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Classroom Management Plan

Cammack 1

Welcome to
First Grade!

Classroom Management Plan
Kennan Cammack

Classroom Management Plan

Cammack 2

Table of Contents

Physical Classroom Organization

Basic Features
Desk Arrangement
Learning Centers/Small Group Work Areas
Bulletin/White Boards
Operational Classroom Organization
Teacher Record Keeping
New Students
Displaying Student Work
Substitute Teachers
Student/Teacher Binders


Disciplinary Policies & Professional Ethics 10

Disciplinary Policies
Behavior Chart
Minor Infractions
Major Infractions
Owl Punch Cards
Professionalism & Ethics


Classroom Routines and Procedures


Routines & Procedures

First Day of School
Classroom Jobs
Leaving the Classroom
Assignments/Work Time
Free Time
Differentiation Policies
Parental Involvement




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Physical Classroom Organization

Basic Features:
Classroom layout can affect how students learn, behave, and
concentrate. My classroom is designed to maximize space and student

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learning, while offering opportunities for collaboration and choice

among students. First, the sink and water fountain is located near the
door so students have easy access to washing their hands and getting
a drink when entering and exiting the classroom. There are trash and
recycling bins near the computer area and storage and filing cabinets
for students to dispose of their trash.
Along with the trash and recycling bin,
there is also a pencil sharpener near the
storage and filing cabinets so students
have easy access to sharpen their pencils
without distracting the rest of the class.
My desk is located at the front of the
room, making it easy to observe all areas
of the classroom. The storage and filing
cabinets are located right next to my
desk in order to reach learning materials
quickly and easily. My desk also includes
a computer, phone and intercom in order
to communicate with the office and
parents. Mailboxes are also located near
my desk so the students and I have a
passive form of communication.
Students will turn their work and other
papers into the mailboxes for me to read,
while I will put assignments, announcements, etc. in their mailbox
without disrupting instructional time.

Desk Arrangement:
There are 6 tables for students to sit at
during the day to encourage collaborative learning
and group work. At each table, there will be 4
students. Student will all have a clear view of the
whiteboard and projector screen during lessons.

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Students will be placed in groups based on working and learning

styles, being cognizant of who works well together and who does not.
Tables will display student names and areas for their learning
materials. Each table will be numbered in order to help in procedural
operations in the classroom.


Learning Centers/Small Group Work Areas:

My classroom will include
multiple learning centers
and small group work areas
for students to work
together and learn through
self-discovery. There is a
science exploration center,
an international center, a
computer & technology
center, and an art & music
center. Each center will
have resources and materials for students to access. At the science
exploration center, there will be microscopes, science books,
magnifying glasses, and discovery bottles for experiments to take
place. Throughout the year, there will be experiments for students to
work on with partners. This center will provide all the materials for
students to experiment on their own as well. The international center
will encourage students to learn about different cultures and customs.
Maps, photos, and globes will be set up on the table and wall, with
books from all over the world. Books in different languages will be
another great resource for students to look at and research more in

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depth, but there will also be books about different countries, cultures
and religions. A computer & technology center will be set up in order
to students to work on iPads and computers throughout the day.
There will be a schedule set in place so students know which day they
are using either technological resource. Lastly, the art & music center
will be another great outlet for students to spend time at. Paint,
markers, crayons, paper, play-doh, and other materials will be
available for students to express themselves through a different
medium. There will also be a boom
box with headphones and a variety
of CDs for students to listen to,
along with song lyrics. Small
instruments like recorders and
tambourines will also be provided,
but may only be utilized during
certain times. There will be a bin
with books about artists,
musicians and the different types
of art and music. There are also a
few different small group work
areas in the classroom. Along with the learning centers, there is a
guided reading table that the teacher will assist at and a reading rug
(the Learning Nest) for independent or partner reading time. Bean
bugs and chairs will be available for students to sit and read at with
their classmates.

