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Is Masaru Emoto For Real?!!

Open minded critical analysis of Masaru Emoto

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Emoto Research Study

Are Dr. Masaru Emotos Fantastic Claims

Actually Real?
UPDATE February 26, 2014: After years of receiving
requests to perform a valid scientific research study to
test Emotos claims, I am now receiving donations to fund
the study. Please click here to learn more.
When I first heard of Dr. Emotos amazing work with water
crystals through his book The Hidden Messages in Water I
was absolutely stunned. I then saw the movie What the
Bleep do we Know and became thoroughly intrigued. I set
off to conduct a research project in the chemistry
department of Castleton College in Vermont to see if I could
find sufficient evidence and support for Dr. Emotos claims
to merit conducting a deeper research project to try to
reproduce his work. The idea was to uncover as much
information about his methods and procedures as possible

to determine if is would actually be feasible to study the

effect of energy healing, such as Reiki, on the formation of
water crystals. I was so excited to think that I might be the
first person in the world to verify his work!
So what follows is my official research paper that contains
all of my findings and determinations after months of
exhaustive review of Dr. Emotos published works. I hope
that it will give you a deeper understanding and
appreciation for the truth.
Kristopher Setchfield, BA, Health Science
Natural Science Department
Castleton State College, Vermont

20 December, 2005
Review and analysis of Dr. Masaru Emotos
published work on the effects of external stimuli
on the structural formation of ice crystals.
This paper surveys the wealth of information that was
uncovered during investigation of Dr. Masaru Emotos claim
that human thought has a direct observable effect on the
structural formation of ice crystals. Upon initial review of

Dr. Emotos published findings, I became very interested in

the implications of his research and developed the initial
concept for this research project, which was to review Mr.
Emotos laboratory methodology to learn if it would be
possible to test his hypothesis and reproduce his results at
Castleton State College. Since the human body is composed
of between 50% and 80% water, I could not help but
wonder, If thought affects the molecular structure of water,
then what effect might thought have on the human bodies?
However, after many hours of investigation it became
increasingly clear that a superior purpose for this project
was to review Mr. Emotos procedures and results for
scientific validity. This revision in the original intent for this
project has been very eye-opening and the findings have
grounded my opinion of Dr. Emotos work in a concrete of
scientific rigor and skepticism.
Dr. Emoto became a Doctor of Alternative Medicine at the
Open International University for Alternative Medicine in
India in 1992, and he has become famous throughout the
world in the alternative medicine realm for his 1999 selfpublished book, The messages of water. Since that time, his
narrative and collection of photos of ice crystals has been
picked up by independent publishing companies and has
grown into subsequent works, such as The hidden messages
in water (HMW). Recently his work was featured in a highly

controversial movie titled What the bleep do we know!?

(Bleep) and published in an essay in The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine (JACM). These
thrust his work into the international spotlight and
portrayed his work as proven scientific research. It was
because of the notoriety gained by his books and the Bleep
movie that I first learned of Emotos fantastic claim that he
has found evidence that human thought affects ice crystal
formation and that the structure and level of detail of an ice
crystal is an indicator of water quality.
An ice crystal is a crystal lattice of solid water molecules that
is often visible to the naked eye and commonly experienced
as a snowflake. The crystal exhibits the hexagonal lattice
structure that is characteristic of solid water, as illustrated
in the picture on the left where two views are shown of the
same ice crystal moleculewhere the red balls represent the
oxygen atoms, and the grey spokes represent the hydrogen

Fig. 1. Ice crystal lattice scructure (Libbrecht)

Fig. 2. Ice crystal faces

According to Kenneth Lebbrecht, chairman of the
department of physics at Caltech and a leading ice crystal
researcher, ice crystals form arms on the crystal faces
(shown in the picture above on the right). The two
hexagonal faces are known as basal faces, and the six
rectangular faces are known as prism faces, and the overall
shape of a crystal is determined by which faces grow arms. If
the basal faces grow, a columnar crystal develops, and if the
basal faces grow a plate shape will develop.
Lebbrechts morphology diagram below illustrates that ice
crystal shape is a factor of both humidity and temperature.
Temperature is the most important factor, and plates tend
to form in the 0C to -3C and -10C to -22C ranges (red),
while columns tend to form from -3C to -10C and below
-22C (green). Lower humidity tends to form simpler crystal
shapes, while higher humidity tends to form more intricate
crystals. It is currently not known why ice crystals form
different shapes at different temperatures, as the physics of
how the water molecules bond to a growing ice crystal are
very complex and not well understood (Libbrecht).

Fig.3. Morphology Diagram of Ice Crystal Formation

Emotos hypothesis has evolved over the years of his
research. Initially Dr. Emoto claimed that high-quality
water forms beautiful and intricate crystals, while lowquality water has difficulty forming crystals. According to
Dr. Emoto, an ice crystal of distilled water exhibits a basic
hexagonal structure with no intricate branching, as shown
in the photo below, taken from Dr. Emotos website (Hado). This basic hexagonal crystal is the
simplest form of an ice crystal.

Fig. 4. Photo of Distilled Water Crystal (Emoto, Messages)

The following images (Emoto, Messages 119) show Emotos

selected photos of ice crystal formation from tap water
sources from Paris, London, and Tokyo, respectively in
figure 5 and two spring water sources from Japan on the

Fig.5. Photos of Tap Water Crystals (Emoto, Messages)

Fig. 6. Photos of Spring Water Crystals (Emoto, Messages)

While these first claims of Dr. Emoto may seem to make
common sense, his subsequent claims are ever-increasingly
more controversial. After studying the variation in water
crystals from samples taken from different locations around
the world, Emoto decided to study what would happen to
the formation of ice crystals from distilled water after the
liquid was exposed to music.

Dr. Emoto reports that he found stunning correlations

between the types of music played and the quality and
beauty of the ice crystals that would form upon freezing. For
instance, the crystal below on the left was observed in a
sample of distilled water that had been played Beethovens
5th Symphony, and the crystal on the right was observed in
a sample of distilled water that had been played so-called
heavy metal music (Emoto, Messages 17). It is interesting
to note that this claim closely mirrors the well-known
pseudoscientific and so-far unsubstantiated claim that
classical music has a beneficial effect on plant growth, and
rock music hinders plant growth.

Fig.7. Distilled Water Crystals after Music (Emoto,

Following his study of the effects of music on ice crystal
formation in distilled water, Dr. Emoto wondered if water
crystal structure might be affected by other seemingly
illogical external things, such as words written on paper. In
the HMW prologue, Dr. Emoto states, It didnt seem logical
for water to read the writing, understand the meaning, and

change form accordingly. But I knew from the experiments

with music that strange things could happen.
He began by writing phrases like thank you and you fool
in various languages on paper and placing the paper under
the distilled water samples, and his published photos below
(Emoto, Messages 7) show a surprising result. Samples that
had been exposed to the words thank you exhibited
beautiful crystals, while samples that had been exposed to
the words you fool would not form crystals at all.

Fig. 8. Distilled Water Crystals after Written Words (Emoto,

Encouraged by his findings, Emoto began studying the
effects of prayer, blessings, and spoken words. Not
surprisingly, his results indicated that water crystal
formation was also sensitive to these thingsyielding his
current hypothesis; Molecules of water are affected by our
thoughts, words, and feelings. (Emoto, Messages cover)
Dr. Emotos published method of obtaining photographs of
crystals involves a relatively simple and inexpensive process.
0.5 mL samples of liquid water from a specific sample are

placed on 100 petri dishes that are then frozen and stored at
a temperature of -25C for three hours in a freezer. A sample
is removed from the freezer for observation under a
microscope with a camera in a room with a constant
temperature of -5C. As the microscopes light melts the top
of the sample, crystals are observed and photos are taken
(Emoto, Healing 2).
As quoted in an interview with Jon Woodhouse published in
the Maui News, Emoto stated, I did not start out with any
modern scientific background. I did not even know the limit
of science to stop me from giving this research a chance.
Not having been educated in the scientific community,
Emoto has been happy to do his research without
accurately employing the scientific method. While he does
employ the spirit of the scientific method in his research
design, he makes critical mistakes in its rigor. For example,
Emotos research does employ observation of a physical
phenomenon, formulation of a hypothesis to explain the
phenomenon, and testing and revising the hypothesis, but
he makes the critical mistake of failing to minimize the
influence of the experimenters bias on the outcome of the
Dr. Emotos procedure for photographing crystals has no
controlled means of ensuring that experimenters bias is
prevented or minimized. For example, his methodology

does not ensure that the obtained results are not selected
consciously or subconsciously by the photographer. In fact,
in the Maui News interview, Dr. Emoto specifically stated, I
do not require any blind tests on any samples, but rather he
believes that the researchers aesthetic sense and character
is the most important aspect when taking crystal
photographs. Emotos belief that ice crystal formation is
sensitive to human thought lead him to select technicians
who would not affect crystal formation with negative
thoughts over technicians who had formal research
While it is possible that he did, in fact, discover that water
has an observable sensitivity to external stimuli such as
prayer and words, Dr. Emotos experimental design and
clinical procedures do not prove the claim. A double blind
procedure in which a photographer would not know what
water sample he or she was photographing would make the
claim considerably more credible.
Emotos procedure, while simple and direct, does not
eliminate numerous possible sources of error. Ice crystal
structural formation is dependent on numerous
environmental factors, the most important of which are
temperature and humidity. While Emoto minimized some
possible sources of error by conducting his studies in the
same room with the same sample sizes, the same freezer and

