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Tuesday 16th June 2009

Community Meetings
Community meetings will be held at the Rec Reserve, Spring Valley Road on Friday evenings
commencing 8pm
Please note: Meeting will now be held fortnightly. Next meeting is 26th June.

Updates from Community Meeting 12th June

• Material Aid:
Material Aid will continue in Flowerdale until at least mid-August.
From Friday 19th June, the Flowerdale material aid will be handled by a community
outreach worker within the Pathways organisation of the Salvation Army.
Volunteers will still distribute the goods locally, with Leanne Pleash at the Flowerdale
Community Services Hub managing the volunteer rosters.
Toll Holdings have now taken over warehousing operations; with orders placed/filled
weekly (via Amanda Hart at the Salvation Army). With goods now being brought in on
demand, residents are encouraged to plan ahead for their longer term needs and place
orders each week or fortnight with the local volunteers, which will reduce the need to
hold large stores of (often unnecessary or perishable) material onsite.
Diane Linskins will no longer be working for Salvation Army, effective 20th June 2009 but
will still be a volunteer. After this time DHS will use the Salvation Army building for
community engagement staff and the visiting Pathways Bushfire recovery community
outreach workers, therefore all 'walk-in' services (i.e. grants, material aid) will now be via
the Community Hub.
Eligible Flowerdale residents can access financial support, such as vouchers, at the
Salvation Army, Laurel Street, Whittlesea; transport can be arranged if you need.
For more details, ask at the Community Services Hub.
• Loan Cars
A pool of loan cars are still available. Anyone who lost a car through the fires can receive
a brand new Holden car on loan. Delivery takes around 6 weeks, as suitable cars come
off the production line. Application forms are available at the Community Services Hub.
• Accessing case managers and/or grants
A reminder for those that have yet to apply DHS and Centrelink staff are present most
days/afternoons at the Community Services Hub, to answer questions about bushfire
recovery assistance including accessing grants & services. Visit the hub for more
• Cold weather
With temperatures now seriously plummeting, anyone needing warm doonas, blankets
or other winter gear please come see the lovely volunteers at the Flowerdale Material
Distribution Centre.
• Men's Golf Day
At Yering Golf Course, 180 Victorian Rd, Yering. Thursday 2nd July 2009, light lunch 12
noon, tee off 1 pm.
For more details call Mandy 9294 6307. Registration forms at Flowerdale Community
• Women's Bush to Beach Retreat
10-12 July 2009, Cumberland Resort, Lorne, Victoria. Includes meals, accommodation,
resort facilities, guest speakers.
Valued at over $700; only costs $80. Limited places available: call 0414 255 384
or for details.
Registration forms at Flowerdale Community Hub or see attached registration form.
Community Engagement Model & how it works with other agencies

• Murrindindi Shire holds recovery $ as paid by the government/s

• the community puts forward ideas for recovery projects, e.g. rebuilding Jarara / a
community house, in a manner decided by them - with Flowerdale residents electing
Friday to use suggestion boxes and a facilitated forum. As VBRRA's Community
Engagement Coordinator (CEC), Kim will help the CRC organise these forums etc.
• ideas are prioritised, and initially scoped by the Community Recovery Committee (CRC)
against agreed criteria e.g. broad stakeholder input, etc.
• the CEC presents the CRC's scoped ideas to VBRRA's strategic planning arm, which
assesses it against their own criteria, e.g. viability/sustainability, yield/benefit, etc. and
highlights any additional criteria that the CRC should satisfy,
• Satisfactorily scoped projects are put to the PCG, i.e. the doing / implementing arm,
which presents it to the Sec 86 Committee for endorsement and $ allocation from the
pool of recovery project $
• The PCG, or a working group of it, then takes carriage of implementing that project.

