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The International School of Elite Education

Key Stage 3 - Year 7

Effective Teens

The Habits of Highly

Habit Number
Be Proactive

Being proactive means being responsible for our lives. Its

synonyms can be practical, positive, leading, achieving, doing,
planning ahead, etc
God had determined pro-activity as the only way of bringing a
positive change in life as its mentioned in Quran: Verily, Allah
will never change the condition of people until they change
what is within themselves. (Quran 13:11)
Biblical discipline calls for a proactive approach. If Joseph hadnt
been proactive, Egypt would have starved to death. Christians are
commanded to be prepared, which requires proactive behavior. Peter says,
"Prepare your minds for action. . . ." (1 Pet. 1:13).
Based on their choices, people may fall into the following categories
showing the behaviours mentioned below:
Reactive People
Are easily offended
Blame others
Get angry and say things they
later regret
Whine and complain

Proactive People
Are not easily offended
Take responsibility for their
Think before they act
Focus on things they can do
about things

You can usually hear the difference between people by the type of
language they use. Notice that proactive language gives strength and
keeps the remote control of your life in your hands.

Ill do it!
Ill try!
I can do better than that!
Thats the way I am!
Lets look at all our options!
I cant!

I choose to..
I have to
Theres got to be a way!
Theres nothing I can do.
Im not going to let bad things
Youve ruined my day!
affect me.
The power tools which can help us in being proactive are:
Self awareness I can stand separate from myself and observe my
thoughts &
I can listen to my inner voice to know right
from wrong.
I can imagine new possibilities.
Will power

I can choose.



The greatest lessons in life are setbacks which are taken as
opportunities to grow and become a better person. Mistakes can be
healthy if we learn a lesson out of them.
1. Write any two reactive expressions that you use in your life and
commit to change them into PROACTIVE language.
Reactive language I use
Proactive language I will use
__________________________________ ________________________________
__________________________________ ________________________________

2. Make a written plan of doing something good this weekend that you
have always wanted to do but never dared. Take help form the words
in the box provided. Use Simple Past, Present and Future tenses.

Im going to.

I wont

I can

I commit.

I choose to.

Its better if.

This will help

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