same microscope each time, other possible sources of error

were not addressed. For example the Petri dishes were not
sealed to prevent contamination or disturbance by the
operator or environment; A simple thing such as the
photographers breath while using the microscope could
affect the warming rate of the frozen sample and
temperature of crystal formation, thus affecting the
structure of the resultant crystal.
As Dr. Emoto has not published the entirety of his
photographs, it is unknown if he ruled out or ignored
crystals that did not support his hypothesis. HMW and the
JACM article only contain selected photos that support his
claims, and we are left to wonder what the rest of the
pictures look like. His procedures state that in any given test
he will photograph 100 petri dish samples, yet only one
picture per test is provided to the public. Emoto also fails to
publish any findings that contradict his claim (or that were
at least inconclusive). No errors are currently published in
the JACM article, his websites, or his HMW book that my
research has been able to uncover.
It is also worth noting that Dr. Emotos procedures indicate
that his samples are frozen at -25C, and his ice crystals are
formed at -5C. According to Figure 3, these temperatures
should produce mostly column crystals rather than plate
crystals, yet not one of Emotos published photos show a

column crystal. This makes Dr. Emotos data suspect (as

they appear to conflict with the findings of well-respected
researcher) and indicates the possibility that Emoto
excluded non-supportive data from his publications.
While Emoto has published his claim in one peer reviewed
journal, it has neither been substantiated nor disproved by
research scientists. It is worth noting that Emotos Journal
article is not a scientific report, but a three page long photo
essay. Dr. Emoto, himself, stated Even though my book,
Message from Water, was first published in 1999 and has
been translated in over 20 languages, I have not heard of
anybody else conducting similar research (Woodhouse).
His claims resonate with Alternative therapists, religious
leaders, spiritual researchers, artists, and musicians
(Emoto, Healing 3), but it appears that his work has widely
been disregarded by traditional scientists as pseudoscience
that does not merit further inspection.
The only published reproduction of Emotos work on record
was conducted by Mr. Damian Nashs AP psychology class
at Durango High School in Colorado. Despite numerous
difficulties reproducing Emotos procedure and controlling
the temperature and sample freezing and melting rates, at
least the class employed a blind experimental design to
eliminate the possibility of experimenters bias when
photographing the water samples. As published on the

website of the Institute of Noetic Sciences on May 25, 2004,

Mr. Nash states that the team did not find sufficient
evidence to refute or accept Emotos hypothesis that thought
influences water crystal formation.
There are innumerable companies today that make their
livelihoods selling information and products that are
supposed to be beneficial to human health. Ranging from
miracle cures to last-ditch efforts, they are at best at least
based substantiated ideas, and are at worst complete
falsehoods. Unfortunately for his credibility with the
scientific community, Dr. Emoto sells products based on his
claims. For example, the products page of Emotos Hado
website is currently offering geometrically perfect Indigo
water that is highly charged hexagonally structured
concentrate, and supposedly creates structured water
that is is more easily assimilated at the cellular level for
$35 for an eight-ounce bottle. Without providing scientific
research references for the allegedly amazing qualities of his
Indigo Water, Emotos commercial venture calls to mind
ethical concerns regarding his intent and motivation
questions that would not be present if any scientist had
published research supporting his claims.
At the very least Dr. Emotos claims are interesting thought
stimulators. If they are true, then there are far reaching
implications for the world, and the question that is posed in

the Bleep movie becomes extremely important; If thoughts

can do this to water, what can they do to us? Many people
in our modern age want desperately to believe that we can
affect our reality by our thoughts alonea belief that is
bolstered by Emotos claims. But if they are false, then he is
misleading all of them and manipulating their hopes and
view of the world.
Since Dr. Emoto is going it alone he receives much criticism
for being a quack selling quackery. For example, the James
Randi Educational foundation, an organization that offers a
one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under
proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal,
supernatural, or occult power or event (Randi, Challenge)
has offered to give Dr. Emoto the prize if he will agree to
perform his tests in a double-blind fashion (Randi, Water),
yet Dr. Emoto has not responded.
It is this crucial lack of scientific foundation that prevents
Dr. Emotos work from attracting interest by widely
accepted and respected scientists at long-standing research
institutions. This is unfortunate for the world if there is,
after all, truth to his claimsas reproduction of his results by
any scientist would lend much credence to his work. A little
change in Emotos experimental design would do great
things for the credibility of his claims. I recommend the
following to ground his work in sound scientific principle:

* Eliminate the possibility of the scientists bias affecting the

experiments results by implementing double blind
* Publish the entire collection of photos for all water sample
tests that he has performed, not just the ones that support
his claim.
* Minimize the sources of possible error in his procedures,
such as variation in temperature and humidity between
* Pay more attention to the time-tested methods of the
scientific community rather than disregarding them.
Emotos research could go much farther if he could interest
scientists around the world in testing his hypothesis.
After the lengthy review of Emotos research methods and
results, I have come to believe that Dr. Emoto is offering
pseudoscience to the masses in the guise of defensible
research. Only time and review by others will tell if there is
any truth at the heart of Mr. Emotos claims, as Emoto
himself thoroughly believes in his findings but does not
value the scientific method or community. What is truly
fearsome is the great numbers of people that accept his
words as proven facts without looking deeper to find out if
his claims are truly justified. While I respect Dr. Emotos
desire to save the Earths water from contamination and
pollution, unless he can produce a scientific paper and get it
published in a scientific journal, I believe that he will

continue to be ignored by the scientific community, and his

claims will never be soundly proved or disproved.
Works Cited
Emoto, Masaru. Healing with Water. The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Volume 10,
Number 1, 2004, pp. 19-21
. The Hidden Messages in Water. Oregon: Beyond Words
Publishing, 2004.
Libbrecht, Kenneth. A Snow Crystal Primer: The basic facts
about snowflakes and snow crystals. Feb 1999. California
Institute of Technology. Dec 2005.
Nash, Damian. Replicating the Water/Thought Experiment
of Dr. Masaru Emoto. May 2004. Institute of the Noetic
Sciences. Dec. 2005.
Randi James. Chiropractic Crackup, Talking to Water,
Sylvia Emerges, Bidlacks Lumps, An MS Miracle, and a
Korean Magic Stone. May 2003. James Randi Educational
Foundation. Nov. 2005.

. One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge. 2005.

James Randi Educational Foundation. Nov. 2005.
Woodhouse, Jon. Crystal Clear. Maui News 13 February

If you would like to comment, please Leave a Reply at

the very end of this page.
UPDATE February 26, 2014:Over the last eight years
Ive received literally thousands of requests to design &
perform a scientifically sound double-blind research project
to try to prove or disprove Emotos claims. I have a plan to
create and perform the research if I receive enough funding
to fund the study. If you would like to see Emotos claims
tested in a proper study, please donate to the it. All donors
will receive status updates as milestones are achieved and
will receive the final paper with rights to quote and
reproduce it per a creative commons license.

For more information, click here.

110 Responses to Are Dr. Masaru Emotos

Fantastic Claims Actually Real?

Dr. Steve Gardner says:

September 12, 2011 at 10:27 pm

Thank you Kristopher, for your investigation. I wanted to

see if I should include Emotos book on my website. As a
result of this article, I wont, and have pulled the book from
my waiting area book case. While I believe that thoughts
and intentions influence molecules, perhaps along the lines
of what Emoto suggests, it would help the stewardship of
this planet if the general public had a better understanding
of the scientific method. Your article is an excellent example
of the open minded thinking that we need.


shaun page says:

September 14, 2011 at 7:25 pm

If something seems to be to good, it probably is!

Thanks for your paper and critique on this vary important
I hope that more of the science community will spend some
time on these statements to confirm there validity.
I would love to find out more about this subject for myself.
I am planning to run the test Dr Emoto did with the rice
grains in water as a starting point.


Paul Henry Woodward says:

September 14, 2011 at 8:47 pm

Thank you for your informed analysis of Dr Emotos work. I

would truly love to believe in the claims and research into
water crystals by him but also want the the research to be
completed thoroughly.
I cant understand that if there are all these calls for
research into this fasinating subject why there has not been
a landslide of follow-up studies to back up or disclaim?

dielenator says:

September 18, 2011 at 4:23 am

Many people in our modern age want desperately to believe

that we can affect our reality by our thoughts alone.
Kristopher Setchfield, BA, Health Science, Natural Science
Department, Castleton State College, Vermont.
Ive been working on a non-fiction book called Seeking Self:
Our Biological Imperative to Create Narrative since Mon 23
Nov, 2009. I will eventually organize it and submit it for
One of the important findings of my research confirms the
above statement. For as long as we have been conscious of
ourselves, there is a tendency to believe in the power of
thought alone. This has led to some interesting revelations,
showing that in fact we miss much that goes on in our
environment and our own brains. We fill in the gaps with

stories (unfortunately much of it lies). This is not a negative

indictment of the human species; its simply a biological fact
of our evolution. Sometimes, we can get the right answer for
entirely the wrong reason. The truth about the brain is that
sometimes we get lucky (see Dawkins theory of PETWAC).
Most times, however, to effect real change, weve got to do
more than just believe or think we can change or change
things by thought alone. The need to believe we can change
the world with thought alone is the product of a deep
insecurity about our future (both personal and social) that it
will become bad if we discovered that all there is to life is
physical matter. The strange truth is that we do not yet
know precisely what physical matter is, so we slip around
that ignorance by believing we can influence matter with our
minds because matter may be something intertwined with
the deep mysteries of mind through processes that we will
never understand. Then again, it may not.
My position as a scientist, is a skeptical one. This is the best
position to be in by far, because at the end of the day,
nearly every event turns out to be more than we can learn
about it, and most often, what appeared to be magical or
special at the time was not really the event itself, but our
state of mind towards it.
Photographers no doubt, are familiar with the special
moments that photos can sometimes bring out. In the art of

