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Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers

Use with: Assignments

Tip: Submitted text

Text Activity

When added to a site forms part of an

assignments can be viewed in

assignment activity. The teacher types the

the marking section of the

instructions in the widget settings panel. The

Assignment app. They do not

student submits the response back to the

appear in the site itself.

teacher by typing into a built in Text Editor.

Learn More: How to Add a Text

Activity Widget

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,


Link to File

Use with: Dashboards, Sites

Creates a download link to a file, such as an

Tip: Linked files must be

Excel or Word document. Linked files must

uploaded to Frog before they

be stored on the VLE.

can be used.

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers

Use with: School Dashboard

Displays the Ministry of Education RSS feed.

This is refreshed every 10 minutes with any
new information. There are 3 sections

KPM, JPN & PPD. Because they are

regional, the JPN and PPD feeds must be

Tip: JPN and PPD RSS feeds

can be obtained from your
regional JPN website.

entered manually by the Frog Admin.

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,

Use with: Dashboards, Sites

The RSS Feed allows you to place an RSS

(Rich Site Summary) feed onto your site. This Tip: Educational RSS feeds can
RSS Feed

will support RSS2 and 4.1 formats of RSS

be found on the internet.

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,
The Time widget displays the time as a digital
clock. The displayed time is taken from the
device being used. There are no settings for

this widget.

2015 | Unit ICT, SK Telok Lipat

Use with: My Dashboard

Tip: If the time is wrong, check
the time settings of your device.


Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,

Use with: Sites

Tip: When using Google
Chrome Browser, click the

Allows you to embed a website so that a

website is displayed inside your site. Some
websites, for example Google, will not appear
Embed Website

in this widget as they cannot be placed in a

frame on another site.

shield icon in the address bar

and allow unsecure content to
Learn More: How to unblock a
blocked embedded website
How to add a presentation
using the embed website widget

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,


Use with: Dashboards, Sites

Allows an inspirational quote or phrase to be

placed on your site. The text editor can be
Phrase of the

used to change the colour, font size and

styling etc. Images can be inserted and text

Tip: Inspirational images can be

used instead of a phrase.

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers
Displays a notice board on your site. Those
who have permission can submit to the
Notice Board

noticeboard. Other users notices are read

only, but you can delete your own notices.
Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,

Use with: School Dashboard,

Tip: Sites shared with Can
contribute will allow users to
add to the noticeboard.

Use with: Dashboards, Sites

Tip: Accepted file types:
x-m4v, mpeg, mpeg3, jpeg, xflv, png, ogg, flv, quicktime,


Allows the inclusion of images, videos and

mpg, mov, x-msvideo, x-

audio files in your site. The files can be

shockwave-flash, m4v, mp4, x-

uploaded to the VLE or linked from Discover

mp3, mp3, ogg, swf, gif, jpg,

and the FrogStore. Maximum file size for

webm, avi

upload is 100MB.

Learn More: How to Add a

Video to a Site

2015 | Unit ICT, SK Telok Lipat


Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers

Use with: Assignments, Sites

Tip: Site must be shared with

Allows the creation and usage of Polls within

a site. Only one question can be asked per
Poll. If multiple questions are required then

the Forms Widget should be used.

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,


Can contribute permissions.

Data can be exported from the
Data Viewer as a .CSV file.
Learn more: How to Import a
Poll into a Site

Use with: Sites

Creates a discussion wall within your site.


Users can leave comments on the wall that

Tip: Site must be shared with

others can respond to. Unlike a Forum only

Can contribute permissions.

one topic can be used per Wall. Replies to

Learn more: How to Add a

your posts will appear in your Notifications

Message Wall to a Site

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers

Use with: My Dashboard, Sites

Tip: Can only be used with

Random Name

When a group name is entered, the Random

existing groups. If a group is not

Name Widget will spin the names of

found ask your Frog Admin to

everyone in that group. When it stops the

set one up for you.

teachers could ask that person to answer a

Learn more: How To Use the

question or perform a task.

Random Name Widget

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers

Use with: Assignments, Sites

Used to display quizzes within a site or as

Tip: Quiz options become

part of an assignment. Quizzes cannot be

available once a quiz is

created inside a site. They must be created in imported. These are available in

the Quizzes section of the FrogDrive.

the settings panel.

Site must be shared with Can
contribute permissions.
Learn more: How to Import a
Quiz into a Site

2015 | Unit ICT, SK Telok Lipat



Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers

Use with: Sites

Allows the creation and usage of Forms

Tip: Sites containing a Form

within a site. In this widget, users are given

must be shared with Can

the option of Single Line, Paragraph,

contribute permissions.

Checkboxes, Multiple Choice and Dropdown

Data can be exported from the

for their form layout.

Data Viewer as a .CSV file.

