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How To Softm od (Hack)YourPSP

by Rydian at7:32 PM (292,817 Views / 20 Likes)1,115 replies

H ow To Softm od (H ack)Your PSP

This guide w illshow you how to softm od your PSP ifithas a rm w are that's 6.60 or below .
N otsure w hatyou're doing here? Iadvise you check outthis link rst!
PSP hacking/m odding F.A.Q .(StartH ere!)
Resident Furvert

W hatdo Ineed to hack m y PSP?

Joined:Feb 4,2010

W arning:Spoilers inside!

M essages:27,883

Entrance,W atching
Cyan W rite Letters

Ifyou are currently on an older CU STO M /H ACKED rm w are...

W arning:Spoilers inside!

Q -Perm anent or tem porary hack,w hat's the di erence?

A -The m ain functionaldi erence is thatw ith the tem porary version,you need to run a 4-second or so le to re-hack the PSP after each tim e you shutitdow n.
Som e people m ay care,others m ay not.
Q -6.20 or 6.60,w hat do Ichoose?
A -The m ain di erence to be concerned w ith is the com patibility ofthe perm anentpatch.
6.20's perm anentpatch w illw ork on every PSP m odelthat6.20 can be installed on.
6.60's perm anentpatch only w orks on the 1000 m odels and earlier 2000 m odels.Ifyou have a 2000 and you're notsure ifit's an early or late m odel,you can
try the perm anentpatch,and ifittells you it's notsupported you can dow ngrade to 6.20 and use the 6.20 perm anentm ethod (or if6.20 is notsupported,
stick w ith the defaulttem porary version).

6.20 PRO (perm anent)installation.

W arning:Spoilers inside!

6.60 PRO (tem porary or perm anent)installation

W arning:Spoilers inside!

Ifyou are notyeton 6.60...

1.D ow nload the 6.60 o cialrm w are for your PSP m odel(there's one for 1000/2000/3000 series,and one for the G o).You'llhave to google for
2.Place the U PD ATE folder into /PSP/G AM E/ on your m em ory stick (or the G o's internalstorage).Ifthe eboot.pbp le is notin a folder nam ed
"U PD ATE",then re-nam e (or create)the folder.
3.Run the 6.60 update on your PSP and allow itto install.

N ow to installthe hack!
1.D ow nload 6.60 PRO (LatestVersion)
2.Copy the folders in there straightonto your PSP's m em ory stick (or G o's internalstorage)..Ifyou're asked to m erge the folders,say yes.
3.Run 6.60 PRO U pdater on your PSP,and press X to install.
4.Your PSP should restartinto hacked m ode.This w illlastuntilyour PSP is shutfully o (sleep m ode is okay).To hack itagain quickly,run the
Fast Recovery to getback into 6.60 PRO .
5.(O PTIO N AL)To testor installthe 6.60 perm anentpatch,run the CIPL Flasher on your PSP.Again,rem em ber thatthis only w orks on the PSP
1000 and earlier 2000 m odels.
W hen you're done,you can delete the update o ofyour m em ory stick,since the hack is stored on the PSP itselfand you only need to keep the fast
recovery to re-activate itw hen needed.

D ow ngrading a 6.60 PSP to 6.20

W arning:Spoilers inside!

U pdating PRO to the latestversion.

W arning:Spoilers inside!

W arning:Spoilers inside!

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How To Softmod (Hack) Your PSP | -> The Independent Vid...

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Rydian,M ay 23,2011 Top


M argen67,Foxi4,naved.islam 14 and 17 others like this.

Buy R4iSD H C 1.4.5

Iboughtm y black friday bundle used w ith 6.38 already installed,probably by the previous ow ner.
w hich version do Iuse?
should Ijustuse the 6.38 to 6.35 to be safe?

RoM ee,M ay 23,2011 Top

RoM ee


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You can use either.It'llexitoutifyou have a 07 or 09G and try to go to 6.20.

By allm eans startw ith 6.35 and hope itdoesn'tw ork.Then try 6.20.

xist,M ay 23,2011 Top



M essages:5,861

Thanks,Rydian.I'llprobably ask for a PSP on m y birthday (in O ctober)or for Christm as,this'llbe helpful

m achom uu,M ay 23,2011 Top


m achom uu
D rops by occasionally

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Black friday w as tw o days after 6.35 cam e out...butthere w as also 6.31 and 6.20,so yeah Iw ouldn'trisk it.
O nce you can run the 6.35 hack you can see your m otherboard info anyw ays so you can know ifyou can go dow n to 6.20.

Posts m erged

Q uoted from m achom uu:

Resident Furvert

Thanks,Rydian.I'llprobably ask for a PSP on m y birthday (in O ctober)or for Christm as,this'llbe helpful

Joined:Feb 4,2010
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Ifyou getone later it's going to have a later rm w are (or even a later m otherboard),and is unlikely to be hackable.


Entrance,W atching
Cyan W rite Letters

Rydian,M ay 23,2011 Top


Q uoted from xist:

You can use either.It'llexitoutifyou have a 07 or 09G and try to go to 6.20.

By allm eans startw ith 6.35 and hope itdoesn'tw ork.Then try 6.20.
Q U O TE(Rydian @ M ay 23 2011,03:19 PM )O nce you can run the 6.35 hack you can see your m otherboard info anyw ays so you can know ifyou can
go dow n to 6.20.

6/13/2015 4:41 PM

How To Softmod (Hack) Your PSP | -> The Independent Vid...