story telling, we call these micro-moments. A frog hanging

by one arm from a leaf above a still pond about to fall in.
This ability to freeze time, gives us the illusion that what
happens in that moment is somehow iconographic of a
deeper meaning, that it tells a story. This is not bad, it is just
how we are wired up. If we could not place things in context
and weave a story around them, we would not be able to
make sense of the world. But there is such a thing as overreading the world. Seeing more than actually appears. That
over-reading phenomenon is an artefact of how our minds
work, as gap fillers, as interpreters.
The pictures of Emoto water crystals are one such example.
Quoting Nash, Institute of Noetic Sciences on May 25, 2004,
we did not find sufficient evidence to refute or accept
Emotos hypothesis that thought influences water crystal
formation. Youd be surprised what a rigorous scientific
study entails. When the common person says, I conducted
an experiment, there is a world of difference compared to
when a scientist says the same thing. Take a very simple
scientific step that a common person would never take, but
a scientist would always take as a given: autoclaving vessels,
containers and transfer implements. Not to mention fume
hoods, negative air pressue, temperature control, extremely
accurate weighing of quantities, control group, these are just
some of the things that scientists do that ordinary people
never do. And scientists do much more. So when a proper

scientific study has been conducted, it has to meet all these

requirements that ordinary people simply cannot achieve in
their own homes.
Thus, at the end of the day, what is more important to our
understanding is not whether Emoto may or may not
produce some interesting crystal patterns, but why humans
have the need to tell stories about things that are not based
on reality. Understanding why humans do this, is a far more
important undertaking for the human species than Emoto
water will ever teach us. It will take us deep into the
structure of the human brain and human behavior and
reveal possibilities for accepting what we are and changing
those things that we can. No doubt, what we will be able to
change, in time will change, so that in the future, it is highly
likely that people will manipulate the genes that express the
brain. In other words, designed humans.
I have a word of caution about that, but this is not the place
to go into it.

Paulo says:

October 29, 2011 at 8:08 pm

Nice comment, very well organized idea. Im studying

psichology and i cant say that i am scientist at all. But i
would like to ask you what do you think of the of

neuroplasticity of the neurons? A book by scientist Norman

Doidge, called The Brain That Changes Itself, based on
clinical research, claims that our atitude can change the way
the brain works by slightly changing its phisiological
determinants its like, parts of brains damaged by strokes
that are not capable to carry out its functions anymore are
replaced by other parts through specific practices and these
other parts become able to perform tasks they werent
supposed to, according to the nature of the biology that
determines its functions(we have specific areas of the brain
associated to specific tasks like smelling, seeing or tasting
that are not supposed to be able to do otherwise; we can
only make a tasting-neuron become a seeing-neuron by
sending it information to do so)). My point is, if what
Norman Doidges claims are true( and i believe that there is
some scientificity into its work), then isnt that proof that
atitude can change biology? And what about the
neuropsychoimunology, a phenomenon widely studied? In
this case, somehow, our perception of the world, that results
in a specific state of humor, influences our imuno-activity;
the better the humor, the better our imunitary system
works(i think this is something widely accepted even
without knowledge of the research to it). There is an
important control group in the clinical research made about
the subject: the group is the group of the widows. Widows
live in constant grief and sorrow after the departure of their
loved ones and there is clinical data showing that the rates

of cancer and other complicated diseases are more high in

these group than in the general population. And again my
question, isnt this some proof that our thought is affecting
our biology?
The problem about skepticism is that, besides just being
critic(wich is more easy than being creative) and not taking
risks, it also castrates peoples attempts to be creative
instead of encouraging the test of all possibilities. And dont
get me wrong, im not being personal here, its just my
perspective of what skepticism is.

ken says:

November 22, 2011 at 7:43 pm

I think we all have different SKILLS.For exampel I can relax

my eyes and see a white line between the earth and the
sky.This only happends between objects on earth that are
natural mountains,Earth, trees.Not man made objects
buildings cars ect.I have one picture I took of a mountain
and the same white line I can see is on this picture and only
this picture not on other pictures.I was told this is the
Earths magnetic field.My point is Ive learned about three
levels in this life.Phyisical,mental and sperituall .Its up to
you to learn how to connect them.I know theres more but
life is to short for one person to learn them all.If you

relax,un focus youre eyes. Look with youre eye lids slightly
closed because this cuts down the amount of sunlight that
enters the eyes.You will be superised.Read Radionics by
David V. Tansley D.C.With a forward by Dr Ian C.B.
Pearce.This book is hard to get. We are not humans.We are
just people.

Barbara Mackenzie says:

February 14, 2014 at 3:44 am

Curious, hows the book coming?


Kim says:

February 14, 2014 at 4:38 pm

Please finish your bookI really want to read it! I like the
way you think.


Sean says:

September 19, 2011 at 2:59 pm

While plausible, it seems that theres nothing even close to

definitive concerning Emotos proffers.Furthermore he is a
doctor of what? A Ph.D from where?. That might be a good
starting point. While certainly there are all sorts of things
that are either poorly or nor at all understood in our
existential milieu but nonetheless do exist, Emotos

methodology and what appears to be his self serving

intransigence does this subject a very serious disservice. A
prima facie presentation renders Emotos work interesting
and even fascinating. However, scratching a bit beneath the
surface seems to expose him as a self serving charlatan.
While I want with all my heart to believe his findings (which
means, of course, that I should never be one analyzing data.
It seems that Emoto cares nothing for the maintenance of
such objectivity), until he opens up his findings to a deeper
scrutiny and a more broad analysis, Ive no logical choice
but to regard his findings as fuzzy. It strikes me that the
exact same crystals may be there to be found in any one of
the samples exposed to any one of the outside stimuli but
its only the ones which back up Emotos posits from the
different dishes which are displayed. Am I wrong here?
While I did believe the the hype for quite a while, a very
basic and not so through investigation (one neednt go far)
on my part revealed some serious trouble here. Dr. Emoto,
this is a matter of basic integrity. Perhaps your findings are
legitimate (and they very well may be). Perhaps not.
Perhaps they move in the direction of legitimacy but yield
nothing definitive. No one knows. Please open them up to a
broad based review and replicate your analysis under
rigorous conditions conducted by independent and fully
unbiased assessors. Until then you appear to be selling
snake oil to the unwary and unsuspecting and are doing so
in a most shameful and unscrupulous manner. It does seem

that youve become wealthy as a result of your findings. As

m matter of basic decency, declare a moratorium on your
sales and allow the engagement of deeper scrutiny. You may
be right. However, at this juncture I find that a difficult leap
to make. I ask you respectfully and even prayerfully to prove
me wrong.


Solange de Marignac says:

September 22, 2011 at 4:37 pm

I wonder if something could be done to change and

improve the quality of water which has become
radioactive? Thanks if Dr. Emoto can answer this question
With best wishes,
S. de M.


Gilad says:

September 22, 2011 at 5:47 pm

Im running a blog in Hebrew (Israel) on the subject of
critical thinking.
I was looking for some good stuff and found your research
work. I think it is great! Ive seen this Bleep thing a few
years ago, and vaguely remembered this strange, suspicious
do you have any problem if I translate parts of your post to

Hebrew, mentioning of course that you are the source (+link

to your blog)?
best regards,


Steve says:

September 27, 2011 at 1:51 pm

As a Professional healerthose who require demonstatable

proof of thought focus energyWatch this utube video

Dave says:

October 10, 2011 at 6:21 am

That video isnt proof, its a demonstration of talent.

Whether that talent is the manipulation of a mystical energy
or just carnival tricks is undetermined.


Joss Price says:

September 29, 2011 at 10:19 am

Hi Kristopher,
Its a really good piece and have you now gone on to create
rigorous, controlled experiments to determine the genuine
effects of prayer/sentiment on water? Intention is being well
studied in other area with extraordinary results and this
seems worth further exploration done with the correct
scientific protocol. Its a shame to dismiss something and
stop there rather than explore some of the potential
anomalies that Emoto may have discovered.
Joss Price

Gilad says:

October 5, 2011 at 7:31 am

Hi Joss,
Intention is being well studied in other area with
extraordinary results can you please give references? Im


Allen Browning says:

September 30, 2011 at 1:17 pm

As one who has witnessed bona fide miracles in the

Christian community, it upsets me that Emoto fuses a basic
Christian belief, that prayer changes things for the better,
with the New Age belief that positive thoughts change things
for the better, to sell a product. I think it does damage to
Christianity when someone with a genuine Christian witness
throws in the water crystal story as further proof of the
power of prayer; it waters down their witness and people
will tune them out.

Dave says:

October 10, 2011 at 6:24 am

Christian witnessing is bunk too.


Sabrina says:

March 25, 2012 at 5:02 am

If a person isnt going to listen to the Christian message,

they wont no matter what. Remember there were people
who didnt believe Christ when he walked amongst us
humans 2000 years ago. Personally, I think Dr. Emotos
experiment proves much of what we as Christians teach
regarding prayer, and also demostrates the scripture that
reads as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. No, its not
just thoughts alone, but thought are very powerful because
they can lead to actions.


Charles Beare says:

March 14, 2014 at 1:59 pm

Clearly, Sabrina, you have failed to even vaguely understand

the point of this article. The power of prayer does not stand
up to scientific scrutiny, and if you still believe that it does,
then you should go on and just believe any and all woo ever


Rick says:

October 6, 2011 at 2:01 am
Would seem to be relevant.
Radin, D., Lund, N., Emoto, M., Kizu, T. (2008). Effects of
distant intention on water crystal formation: A triple-blind
replication. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 22(4), 481493.
An experiment tested the hypothesis that water exposed to
distant intentions affects the aesthetic rating of ice crystals
formed from that water. Over three days, 1,900 people in
Austria and Germany focused their intentions towards
water samples located inside an electromagnetically

shielded room in California. Water samples located near the

target water, but unknown to the people providing
intentions, acted as proximal controls. Other samples
located outside the shielded room acted as distant controls.
Ice drops formed from samples of water in the different
treatment conditions were photographed by a technician,
each image was assessed for aesthetic beauty by over 2,500
independent judges, and the resulting data were analyzed,
all by individuals blind with respect to the underlying
treatment conditions.
Results suggested that crystal images in the intentionally
treated condition were rated as aesthetically more beautiful
than proximal control crystals (p = 0.03, one-tailed). This
outcome replicates the results of an earlier (double blind)
pilot test.
Feel free to email me at the address above.


