Descriptive Writing People

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Descriptive Writing

An essay describing people should include:

An introduction in which you give general information about the person, saying when,
where and how you first met
Linda has been my close friend for two years. I first met her on a school trip to Paris. I
asked her way to the library and we started talking. Weve been friends ever since.

A main body in which you describe their physical appearance, personal qualities
and hobbies/interests. You start a new paragraph for each topic.
Physical appearance: facial features & clothes
Start with the general features (height, build, age) and then,
move on to the more specific ones (hair, eye, nose, etc.). You can
also add a description of the clothes the person likes to wear.
Example: - Laura is a tall, slim woman in her early twenties.
She has red hair, green eyes and freckles. She usually wears any
jeans and T-shirts.
Personal qualities and justifications
You should always support your description with examples and/or justifications.
You can also describe people through their mannerisms by:
- Referring to the way they speak. (He speaks in a soft voice as if he were whispering).
- Describing the gestures they use. (She constantly uses her hands when she speaks).
- Mentioning a particular habit they have. (Jason always bites his nails when he is

Example: Wayne is very shy. For example, he finds it difficult to find new friends.
Hes got a fantastic sense of humour and he always makes me laugh. However,
he can be a bit immature at times. For instance, when he doesnt get what he
wants, he acts childishly and stamps his feet.
Hobbies and interests
Keen on, interested in, brilliant at, bad at (swimming, painting, skiing)

A conclusion in which you write your comments and/or feelings about the person.
All in all, Im glad to have Aalia as my friend. Its a pleasure to be with her and I really enjoy her
company. Im sure well always be good friends.

Exercise 1:
Use the points below to complete the following exercise.
Fantastic sense of humour, spendthrift, sailing, painting, good looking, punctual,
immature, great sense of style, scuba diving, outgoing, olive skin, watching cartoons,
curly dark hair, casual clothes, friendly, bold, blonde, brunette, wavy hair, tactful, pale
complexion, rude, lazy, pointed nose, shoulder-length hair, tall, cooking, slim, of medium
height, underwater photography, generous, dark eyes, popular, skiing, plays the guitar,
bossy, attractive, plump, energetic, talkative, well-dressed, reserved, adorable smile, ill
mannered, shiny hair, wide eyes, jealous, tense, chubby, straight hair, broad-shouldered,
kind hearted, horse riding, muscular, obese, snobbish, well built, confident, miser, witty,
faithful, underweight, has a beer belly, trustworthy, dancing, grey hair, short fringe,
playing computer games, plays the piano.
Personal qualities:

Exercise 2:
Fill in the table with words from the list below describing physical appearances.
Round, oval, puffy, slanted, ginger, middle-aged, mole, teenaged, clean-shaven, bushy,
curly, hooked, rosy, blond, tall, upturned, wrinkled, thick, balding, just over six foot,
tanned, slim, scar, elderly, thin, in his teens, curved, wavy, crooked, fair, freckled, spotty,
dimples, double, straight, pale, deep-set, skinny, beard, dark, almond-shaped, moustache,
round-shouldered, full.
Special Features
Exercise 3:
Decide which adjectives describe positive or negative qualities. Write (P) for positive
and (N) for negative on top of the following character traits.
Patient, boring, pessimistic, mean, ambitious, generous, mature, hostile, friendly,
impatient, tactless, good-mannered, short-tempered, thick-skinned, easy-going, hardworking, deceitful, fair, shy, helpful, aggressive, reserved, outgoing, polite, cheerful.

Informal description of people: (character traits)

1- An alter ego: the part of someone's personality which is not usually seen by
other people

Clark Kent is Superman's alter ego.

2- The apple of his parents eyes: the person who someone loves most and is
very proud of

His youngest daughter was the apple of his eye.

3- Calls a spade a spade: to say the truth about something, even if it is not
polite or pleasant

4- Like chalk and cheese: If two people are like chalk and cheese, they are
completely different from each other

My brother and I are like chalk and cheese.

5- The doubting Thomas type: a person who refuses to believe anything until
they are shown proof
6- Dressed to kill: intentionally wearing clothes that attract attention and
7- Dressed up to the nines: to be wearing fashionable or formal clothes for a
special occasion
8- A fast-talker: someone who is good at persuading people to do what (s)he wants
9- A



someone who spoils other people's enjoyment by

disapproving of or not taking part in a particular activity

10- A going places: will be successful
Marias a talented writer shes definitely going places
11-An old head on young shoulders: a child or young person who thinks and
talks like an older person who has more experience of life
12- Always makes a nuisance of himself: to cause trouble or to annoy other
A dark horse: a person who keeps their interests and ideas secret,
especially someone who has a surprising ability or skill

Anna's such a dark horse - I had no idea she'd published a novel.

13- The life and soul of the party: someone who is energetic and funny and
at the centre of activity during social occasions
14- A shrinking violet: a person who is very shy or modest and does not like to
attract attention
She loves appearing on television and is no shrinking violet when it comes to
expressing her views.
15- Social butterfly: socially dynamic and charismatic
16- A whiz kid: exceptionally brilliant or accomplished young person
State whether the following sentences refer to appearance, character or

Has spiky, orange hair


Looks like Harry Potter with his thick-rimmed glasses


Reminds me of with his round freckled face


Is cheeky when he tries to convince his mother of his innocence


Is a genius in making up excuses


Is a football maniac


Loves to act in front of the mirror


Is a perfect cook


His bark is worse than his bite (shouts a lot but never takes any real action
or carry out their threats)


Is a workaholic / eager beaver (very enthusiastic; works very hard)

Look up the meaning of the following idioms.

1- Technophobe: ..
2- Technophile: .
3- Young at heart: .
4- Armchair critic: ..
5- Armchair traveler: ..
6- Behind times: .
7- Down to earth: ..
8- Full of the milk of human kindness: .
9- As straight as an arrow: .
10- Worlds apart from me: ..

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