Liam McCarthy, the Shire's Community Development Officer (CDO) is deemed to be outside
the "Recovery Project" process; but is THE conduit for the committee's/community's voice into
the Shire about how the recovery is progressing, and on Shire-related matters, e.g. reviewing
the capital works program to upgrade roads to let people/trucks gain access to their
properties for rebuilding, repair of the Hazeldene bridge (if not escalated/raised as a potential
recovery project), etc. NOTE: Presumably Councillors are still the conduit for individual's Shire
related concerns.

Role delineation about supporting the CRC has been referred to the Shire and VBRRA for

In keeping with the idea that case managers help individuals recover while the Hub is a one-
stop shop focused more on helping communities recover, it was deemed that the Hub would
shoulder responsibility (although preferably in conjunction with the CDO and CRC) for:
• strategically managing/steering the community towards recovery, e.g. cleanup,
clearing portables from outside the Flowerdale hall/giving the Hall back to the people,
• staging events intended to help the community's psycho-social wellbeing, e.g. BBQs,
concerts, youth programs, etc.

The Hub will also:

• liaise with and draw skills from a range of other agencies to realise these objectives,
• provide office space (preferably co-located) to the CEC, CDO and a CRC representative;
• provide cross-discipline input/feedback on projects, as necessary.

Flowerdale Recovery Committee

First meeting held by the committee was to discuss what stage the existing committee was
up to, and whom they were networking with.
Second meeting committee decisions were made on protocol, procedures and planning for
community recovery.
The following are now Chair, Secretary & Communications:

John Burgess (Chair)

Annie Robertson (Secretary)
Julie Bateman (Communications)

Community consultation process will be discussed at the Community Meetings held on Fridays
at the Rec Reserve at 8pm. This will enable the community to decide the best way to gather
information for their wants and needs.
There will be a general forum held with community in approximately 4 weeks to discuss the
needs for the present & future of the valley. A flyer will be sent out with dates & times in the
near future once organised.
If you have any ideas as to what the community needs are for present
& future please feel free to have your say at the meetings.
In the near future there will be suggestion boxes set up a the
Hazeldene General Store, The Hub, The Flowerdale Primary School &
The Rec Reserve.
The Committee looks forward to working the Community & assist with
recovery of the Community.

PM Kevin Rudd Visit to Flowerdale

Kevin Rudd visited Flowerdale and Kinglake on Wednesday 10th June, the main purpose of
this visit was to inspect and discuss issues at the relevant hubs.
Mr Rudd had lunch at the Flowerdale Hotel (a roast I believe) and then proceeded to the hub
where he met and talked to most there, and had a private meeting
with DHS staff.
It was good to see the PM take the time out of his busy schedule and
visit the Fire affected areas... John Burgess and Julie Bateman
(Flowerdale Recovery Committee) were in attendance and
although we didn't get much time to discuss issues with Mr Rudd,
we did manage to suggest that keeping the Solar Panel Rebate going
for the people that lost their homes would be a good thing and managed to get a photo

Update on Hazeldene Bridge Meeting Thursday 4th June

Council’s Manager Assets & Infrastructure, Ian Ellett, attended the meeting and briefly
discussed the following issues:
• the recent history of the bridge when works were undertaken 3 or 4 years ago was to
strengthen the load carrying capacity of the bridge,
• the longer-term proposal of Council is to look in upgrading the bridge deck when the
timber deck came due for replacement,
• the opportunity that has presented by the funding support available to repair the
damage sustained to the bridge, including the announcement that a temporary vehicle
bridge would be made available by VicRoads for the duration of the bridge repair
• a broad description of the works being proposed by Council to replace the timber deck
and railings with concrete and steel and hopefully to be able to incorporate a
pedestrian lane on the new deck, and
• the financial implications of the proposed works on Council’s budget and the inability of
Council to fund or justify a new bridge.