Ra'amayan says:

October 11, 2011 at 6:42 am

We are 70% water

Our brains are 70% Water

Water is the carrier of impulses through the nervous system
Our embryos are 99% water, it is the medium for all life.
It is an intelligence that is so much more powerful than your
average scientist gives it credit for.
Emotos work does not meet the criteria for todays
empirical scientific methodical analysis, granted.
But he has opened up the eyes of the word to the powerful
intelligence that is water
There are 5 ancient elements- Water is one of them. It is
powerful, and most scientists have little clue as to how and
why it works the way it does.
Time for some deeper analysis

Te Moli says:

February 29, 2012 at 11:15 am

I agree, there is much more to life than can be explained

within the parameters of rationalism and empiricism. The

scientific paradigm is but one of an array of world views at

our disposal.
Interesting analysis nonetheless of Emotos work to show
where it currently sits in terms of meeting the requirements
of scientific rigour, thanks.

11 says:

March 15, 2012 at 7:08 pm

I agree. Even if Mr. Emoto is a quack, people need to realize

intent is important. We cant rely on the scientific
community, for much anyway, they have careers to protect
and little funding. I dont think there is anything
paranormal about thoughts altering reality to some degree.
People only think things are paranormal until its proven by
science, then it becomes nature. Things that seem magical
are just things that are too complex for scientists to
understand at the moment. Not to mention, there may just
be some things we cant understand because our brains have
a limited way of taking in information. There will always be
hidden aspects of reality Im sure. I think it should be
investigated more, its foolish to scoff and move on.


W. M.Stelmachowicz says:

October 20, 2011 at 8:31 am

The truth is is that in the scientific mode of thought,

skepticism and cynicism by the observer or scientist as well
as opptimism etc. therefore subjectivity play a huge role in
what one wants to see and does not want to see You
choose not to see so established conditions to refute. I
wonder why? I we analyze honestly, we must conclude that
there is not one single benefit ever produced for humanity
via western ideology within the scientific method. All
impacts either directly or indirectly to the eventual
destruction of some part of our ecology thus causing
suffering. I must wonder at why would any one choose
skepticsim over deciding to maintain loving
thoughts??????? no matter what the experimental rigours.
I would rather be seated next to Emoto than you because at
know that he wishes me well. I wish you all scincerely well
and hope you choose the Light. We have too much
distraction from the original message and I am weary of so
much cultivation of only one part of our intellect at the
expense of the other that of gut intuition or the spirit or
whatever way you desire to define it. In the end, do you feel
truly at peace with your findings? Wake up, stop missing
the point!

Alistair says:

March 3, 2014 at 8:26 am

I we analyze honestly, we must conclude that there is not

one single benefit ever produced for humanity via western
ideology within the scientific method
Apparently, all forms of western medicine that has
prolonged so many human lives over the course of the years
is in no way beneficial. Makes sense.
And I guess having a calender to know when its gonna snow
doesnt really help people much either huh.
Oh, and that computer youre typing on? Yeah, fuck that.
You ask why? Maybe its time to shed this infantile
mentality. You might find that theres more to life than cozy
But what do I know, right? Im just a cynical, negative,
scientist. Lol.


Elizabeth says:

October 23, 2011 at 12:25 am

I think the Dr. has some fascinating points to consider, and

the counterpoints to his study are worth considering as well.
Regardless of studies and counterpoints, I have no doubt
that positive thoughts and positive energy can manifest
positive things in the world. So studies and arguments
against them make no difference to me. I dont need anyone

else to tell me what really matters in life. Lets face it, there
is no such thing as unbiased research. And that is because
science explains very little about the universe (contrary to
what the Age of Enlightenment would have us believe,
which by the way was an extremely recent and short period
in the history of mankind). A study that seemingly answers
one question will lead to numerous new questions. I choose
to trust myself. I am a scientist at heart and a lover of
chemistry and physics, but I am also very spiritual, and I am
well aware that these two topics are much more intertwined
than post-Enlightenment society wants to admit or face.
People might not say it out loud, but many will admit to me
when prompted behind closed doors that they have beliefs
or experiences that would seem crazy to others. Its sad
that humans have so much knowledge of the spirit that lies
within, but a short period in history has caused us to turn
away from our own intuitionto put down eons of
knowledge of Native peoples of every continent and nation
and instead depend on others to do the thinking for us and
tell us what is and what isnt and what we should believe
and what we shouldnt based on research, and that its
somehow unacceptable to admit to having beliefs that many
others share behind closed doors! I hope I am making sense.
Ive enjoyed the comments Ive read so far, whether Ive
agreed or not.

Lade says:

February 15, 2014 at 8:11 am

Wow, Elizabeth, so true. We know a lot more by our Spirits

if we allow ourselves. You put it so succinctly! Well done.

Charles Beare says:

March 14, 2014 at 2:18 pm

So studies and arguments against them make little

difference to me and you claim to be a lover of physics
and chemistry? I believe what I believe because I believe it,
even if shown to be false. Nice to know that you care about
the truth.


lolipop says:

October 24, 2011 at 8:04 pm

Why dont YOU conduct some experiments then

Kristopher?!Its all very well to be disrespectful of others
findings when you have not actually told anyone anything
that suggests otherwise.You clearly have no understanding
of the universe or the enigma of life.And maybe if you did
bother to find out a bit more you may become all the wiser.
I cant believe there are scientists out there who are so
stupid! Of course our thoughts create our reality. Good Lord
what are we all made of?Everything is a buzzing vibratory

frequency and if more people read Dr Emotos book on

water what a better planet earth this would be!

Emoto Admin says:

October 30, 2011 at 4:08 pm

As I said in the paper, the reason why I decided not to

experiment was After the lengthy review of Emotos
research methods and results, I have come to believe that
Dr. Emoto is offering pseudoscience to the masses in the
guise of defensible research. I saw no tangible evidence to
incline me to spend six to 12 months of my life designing,
conducting and publishing a research experiment on the
-Kristopher Setchfield

easychina says:

November 21, 2011 at 5:55 pm

TO Kristopher Setchfield:
I think that you had better spend 6 to 12 months of your life
to verify this experiment. Because that 6 to 12 months will
change world!!!

The Truth is Apparent says:

December 23, 2011 at 12:21 am

Please see the following links and my comment below. A

much easier, quicker, and cheaper way to do the same
experimentit will take you less time than it took to create
this website:

Rubbish Really... says:

March 3, 2012 at 5:45 am

I.E. You were not willing to do the research and experiments

to back up your own findings. Classy.

Charles Beare says:

March 14, 2014 at 2:35 pm

I recently wrote a piece about the Paracas Skulls hoax and

received exactly this kind of criticism from people who
clearly have no idea how to determine truth from falsehood.
It is indeed scary that these people have so much contempt
for the very method that has brought them every aspect of
modern life, whilst their methodology has brought society
exactly nothing


Adam says:

October 28, 2011 at 8:40 pm

I agree with W. M.Stelmachowicz.



simone says:

November 4, 2011 at 12:40 am

My friends family name in Hitler.

how can water understand if Im talking about my good
inocent friend or about that Hitler who killed many
people. ?!!!!!!!!! hahaha.
this experiment is tested by scientists and proved to be
you can check the Wikipedia to know why.

Hendrik says:

March 2, 2012 at 11:43 am

about the test with the name Hitler.
When the name Hitler was written down, the thoughts of
the scientist where with the intenttion of the person Adolf
Hitler, who have killed miljoens of people.
So the writing was carrying the information of the sence of

the scientist.
Writing down the name Adolf Hitler, from a sence of Love
and Light would have change the information.
Writing down the name of Hitler, as the name of your
friend, willl bring the energy and information of your
friend(family) within the writing.
With Love and Light, Hendrik

11 says:

March 15, 2012 at 7:21 pm

I think someone in defense of the theory would say, when a

person thinks of your good friend Hitler, they project good
vibes and thoughts because the thought of him brings
pleasant feelings. If someone is referencing Hitler of
Austria, then likely there is a negative connotation attached
to the name. Plus, a person is more subjective than a
phrase like love or hate. So I would imagine the results
would be somewhat neutral or inconclusive when using an
actual persons name. Which its interesting to note Mr.
Emoto never did the experiment using subjective words or
neutral phrases. Id like to see that.


nicolas kuske says:

November 27, 2011 at 11:26 pm

Hey Kristopher.
Thank you for your intelligent analysis, and of course for
sharing it with us.
The main problem seems to me that of 100 petry dishes Dr.
Emoto only shows one picture and does not openly reveal
the others.
If that is true, then it is ignorant and irresponsible of him.
I am in search of the truth and always openminded, because
nothing exists that does not exist, but there is a difference in
physical truth for everybody else to use, and
the truth in ones one head.
It seems to me, Dr. Emoto is someone who, at least in this
particular case, is not able to see the difference.
I will not regard his findings as physical relevant anymore.
Keep it up


Carl says:

December 15, 2011 at 5:41 pm

I would suggest you to put the ad of that $35 eight-ounce
blessed water sold by Dr. Emoto at your articles heading.
That will certainly save us a lot of time to reach a

Did Einstein try to sell an eight-ounce Time Travel

Machine when he published his essay on Relativity?