Bulletin/White Boards:
There will be a white board and overhead projector and screen
located at the front of the classroom. An ELMO can be hooked up in
order to display teacher and student work. There will be bulletin
boards on the side of the room and near the Learning Nest.
Classroom jobs, announcements, calendars, outstanding student
work and star students will be displayed on the bulletin boards. Each
week the bulletin boards will be changed out and updated.

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Operation Classroom Organization

Teacher Record Keeping:
Keeping track of my students work and progress will be very
important in my classroom for myself, but also for the parents and
students. I will have folders for each student, in which I keep work
that I want to be graded. Consistency is key, so I will keep track of
their attendance, daily grades, and a cumulative score. Being able to
go back and pin point what days students struggled with will be
important to help everyone improve. I will also keep portfolios for
each student, containing work that I want to save and share with
parents during conferences. Projects, papers, assignments, and
artwork will make up the student portfolios. I will also utilize
technology in order to record this information and allow parents to
have access to their childs information.

New Students:
When a new student enters my classroom, I will
welcome them and make them feel at home right
away. Before the new student joins the classroom, I
will have a discussion with the class about him/her
and how important it will be to welcome and treat
this new student with respect and friendliness. The
students desk with a nametag and learning materials
will be set up upon arrival. I will purposefully select
someone from the classroom to serve as the students
buddy to help him or her throughout his/her first
few weeks. The student buddy will show them around
the school and include them at lunch, recess, library
time, etc. I will make sure to spend one-on-one time
with the new student to get to know them and talk through the
classroom routines and procedures. Once the student feels more
comfortable in the classroom, I will make an introductory activity in

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order for the new student to meet and learn about his/her classmates.
My classroom will also be labeled and organized, making it easy for
the new student to get accustomed and familiar with the classroom.
I will also make it a priority to get to know the parents of the
new student. Entering a new school can be hard for the rest of the
family as well. I will have a packet with any necessary information
and paperwork attached. It will take time for the parents to get use to
the schools routines and procedures as well, so making them feel
comfortable is also important for the students success.

Displaying Student Work:

Every couple of weeks, I will update the HOO-ray for good
work! bulletin board. I will select outstanding work from the
students from the week in order to display them for the class. I will
make sure to include all students on the bulletin board throughout
the month, not focusing specifically on the talented students. This will
give every child in my classroom confidence in his/her work. I will
also make it a priority to display their artwork every once in awhile.

Substitute Teachers:
A detailed and organized substitute teacher binder will be made
for when I am gone. It will be important for the substitute to have all
the details of my classroom to keep it organized and under control.
My binder will include:

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Get to know Ms. Cammacks Classroom: This section will have

general information about my classroom and welcome/thank the
substitute for coming.
Emergency Information: Included in this section will be
emergency procedures for the classroom and/or building. Clear and
explicit instructions will be given for different scenarios, along with a
contact to reach if there are questions or problems.
Classroom Schedule/Procedures: There will be a schedule for
the day and what students need to be working on and their tasks to be
completed. Attached will be procedures for lunch, recess, specials,
etc. so the substitute knows what to do and expect.
Student Jobs: There will be a list of the student jobs and what is
needed to complete each. Every week, I will have the classroom jobs
on the board so students will know their expectations.
Student Information: Each student will have a short description of
general information about them, including emergency contact
information, medical information, how they get home from school
and possible behavioral issues.
Todays Lesson Plans: Lesson plans for the day will be organized
in this section so the substitute knows exactly what to do in each
subject area, making sure no instructional time is lost.
Substitute Activities: This section will give productive activities
that students can work on when there is time left over from a lesson
or if plans change throughout the day with the substitute.
Independent educational activities will be provided, along with ideas
for games to play.

Student/Teacher Binders:
I will have a binder for each student with his/her personal
information to use as a reference. My (teacher) binder will also
contain organized information for myself to refer to when needed. In
the student binders I will have the following:
IEP goals
Running records

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Math records
Examples of student work
Behavioral notes
The teacher binder will include:
Lesson plans
Grading book
Monthly goals
Meeting notes/Curriculum information
These binders will be a great resource and help me stay
organized in the classroom. Everything will be in one place and in an
organized matter. The teacher binder will also help me gauge my and
my students progress throughout the year.

