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Team Member
Alagu Chella Ganapathy
Amrin Taj
Riyas Ahmed

Introduction and Mind games
How our mind works
The power of positive thinking
Artificial Intelligence
Lateral thinking and conclusion

R.Saaketh of J batch provide a brief report about my presentation on The Effects

of Video gaming on our mind.
Video games are a ubiquitous part of almost all childrensand adolescents lives,
with 97% playing for at least onehour per day in the United States. Connectivity
is an important aspect in life and it is known as a fact that gaming can redevelop this in the old and unstable of the society. The truth about gaming is it
has a lot of negativity than its own benefits. Still there are diseases in the world
man has not been able to cure and that could be treated by video gaming even if
the chances of success are minimal as it will be a great leap in the evolution of
mankind. The one simple truth about life is to live life to the fullest irrespective of
the consequences of our surroundings.
Research has been going on lately on a very large scale with considerable speed
in obtaining positive results about the advantages for video gaming. People from
UCSF have pretty much outdone themselves by proving a suitable game for old
folks of the society to sharpen their dull skills. The game is designed in such a
way as not to agitate the emotions of the gamer but to increase their speed of
thinking none whatsoever. The research was concluded by revealing it was a
truly essential game for the old and has been put into further processing for
producing it on a massive scale.
The next important or profitable outcome of gaming is increase in the level of
skill to see shades of gray in especially adolescents of the society. As for this
profit it was achieved by a young and a quite a smart professor from university of
Rochester. It is said that she is quite a handful. She has remarkably conducted
test to show to the world that gaming is far from mindless. A very unique ability
was identified among the data, patients showed signs of an increase in contrast
sensitivity. Video gamers are able to walk through a fog without help has been
proved. She had presented the world with an opportunity to look up to games a
helpful tool for their survival.
Pain has become an intimate part of this world. Everywhere there is violence and
bloodshed people experience pain almost every day. Serious medical procedures
like undergoing chemotherapy etc. people feel so much physical pain. It has
been researched that gaming especially immersing in a virtual reality helps to
endure it. A chemical called endorphin is said to be released in our nervous
system during gaming which is capable of numbing discomfort. In other words
gaming serves as a pain killer. For example: last year a typical research showed
how people could endure freezing pain by playing a video game, on an average
one would get a score of 19 seconds but gaming has increased in to a
tremendous increase of 400%. People in the US especially teenagers are put
under viscous stress. Thus they are forced to freak out and mentally break down.
For these kind of problems a virtual reality has been developed where the user
will see him/her virtually and they would be able to console themselves. This has
yet indeed reduced the cases of mental problems in teens by a few percent.
Furthermore the most common mind game that has been known for centuries is
the Rubiks cube. We all play it for pleasure or to kill time but the effect it has on

our brain has brought out to the open by the franklin institute. Alzheimers
disease-the mind robbing disease, the chances of getting it has been roughly
reduced by 30% for middle aged people who play this legendary piece of
creation by mankind. Thinking to solve the puzzle not only sharpens our brain
but also intellectually stimulates our brain. It has thus been proved that the key
to treating this disease is to be better safe than never.
The world has definitely a lot of hard feeling for gaming if seen from the outer
peel of banana. One has to eat the fruit to taste its benefits. Gaming is still being
considered not the appropriate tool for treatment when compared to medicines
but this could hope to become the hope for mankind towards salvation in the
near future.


The presentation on lateral thinking started with a video clip from
the movie Nanban.

The scene is set in a college where the professor explains about a

million dollar invested pen which could write in space without any fault.
One of the students wittily poses the question that why cant we use a
pencil instead of a pen. That is called lateral thinking or creative thinking
or thinking out of the box.