Carlson says:

December 15, 2011 at 11:22 pm

Emotos work has intrigued me for years! Since we are

dealing with a physical and spiritual synthesis, and
attempting a scientific analysis, I would offer Biblical
analogies of blessing and cursing as becoming pertinent.
Indeed, Judeo-Christian theology is rooted in that which is
spoken, be it names (above all names?) or blessing and
cursing. Ultimately, are we treading the thresholds of
faith? After all, thoughts manifesting themselves into
reality isnt really new.


Andrea says:

December 19, 2011 at 12:40 am

Hello There:)
Thanks for the great work. I have one question though
what keeps you from trying to reproduce this yourself? Its
possible that he has something here, and simply lacks the
organizational skills, or and alternate hypothesis: Perhaps a
double blind study will not work here, as the procedure,
when influenced by thoughts or words, requires energy

behind it to make the shift. Simply writing the words on

paper, with no one directly influencing the water, will give
false results. I think you could easily reproduce the
experiments such as tap water vs spring water in the places
he showed them, in a double blind fashion. What stops you
from conducting this experiment (in fact, I would, if i had
lab access). The scientific method, as we use it, has many
shortcomings. Certainly in the field of subtle energys
produced by humans, the act of being observed itself,
changes the results. I personally believe his work, holes and
all, but I do believe that someone like you, who was
interested to begin with, might continue this work and see if
you cant work out the bugs in his method. You say you saw
no reason to compel you to look further, and there is your
flaw. Your curiosity alone should be enough. You cannot
disprove it either if you simply think yourself above it.
Personally, I dont need any proof that energy can effect
matter. As the saying goes: You dont have to be a
weatherman to look around and see the weather.

Charles Beare says:

March 14, 2014 at 2:40 pm

And yet another who doesnt need any evidence to believe in

whatever the heck they want this is the worst form of
confirmation bias. It is a miracle that you use reason in
every area of your life except when it comes to discovering

whether a claim is true or not. The burden of proof is on the

claimant (Dr. Emoto), although you wouldnt understand or
care about that


The Truth is Apparent says:

December 23, 2011 at 12:18 am

Why not use apples instead of water crystals? Check it out
The above links are from similar grade school experiments
done for science fairs that studied the results of playing
music vs playing verses from the Quran and the results are
Surely a real scientist could easily replicate such an
experiment with complete control on something that is less
volatile than water crystals. Why not give it a shot?


Brilliant says:

December 28, 2011 at 11:16 pm

Ths is why i read your artical. I set off to conduct a research

project in the chemistry department of Castleton College in

Vermont to see if I could find sufficient evidence and

support for Dr. Emotos claims to merit conducting a deeper
research project to try to reproduce his work. then you say
theres no point after you see some flaws in his method.
Correct the flaws in the method and do the study!!!!! Please!
Its kind of disrespectfull to do the bait and switch.

Charles Beare says:

March 14, 2014 at 2:42 pm

Have you got thousands of dollars and months of time to

perform an experiment when it is abundantly clear that the
original work shows clear confirmation bias. Theres a good
reason no one else is doing this research, and it isnt because
scientists are scared of him being correct


Alex says:

January 2, 2012 at 9:30 am

Here is an article from Wikipedia:

Quantum entanglement occurs when particles such as
photons, electrons, molecules as large as buckyballs,[1][2]
and even small diamonds[3] [4] interact physically and then
become separated; the type of interaction is such that each
resulting member of a pair is properly described by the
same quantum mechanical description (state), which is

indefinite in terms of important factors such as position,[5]

momentum, spin, polarization, etc. According to the
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, their
shared state is indefinite until measured.[6] Quantum
entanglement is a form of quantum superposition. When a
measurement is made and it causes one member of such a
pair to take on a definite value (e.g., clockwise spin), the
other member of this entangled pair will at any subsequent
time[7] be found to have taken the appropriately correlated
value (e.g., counterclockwise spin). Thus, there is a
correlation between the results of measurements performed
on entangled pairs, and this correlation is observed even
though the entangled pair may have been separated by
arbitrarily large distances.[8]
This behavior is theoretically coherent and has been
demonstrated experimentally, and it is accepted by the
physics community. However there is some debate[9] about
a possible underlying mechanism that enables this
correlation to occur even when the separation distance is
large. The difference in opinion derives from espousal of
various interpretations of quantum mechanics.
Research into quantum entanglement was initiated by the
EPR paradox paper of Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and
Nathan Rosen in 1935,[10] and several papers by Erwin
Schrdinger shortly thereafter.[11][12] Although these first

studies focused on the counterintuitive properties of

entanglement, with the aim of criticizing quantum
mechanics, eventually entanglement was verified
experimentally[13], and recognized as a valid, fundamental
feature of quantum mechanics; the focus of the research has
now changed to its utilization as a resource for
communication and computation.
Here is my take as to why the scientific community is silent
on the matter of coming up with methods to test Dr Emotos
hypothesis. To isolate what exactly in the brain (or is it the
brain) is acting at a distance on the water molecules while it
is changing states is just way too complex to tackle. It is on
the scale of NIH medical research efforts. The million dollar
challenge is just not enough. Maybe a 100 billion dollars
might prick up some ears.


Dario says:

January 4, 2012 at 2:55 am

Your actual work does not actually prove that Mr. Emotos
work is true or not. I was expecting to read something more
substantial or even a true Scientific research, but you have
not done so, what you only have done is trying to disprove
the published work by Emoto. Peer review is not actually a
real scientific method of proving something or not as any
incoming theory has to be accepted by the common peers

and again is subject to bias. The peer review is just a terrible

way for the science to advance and it is the reason why
discoveries are being made by outsiders rather than
scientists. Peer review has just become a sort of religion or
dogma, and a way of getting funded to do scientific research
you have to go with the accepterd theory however
nonsensical it might be. Again, it would have been
interesting to see your own research on this subject and that
you fixed all the problems in the research you found on Mr.
Emoto, but maybe you were not brave enough to do it as it
may have brought ridicule into your research career. It is
very sad that the scientists are now becoming
pseudoscientists and selling the people a dogma rather than
a true discovery, we are seeing now that the discoveries are
being made by others, but yet this is what has happened
before and we have plenty of evidence of this in the past,
just remember Galileo and others.

Dr. C. Parrott says:

March 23, 2012 at 5:57 pm

The peer review is just a terrible way for the science to

advance and it is the reason why discoveries are being made
by outsiders rather than scientists.
You need to learn how to play by the rules before you can
get more creative and change and or break them credibly.

You can be an excellent soccer team, however if the rules of

soccer are disregarded any wins against another team are


Lars says:

January 11, 2012 at 6:35 am

Thank you Kristopher for your article and shedding more

light on the methodology of Dr. Emotos work. And thanks
to all the others for sharing your thoughts even though I am
always amazed as to how strong and even aggressive some
people voice their opinion. I think we should all be grateful
for tools like the Internet which allows us to share and
discuss information and things like Dr. Emotos work.
I agree that it is a bit unfortunate that nobody has yet tried
to continue such research on water. It may be true that Dr.
Emoto has not applied basic scientific procedures to
conduct his experiments and I agree that it would be
absolutely beneficial if he would revisit his work to support
his claims. On the other hand, just look at how many people
he has inspired to think beyond our science, no matter if he
is right or wrong. If it makes people think about their
relation to our basic resource water and its relation to the
water in our body, how feelings or thoughts my influence
both, thats already a great impact, I think. I am a Reiki
Master with a Masters Degree in Telecommunications which
is on one hand a clash but on the other hand I see amazing

similarities between the way our telecom world functions

and the way our energetic structure works and how we
interconnect with others and the Earths magnetic field. And
I am absolutely fascinated and glad to see that for instance
more and more physicians are opening up and utilizing the
work and help of alternative practices like energy work. I
agree with Elizabeth that we or most of us have lost the trust
in what we cant grasp with our common senses, and those
who have experienced unusual things are often holding it
back because it seems crazy to them or the scientific world
(no offense!). Our human body is undoubtedly a complex
system (including the water running through it), and so is
the invisible part of us and the world around us. It always
amazes me that it is so normal for people to use their
phones for talking and texting with others across the globe
but when it comes to other means of communication
between one another, without any technical tools like
phones, it is so hard for them to accept that it works pretty
much the same way and that our thoughts and feelings are
the driving force behind it, instead of amplifiers and
modulators in our phones. Anyway, coming back to Dr.
Emotos controversial work, I salute to him for doing it and
for triggering others to think about it. I love his book for
children and it puts a smile on their face and catches their
interest too. Anyone who has kids and has learned to listen
very closely to what they have to say, will agree that they can
teach us a lot. They are closer to the source, where we all

came from. Their natural interest and curiosity is not (yet)

impacted by an overwhelming urge of rationalization and
desire to prove or disprove everything with our limited
scientific tools and knowledge (again, no offense!). To
Elizabeths point, we should listen closer and embrace what
our indigenous fellows have to say about our world, the
capabilities that lie within all of us and how we can learn to
trust ourselves again, unfold what we have forgotten and
share it with others without being denounced. My apologies
if I went above and beyond here, but in the end it is all
related to the same desire demystifying our environment,
ourselves and the hope for a happier, healthier and more
balanced life on this planet. Please be more open,
supportive, and ask your kids what they think about all this

Kirsten says:

January 25, 2014 at 3:33 am

Thank you Lars for such balanced and introspective



Lars says:

January 11, 2012 at 7:21 am

Here is an interesting interview with a scientist who became

spiritual Bruce Lipton.
There is much more stuff from him on youtube and I find
what he says resonates perfectly with my core beliefs of how
we (humans) function AND how we can influence what
surrounds us, including water.