Learn more: How to Import a
Form into a Site

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,

Displays information about the logged in
user. It gives the users name, class, school
User Info

and email address. There are no settings for

this widget.

File Drop

Use with: My Dashboard

Tip: User Info widget is a great

way for students to learn their

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,

Use with: My Dashboard,



Creates a window that files can be uploaded

Tip: Can be configured to allow

into or downloaded from. When used as part

users to view all files or just

of an assignment a student is able to upload

their own.

their work to their teacher for marking.

Can be configured to
allow/disallow users to delete
their files.

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,


Site Link

Creates a link on your site to any other site

Tip: Can be used to give

within the VLE that you have permission to

Parents access to sites they


cannot normally access.

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,

Used to add text to your site. Text can be

Use with: Dashboards, Sites

typed directly or copied and pasted from

other sources. The text editor can be used to
change the colour, font size and styling etc.
Images can be inserted and text hyperlinked.

2015 | Unit ICT, SK Telok Lipat

Use with: Sites

Tip: Always remember to credit

the original author when
copying text from websites.
Learn more: How to Use the
Text Widget Within a Site


Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,

App Link

Use with: My Dashboard, Sites

Creates a link to an application within the

Tip: To save time Frog Admins

VLE that you have permission to use.

can add the Users and Groups

apps to their dashboard for one
click access.

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,


External Link

Use with: My Dashboard, Sites

Creates a link to an external website. Linked

Tip: If a website cannot be

websites open in a new window or tab

viewed using the embed

depending on the browser settings. Icons and website widget (such as

website descriptions can also be added.

Google) then use this widget


Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,



Use with: Assignments, Sites

Allows SCORM (Sharable Content Object

Tip: To view the current list of

Reference Model) content to be used within a

MOE SCORM content please

site. SCORM packages are provide free for

go to:

use within Frog by the MOE and cover a wide

variety of subjects. To use SCORM place the
SCORM widget on a site and search for the
package to use in the settings panel.
Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,


Use with: Sites

The forum widget allows you to have

Tip: Forum admins can specify

discussions on your site with all users being

whether users can delete a post

able to contribute on posts that have been

once posted. Options are:

made. Important topics can be made sticky

never, within a specified

meaning that they will always appear at the

timeframe and always.

top of the Forum list.

Site must be shared with Can

contribute permissions.
Learn more: How to Add a
Discussion Forum to a Site

2015 | Unit ICT, SK Telok Lipat


Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,
Creates a copy of your Quick Launch menu
Quick Launch

on your dashboard or site. The icons

displayed here are boldly presented in a tiled
fashion, useful when using the Frog VLE on a
touch screen device. The edit feature allows
you to add or remove icons to suit your
Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,
Places a Pond RSS feed on your site.

Use with: My Dashboard

Tip: Removing or adding icons

in the widget, will also remove
or add icons in your Quick
Launch menu on the Frog Bar.
Learn more: How to Use the
Quick Launch Widget

Use with: My Dashboard

Tip: The Pond has student
focused content so place this

The Pond

Widget where students can

view it.
Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers

Use with: School Dashboard

The school notices widget is usually used by

the Frog Admin to update the school notice
School Notices

board with events and announcements.

The text editor can be used to change the
colour, font size and styling etc. Images can

Tip: The School Notices is

usually only used on the School

be inserted and text hyperlinked.

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,
Displays your reminders, to do lists and
website links on your Dashboard. The text

editor can be used to change the colour, font

size and styling etc. Images can be inserted
and text hyperlinked.
Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,

Use with: My Dashboard

Tip: Links to commonly used

Google Docs can be pasted in
the Notes Widget to allow faster

Use with: My Dashboard

The notification widget displays all your


notifications on your dashboard. Notifications

Tip: Notifications can be

from the calendar, assignments, walls, polls

deleted by clicking the X in the

and forms are shown.

corner of each message.

2015 | Unit ICT, SK Telok Lipat


Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,


Displays between 5 and 15 entries from a

Tip: The Calendar Widget does

selected calendar.

not display the whole calendar

just a list view of entries.

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,


Site Timeline

Use with: Sites

Place this on a site to enable users to send

Tip: Adding tags in the settings

resources directly to the site. These received

panel, filter out events that do

events (photos, documents) are displayed in

not contain those tags. No tags

chronological order and users have the

mean anything sent to the Site

option to comment on them.

Timeline will be displayed.

Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers,


Photo Stream

Use with: Dashboards, Sites

Use with: Sites

Works in a similar way to the Site Timeline

Tip: Adding tags in the settings

widget, however, this widget only displays

panel, filter out images that do

images. A great way to share photos with

not contain those tags. No tags

students, staff and parents.

mean all images will be


2015 | Unit ICT, SK Telok Lipat

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