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Traffic Problems In Hyderabad

Wednesday, 08 April 2009 19:36 Information Madness

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This is a guest post from one of our reader Poonam K Gill. I am just trying to make her
voice heard across.

Hyderabad Traffic

Hello, This matter is really worth discussion. if you belong to this city, you might be
aware of what i would be diccussing here.

POORLY PLANNED CITY : the city trafic was better when i moved to this city , around
three years back. though traffic was not diciplined like delhi or north but still was atleast
managed. BUT recenct developments bytrafic authorites have proved that it is poorly
planned. The guys behind this planning are not qualified enough to handle this
responsibilty. Some of the example in support of my this statement are if you look at the
main begumpet road ( the old airport road) its a commercial road that connects hyderabad
and sikandrabad the twin cities. has flyovers.
Lets just talk about the flyover that connects begumpet to nagarjuna circle and banjara
hills area. In office hours this flyover is full of traffic already and the intelligent traffic
police officials block the traffic turnings from banjara hills to Punjagutta ( at punjagutta
circle) adding whole traffic flow to begumpet road and congesting the traffic.

If some one has to turn to right from punjagutta circle towards yashoda hospital , he
would have to go all over till Greenland Lights then take a U turn and come all the way
down to punjagutta circle again adding 5 kilometer aditional so guess how much
congession to the trafic. its just one example there are lot many roads wheree people are
facing same problems going additional 4-5 kilometer which can be covered in seconds
but due to silly sick management they are forced to ...THis leads to Accidents to , two
wheelers in orderr to save time and traffic go off the line in wrong direction.

A main cause of hyderabad roads being the most accident pronbe roads. Take example of
RAjBhawan Road, infront of Yashoda hospital there use to a divider that was connecting
rajbhavan road and punjagutta area. But blocking that divider added extra 4 kilometers
for people who want to go from T NAgar to punjagutta circle. look at TDP office road
connecting the jubli hill check Post. If you are at KBR park cicle and want to reach TDP
office. its a 100 step distance that you cover in 20 minutes and 4.5 kilometer. the city
need more efficient and more managed traffic than more traffic people as guards for the
ill managed traffic.

Another Problem with traffic police is in order to make money they harass people on the
road by stopping and asking for papers. One personal incident i would like to share is i
was going for my doctor's appointment which i was almost about to miss because of sick
traffic. in adition was stopped bytrafic police guy at abids for no good reason. I was
wearing seat belt was driving calmly at moving traffic speed only. He asked me for
pollution certificate , expecting that i may not be knowing its sticker pasted on the front
being a girl. I simply replied its already pasted on front glass of the car then he said no no
i am asking for RC and your licence. he asked me to park my car taking left turn where i
was to gfo straight and it was my traffic signal. I told him i am in hurry and i haVE TO
GO STRAIGHT he was rude and asked me to park the car i did, showed him all the
papers and my licence. then hwe said madam donot panic go, its our duty. I was laughing
at the indian traffic police people that only 100 rs would have saved my time but why
should i be payinmg them 100 bucks when i have no fault. I missed my appoinment ,
wasted my one leave i took from office to attend my appointment , spent 200 rs on patrol
and 7 kilometer extra i have to go because of that silly fellow's decision of parking my
car to left .Who should be blamed for that. I thought of taking his id number and
complaining against him but for that i would have to go to police station which females in
India would always avoid looking at the reputation of our guards.

Another issue in traffic mismanagement is wrong parking.the best thing

about this is if you have parked car on the side of the road properly
with no bloakage of traffice still your car would be towed if its
rajbhawan road but if you have your car parked in the middle of the
lane in any residential area where there are comercial complexes too ,
it wont be towed even after complaints , but you would receive a reply
from traffice police inspector that we need to report to local police
station but not traffice police they r responsible for roads
DISCILINED. lot of pedestrians and a whole lot of bicycles and
tricycles. That was the 80's. Enter 90's and a new century
we have roads full of cars and vehicles all along. Good!
Hyderabad is growing.......but in what sense are they
growing? . The people's driving is hostile. They do not
yield you the way. They do not care for the traffic signals
and what's worse they do not feel bad about it.
. A report has just come in that RTC pays around 17 crores
annually as compensation to accident victims. If buses do it
then why not cars. So cars do it. With them are our teens of
Hyderabad creating a circle of life (or death rather) by
breaking the rules of the road with their jazzy bikes.
better than men. Every one is in a hurry in Hyderabad to go

their destina The fact that traffic congestions and frequent traffic jams have turned a
common phenomenon in the core areas apart from traffic gridlocks on major corridors
were highlighted.

The HMDA cites a study which put the city’s transportation requirements as largely met
by bus transport (42 per cent), rail-based MMTS (1.5 per cent), three and seven-seated
autos (8 per cent) while the major chunk of 48.5 per cent went for private vehicles in the
form of two and four-wheelers.

tion. Anytime of the day. I suggest the authourities to open a web site for the drivers with
their full details available. The software to be so designed such that the moment the
license scratched should give an indication in the drivers personal data- a mark of mistake
committed. Police should cancel the license of the erring drivers wether it is 2 or 4
wheelers for the III mistake committed. The driver whose license cancelled should again
apply for fresh license with starting from L. This should work and may be fitting answer
for erring drivers not only in twin cities but also in other cities like Vizag etc.
_________________ job for trained engineers. not elected or appointed laymen.

Trained engineers must be brought in. Some of the solutions they may offer are:

- Designation of certain streets as main roads.

- One-way streets.

- Removal of parking from main roads.

- Steadyflow solutions (such as roundabouts).

- Coordination of traffic signals.

- Removal of obstacles to traffic flow.

- Removing traffic signals in the wrong places for coordination.

- Straightening crooked streets.

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