Charles Beare says:

March 14, 2014 at 2:46 pm

Believing things because they resonate with your personal

beliefs is EXACTLY confirmation bias. I suggest you look
into the concept of critical thinking if you care about the


Ana says:

January 11, 2012 at 2:09 pm

And how do you explain the results obtained with the rice
experiment? I found on youtube many reports from several
diferent people who repeated this experiment and had really
interesting results
I also dont understand why do you dont try the experiment
on the water by yourself. If you have a microscope and slides
and a freezer you dont need more than one day to try a
simple experiment and give more strenght to your text I
would rather try it by myself and make my own conclusions

than only publish suggestions and critics of the other people

work for people to read. Anyway thanks for your text, it
made me more enthusiastic to try the experiment by myself!


Charles says:

January 17, 2012 at 9:21 am

I am curious to hear your opinion on if you think his finding

are possible or not and if you think thoughts can effect


Rita says:

January 18, 2012 at 7:07 am

Anyone reading this will no doubt consider they have little

free time [ although time is illusory ] so I will endeavour to
keep it brief and free from using 20 words when 2 will do.
A reply on this blog already details the % of water we are
the tools of current science cant really explain why we are
not a puddle on the floor. Water is not held in our cells as
cells are empty, nuceli, protons quarks all non solid all
energy. Quantum physcis is only now just touching upon
what the ancients always knew we are all energy and all

Matter does not, matter, as it is not solid and there are no

such things as solids, only our perception of solidity, as we
vibrate and resonante at frequencies that allow us to
interact in the perception of solidity.
Matter is energy, we are energy, thoughts and feelings are
energy, thoughts and feelings affect all energy as everything
is connected. Thoughts and feelings affect our being, our
health, each other and matter [ as of course matter is only
energy !].
This is not religious or new age it is a science fact even
within the scientific limitations of the current measuring
And as Shakespeare would say theres the rub
The main stream world of science is critised [ and in my
view often rightly so] as it often displays limited thinking.
The premise is if it cant be measured within the limiting
confines of either current technology or learning then it is
not provable so therefore not right.
A whole area of physics exists that blows the Newtonian
physics thinking out of the water. Instead of being excited
and clamouring to discover the great things this may mean

main stream science huddles together in that well known

river DE NILE Denial and fear unforunatley abound.
There are endless good possibilities [ except maybe from
those making billions from drugs for illness and arms] in
understanding our own energy and the effects of our
thoughts and feelings on ourselves and the world.
It is ARROGANT although possibly expected, to say These
are the measuring tools we use, it cant be measured with
them so its not proper, real or right
20 years ago main stream science did not have the
technology to measure the energy in space. Now it accepts
that what was thought nothing is more full of something
than what was thought something .
DARK MATTER has always existed, whether we had the
tools or protocols to measure it or not.
Dont take his books from the shelves let people make up
their own minds about things.
A lot more GOOD will come from people saying feeling and
thinking loving things than not .

And lets embrace that available technology is usually way

behind. So invent some new tools to measure new things,
now theres an idea.
Anyone who thinks their thoughts and feelings dont have
an affect on their physiology should seriously think again.
With love and very lovely blessing Rita


Darby says:

January 21, 2012 at 4:21 am

The hypothesis was the impact of the mind and its intention
on the world around it. You took a skeptical look at the
outcome and found exactly what you were looking for. Are
you sure the hypothesis wasnt confirmed?


Stephanie says:

January 22, 2012 at 4:33 pm

Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are
defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind
and conscience is defiled. Titus 1:15

Stephanie says:

January 22, 2012 at 4:40 pm

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing:

the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are
life. John 6:63
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I
have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
Deuteronomy 30:19

Luis Reyes says:

July 10, 2013 at 12:46 pm

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen,

disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder,
for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is
no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as
servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their
deeds. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
There has to be a better way to defend your point of view
than to use quotes attributed to men who themselves
attribute them to a deity. Everyone is entitled to believe
whatever nonsense they find more palatable. But if you do
choose to voice said nonsense as if it was a recorded,
verifiable fact, at least make some attempt to disguise it as
an intelligent argument.

Charles Beare says:

March 14, 2014 at 2:49 pm

Bravo, Luis


brian says:

February 7, 2012 at 8:12 am

I like Elizabeths comments. When we are searching for

answers to our mystical world we are held back by the
limitation of Science that is slow to acknowledge the power
of thought. Thought is a vibration, Matter is a combination
of vibrations stuck. I think in the book psycho cybernetics
it was stated the nervous system cannot tell the difference
between a real event and an imagined event. Surely we
must acknowledge the power of our indigenous people who
are more at one with nature. Consciousness changes
physics. I guess it is waving a red flag to a scientific bull
but wouldnt it be great for more scientists to suspend
judgment and open up more to quantum physics to support
such important studies such as Emoto. i agree his methods
need to be more robust but it does not matter to the many
people who know the power of positive and loving thought.
We just want to share it with more and more and one year
we may get world peace.


Elaria says:

February 22, 2012 at 1:19 am

Thanks for this interesting paper. I do actually believe that

positive thinking can influence our lives positively, just
because it influences our emotions and our behaviour and
encourages and inspires us to achieve our dreams. I dont
believe sitting aournd and thinking poisitive things will
actually effect our lives physicially except to reduce stress
and make ourselves feel better.
I would like to believe the work given by Emoto but I cannot
believe something unless I know that there is no bias in the
results. It would be great to see a study which replicates it
with scientific rigour. There is a reason protocols are
developed. I believe if Emoto was a real researcher and
really wanted to make a difference he would not only be
willing, but desire to have his work scientifically proven.


CrazyGata says:

February 25, 2012 at 2:21 pm

Water has no adverse secondary effects that will hinder or

impair bodily functions.
Neither does peace or the use of vibrations as a tool for
The energy wasted in this article couldve served a more

noble purpose investigating the pseudoscience of, say,

pharmaceuticals and their multi-trillion industry.
I dont nobody calling Pfizer or Bristol Myers a quack. Then
again Dr. Emoto is not paying kickbacks for plausible
studies. So there you are.
You might spruce up your point and make it sound as
serious as you want, yet anybody can run this simple
experiment, music to ease the soul. No need for pills,
instead of buying into fear and skepticism, just hum.


Gretchen says:

February 27, 2012 at 4:19 am

please do the research that would be fabulous! And I loved

reading all of the comments so many wonderful critcal (in
the good sense) thinkers out there!
All this reading has made me thirstygretchen


Jeremy Pfeiffer says:

March 5, 2012 at 1:05 am

I feel Emotos work is an amazing representation of

sympathetic vibratory physics phenomenon at play. Possibly

a vibrational imprint truly of the creator. Look aroundthe

geometrical archetypes are permeating the very nature of all
that is. We are vibrating water, living on a vibrating water
planet and in a vibrating universe.


mandy says:

March 7, 2012 at 9:51 pm

Dr Emoto did have double-blind and tripled blind

experiments with Dean Radin, both scientific experiments
showed that water treated with positive intentions DO
produce more beautiful crystals.
If you are interested in reading the academic research
papers, kindly visit:
Double blind experiment:
Triple blind experiment:


Joe says:

March 15, 2012 at 12:58 am

I actually did an experiment about 2 years ago. I wrote up a

lab, after developing a hypothesis based; on Emotos work
and the what I have learned about quantum physics,
chemistry, and the human energy field over the years. I
hypothesized that I could use structured water to cause a
massive difference in root growth and growth in the grass
between the two groups.
I had a clump of grass for the control group and exp group. I
used structured water on one(exp) and regular tap water on
the other(control). The exp group got bigger shortly after
the experiment started. After a couple more days, I swapped
the two, and continued the experiment. Not only did the
[new] control group catch up and grow bigger, it got more
than three times taller than the cntl group within the next
week. The roots were shockingly thicker, longer and whiter
than the control group. Then, I didnt water the groups for
four days. I began normal watering after that. The control
group was brown/black and somewhat crispy. The exp
group was not doing good at all, but still had life in it. After
three days, the exp group was in full health again. The cntl
group never came back. I still have the lab. I also made
markings on the wall as documentation of where the grass
grew throughout the three weeks of the experiment.
Everyone of my friends saw the difference between the
control group and the exp group while the grasses were
growing, and the lab with the results.

Alistair says:

March 3, 2014 at 8:48 am

As it states on the website, the structured water is

basically distilled water. It goes on about a bunch of
mumbo-jumbo and Im yet to come across any statement
even briefly explaining how he produces such an expensive
magical product.

Charles Beare says:

March 14, 2014 at 2:50 pm

Wow, Joe, you really know what science is about then, dont
you? Pfft.


David says:

March 18, 2012 at 11:28 pm

Well, the opening paragraph certainly grabbed me; I was

intrigued as I started reading through this paper only to
realise a mild sense of disappointment settle in.
Kristopher Setchfield, BA, Health Science says:After the lengthy review of Emotos research methods and
results, I have come to believe that Dr. Emoto is offering
pseudoscience to the masses in the guise of defensible
research. I saw no tangible evidence to incline me to

spend six to 12 months of my life designing, conducting

and publishing a research experiment on the topic.
I therefore assume that a primary reason for not
scientifically exploring this reported phenomena any
further is the principle lack of any tangible evidence.
Presumably the question then arises that in accepting this
published critique of Masaru Emotos methods used, and
the attending uncertainties, then surely this topic is ripe for
thorough scientific investigation for its own sake in the
pursuit of knowledge ?
Therefore the following questions come to mind for me:Q1 why is the existence of any tangible evidence
necessary ?
Q2 what direction would have been followed had any
tangible evidence been found ?
Q3 after all the talking has been done surely the following
remains as the main challenge for someone who has the
inclination, the resources and the time:While it is possible that he did, in fact, discover that water
has an observable sensitivity to external stimuli such as
prayer and words, Dr. Emotos experimental design and
clinical procedures do not prove the claim. A double blind
procedure in which a photographer would not know what
water sample he or she was photographing would make
the claim considerably more credible.

