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Although it may seem that people spend more time in their vocation places,

anecdotal evidences note that they have more time to spend for their leisure
activities than ever before. In the recent decades, it has been an utter consensus
toward the fundamental role of the hedonism and the merits of the optimal use of
the pastime. As far as I know, spending leisure time blossoms spirits and have
positive effect on the ones productivity.
In our contemporary life, where money is the main objective for everyone in order
to attain his family commitments, fast paced life-style is obviously dominated; man
is subjected to many stresses and frustrations. Furthermore, majority of the people
are now cited in the city, emerged in the city life with its crowded streets and noise
pollution. Health experts noted that nature life is essential for man to restore his
mind and body and city inhabitants should supply their body with comfortable levels
of physical exercises.
It is worth mention that, recent academic studies noted that city residents waste
their energy in the overwhelming stimulus of the city life ,as a results, they are
subjected to intellectual weakness in the form of distorted memory, decrease
attention and reduce the problem solving abilities. Thereupon, that affects their
productivity level in the society and is an easy prey of not only depression but also
heart related diseases. On the other hand, it has been found that rural residents
less subjects to such affiliations. Social experts found that less violence levels in
country than cities. They argue that being in nature, cited within the green have
relaxant effect that boom the spirits and improve the temper. They also added that
recent survey showed that people misuse their pastime in a passive way. It was
watching the TV in the first rank of spending leisure time after that comes
computers and internet and on the third position was shopping which is partially
passive but still far-fetched from healthy exercise.
Children are also not away from this problem as vast number of them waste
majority of their time playing video games on their parents way of care. The
Parents claim that it is the best way for keep safe and away from danger. This
serotype ad nauseam- has blind them to the fact that their children will be easily
subjected to obesity and depression.
From the above analysis, one can observe that city inhabitant should rejuvenate
themselves via simultaneous natural healthy exercises in order to keep bona fide.
They also should have holidays in regular basis so as to restore their power to
regain their productivity power.

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