Disciplinary Policies and

Professional Ethics

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Disciplinary Policies
Knowing your students is essential for a successful classroom.
My goal is to have a positive, personal relationship with each of my
students. I want my students to feel comfortable talking to me and
sharing their thoughts, concerns, and lives. Part of a good learning
environment, is comfort and safety. I want all my students to feel safe
physically and emotionally in my classroom. This means that all my
students need to feel included and valued. Not only is positive
teacher-student communication crucial, so is positive student-student
communication. All my students will treat each other with respect
and use kind words. I have a no tolerance policy for treating anyone
in the classroom with disrespect and any teacher-student or studentstudent disrespectful behavior will be addressed immediately.
Depending on the case, different punishments will be given to those
who are treating others disrespectfully.

My rules and expectations will be
introduced to the students on the first day of
school and practiced over and over. I will
have all of my rules and expectations
displayed on the walls and I will verbally go
over these with the students. When these are
not being followed, I will also have students
refer to them and think about what they are
doing wrong. Because all of these are posted,
it will hold students accountable and they
shouldnt have excuses about forgetting. I
want to phrase these rules in a positive
manner, rather than telling students what
not to do.

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Behavior Chart:
I will have a behavior chart on my white board so students are
able to monitor and change their own behaviors. This holds students
accountable for their own actions, while also giving them the
opportunity to move back up on the behavior chart. Each student will
have a clothespin with their name written on it and they will be
responsible for moving their clip up or down on the chart, depending
on their actions.
Ready to learn
Think about it
Everyone begins at Ready to learn each day to start on a clean slate.
If they have to move down to refocus, they will be punished for their
actions (explained later).

Minor Infractions:
As expected, there will be students that break the rules and
expectations and must be disciplined. Before administering a
punishment, I will ask the student to stop and think about their
actions. If this continues, there will be a logical consequence for their
actions. For example, if a student were disrupting his or her table, I
would move them to sit alone. If students are misbehaving on the
playground, they will no longer get to use the equipment.
If there are repeated patterns, I will take away recess or earned
free time from them. If students are tardy, they will be punished by
staying in for recess the amount of class time they missed. Cheating
will also result in time in from recess to redo the work correctly. Once
they demonstrate that they can follow the rule they broke, they will
gain this privilege back. If these issues are recurring, I will have
students fill out the Behavior Think Sheet and get a parent signature
for their actions (attached on next page).

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Major Infractions:
If extreme situations arise, I will send students to the office or
behavioral specialist immediately. I dont want to put my other
students or myself in an unsafe position; therefore removing them
from the classroom will be the best option. I will communicate with
teachers next door or across the hall in case an emergency presents
itself and I need help from another adult.

Owl Punch Cards

Each student will have his or her own Owl Punch Card in my
classroom. The punch cards have 10 punches on them and students
receive one punch for extraordinary behavior. Once they complete
their cards, they will get to have lunch with the teacher. I will provide
a dessert for the students.

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Professional Ethics
Maintaining a professional attitude in the elementary school is
extremely important for a teachers career. This keeps the parents, coworkers, and administrative staff confident in your abilities as a
teacher. Not only do we need to keep a professional attitude for our
peers, but also for the students. They need good role models to look
up to and positive examples to follow. We are not only representing
ourselves, but also our school. I will always represent myself in a
positive manner inside and outside the school. We may often disagree
with colleagues about how they run their classroom, but I will
acknowledge that it is their classroom and not mine. Treating all my
co-workers with respect is something that is very important to me
and I will strive to keep those relationships professional. If I have a
serious issue with another teacher or the administrative staff, I will
have a private and respectful conversation with them about my
concerns. Staying out of gossip and drama within the school is also
critical as it is unprofessional and immature in the work place.