As for me, I believe we embody that which is the boundary

between the physical and the mystical, we make of it what
we will.
Thank you for a thoroughly interesting yet incomplete half


pisimohk ka nipawit says:

March 19, 2012 at 12:40 am

This article is very disheartening and I dont know why

someone would go to great lengths to disprove that thoughts
and prayers do not affect things. So what if Emoto is making
tons of money from his book, if he makes people change
how they think regarding the world around them, then I
would say hes made a valuable contribution to the world.
many cultures pray over their food and water before they
take it into their bodies and they whole heartedly believe
their thoughts and prayers will help heal them. leave it to
science and to self proclaimed open minded critics to prove
them wrong again.


Dr. C. Parrott says:

March 23, 2012 at 5:54 pm

Lets stay open minded people and give eachother the credit
we deserve, we all come from different backrounds and

beliefs and require different levels of evidence to be

convinced. Most of us are closed minded to anthing that
doesnt agree with our idea of the world and how it should
be looked at and tested. Others are closed minded to the
scientific method and that spirituality is not always what we
think it is, preferring to live in ignorant bliss not questioning
or exploring our beliefs.
I am an open minded skeptic, I am open to both
supernatural phenomena being real and the possibility
that it is hocum if properly disproved or proved. Double
blind studies are extremely important to negate
experimenter bias, the power of expectation alone shows
that our intention creates our reality and can do very
powerful things such as heal cancer etc. A much more
pleasant alternative to chemotherapy and radiation which
kill you and your cancer cells.
I found these from another site discussing the emoto work.
and here is an interesting video that quotes scientific
research outlining how intention can affect our DNA and
that DNA can influence the particles around it. Then gives a

demonstration of energetic healing of a large cancerous

If someone knows where to find the research articles that
Gregg Braden talks about can be read I would love to read


Dr. C. Parrott says:

March 23, 2012 at 6:55 pm

Another good video, on being open minded. His dialogue

indicates that scientific persons are open minded and
spiritual persons are not, I have found both types to be more
close minded than not.


Tim Krueger says:

April 3, 2012 at 3:13 pm

I echo the sentiments above. Im left wondering how many

hours of effort it took to discredit the scientific
methodology used and what value that brings? I had the
same thoughts on the lack of hard scientific methodology
used after spending 2 hours reading the book. It doesnt

take extensive research to figure that out. Its pretty

Doing your own research in this space seems like it would
have been a better use of your time and energy. Id be
interested in that.


johnny haeberlin says:

July 3, 2013 at 8:34 pm

A) Emotos claims have great significance and significant

B) There is no debate that there is skepticism, especially
among the scientific community.
C)There is no irrefutable science that quenches my thirst for
this truth. If you have irrefutable evidence that will vanquish
any skepticism, SHARE IT NOW, because its not widely
D)The movement that Emoto has created has substantial
energy. Creating an experiment to demonstrate this
principle would be simple.
E)If I were Emoto and knew this to be the truth, I would
invest some of my ample energy into creating an intensely

rigorous scientific demonstration of the famous claim. Then,

with irrefutable evidence that no one can deny, we can all
celebrate. I mean, why wouldnt you want to be remembered
historically as the man showed everyone the truth?
The real importance of this claim is that it has the possibility
to greatly evolve our worldview. If its true, we need to help
the skeptics see. If its not, well be sad, but at least we wont
be thinking inconsequential thoughts.


Terri Peterson says:

July 9, 2013 at 4:32 am

There is some research out there now that is showing us that

water has memory. Check out the following links.

Charles Beare says:

March 14, 2014 at 2:54 pm

Sure, water has memory. So where do you suggest that it

stores the memory of Napoleons bladder, or of Gandhis

stool samples or any of the other billions of events that have

happened to any water molecule?


Steve Rogers says:

July 10, 2013 at 3:02 pm

I find it disappointing that Dr Emoto would sell expensive

products without going through scientific testing. At best he
is not a scientist, at worst a con artist. If there is truth in his
theory it desperately needs real experimental data to avoid
the death of the theory.

Alistair says:

March 3, 2014 at 8:56 am

Straight to the point, well put.



Steve Rogers says:

July 10, 2013 at 3:08 pm

I forgot to say, what a reasonable and fair article this is! It

would be mean and unscientific to write off Dr Emoto just
because his theory is as yet untested. He may have
something and he may be sincere. Its just that its too early
to tell.


surbhi says:

July 14, 2013 at 12:40 pm

my mother never sips a drop of water without saying thank

you .all thanks to sir masaru emoto.


rex aeterna says:

July 14, 2013 at 6:03 pm

Thing I like to mention that people tend to forget is science

is Latin derived word meaning knowledge or to know.
knowledge is nothing without practiced wisdom selfexperience. Thing as well, while we call what we dont
understand yet pseudoscience is still science. I mean all the
things we know and experience now was some form of
pseudoscience and irrational thinking. Without imagination
and dreaming of endless possibilities we wouldnt have the
things we do in this materialistic world. I mean if everything
is basically made of water and all living things require good
water to survive, and realizing how stress itself puts the
body in a state of unpleasantness not just emotionally but
physically as well, you would think this study can be very
possible. Use your doubt as a tool. Dont be used by it.
Everything was once a thought in the universe. Mystery is
what makes life and learning beautiful.


Mumbaki Ak says:

July 17, 2013 at 5:19 am

this is the double-blind study at Science Direct from the ISIjournal EXPLORE-THE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND
The hypothesis that water treated with intention can
affect ice crystals formed from that water was pilot tested
under double-blind conditions. A group of approximately
2,000 people in Tokyo focused positive intentions toward
water samples located inside an electromagnetically
shielded room in California. That group was unaware of
similar water samples set aside in a different location as
controls. Ice crystals formed from both sets of water
samples were blindly identified and photographed by an
analyst, and the resulting images were blindly assessed for
aesthetic appeal by 100 independent judges. Results
indicated that crystals from the treated water were given
higher scores for aesthetic appeal than those from the
control water (P = .001, one-tailed), lending support to the


elan star says:

September 9, 2013 at 10:03 pm

Dr Emoto has proven himself to be a rude and quite

offensive person to both fans and staff memebers of his

own. He is not Blessing nor thankful and is quite

We dont sayt aht blessing does not have an effect on
biological ssytems we say that his work is nto reproducable
and that it has some very disturbing elements that one
cannot ignore. I have spent enough time around him and
known others who found out that he actually htoographs
long chains of time periods of the disintegration of the
crustal and cherry picks what he wants to match it as far as
the so called influence element.
Basically he does nto resonate with wht he sayshis ego is
thorugh the ceiling. Yes by all means bless everything but
dont look to Emoto for anything substantial.


Folly Darling says:

January 3, 2014 at 12:46 pm

While I like your article and analysis, I believe there is also

the intangible that which we cannot touch or understand
but must have faith in. Before I became severely ill with an
Inborn Error Of Metabolism that has bsically destroyed my
career, I also had the strength is seems to lay hands, absorb
negative energies and cast them out for people. Upon
becoming ill I could capture but then could not cast out so I
had to stop because I was becoming ill.

I saw Dr. Masaru Emoto in film and have read all of his
books. What I chose to purchase then was his deck of Water
Crystal Oracle cards. I cannot tell when I started using
them. The first time was on an ill relative that had multiple
issues I took applicable cards and intermingled with a
picture of said person and then said many many prayers.The
persons cancer disappeared. Since then all my stories are
anecdotal. I work with people in critical condition and do
the same with each depending on their disease. Each I have
been involved in has had a reversal of ill healh. Would it of
happened any way..maybe. But some have had quick critical
turn arounds.
I believe it is strong faith, offering of prayers to the universe,
having other pray also on say subjects -concentrated
efforts. Again as I say, all is annecdotal and many that
doctors said no hope left well we had faith we could
change the world, and the is happy.
I have a new person that has gone into a coma with a deadly
genetic disorder (I have it also). I am starting the process
this morning and hopefully the prayer group and healing
cards on the person will help. I have blind healing faith.
We are also going to use the cards on an ailing dog to see if
the faith and prayers may work.

Faith and prayer can be powerful.I have been near death

several times and the groups have worked a constant vigil
on me. I have been in a coma and family was told I was
shutting down and did a 180; my liver only works 5% I
have been told based on that I should be dead; Have had
several hyperthermic tonic-clonic seizures where my brain
overheats (they do not know what triggers)
I am here, doing medical research, the oldest helping others
in the US that have my genetic diseases and related
disorders. Behind me, my husband believes also. We bot
believe in Dr. Emotos concepts and use the healing cards. If
someone lives, I take no credit. I figure it was the universe
and God.


Dan says:

January 5, 2014 at 12:16 am

I spoke to Dr. Emoto many years ago (through his

interpreter) when he was doing a book tour in St. Peterburg,
Florida. He seemed to be a very sincere, friendly person who
deeply believes in what he is promoting. He is for real.
The problem is not in Dr. Emoto or his research, but in the
false idea that the scientific method reveals anything other
than a circularity. Human experience is the only reality we
can experience, there is nothing else, no real world of
physics out there, quantum or otherwise. We are here with

our lives, our loves, our stories. God put us here to do good,
and Dr. Emoto is a force for good. His research may never
be replicated because it is a work of art that reflects his soul.
Modern medicine, like medieval medicine, like Stone Age
medicine, works only because of the placebo (I believe)
effect. Our beliefs are what create the world we live in. Dr.
Emoto demonstrated in his artwork that
thoughts/emotions/music can change water.some of still
believe in the man who once turned it into wine.