Members of the community outlined their desires to have the bridge maintained in its current
form and used for pedestrian access as a memorial to those who lost their lives in the fires
with plagues etc placed on bridge and having had much of the infrastructure in the area
destroyed by fire, this bridge is seen by many as a monument having survived the fire.
Historically it is the only infrastructure left in the southern area with the Community centre
gone and approx 200 of the 323 residents homes destroyed. A new vehicle bridge
constructed, probably upstream be constructed.
The Community would like council to look for funding for a new 2 lane bridge. As a fall back
they would discuss the option outlined by Ian as an upgrade of the current bridge but this is
strongly not the preferred option.
The view is there is no rush to repair the current bridge.
Cr Lyn Gunter spoke about the possibility of obtaining funding from other sources to help
achieve a new bridge and made the point that the community and Council would need to be
on the lookout for funding opportunities.
She emphasised that the community will have opportunity through the Community Recovery
Committee and the development of a Community Plan to input various rebuilding issues in the
community and may need to prioritise between different potential projects.
The agreed outcomes of the meeting were that:
1. The repair works on the bridge are not urgent so Council will hold off on proceeding
further on any works,
2. Both Council and the community will be on the lookout for potential funding
opportunities to fund a new bridge,
3. The community, primarily through the Community Recovery Committee, will have a key
role in the rebuilding of their community and may need to prioritise between various
potential projects.
Any enquiries or concerns about these proposed works should be directed to Ian Ellett,
Engineering Services Team, on telephone 5772 0333. Alternatively, concerns in writing,
should be addressed to the Manager Assets & Infrastructure, PO Box 138 Alexandra 3714.

Temporary Accommodation Meeting - Whittlesea

Special community meeting – VBRRA invited
7pm, Thursday 18 June
Whittlesea Community Activity Centre, 56-61 Laurel Street
Are you having trouble accessing suitable temporary accommodation?
Come along and tell VBRRA you need your concerns.

Community Service Hub - Whittlesea

Now open at Walnut Street
Whittlesea Community Services Hub is now open, replacing the Relief Centre at Walker
Reserve. The hub is located next door to Plenty Valley Community Health in Walnut Street,

New Bushfire Homes Service

19 models available
A free architectural service to help people rebuild homes lost in the February fires is now
available as part of a new Bushfire Homes Service.
Nineteen architect-designed models are part of the service which is a
joint initiative of the Australian Institute of Architects (Victoria) and
the Office of the Victorian Government Architect.
The service offers a selection of architect-designed plans to people
intending to rebuild their homes and a free consultation with the
Each design complies with the higher end of new bushfire building regulations.
The home designs offer a variety of plan types of between two and four bedrooms, a variety
of materials and construction types, and a variety of architectural design approaches, all of
which can be adapted to suit a range of possible site conditions.
To view the range of house designs or to register your interest in participating in the Bushfire
Homes Service, please visit the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority
website at

Building Regulations
Community comment sought
As part of the introduction of the new Building Amendment Regulations 2009 which include
new bushfire building requirements, a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) has been prepared
for the proposed Building Amendment Regulations 2009.
The State Government is seeking submissions on the content of the RIS and the exposure
draft of the Regulations. Written submissions need to be received by 5pm on 2 July.
For more information please visit the planning section of the Department of Planning and
Community Development’s website or call 1300 366 356.

Wildlife Victoria
Wildlife Victoria is a self funded, not-for-profit organisation operating a volunteer
food drop program in bushfire-affected areas.
Many native wildlife have managed to survive the recent devastating bushfires,
but their food source is no longer available. Many are now facing starvation.
With the tireless work of volunteers conducting food drops in fire affected areas,
many lives have been saved; however, there are still large numbers of wildlife
which have not been reached and they need help.
It is important that native animals are provided with appropriate food that is
healthy for the animal and the environment.
Wildlife Victoria has been conducting site assessments to establish feeding stations and
providing this food free of charge to wildlife carers, community groups and community
There is a local account in Whittlesea for authorised people to access food specifically
developed for wildlife.
Register for food drops
To register as a volunteer or for assistance and advice regarding food drops for wildlife in fire
affected areas, please contact Food Drop Coordinator Adriana Simmonds on (03) 9445 0310.
If you would like to register to provide food or to have volunteers visit your property to
provide food for wildlife, please call Wildlife Victoria on 1300 094 535 or visit
Seen sick wildlife?
If you see sick or injured wildlife please call Wildlife Victoria’s 24-hour animal rescue service
on 1300 094 535.

