on finish.

Use Group Code for find out your branch lead and Active status if yes lead is active and if not lead is
inactive. Short by date and use the report according to date.

Opportunity Report (Sales) :- For find out how much opportunity will open or won or lost with
sales employee with current status.
* Go to the sales opportunity > click on sales opportunity press Ctrl+F key enter the start date were you
want to find the opportunities. hit the find key.

* List of opportunity window displayed same will export in TXT format and convert in to the excel with
date selection and use this report.

Open Delivery Report (Parts) :- for find out the how much delivery given on the customer
name but invoice or return not made in the system.
* Go to the Sales A/R > Delivery :- then press Ctrl+F Key then select the status Open & Open Printed this
report download two time with different status. (Open :- this status showing delivery made in system
but Print not given to any, and Open Printed :- This status showing Delivery made in the system and
print also given to the delivered person.) Then hit on find Kay.

* List of Deliveries displayed Download this report in excel.

* Check Point in Excel :- (1)If Target Werehouse is blank all the delivery related to the deliveries to the
customer name. (2) If Document type is Bill to customer that deliveries issue to service department for
Payable invoice only. (3) If Document Type is Claimable that delivery issued to the service for warranty
Only. (4) If Document Type is Blank that delivery issue from counter. User Signature showing the
*Bill to Customer & Warranty Delivery required to be Closed between 3 to 4 Days. and Counter delivery
should be required to close immediate.

Open STN Report (Parts) :- This report will you showing the internal transfers of the RMPL
Branch to Branch if Branch 1 is send the material and branch 2 is not received in the system.
* Go to the Sales A/R > Delivery :- then press Ctrl+F Key then select the status Open & Open Printed this
report download two time with different status. (Open :- this status showing delivery made in system
but Print not given to any, and Open Printed :- This status showing Delivery made in the system and
print also given to the delivered person.) Then hit on find Kay.

* List of Deliveries displayed Download this report in excel.

* Check Point in Excel :- (1) If Target Werehouse is blank all the delivery related to the deliveries to the
customer name and if Target Werehouse is not blank all the delivery related to Pending STN.
(2) Customer Name is showing the name of Branch which is to be received the Material.
(3) Target Wherehoue Showing the Code of sender branch which is send the Parts to the other branch.


Loss Sale Report (Parts) :- This report will showing you the loss sale of Parts for related branch.

* Go to the Sales A/R > Sales Reports > JCB DBMS Parts Report > Loss Sale Branch.
Enter Selection Date :-

* Select Branch Name :-

*Select Item Group :- Then Press OK Report will display

* Report will showing you the loss Sale Branch wise, Part Wise, Qty wise and Amount Wise Loss Sale.

Open Service Call Report (Service) :- This report will showing you the How much the service
calls Open by the particular branch/Outlet.
* Go To the Service > Service Reports > Service Calls .
Enter Creation Date As required.

* Select the Handled By From and to. for the location.

* Select Call type All:-

* Select Call Status - Open, Assign & Fix. Then Press OK

* All the calls showing with present status and with Creation date Call Type.

Export this report in Excel and use as required.

Over Due Service Call Report (Service) :- Down load the service call report which is show you
above and (-) reduce the Creation Date from as on date. All the calls are overdue which is not closed
within 4 to 5 Days.

Monthly Report


Won, loss, Open (Opportunity Report) (Sales)

Competitor wise loss sale report (Sales)
Machine Sale Report (D To C) (Sales)
Machine Sale Report (J To C) (Sales)
Stock Adjustment Report (Parts)
Material Receipt Report (Parts)
Total Sale Report (Parts)
Stock Report (Parts)
Service Revenue Report (Service)
Warranty Invoice Report (Service)
Warranty Claim Report (Service)

Won, loss, Open (Opportunity Report) (Sales) :-For find out how much opportunity will open
or won or lost with sales employee with current status.
* Go to the sales opportunity > click on sales opportunity press Ctrl+F key enter the start date were you
want to find the opportunities. hit the find key.

* List of opportunity window displayed same will export in TXT format and convert in to the excel with
date selection and use this report.

Competitor wise loss sale report (Sales) :- This report will showing the competitor wise loss
sale with the competitor detail
* Go to Sale Opportunity > Sale Opportunity Report > JCB DBMS Machine Report > Competitor wise
Opportunity Lost sale Report.
*Enter the Date and select the competitor as required and press OK.

* Report will displayed the all the detail related to machine branch, Competitor, Machine Model, Sales
Employee, Financer ETC.
Export the report and use as required.

Machine Sale Report (D To C) (Sales) :- This report will showing the Machine Invoice Report
with the invoice Detail for Stock and Sale.
* * Go to Sale Opportunity > Sale Opportunity Report > JCB DBMS Machine Report > Machine Sale
Report Ex Dealer.