Classroom Routines and

First Day of School:
Setting up routines and procedures off the bat will be extremely
important. This way, students know what to expect on day one and
are able to see the consistent classroom layout. First, I will make sure
to welcome each student at the door and ask his or her name. I will
ask them to find their table by handing them a decorated owl with
their name on it. Ill explain that their color owl will be the color of
table they sit at. Each place will have a bin with students names on
them that contain necessary materials for the classroom.
While students are waiting for everyone else to arrive, I will
have them complete a sheet telling me about themselves. What do

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they like to do for fun? Favorite food? Favorite sport? Students can
draw pictures or write on their sheet. I can get to know my students
better by reading about their personal interests. I will also take a
picture of each student so I can make a collage of everyone in our
classroom. This will also help me remember names and faces.
Once everyone has arrived and settled down, I will welcome the
whole class and introduce myself. I want my students to feel
comfortable so we would play a get to know you game so I can learn
the students names and they can learn a little more about me.
Making sure the students know all their classmates names will also be
I also want to explain the room
layout and where everything is on day
one. Showing students the different
centers and work areas, where to turn
assignments in, where bathroom passes
are, etc. I will continue to work with
students on the classroom layout for the
first few weeks so everyone has access to
all the resources.
Going over routines and
procedures on day one will also be an
important chunk of the day. First, I will
ask students what rules they think are
important. I will record a few general
rules on the board and display them for
the year for students to see what they
wanted from the classroom. Along with
student-created rules will be rules I
already have set. We will have a
discussion about my rules and what my expectations for them are.
Next, I will explain the daily routines to students and what their
roles are. We will practice each routine so students know exactly how
I want it to look. Over the course of the first few weeks, these routines

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will be practiced multiple times and the students wont need

instruction on how to do any of them.
The rest of the day will be getting the students adjusted and
comfortable in their new environment. I would read aloud to them
and do other relaxing activities and games so they get to know their
classmates and room.

Classroom Jobs:

Secretary: The secretary will record classroom notes and help the
teacher arrange papers.
Absence Recorder: The absence recorder will mark who is absent
each day. He or she will get extra copies of homework or papers for
them and put them in their folder.
Lunch Counter: He or she is responsible for making sure each
student has picked what lunch option they want.
Line Leader: This person will lead the line when the class leaves the
Calendar Recorder: This student will change the date on the
calendar each day.
Paper Manager: The Paper Manager passes out all papers and
Friday Folders.
Zoo Keeper: The Zoo Keeper will feed the classroom fish or other
animal each day.
Librarian: This person will make sure the bookshelves stay
organized and neat.
Office Runner: The office runner will turn in any paperwork to the
office and runs errands for the teacher.
Substitute: The substitute will fill in for anyone absent that day.

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At the end of the day, there will be a cool down activity so
students can relax prior to leaving the school. Students will also have
time to clear and clean their desks and get their papers and work
organized. There will be take home folders with assignments,
announcements and other papers that students will bring home. On
Friday, students will take home a Friday folder. Along with the daily
assignments, the students will have information for parents on their
week and how they behaved with teacher comments. I will have
students line up based on how they get home (first bus riders, second
walkers, and third pick ups) behind the line leader. Once everyone is
silent and still, we will start walking towards the students designated
area for dismissal.
Field trips will be handled the same way as dismissal on a
regular day. I will make sure each student has all their necessary
items for the field trip and the room is clean and orderly before we
line up for the field trip. Again, the line leader will lead the class with
me to bussing for the field trip.

Leaving the Classroom:

Bathroom/Water Fountain: I will
have a bathroom pass near my desk that
students must use in order to go to the
bathroom or water fountain. They will then set
the pass on their desk and go to the bathroom.
This way, I can see who has left the classroom
and the bathroom pass will stay neat and wont get lost. I will only
allow one student out of the classroom at a time for bathroom/water
fountain breaks.
Specials: Students will need to clear and clean their desk area
prior to leaving for a special. Then, they must line up behind the line
leader and remain quiet and still to go to their daily special.

