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In order for a circuit to be a SWS it must
have the property of periodicity in axial
In general, field of SWS must be
distributed according to Floquets theorem

It states that
The steady state solutions for the EM fields of
a single propagating mode in a periodic
structure have the property that fields in
adjacent cells are related by a complex
Mathematically it is stated that

E(x, y, z-L) = E(x, y, z) e

joL -- (1)

Where E(x, y, z) is a periodic function of Z with

period L

Since o is a phase constant in axial

In SWS, o -phase constant of average
electron velocity
It is postulated that the solutions to
Maxwells equation in a periodic structure
can be written as

E(x, y, z) = f(x, y, z) e-joz -- (2)

Where f(x, y, z) is a periodic function of Z
with period L that is the period of SWS

For a periodic structure Eq.(2) can be

rewritten with Z replaced by Z-L:

E(x, y, z-L) = f(x, y, z-L) e-jo(z-L) (3)

Since f(x, y, z-L) is a periodic function
with period L then

f(x, y, z-L)= f(x, y, z) ---(4)

Substitution of eq.(4) in (3) results
E(x, y, z-L) = f(x, y, z) e-joz ejoL -- (5)

Substitution of eq.(2) in (5) results

E(x, y, z-L) = E(x, y, z) e joL -- (6)
This is the mathematical statement
of Floquets theorem eq.(1)

Equation(2) definitely satisfies the

Floquets theorem

Generally field analysis in a periodic structure

can be analyzed by Fourier series
It indicates that the field in a periodic
structure can be expanded as an infinite
series of waves, all at same frequency but
with different phase velocities
pn= /n= / [o + (2n/L)]
Where n - phase constant of nth mode n= -,
-2, -1, 0, 1,2 .
gr= /0
Which is independent of n

For suitable value of n and o there

will be interaction between e- beam
and microwave signal are possible and
then amplification of signal can be
- diagram of spatial harmonics for
helical structure for different values of
n is plotted and shown here

IInd quadrant indicate that n is negative

It means that e- beam moves in +ve Z-direction while
dc beam velocity coincides with negative spatial
harmonics phase velocity
This type of tube is called BWO
Shaded areas are forbidden regions for propagation

Amplification Process
Schematic diagram of helix TWT is shown here

Simplified diagram of helix TWT is given here

Magnetic field - To prevent spreading of the ebeam as it travels down the tube
Attenuator is placed near the centre of the helix
Reflected waves reaching the input and
causing oscillations

SWS of helix is characterized by the

Brillouin diagram
Phase shift per period of fundamental wave
on the structure is given by
1= oL or o= 1/ L
Where o= /0 phase constant of average
beam velocity
L - period or pitch
DC transit time of an electron is given by
T0= L/0

Phase constant of the nth harmonic is

n= /0= 1+ 2n/ T00
= [(1/L) + (2n/ L)] = [o + (2n/ L)]
For possible interactions between e- beam
and electric field - spatial harmonic phase
velocity to be synchronized with the beam
velocity (assumed)
np = 0
In practice, DC velocity of electrons is
adjusted to be slightly greaten than axial
velocity of EM waves for energy transfer

When a signal voltage is coupled into the

helix, the axial electric field exerts a force on
the electron as a result of the following

F= -eE and

Bunched e- beam coming out from attenuator induce

new electric field with same frequency, which in turn
induces a new amplified microwave signal on the helix
Bunching will be complete at output end of Helix & RF
signal grows in amplitude and it increases exponentially
in fig.

Motion of electron in helix TWT can be

quantitatively analyzed in terms of axial
electric field
If the travelling wave propagating in Zdirection, the z-component of electric field
can be expressed
Ez= E1 sin (t-pz)
Where E1 is magnitude of electric field in

If t= t0, z=0 the electric field is maximum

p = /p - axial phase constant of microwave

p - Axial phase velocity of the wave
Equation of motion of electron is given by

Assume that velocity of electron is

0+e cos (et+e)
0 dc e- velocity
e magnitude of velocity fluctuation in
velocity modulated e- beam
e angular freq. of velocity fluctuation
e - phase angle of fluctuation
Then dv/dt = - e esin (et+e)
Sub. dv/dt in equ. of motion we get
- me esin (et+e) = -e E1 sin (t-pz)

For interaction between the electrons and the

electric field, the velocity of the velocitymodulated electron beam must be
approximately equal to the dc electron velocity.
Hence the distance z traveled by the electron is
z 0 (t t0 )

and sub Z in eq. of motion

m ee sin(e t e ) eE1 sint p 0 (t t0 )

Comparison of the left and right sides of above

equation shows that
m ee eE1

e p 0
p / p
p p
e p p p 0

e p p p0


e p ( p 0 )
e p0t0

It can be seen that the magnitude of the

velocity fluctuation of the electron beam is
directly proportional to the magnitude of the
axial electric field

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