Hands On Health Australia

Free health services available
HANDS ON HEALTH AUSTRALIA (HOHA) is a not for profit, volunteer run organisation offering
services, self-help programs and accredited clinical courses for people disadvantaged by
poverty, inadequate education, unemployment, disability, homelessness, isolation or critical
life experiences.
There are currently over 20 HOHA programs throughout Australia and overseas that provide
care to over 20,000 people every year.
Programs are currently being established in consultation with the community at Flowerdale
and Kinglake and discussions are underway in the Whittlesea area. Practitioners include
Massage and Chiropractic (RMIT Chiropractic Students in final year with Registered
Health services covered include Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Massage therapy, Naturopathy,
Nursing, Podiatry, Physiotherapy Psychology and Legal advice amongst others
HOH also provides training for health-workers in basic myotherapy (massage) and other
health promotion initiatives so that communities are empowered to provide health in a
sustainable and affordable way.
Flowerdale Hall
Tuesdays 10am to 4pm
Please book on:
Rickie Nuske 0409 953 950
Odette Hunter 0429 012 129
Julie Bateman 0418 589 072
Kinglake Football Club Rooms
Wednesday evening 4pm to 8pm
Please book on:
Bernie Sullivan 0403 588 945
• Media release From the Premier of Victoria

Thursday, 4 June, 2009

Media contact: Jessica Harris 0409 188 743 (Premier) or Elisabeth Tuckey 0438 106 789


Almost 30,000 primary and secondary school children and their families who suffered
hardship because of the devastating 2009 bushfires will be able to access specially-designed
school holiday programs for free under a new $5 million Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund
In Marysville today, Chair of the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund John Landy and the Premier
John Brumby today announced that the Bushfire Appeal Fund would provide YMCA Victoria
with a $5 million school holiday relief payment to develop programs in 16 bushfire affected
locations across the state for the Term 2, Term 3 and Christmas New Year school holidays.
“These school holiday programs are being provided for the many students who will find the
holidays difficult because of the hardship they have personally endured as well as the
destruction and damage to many local facilities in the fires,” Mr Landy said.
“The school holidays will also be tough for many parents in bushfire areas, particularly those
whose home was destroyed or damaged, who have limited funds for holiday activities or
simply because they cannot afford to take time off work.”
“This funding will be used for programs for primary and secondary school students that will
offer tutorial and learning programs, organised recreational activities and time to catch up on
school work. These programs will also contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of the
students and their families.”
The school holiday program will be offered in locations across the state, including Marysville,
Yarra Glen, Healesville, Boolarra, Traralgon South, Kinglake, Alexandra, Yea, Hurstbridge,
Whittlesea, Bendigo and Horsham.
Mr Brumby said the Bushfire Appeal Fund’s support would help children recover from the
fires. “Some of our children lost homes and loved ones, while schools and communities were
destroyed or damaged and families dislocated,” Mr Brumby said.
“Victorians and people from across Australia and the world have donated generously through
Red Cross to the Bushfire Appeal Fund and I congratulate Mr Landy and his panel for deciding
on assistance that reflects the generosity and compassion in which these funds were
Commonwealth Government Parliamentary Secretary for Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction Bill
Shorten welcomed the announcement.
“We have pledged to stand by communities affected by the bushfires and we will rebuild
these communities. The grants announced by the Bushfire Appeal Fund today, together with
other assistance available, will go a long way towards helping children and their families
people get back on their feet and move forward to recover and rebuild,” Mr Shorten said.
For more information on the YMCA’s school holiday program for bushfire affected primary and
secondary school students, contact YMCA Victoria on 03 9403 5000 or
release From the Premier of Victoria

Friday, 12 June, 2009

Media contact: Jessica Harris 0409 188 743 (Premier) or Melissa Arch 0400 933 772 (Nixon)


People rebuilding in bushfire-affected areas will have access to step-by-step guidance and
advice with the establishment of three new dedicated rebuilding services.