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Lunch: Similar to specials, students will still need to clean and

clear their desks and remain quiet. They will line up based on their
hot lunch choice and if they brought their own lunch. This way
everyone knows where he or she needs to be going when they arrive at
the cafeteria. Again, they will follow the line leader.
Nurse: I will have a pass on my desk for the nurses office.
Before leaving for the nurse, I would like for my students to tell me
what is wrong so I am informed.

Assignments/Work time:
The paper manager will be in charge of passing out assignments
and homework to reduce a congregation of students in one area. It
will also leave me with more time to do
other tasks. I will have the paper
manager make a folder for the absent
students so they have all their materials
ready for them when they return to
school. I will explain assignments and
homework together and give students
time to work on their tasks. If they finish
their in-school tasks, they will be ready
to start working on their homework
until the rest of the class has completed
the in-school activities. Homework that
hasnt been finished will go into their
take home folders so they can finish it at home. If students come back
to school without their homework completed, I will have them use
recess time to finish their homework.

Free Time:
I will have multiple activities for students to work on when they
have free time or have finished all their work early. Educational
games, technology time and independent reading are a few of the
activities that will be available to students. The class will also earn

Classroom Management Plan


free time as a whole group when they are staying on task and
completing their work. When the class is behaving, they will lose this
time. On Friday, the time will be added up and they will get to play
fun games, color, or have movie time. This wont be a huge chunk of
the day, but giving students the opportunity to earn fun free time if
they have been working diligently each week will motivate them to
continue staying on task the rest of the week.

Knowing that I will have students of all different abilities,
differentiation will be crucial in my classroom in order for every
student to succeed. All my students will be held to the same high
expectations and standards, but the process of getting there will vary
among my students.
Gifted Learners:
I will strive to create more high-level thinking activities for my
gifted learners, as they need to be challenged more rather than just
given more material. Gifted students will also be grouped to work
with peers that are also more advanced. These students need more
independence and open-ended material to work with. I will give them
extensions on assignments and projects so they have to critically
think in order to complete an assignment. Giving them more busy
work and pairing them with lower ability students will not suffice in
creating a better learning environment for these students.
Challenged Learners:
Spending extra time with lower ability students to help them
succeed will be important in my classroom. I will provide more
comprehensible input (pictures, videos, manipulatives, repetition,
etc.) for these students and try to build their background knowledge
more than my advanced learners. Also, giving them more time and a
less distracting environment can be an easy, helpful fix for some
students. Working one-on-one or in small groups with my challenged
learners is another important thing that I will implement in my future

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Parent Involvement
Open communication between parents and the school is critical
in a childs success because learning extends beyond the classroom.
Not only will parents feel comfortable and confident with my abilities,
but also they will continue to help their child succeed at home and at
school. I want the parents of my students to feel comfortable
approaching me and talking to me about their concerns.
First impressions are extremely important, so meeting parents
at the beginning of the year open house will be a critical moment for
the year. I will greet all parents and talk to them about where their
student will be spending the year. I will answer any questions and
give parents a welcome letter with my contact information. I will
collect all of their contact information and let them know that I value
their opinions and concerns. Also, I will ask the parents about my
students and any information I should know.
I will send home weekly comments to parents in the students
Friday Folders. An online teacher blog is another great way to keep
parents up to date on the happenings of the classroom. I will create a
blog and allow parents to see information about the classroom and
any pictures I take during activities.
Student conferences are another important time to build
relationships with parents. Sharing the positives and negatives about
their childs performance in school is critical, but maintaining a
professional attitude is a must. I will make portfolios with students
work in them to share with parents during conferences.

Classroom Management Plan


Mackenzie, R. J., & Stanzione, L. (2010). Setting Limits in the
Classroom: A Complete Guide to Effective Classroom
Management with a School-Wide Discipline Plan. New York:
Three Rivers Press
Rogers, K. B. (2006). A Menu of Options for Grouping Gifted
Students. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press, Inc.
Wong, H.K., $ Wong, R. T. (2009). The First Days of School: How to
Be an Effective Teacher. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong
Publications, Inc.
Packet provided by Dr. Beisser

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