* Enter the Date then select the Branch, Select the sales Employee and financer then Press OK.
Report Will Display With Customer and Invoice Details.

Machine Sale Report (J To C) (Sales) :- This report will showing the Machine Invoice Report
with the invoice Detail for Direct Billing.
* Go to Sale Opportunity > Sale Opportunity Report > JCB DBMS Machine Report > J to C billed Order
Enter the Date and press OK.

* Report Will Displayed the Detail with the sales Employee, Customer. JCB Invoice No., Machine No.
Dispatch Detail of Truck no. FOC and COB Detail.

Stock Adjustment Report (Parts):- This report will show the How Many Parts is entered in the
system from adjustment only without any Purchase and Sale only due to Stock Difference.
* Go To Sales A/R > Sales Reports > JCB DBMS Parts Reports > Stock Adjustment Report.
Enter the Date and Select the Branch & Item Group then Press OK.

* Report Will Displayed the Detail Branch wise Part wise Qty Which is add or Reduce in Stock.

Material Receipt Report (Parts):- This report will show the How much material we will
purchase from Vendors.
* Go to Sales A/R > Sales Reports > JCB DBMS Parts Reports > Material receipt Report.
Enter the Date, Branch & Vendors then Press OK.

* Report will displayed the total invoice detail with the vendors plant code, Taxes and order type Etc.

Total Sale Report (Dealer Sale Summary):- This report will show you the daily parts &
Lubricant Sale.
* For this report firstly go to Sales A/R > Sales Reports > JCB DBMS Parts Reports > Dealer Sale Summary.
Click on the Dealer Sale Summary.

* Mention Date in the From Date and To Date and click on OK.

* Report will Display with Content (Branch Name, Cash/Credit Sale with {DNP, Sale Rate, ED and MRP}
FOC sale with {DNP, Sale Rate, ED, & MRP} Warranty Sale {DNP, Sale Rate, ED & MRP}, Bill to customer
(Workshop) sale {DNP, Sale Rate, ED, MRP}, Bill to Customer Return with DNP, Lubricant Sale {DNP, Sale
Rate, MRP & Liter}, Lubricant return, Total Parts Return (Excluding Workshop), and Total Sale - Return on
Export this report in Excel and use report as required.
This same report is used in daily sale report which is send by Sunil Sharma on daily basis.


Stock Report (Parts) :- This Report Will show the stock detail of the branch.

* Go to Inventory > Inventory Reports > Inventory in Werehouse report.

Always blank the Code & Vendor, Select Item Group as required (Parts, Lubricant, Local or All), Displayed
Detailed Report, Price Source DNP, Select Branch. Then Click on OK.

* Report will showing the Parts Detail with In Stock Qty, Committed If Sales Order Made(Committed to
the customer), Ordered Qty. (If Order Raised to JCB), Available (Total calculation showing In stock available + Ordered) , DNP Price and Parts Stock Amount.

Service Revenue Report (Service) :- This report will show the Part wise detail for sale of service
* Go To Service> Service Reports > JCB DBMS Service Reports > Service Revenue.
Enter the Date and Select the branch then press OK.

*Report will displayed the sale Detail Part wise with Call ID, Service Type( Invoice made On site Or
Workshop) Parts, Labor and Lubricant Name, Qty, DNP, Sale Rate.

Service Revenue Report (Service) :- This report will show the Part wise detail which is issued
in Warranty.
* Go To Service> Service Reports > JCB DBMS Service Reports > Warranty Invoice.
Enter the Date and Select the branch then press OK.

* Report will show the detail Parts with Call ID, Customer Detail, Invoice Detail, Which is issue in under

Warranty Claim Report (Service) :- This report will showing the Claim Detail which is made
from Branch to JCB.
* Go To Service> Service Reports > JCB DBMS Service Reports > Warranty Invoice.
Enter the Date and Select the branch Enter the Type of Work then press OK.

* Report Will Displayed the Claim Detail with Claim Amount And Credit Detail ETC.


Quarterly Report


Dead Stock Report (Parts)

Customer Wise Sale Report (Parts)
Loss Claim Report (Service)

Dead Stock Report (Parts) :- This report will show the Dead stock report which is not move
from selected time.
* Go to Sales A/R > Sales Report > JCB DBMS Parts Report > Dead Stock.
Select Period, Enter the Branch, Item Group then Press OK.

Report Will Displayed the Dead Stock Detail with Part no., Stock Qty, DNP Value, Model, Recomm., NSP,


Customer Wise Sale Report (Parts) :Loss Claim Report (Service) :- Both Report send by Navneet Paliwal By Every Qurter End.

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