At Kinglake today, Premier John Brumby and Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery
Authority (VBRRA) chair Christine Nixon announced two new Rebuilding Advisory Centres
would be built in Marysville and Kinglake.

A third visiting service will also be implemented to support other affected communities
including Gippsland, Bendigo, Horsham and the Yarra Valley. This roving service will include
community information events, on the ground and on-line resources, and one-on-one advice
and follow up visits by VBRRA staff.

“We will continue to stand by bushfire survivors as they recover and rebuild their lives and
communities after these horrific bushfires,” Mr Brumby said.

“Rebuilding will involve challenging and often difficult decisions for individuals and families.
We know that for many people the rebuilding process will seem daunting and that’s why we
are helping to make it a little easier by providing all of the information needed in the one

“The new Rebuilding Advisory Centres and the visiting service will be a one-stop-shop where
people will be able to access all of the information they require through the rebuilding process
– from the very start to completion. This could be permits, sample architectural plans or
advice on insurance, financial or legal matters – it will all be under the one roof in one of the
three new rebuilding centres.”

Mr Brumby and Ms Nixon visited the Kinglake temporary village site today which when
completed next month will be able to provide temporary housing for 50 individuals and
families with room to expand on demand.

“Temporary villages are up and running at Marysville and Flowerdale and as construction
continues on the Kinglake temporary village, communities in bushfire affected areas across
the state are starting to think about their own rebuilding. These centres will make a real
difference in helping people to work through that process,” Mr Brumby said.

“And with the property clean-up expected to be completed ahead of schedule in July, we
expect individuals and families will be able to start rebuilding quicker than originally

The two fixed Rebuilding Advisory Centres at Kinglake and Marysville will be built on council
land, with all material and labour donated through the generosity of about 60 Victorian
businesses. The roving service will visit all other bushfire affected communities over coming
The centres will be overseen by VBRRA and will open two weekdays and all weekend. A
special rebuilding advisory telephone information service will also be made available when
the centres begin operating next month.

Professionals with expertise in planning, building, finance, insurance as well as councils and
the Building Commission will have a presence at each centre. Meeting rooms to be
constructed at the centres will be available for community use after hours, free of charge.

Ms Nixon thanked the many businesses and individuals who had donated their time and
expertise and to those companies that had donated materials for the centres.

“From planners to architects, building suppliers, construction companies and labourers - this
has been a magnificent effort by all those who have come together, with the Beck Corporation
coordinating this work through VBRRA, to make these centres a reality,” Ms Nixon said.

“As they have throughout the bushfire effort, Victorians are continuing to open their hearts
and provide overwhelming support to affected communities.

“We said we would rebuild Victoria after the bushfires and we will continue to do everything
possible to help communities through this process.”

The fixed Rebuilding Advisory Centres will be built to new Bushfire minimum Attack Level 29
standards and will be handed to the Kinglake and Marysville communities for community use
once the rebuilding process is complete.

“Dial before you dig’ before rebuilding perimeter fences

As many home owners, volunteers and contractors start to re-install fences in some of
Victoria’s worst hit bushfire regions, Telstra is issuing an urgent reminder about the need to
contact Dial Before You Dig before any work is started.
A free enquiry to Dial Before You Dig provides important information about
telecommunication networks that may run underneath property, along fence lines or along
private and public roads. This simple checking process ensures that vital telecommunications
services are not disrupted, as well as saving on repair costs and preventing personal injury.
Once the property owner or contractor has contacted the free Dial Before You Dig service,
Telstra will be able to provide plans of where its telecommunications infrastructure is located.
Anyone needing to lodge a free enquiry can visit Dial Before You Dig’s website, 24 hours a day, seven days a week or can call 1100 between
8.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
Maps showing the proposed work site are quickly accessible and viewed online to make it
easy for property owners to mark up the proposed work site. Requests for site plans and
information about underground pipes and cables are generally returned to the enquirer within
two working days by email or fax, or slightly longer if by post.
For further information please contact:
Telstra - Paul Crisp, Vic Corporate Affairs Manager Ph: 03 9634 4984 or Mb: 0439 414 069
Dial Before You Dig - Mark Binks, State Manager Ph: 03 9094 1891 or Mb: 0407 123 370