The term Lateral Thinking was coined by Edward de Bono, a genius

who revolutionised the way we think. Lateral thinking is thinking
differently from others. It is finding a solution to a problem from a different


Let us consider a hypothetical scenario where in a person who

knows nothing about chess gets a chance to play with two grandmasters
say Anand and Carlsen. The match is scheduled the next day. What would
he do? He can avoid going to the match or try to master the game of
chess overnight. This is the Critical thinking we are accustomed to. So
what does a lateral thinker do in this situation? The person can play both
the grandmasters simultaneously in different rooms. When one
grandmaster makes a move he copies the same move to the other
grandmaster. This way, he has a very minimal chance of losing the game
since they are both grandmasters. After quoting the above example,
chaitanya, a member of the crowd who also happens to be a Chess expert,
was asked whether this logic could work to which he replied that in most
of the cases it could work but if one of them makes a blunder, the person
cannot identify it and he could make the blunder to the other player.
Critical thinking is like Math. One has to make precise and careful steps.
Even if one step is wrong, we are out of the game. But in the case of
lateral thinking, there is no such thing as wrong.

Case 2:
To elobarate on lateral thinking another scenario was given to the
audience. A man walks into a bar. He asks the waiter for water. The
barman points a gun to his head. The man thanks the barman and walks
away. The audience were asked to explain what exactly happens here.
One of the member of audience came up with the brilliant explanation
that the man could have had hiccups. Yes! This is what lateral thinking is
about. one should give attention to the details of a situation that are
easily overlooked.
Next came the question what keeps us from being creative?
Children by nature are curious. They ask a lot of questions.
But when they start their school education, they learn that answers
are more important than questions. So we are curbed from our
ctreativity right from our young years. So we should always try to
have an open mind.Its a myth that in order for you to be creative
you have to be spontaneously create something taht no one has
ever thought before. It rarely happens. One of the boig principles
of creativity is that all ideas are inspired from someone elses.
You dont have to reinvednt the wheel you just have to give it a
new spin The audience were given another activity. They were given

30 seconds to draw the person next to them. After they drew the
person next to them, one of them was asked to show their sketch to
the others to which he hesitated and felt shy. That is what keeps us
from being creativity. The thought of how our friends will judge us
makes us to be conservative in our thinking.
Why we need creativity?
1. To better an already existing solution like making more comfortable
means of transportation.
2. In advertisements.
3. Job prospects
4. Creating awareness.


John McCarthy coined the term AI. Artificial intelligence (AI) is

making a computer that thinks like a human (or eventually better) - to be able to
learn and to have new ideas. AI does not mean to make a computer smart just by
knowing more information. It is to build a machine that can act as if it were
smart and seem more human.

. Alan Turing discovered the test known as Turing test to check
whether the bot is artificially intelligent or not resembling the activities of a
human. A pictorial representation of Alan Turing was displayed to audience
attention. But a chatbot named Eugene Goostman had found a victory in
Turing test just by using its chatting skills. This shows that the Turing test
seem to be failure. Thus the Turing test was under critics.

Alan Turing

Eugene Goostman

Next, a question was asked to the audience.
Is the idea of Ai new???
No one answered. At this stage an introduction for a Greek myth known as
TALOS was given. It is an animated bronze warrior programmed to protect
the island of crete just by wandering around the island. This shows that the
ancient humans also had their ideas in Ai.


Development of ai
At present, robots that interact with human are developed.
For example, Asimo a humanoid robot developed by Honda was seen. It
plays the role of a receptionist, serves coffee and milk. It was the first robot
that is able to run. A video in which Asimo was playing football with
American president Obama was shown to the audience.

Computer Vs Human

ASIMO and deep blue

Later the defeat of great human beings with Ai machines were seen. First, the
great Jeopardy quizzers Ken Jennings and Brad Rutters defeat by WATSON
machine programmed by IBM was seen. Then all time greatest chess player
Garry Kasparovs defeat over Deep Blue machine programmed by IBM was

Then an open ended question was asked.

Is technology a job creator or a destroyer?????
Audience interacted and told that it is a job destroyer. They reasoned that the
robots are used in replace of humans. Atlast the slide ended with a question
which says us to think,



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