Mechanics: Module III: Friction

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Module III: Friction

Lesson 13: Friction - II

The configuration of forces at a frictional contact may be visualized graphically through the concept of the friction cone and friction angle.

Figure 1:

When the friction force f = fmax = s N (impending slippage condition),

the resultant force at the point of contact must lie on the surface of a cone
of semi-cone angle s = tan1 (fmax/N ) = tan1(s ), as shown in Fig. 1. For
any other static (no slip) condition, the resultant force must lie within the
cone. When the surfaces are in relative sliding, the magnitude of friction
force gets fixed at f = k N . Hence, the resultant force at the contact must
lie on the surface of a cone of semi-cone angle k = tan1(f /N ) = tan1(k ).

Figure 2:

This cone is also shown in Fig. 1. Using the concept of the friction cones,
certain friction problems may be reduced to problems of geometry.
Problem 1
What should be the minimum value of s so that the spool of weight W can
be pulled up the incline by pulling the string wound on the spool, as shown
in Fig. 2.
The FBD of the spool when it just leaves the horizontal ground contact is
shown in Fig. 3.
The usual method for this problem is first discussed. Considering force
and moment equilibrium

Fy = 0 N W cos = 0 N = W cos

Fx = 0 P f W sin = 0

Figure 3:

MO = 0 r1 P r2f = 0

Solving the last two equations simultaneously, we have


W sin
r1 1


P =

W sin
1 rr12

In order to support this friction force f ,

s N f s =

r1 tan
r2 r1

Now we discuss the geometric method. Reconsider the FBD of the spool as
shown in Fig. 4. For equilibrium, the resultant force vector F at the contact
must pass through the point A which is the intersection point of the vectors
W and P. At this configuration of F, the angle must not be greater than
the semi-cone angle s of the static friction cone, i.e.,
s tan tan s

r1 tan
s s
r2 r1

Figure 4:

Finally, the force magnitudes P and F can be determined by taking moments

about C and B, respectively.

Problem 2
A thin rigid loop of mass m and radius r is suspended from a frictional
support at A and loaded tangentially by a vertically downward force, as
shown in Fig. 5. Determine the maximum angle at which slipping starts.
Also, determine the corresponding force P . Take the coefficient of static
friction as s .
The FBD of the loop at impending slippage condition is shown in Fig. 6. The
net contact force at A is indicated by the vector R. At impending slippage,

Figure 5:

Figure 6:

Figure 7:

R must lie on the friction cone with semi-cone angle s = tan1 s , i.e.,
= s = tan1 s Moment balance equation about A reads

MA = 0 (r sin )mg (r r sin )P = 0 P = p
1 + 2s s

Problem 3
A block of 50 kg, guided in a frictionless vertical guide, is supported by a
light rod of length 300 mm due to contact friction, as shown in Fig. 7. Find
the maximum value of x for which the arrangement is statically stable. Also,
find the friction force acting at the contacts when x = 75 mm.
Since the rod AB may be considered to be massless, it is a two-force member.
Hence, the contact forces at A and B are along the direction AB, as shown in
the FBD in Fig. 8. At impending sliding condition at any contact, the corre6

Figure 8:

sponding force vector F must lie on the static friction cone. Since A < B ,
impending slippage will occur first at A. Hence, the maximum value of for
static equilibrium occurs when max = tan1 A = 16.7. The corresponding
maximum value of x is obtained from
= sin max = p
1 + 2A
xmax = 0.086 m.
When x = 0.075 m, sin = 0.075/0.3 = 14.5. From force equilibrium,

Fy = 0 F cos 50g = 0 F =


Now, the friction force is given by f = F sin = 50g tan 14.5 f = 126.6

Figure 9:

Problem 4
A rear wheel driven van has a mass of 1900 kg and identical wheels of diameter
650 mm, as shown in Fig. 9. If the coefficient of static friction between the
wheels and the road surface is s = 0.6, and the rear wheel can develop
a maximum torque of 3 kNm, what is the maximum height h of the curb
the van can overcome starting from rest in the configuration shown. Also,
determine the wheel torque required to climb the kerb.
The maximum driving effort/frictional force at the rear wheel will be required
to make the van just climb the curb. The FBD in this configuration is shown
in Fig. 10. Note that the force F on the front wheel is normal to the wheel
since it is not driven. If the contact at the rear wheel in this configuration
is in impending slippage condition, the friction angle = s = tan1 s . For
equilibrium, the line of force of the vector F must pass through the point A
which is the intersection of the lines of action of the vectors R and W. It

Figure 10:

can be observed that for A determined with = s , the resulting curb height
will be the highest. Now from geometry
tan = (

rw )/1.6 = 1.047
tan s

where rw = 0.325 m is the radius of the wheel. Hence, = 46.3. Now,

sin = (rw hmax )/rw

hmax = 0.09 m. We now check if this curb

height can be overcome by the van, given that the rear wheel driving torque
= rw 3000 Nm. Moment equilibrium about B yields

MB = 0 (1.2)1900g (0.325 + 1.25 2.8)f = 0 f = 6868.6 N.

Hence, the required rear wheel torque = rw f = 2232.3 Nm. This torque
can be achieved by the van.

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