Goulburn Catchment Management

The GBCMA has started selective clearing of trees as at 25th May that have fallen across or
been felled into the King Parrot Creek. This is being done to prevent further damage being
done to the creek by creating spots which could cause erosion. The work will be done with
minimum damage to the creek and creek banks.
If you have any queries or problems with other creeks eg: silver creek please contact the
office 57 360 100, Christine 0419567461 or Colin Tate 0408576724.
Please note Goulburn Catchment are only responsible for water waterways & up to banks,
DSE (Crown Land) are responsible for banks of creeks if you have concerns with crown land
near creeks phone the Alexandra Office 57 720 200.

Camp Phoenix—four day family camp

The Burn Survivors’ Network is a support network that offers hope, strength, courage and
friendship to burn survivors and their families. Our programs and services include the
inspirational and ‘action-packed’ Camp Phoenix, counselling, relationship networks, hospital
and rehabilitation-centre communications. We would like to invite members of the bushfire
affected communities who have received burn injuries and their families to Camp Phoenix, a
four day family camp to be held in Anglesea from 23 to 26 August
Camp Phoenix is a weekend of enjoyment and togetherness, inspiration and encouragement.
With bush and beach activities in a homely and relaxed atmosphere, participants can enjoy
awesome games, great food and create new and enjoy old friendships. What a great
environment to renew and relax with a revived vigour for life, belief in each other and most
importantly self-belief and quiet self-confidence.
Due to support of philanthropic groups and Rotary there will be no cost to the burn survivors
and their families to attend the camp. For further information and to register visit
Bush to Beach
For Women
10th,11th & 12th July
We are excited to announce a weekend retreat for women
affected by the 7th
February bushfires to the Cumberland 5 Star Resort in Lorne,
This weekend is run by local women for local women and
supported by VBRRA.
It will be entertaining, inspirational, educational & FUN.
Weekend includes: Travel by coach to and from resort, all meals, accommodation,
use of resort facilities, guest speakers and lots more!
Departs: Friday approx 2pm returning 6pm Sunday
Cost: $80.00 all inclusive (approx. retail cost $700)
Conditions: 18 + and have a DHS registration number (Blue form)
To register: √ Fill in form below
√ Attach a non- refundable cheque/money order made payable to KANDO
on/before 26th
June, 2009
√ Send to
Bush to Beach Retreat for Women
C/O Kinglake Post Office
Victoria 3763.
Once deposit is received you will be contacted by mail/email with details of the
weekend. There are only 350 spaces available. Another weekend may run later in the
year if numbers exceed this limit. We will be accepting registration on a ‘first in, best
dressed’ basis. So get in early!
“Bound together, we will never abandon each other. The greater the danger, the closer the
union. Together we can work miracles. Remain firm in your belief that tomorrow will be
more beautiful….."
Bush to Beach Retreat For Women
Current address:
Previous address if applicable:
Contact phone number:………………………………………..
Email address:……………………….....................
DHS/Blue form number:…………………..........................................................
Cheque/Money order................................................................................
Transport Free Bus My own car
Enquiries phone: 0414 255 384 or
New Bus Service Timetable
Saturday 20th June
Pictures plus at Epping Plaza
Depart: Yea 9.00am (V/Line Stop)
Strath Creek 9.30am
Flowerdale Hotel 9.45am
Flowerdale Store 9.50am
Arrive Epping by 11.00am
Departing Epping 4.30pm
To Book please phone Denis Hodge 57 801 221 in the evening.

