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Academic Year 2014/15 Post-Summer/Fall

English and Social Sciences (History, Social Studies, General Paper)

Mr Gerald Tan Jiamin

Tutor, Full-Time Law Student at Singapore Management University




This lesson plan is meant to offer an insight into the levels of progress that the student will
assimilate and internalize. It aims to provide a broad overview as to the targeted outcomes
of the student, as well as the academic improvements that need to be made.
Each lesson will have a combined 2-element structure academic theory and motivational
preparation. The academic theory portion will aim to clarify doubts, expand knowledge
and impart the requisite technical skills necessary to develop a solid grounding of
foundational knowledge. The motivational preparation segment (MOPREP) aims to
instill confidence as well as a hunger for success in the student as well as the mentality for
tackling adversity.

There are no academic pre-requisites. However, as a rule of thumb the student should be:
Willing to learn how to improve
Make a reasonable effort to try to assimilate
Be willing to clarify his doubts without fear of scolding
Take perceived setbacks with an open mind with a view to improvement.
I strongly encourage every student to read beyond his prescribed syllabus. Language skills must
be developed, viewed in theory and application. One might liken it to a piece of clay that must
continually be shaped and improved upon. Therefore, to see how language is used, it is essential
that the student must read and understand the dynamic linguistics of sentence structure, phrasing
and vocabulary.
To that extent, I recommend the following weekly reading materials:

1 article per week of at least 0.5 page from The Straits Times

A non-fiction book (fiction/non-fiction) of the students choosing to be read monthly

Homework in the form of academic practice is useful only insofar as the student has time. From
experience, most students find it difficult to cope with their schools workload. It makes little
sense to give additional work which the student cannot dedicate proper attention and effort to,
resulting in slipshod work. Learning is not effective in this sense.
I recommend understanding and being thorough with school practices instead of doing additional
workbooks. However, if the student has enough motivation and capacity to work on other
practices, I will gladly assign additional practice which will be a boon to academic discourse.


Reading Discussion
A short 15 minute imposition session will be carried out before the beginning of every
academic session to analyze the newspaper articles and discuss relevant issues and
This session aims to help students think critically as well as learn to digest information in
a practical fashion.
Student Clarification
Every student will be given the chance to clarify his/her doubts with regards to
schoolwork and matters that he does not understand. This will take place throughout the
entire lesson
School Re-Practice Comprehension
The comprehension exercise is a core component of the final examination procedure and
technical skills are required to enable the student to score high marks. Students will be
taught to sieve out relevant information, apply answering technique and summary skills.
Students will undergo a comprehensive analysis of their mistakes made during school
practice so that they do not repeat the same mistakes.
Motivational Technique
Good studying habits help to boost academic performance as well as relieve stress. The
student will be taught how to motivate himself/herself as well as adopt good habits which
will serve him well in the future.

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