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RoM ee

thanks,I'lltry itlater tonightw hen Igethom e from w ork.

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RoM ee,M ay 23,2011 Top


Q uoted from Rydian:

Q uoted from m achom uu:

Thanks,Rydian.I'llprobably ask for a PSP on m y birthday (in O ctober)or for Christm as,this'llbe helpful

Ifyou getone later it's going to have a later rm w are (or even a later m otherboard),and is unlikely to be hackable.
m achom uu
D rops by occasionally

W ellI'm shooting for used,I'llsee ifIcan get6.35-,and ifit's notI'lljustreturn itand try again.
m achom uu,M ay 23,2011 Top


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Supposedly allPSP G o system s as ofrightnow can be dow ngraded to 6.20 regardless ofw hatthey originally cam e w ith,atleastaccording to the person w ho
released the 6.38 dow ngrader.This doesn'tapply to the PSP 3000 series though,justthe PSP G o.

nl255,M ay 23,2011 Top


G BAtem p M aniac

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Yeah,nobody's reported a G o thatcom es w ith later than 5.70.

Rydian,M ay 24,2011 Top


Resident Furvert

Joined:Feb 4,2010
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Entrance,W atching
Cyan W rite Letters

I'm on 5.50 Prom itheus-4..And Ihave to questions.

Should Iupgrade on 6.20??
W illm y custom them es w ork on thatversion?
Sorry ifthese questions already asked..
Also Raydian thanks for your guides they are very helpful
m ad567,M ay 24,2011 Top


m ad567
D .G regar

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The 6.x hacks are better for PSP gam es,butthey lack som e PSX/PS1 and hom ebrew /plugin com patibility.Custom them es w on'tinstantly w ork,you'd need to see
ifanybody's ported the them e to 6.x.
And you're w elcom e.

Rydian,M ay 24,2011 Top


Resident Furvert

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Entrance,W atching
Cyan W rite Letters

Q uoted from Q UO TE:

The 6.x hacks are better for PSP gam es,butthey lack som e PSX/PS1 and hom ebrew /plugin com patibility.Custom them es w on'tinstantly w ork,
you'd need to see ifanybody's ported the them e to 6.x.
And you're w elcom e.

Is there a listfor Ps1,plugins and hom ebrew thatw ork on 6.20 TN ..?
m ad567
D .G regar

m ad567,M ay 24,2011 Top


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edit:neverm ind,problem solved itself

m az-,M ay 24,2011 Top


m azAdvanced M em ber

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Q uoted from m ad567:

Is there a listfor Ps1,plugins and hom ebrew thatw ork on 6.20 TN ..?

N otsure on any listfor plugins,buthere's a forum .

http://w forum .php?f=28

Resident Furvert

Joined:Feb 4,2010
M essages:27,883

As for PSX gam es,this isn'tperfectbutit's the best.

http://w topic.php?f=29& t=3396
W ith PO PS a gam e notw orking is nota sim ple as itnotstarting.A gam e could have a com patibility issue ata certain story point30 hours into an RPG ,so it's hard
to test.
Rydian,M ay 24,2011 Top


Entrance,W atching
Cyan W rite Letters

ran into a problem

here's w hatIdid
0.Iw as on 6.38 dow ngrader
2.gotto w here itsays to update to 6.20(w rong ofw ??),thatw as a problem because Iw anted 6.35 so Icancel.
3.w entand gotofw 6.35
4.ran dow ngrader,here's the problem ,itsays som ething aboutm ism atch m d5 or som ething like that.than itresetto m enu.Can'tgetpastthis point.
RoM ee

next,Ideleted everything to startover,updated to 6.39

grabed dow ngrader 3.1 and ofw 6.35...gotthe sam e result.
Joined:Sep 3,2010
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any w ay to x m y m istake?


RoM ee,M ay 25,2011 Top


Q uoted from RoM ee:

ran into a problem

here's w hatIdid
0.Iw as on 6.38 dow ngrader

M y frothing dem and for
3ds hom ebrew is

Click to expand...

A m ism atched M D 5 sum could m ean you don'thave the rightle or thatitis corrupted.M aybe try dow nloading the ofw from a di erentsource?
Snailface,M ay 25,2011 Top


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w ith Cyan,w atching

him learn.

Idid,Itried the one from letrip and the one from w

RoM ee,M ay 25,2011 Top


RoM ee

Joined:Sep 3,2010
M essages:2,316

Q uoted from RoM ee:

Idid,Itried the one from letrip and the one from w

perhaps you're using the O FW 6.35 for the G o?

s4m id4re,M ay 25,2011 Top


s4m id4re

Joined:Apr 2,2011
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Ijusttried a di erentofw and sam e result,thatm akes 3 di erent6.35 ofw allfrom di erentsource.
is the dow ngrader correctw hen itsays m y psp is a o4g?

RoM ee,M ay 25,2011 Top


RoM ee

Joined:Sep 3,2010
M essages:2,316

Q uoted from RoM ee:

Ijusttried a dierentofw and sam e result,thatm akes 3 dierent6.35 ofw allfrom dierentsource.
is the dow ngrader correctw hen itsays m y psp is a o4g?

Ifit's a 4g then Ithink you have to dow ngrade to 6.20 --could be w rong though.W ouldn'thurtto try it.Then upgrade to 6.35.
Snailface,M ay 25,2011 Top



M y frothing dem and for

3ds hom ebrew is

Joined:Sep 20,2010
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w ith Cyan,w atching

him learn.

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