Thursday – To Friday – To Yea

Leave Leave
Hazeldene Store 8.55am Hazeldene Store 8.55am
Flowerdale Pub 9.00am Flowerdale Pub 9.00am
Rec Reserve 9.10am Rec Reserve 9.10am
Strath Creek 9.20am Depart 11am
Arrive 10.00am
Depart 12noon

Please use our bus services so we might be able to keep for the future and add
other bus services.

UPCOMING EVENTS (so please mark in your diaries)

21st June Flowerdale Market will be held again at the Flowerdale Hall. Arts, Crafts,
Fresh Fruit & Vegies, Plants & lots more. If you would like to be a stall holder
the cost is $10, please call Alison on 57801223.
24th June Play Group, Flowerdale Hall “Term Break Up – Hot Chips Lunch” 10am
19th July Replanting at Phelan’s Reserve, Collins Road, Flowerdale
16,17&18 Oct Hoof Over Hills

Keeping up to date with Community Events, Meetings & other activities

If you would like to keep up to date with what is happening in the Flowerdale Community, we
now have a communications person, Julie Bateman.

If you would like to receive information please advise by the following:

Via Email: email your details to

Via Post: send your name & address to Flowerdale Community Recovery,
PO Box 2060, Hazeldene 3658
Via Text: send email, via post or phone 0418589072

Other Information & Services

Free Carpet for anyone living in tents/caravans/sheds. Limited Amount
Free Wildlife Animal Feed, wooden troughs for farms and Small Bags of feed at
local outlets
Animals We need help of people to put up animal shelters in the fire areas
If you have unsheltered animals please register your property we are putting up 4 poles
with concrete supports, with 3 sides and a roof to get animals through the winter.
Anyone with unwanted old steel baths we are collecting them now for the animals in
Events Entertainers/Musicians/Arts and Crafts/Photography and Video people we have an
event coming up in July.
.. also looking for dance troops.
Please call Tracie & Peter 0404739742 / 03 93248776
Flowerdale Community House Activities
Bushfire Support Group for bushfire affected people in Flowerdale/Strath Creek areas is no
longer being offered. Personal Support & Counselling will still be offered with Kate Lewer &
Zoe Edmonds. For appointment please phone Mitchell Community Health Services, 1300 773
352 or email:
Patchwork Group The patchwork group is now meeting at the Flowerdale hall on Tuesdays
from 7-9pm. Cost $4.00. Also first Saturday of the month. Anyone with an interest in
patchwork or any other craft is most welcome to join the group.
Yoga Tuesdays in the old library at Kinglake West next to the Hall commencing 7.30pm.
Tutor Wayne McGivney. Cost $5.
Massage Massages will now be held at the Flowerdale Hall, Tuesdays 10-4pm in conjunction
with Hands on Health Australia. Free of charge with Health Care Card or gold coin donation.
Please book through Community House, Odette Hunter 0429 012 129.
Chiropractic Clinic will be held now held at Flowerdale Hall, Tuesdays 10-4pm in
conjunction with Hands on Health Australia. RMIT & Students will be providing
service with trained chiropractors. Free of charge with Health Care Card or gold coin
donation. Please book through Community House, Odette Hunter 0429 012 129.

Weekly Tennis Coaching at Flowerdale

o Sundays at Spring Valley Recreation Reserve from 10am-12noon
o Mondays at the Flowerdale Primary School. First for children followed by adults from 1
to 2pm.
Lessons are ½ hour per group. All who have enrolled have been allocated a timeslot. The
roster is displayed in the bar at Flowerdale Hotel. The coaching is conducted by professional
tennis coaches who have volunteered. Please come on time and contact Jeannette (57 801
520) if you are unable to attend as there are some players on the reserve list who would like
to have a go in the event of vacancy.

General Store Hours

Monday-Saturday 7am-7.30pm (food until 7pm)
Sunday 8am-7pm (food until 7pm)

Please Note:
Mail deliveries have started again where there is both a house and a letterbox still standing or
by arrangement. Any other mail is being held at the store unless a redirection is currently in
place. A redirection can be lodged at any Post Office. If you wish to hire a PO Box at
Hazeldene we do still have some available in both Small and Medium. Please come in and see
us if you are interested in hiring a box.