Sam Chiodo says:

January 14, 2014 at 7:23 pm

Sometime people need to be told a story to inspire them

whether it is true or not does it really matter. Were you
inspired by the story before you read this article? If one is
willing to change the way the world is for the better of
human kind, does it matter if the story may not be verified?
when you were a child and you heard about the tooth fairy,
or father Christmas, or the Easter bunny, does a child need
scientific research to believe? To Dr. Steve Gardner what if
someone in your waiting area had picked the book up and
read it and then it helped to changes their lives. I make the
assumption that you dont tell your children that the tooth
fairy and father Christmas etc are not real. How did you feel
when you first heard the story i know i was amazedand

intrigued. Be inspired there are enough critics in the world.



k says:

January 19, 2014 at 9:40 pm

science cannot refute OR verify it?

and yet you conclude it is pseudoscience?
ok. sure.


Camillo Benso says:

January 21, 2014 at 2:29 pm

I am not surprised at all. Japanese have a long experience

about KI-QI and energy related words that reflect the way
you feel and the way you are. That said, here is the thing:
why are scientists discovering stuff by accident? So, dont
make a fuss about it.
For centuries there is a blessed water in Christian
Churches. Bottled water is sold at places like Lourdes
(France), Fatima (Portugal) and it is supposed to have
miracle effects. In those who believe it, and guess what: it
is all based on prayers! So, I am not
denying anything and I am not accusing Emoto of false
claims. If he says so he takes responsability for it. The fact
that water has negative ions that neutralize positive ones

(pollution) is a long known fact, in any culture (read

waterfalls). We understand now that plant roots are
intelligent beings and if so, you bet they look for good water.
As to music: it is the miracle universal language, it has the
ability to create emotions. Keep going..Masaru.


Pedro Crotto says:

January 24, 2014 at 6:21 pm

Double-blind test of the effects of distant intention on water

crystal formation, in


Sam says:

January 26, 2014 at 7:47 am

Why do you refer to him as Dr. when he only has a

international relations degree from a municipal school in
Yokohama?? Its deceiving to refer to this guy as a Dr. when
he does not have a PHD.


Alexandra says:

January 26, 2014 at 12:20 pm


I found Dr. Emoto through my brother. Unlike my brother,

though, I tend to be more sceptical of such esoteric
Scientific methode or no, in my opinion there should be
research happening on this, as research has alredy prooven
that prair is able to affect healing, which I find very
The scientiffic community shouldnt wait for Dr. Emoto to
climb down from his ivory tower and just do a double blind
study of the matter.
Looking out for something like that to happen
To the author of this page: Brilliant work, thanks a million!
Best regards


Kathleen Milner says:

January 29, 2014 at 6:36 pm

I have done my own research to prove or to disprove Masaru

Emotos study and research. We have found that not only is
Masaru Emotos research correct, but wood also holds
positive or negative energies of thoughts.

I believe what may have strongly influenced Kristopher

Setchfields study was his skepticism and pedantic research.
Please note that he does not include any scientific
experiments, which is an essential component of scientific

Charles Beare says:

March 14, 2014 at 2:59 pm

Come now, Kathleen, no need to lie to prop up your

unsubstantiated beliefs. Just accept that you dont care
about whether what you believe is true or not, because you
believe that belief itself makes truth


Rachael says:

January 31, 2014 at 1:03 am

I think words matter, but the frequency and tone they are
said in causes an affect. My son is doing his science fair
project based on the rice experiment, but with music,not
words. He saw that the one that was exposed to a higher
decibel molded first. I am definetly not a scientice by any
means, but this is what he saw. He wants to see if music can
change the levels in blood sugars next. We will see.


Danica says:

January 31, 2014 at 4:01 pm

While I realize this comment is made 3 years later, and dont

know if anyone will stumble upon this blog as I have. Im
not going to lie, I was ecstatic when I found Dr. Emotos
video, and in my research to find further proof, found this
My experiences in life have led me to believe that we create
our reality through our thoughts and feelings, that our world
reacts to us depending on how we feel. When I have a
negative attitude, the world can not help but reflect it back
to me, I will have a bad day, attracting similar like people
into my experience. It is as if I am effecting them with my
While yes, your article is very substantial in providing
scientific proof, you did not provide any photos of your
research, showing the crystals forming and being affected at
different temperatures. If you are going to repeat a scientific
experiment in a controlled environment, you should try to
repeat it as closely as possible to the original, playing similar
music, words, and images. While Emotos studies were
replicated in a controlled environment, it still was not done
in the same fashion as the original

But hey, At least this guy provided photos.
One can argue that we are not vibratory beings, and that our
thoughts, emotions and words have no impact on our
physical reality but when you hook up your brain or heart
to machines that can read the waves that they are sending
out, the argument a person has ceases to be based on
knowledge, and just turns into plain ignorance.
Waves of energy. We are emitting an energetic force that
can be scientifically measured. I dont know about you, but I
think that in itself is pretty incredible. The fact that I can
take an idea from my brain, type it just like so, and have
words appear for you to read in the future is mind blowing.
The mere fact that I am even here, living, breathing, and
AWARE, unlike this chair that I am sitting on, that is made
up of the same molecules as me, (only configured a wee bit
different) makes me think twice about the nature of my
reality. But who I am to say that this chair does not have
some sort of consciousness. I Really dont know .
Those who dont believe in magic will never find it. You
are the creator of your reality, until you recognize this, you
will always be at the mercy at external reality.


Hansel Krause says:

February 3, 2014 at 7:22 pm

Just wanted to mention that while Dr Emotos research is

very far from perfect and deserves the critique from the
author as well as commenters, there is a much deeper
scientific research done by the Russians.
For example, here is a 2-hour lecture of prof. Slesarev in
Americans, please learn other languages! Otherwise you
always will be left without 75% of the puzzles pieces!


Tamati Ihaka says:

February 5, 2014 at 3:39 am

I hate these review papers. When I read the introduction I

was excited to see someone give Masarus research a try
however when I saw However, after many hours of
investigation it became increasingly clear that a superior
purpose for this project was to review Mr. Emotos
procedures I instantly saw a lazy critique about what we
already know. Shame on you. Dont be lazy and do what you
set out to do not just read a bunch of crap and give your

Charles Beare says:

March 14, 2014 at 3:01 pm

It isnt merely an opinion, it is FACTUALLY ACCURATE to

state that the methodology is nowhere near the standard
needed to justify these claims


Xavier J Rodriguez says:

February 8, 2014 at 4:29 am

So you didnt actually attempt the experiments yourself but

attempted to discredit his character overall, throwing in the
one liner of the fact that he ay have discovered a new branch
of science. Still skepticism is a valued tool to an extent.
The Fact that you Did Not attempt these experiments
yourself yet attempted to word this article in such a way as
to shy people away from exploring this possible new field
once again which you did not attempt seems more or less
as a form of
Disinformation in its own right.


Richard Martini says:

February 13, 2014 at 10:38 pm

I appreciate science when it is used to prove or disprove

theories. Id seen Dr. Emotos book, and to find that he had
never properly studied the effects, and sells the water, pretty
much tells the tale. That being said, there are studies that
show prayer can cure people. The studies were done by

Richard Davidson at the U of Wisc over 10 years and he

showed that a particular Tibetan meditation can cure or
alleviate depression. His study reveals that a single session
can affect the amygdala, the repository of depression in the
brain. Note that I said prayer cures an illness it turns out
this Tibetan meditation (which he told me is Tonglen
give and take in Tibetan) is a form of health meditation
where a person prays or imagines in their mind healing
another person of their illness. They do this by taking and
giving the energy of the illness (imagined as smoke or a
color) into themselves, calling upon the healing light of the
universe to change the illness into healthy energy and
breathe it (in their minds) back into the patient. Literally
curing yourself of your illness by imagining that youre
curing someone else of theres. Theres no evidence that the
prayer helps the other person but it immediately alters the
amygdala in the person doing the prayer or meditation, and
can cure depression completely. This is probably why the
lecture Davidson gave at UCLA was filled with psychiatrists
trying to get teenagers off SSRI drugs (prozac, etc) and their
ill side effects (columbine, and every school shooting since
has SSRI drugs involved). My point is dont throw the
baby out with the bathwater. Dr. Emotos work may not
prove to be effective in altering water but by saying a
prayer, or doing some kind of work that is selfless and for
other humans, can actually cure the person doing the act or
prayer of their own mental afflictions. And thats worth

examining (or putting into a pill and selling by big pharma).

My two cents.


Al Liu says:

February 14, 2014 at 7:57 pm

Emotos experiment has been replicated by the Institute of

Noetic Sciences who had 2500 independent judges rate the
water crystals without knowing what intention they had
been subject to. The ones that were intentionally treated
were rated as more aesthetically


Monica says:

February 16, 2014 at 4:29 am

Dear Kristopher,
This is a thorough investigation of Mr. Emotos work. I was
wondering how he got his images too. Yes, you are right that
between -25 and -5 deg. C you start seeing columns of ice.
Great job and thank you from all of us!


Dee says:

February 19, 2014 at 12:47 am

Could you email me about using your article in a non-profit
textbook in India?
Dee Broughton


Queen says:

March 4, 2014 at 3:51 pm

I dont put any merit in anyone who cannot edit their words
properly and deliver with proper grammar and punctuation.


C says:

March 9, 2014 at 11:54 pm

Arent you asking for donations so you can test Emotos

claims, rather than to disprove them..?

Emoto Admin says:

March 14, 2014 at 3:35 pm

Hi C, Thats basically right. If enough people want me to test

Emotos claims scientifically by funding the research to be
done properly, then I will do it. I have the flexibility and
resources to be able to put together the lab and do it right,
but I wont do it without being properly funded, and I wont
do it out of pocket. I myself did not find evidence in Emotos
published work to convince me that he did anything other

than just write what he wanted people to believe. However, I

do believe that thoughts and intentions have power, and I
would like to test that using Emotos example work with
water as the platform, but do it in a double blind, full
transparency way.

Sherri Gibson says:

March 15, 2014 at 5:47 am

Can I ask, how much have you raised? And what is your

Emoto Admin says:

March 18, 2014 at 5:41 pm

$65 raised so far. Goal: $50,000.


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