OllieM Solar PDF

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Solar power is a renewable energy source that harnesses and obtains the power of the sun using solar

panels and photovoltaic cells. It has many different uses throughout the world. Solar power is
different to burning fossil fuels because it releases no pollution and it is a renewable type of energy.
There are many steps to form solar energy and many for and against arguments on whether solar
energy is a reliable source of energy or not.
Solar power is a form of energy that sources energy from the
sun. Solar panels harness energy from the sun. Solar panels
have a specific placement so that time with the sun shines down
they capture maximum sunlight. Solar power is a sustainable
and renewable source that converts into electricity to power a
home. Anything that requires power inside the house can use
electricity from solar panels. Solar panels do not work when
there is no sunlight. They also do not work properly if there is
too much pollution because the cells become inefficient.

A long process takes place in order to capture the power of the sun. The sun releases photons onto the
photovoltaic cells where the photons knock the electrons. This causes movement throughout the
circuit and that forms an electrical current. The current travels to a converter which converts it into
electricity. This electricity makes its way into the home where it can be used for anything that requires
power. Any unused electricity goes back into the grid to be used in other ways. This process saves a
lot of money.
Some people say that solar power is very reliable but many others disagree. On the plus side, solar
power is environmentally friendly and it heavily reduces the costs of electricity. On the other hand,
the weather effects the production of the photovoltaic cells and solar panels are made of very exotic
materials. Solar power can also be a good
We obtain solar power through harnessers called
thing because it releases no pollution. But,
solar panels. The sun sends down particles of light
they require space and they are expensive
that knock the electrons. As a result, a flow of
to install.
electricity is created. Solar power is a renewable
source and it doesnt hurt the environment in any
way. Solar energy will never run out because the sun
is the main source of energy. Solar polar plants exist
in countries with large areas of available land. A
solar farm is where many solar panels are placed
near each other to increase the amount of power that
is generated.

By Ollie Moran

Solar power is a renewable and sustainable source of

energy. Solar power captures the suns energy and
transforms it into electricity by an energetic transfer
between the sunlight and components of a solar panel.

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