Community Services Hub

Department of Human Services (DHS) has appointed permanent staff to the Flowerdale
Community Service Hub to help coordinate service agency bushfire recovery efforts within
Flowerdale and the surrounding communities, including Murrindindi. Serving as Flowerdale's
Hub Captain and Administrative Officer, Leanne Pleash and Siobhan Nolan can be contacted
on 5780 2704 and 5780 2697 respectively. If you need to speak to DHS outside these hours
phone 0400399061.

With both DHS and Centrelink staff on-site, the Flowerdale Hub sits to the left of the
Flowerdale Hall driveway (as you enter the hall grounds), and is open Tuesday and
Wednesday 10 am - 5 pm, Friday 1 - 8 pm and Saturday 10 am - 1 pm to assist bushfire-
affected residents access grants and other support services. The Hub also supports other
agencies working for bushfire recovery in the Flowerdale area, including case managers and
personal support counsellors

Centrelink will be at the Community Services Hub from 1 to 5pm on Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri and
Sat 10am to 1pm and will cover all government agencies – Centrelink, Child Support Agency,
ATO, Dept of Immigration & Citizenship, Dept of Health & Aging, Dept of Employment,
Education & Workplace Relations, Dept of Veterans’ Affairs.
Flowerdale Relief Centre
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10-4pm (closed for lunch 12-1)
Wednesday 10-4pm (closed for lunch 12-1)
Thursday 10-4pm (closed for lunch 12-1)
Friday 10-4pm (closed for lunch 12-1)
Saturday 9-12noon
Food assistance continues to be available. To access this service contact Diane 57802625 or
visit the relief centre during opening times.

Other contacts & information

Feeding Wildlife
If you are interested in feeding local wildlife on your property please contact Adrianna
Simmons on 0423 242 037 and Wildlife Victoria will supply food. Registered Wildlife Shelters
please contact Adrianna as well.

Support to Small Business

Small businesses in bushfire affected areas that were not burnt out but are experiencing
financial hardship as a result of the bushfires maybe eligible for grants of up to $5,000
initially. Call the Bushfire Appeal Fund on 1800 180 213.

Exceptional Hardship Support Payment

You are eligible for the Exceptional Hardship Support Payment of up to $8,000 if, as a result of
the 2009 Victorian Bushfires, you have freely and selflessly provided substantial, exceptional
and unique support or services to bushfire affected communities through the operation of
your business or utilisation of your skills in business, and you are suffering hardship as a
result of providing that support and charity. For further information on eligibility or assistance
in applying, contact the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund on 1800 180 213.

The Victorian Bushfire Case Management Service

This service is providing all Victorians affected by the bushfires with the support they need to
access assistance with matters including accommodation, finance, personal assistance,
employment, education, counselling, health and legal services during this difficult time.
Call 1800 050 400 to register and your own personal case manager will call you back within
24 hours.

Important Phone Numbers

DHS Community Hub 57 802 704/0400 399 061 Fax: 57802697
Shire Offices, Alexandra 57 720 333
Yea Police 57 972 630
Gas Bottles/Whittlesea Hardware 9716 2008
Family Care 1800 663 107
Nurse-on-call 1300 606 024 (24hours)
Bushfire Counselling & Support 1300 773 352 (Mon–Fri 9am-5pm)
Vic Bushfire Case Management Service 1800 050 400
Bushfire Building Advice Line 1300 360 320 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm)
Flowerdale Community House Odette Hunter 0429 012 129
(Tues 57 802 664)
Salvation Army (Diane) 57 802 625
Financial Ombudsman Service 1800 337 444 or email
Fencing Hotline 1800 255 925
Victorian Farmers Federation Hotline 1300 882 833
VicRoads 131170 (Road side hazards eg: animals, gutter to be
cleared, other dangers – Only on Main Roads, other side
roads ring the Shire)

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