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An Intensive 12 Day Programme that is the Global

Benchmark for Occupational Safety & Health Qualifications

International General
Certificate In
Safety & Health
13th 28th July 2009, Holiday Inn Resort Batam Indonesia
Specialist Training and Coaching in HSE Management
Well done, one of the most interesting &
enriching course Ive attended. The
instructor is competent & communicating
well, the course is superb. Ill recommend
other safety professionals to join the course.
HSE Representative & Data Analyst
ConocoPhillips Indonesia

Presented by:
Mr Roy Bedson, MBE
Consus International, UK

Organised by:

In Partnership with:

Contact Us at:
Ken Knowledge International
Tel: +65-6469 3422
Fax: +65-6469 8183

NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health

13th 28th July 2009 Holiday Inn Resort, Batam Indonesia
Designed specifically for professionals with responsibilities for health and safety who will
benefit from an Internationally Recognised Measure of Competence in the field.
The NEBOSH National General Certificate has been recognised for many years in the UK as
the basis for a sound, broad introduction to the fundamentals of occupational health and
safety. The International General Certificate is the international version of this award, focusing
on internationally recognised health and safety standards, such as ILO 2002, OHSAS 18001
and international best practice in hazards and control.
The NEBOSH International General Certificate aims to provide those
making day-to-day decisions at work with a broad knowledge of health and
safety in order to ensure that the health and safety implications of their
decisions are properly taken into account.
The vast majority of occupational injuries and incidents of ill-health are
avoidable by good health and safety management. Effective health and
safety management should be recognised as an essential element of good
overall management by contributing positively to overall business
With increasing globalisation there is a need for a common and consistent standard for
achieving the health and safety of workers in all parts of the world. The NEBOSH International
General Certificate sets this standard.
When you attend this intensive 12 day training programme in a true working environment,
you will be gaining occupational safety and health qualifications that are not only
internationally recognised but which set the global benchmark.
Enhance your career prospects and professional development while achieving this highly
respected qualification!
On completion of the programme, delegates will be able to:
Identify common hazards in the workplace and advise on appropriate remedial action

Understand the foundations and frameworks for regulation of health and safety, including international
standards and conventions such as ISO and ILO
Assist in the preparation, review and monitoring of safety policy and procedures including pro-active
and reactive strategies, training, audits and safety committees
Investigate accidents and other incidents and prepare cost-effective proposals to prevent recurrence
Communicate effectively on health and safety matters, including the use of reports
Describe human and organisational factors affecting health and safety performance assessment for
example, health & safety culture
Undertake effective workplace inspections and recommend cost effective remedial action
Maintain records and information sources to advise management
Advise on appropriate action to minimise fire risk and develop fire procedures
Advise on the chemical and biological hazards and control
Advise on safety in construction
Workshop timing:
Registration at
Workshop starts at
Morning Coffee Break
Lunch at
Afternoon Coffee Break
Workshop ends at

10:30 10:45
13:00 14:00
15:30 15:45

For details contact:

Tel: (65) 6469 3422
Fax: (65) 6469 8183

Or Email:

NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health

13th 28th July 2009 Holiday Inn Resort, Batam Indonesia
Course Agenda
The Syllabus:
Health and safety foundations
Setting policy for health and safety
Organising for health and safety
Promoting a positive health and safety culture
Risk assessment
Principles of control
Movement of people and vehicles hazards and control
Manual and mechanical handling hazards and control
Work equipment hazards and control
Electrical hazards and control
Fire hazards and control
Chemical and biological hazards and control
Physical and psychological health hazards and control
Construction activities hazards and control
Monitoring, review and audit
The syllabus will be supported by the reference book
Introduction to Health and Safety at Work: The Handbook for Students on NEBOSH and
Other Introductory H and S Courses (Third Edition)
Learning Outcomes
Understand the moral, legal and financial reasons for effective health and safety management
within organisations
Gain familiarity with typical frameworks for regulation health and safety around the world
Build and promote a positive health and safety culture in your organisation
Develop, organise and review health and safety policy
Learn the importance of proactive and reactive health and safety monitoring
Undertake risk assessments, analyse incidents and establish safe systems of work
Identify hazards and develop control strategies for:

The movement of people and vehicle

Manual and mechanical handling
Work equipment
Chemical and biological health hazards
Physical and psychological hazards
Construction activities

100% passing rate for our

very first course conducted in
Singapore and 50% of the
class received a CREDIT Pass!

Discover the role and function of accident and incident investigation

Examine key factors for sound monitoring, review and audit of health and safety performance
Who Should Participate?
The NEBOSH International General Certificate has been designed for managers, supervisors,
worker representatives and those who require knowledge and understanding of health and safety
principles and practices. It provides an appropriate breadth of knowledge for non-specialists in
occupational health and safety to enable them to discharge more effectively their organisational
duties or functions with respect to workplace health and safety. Candidates are likely to be
employees of large organisations operating outside the UK, or of multinational companies already
working to international standards but needing to adapt these in accordance with local needs and
Tel: +65-6469 3422 Fax: +65-6469 8183


NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health

13th 28th July 2009 Holiday Inn Resort, Batam Indonesia

Roy Bedson has over 25 years experience in the management of occupational related risk.
He is in the elite league of trainers in the UK, Middle & Far East. He has undertaken an MSc
programme at the Robens Institute, University of Surrey and holds a Post Graduate Diploma
in Occupational Safety and Risk Management, the NEBOSH Diploma in Occupational Safety
and Health along with a number of professional qualifications related to Occupational Hygiene
and Environmental Health.
He is a member of a number of professional bodies, including the Institution of Occupational
Safety and Health, the Institute of Risk Management, the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management,
American Society of Safety Engineers, and is a Registered Safety Practitioner. He is also registered in USA as a
certified professional Environmental auditor specialising in health and safety.
He has undertaken training of Enforcement Officers in all aspects of health and safety and legal compliance. Roy
is on the approved list of health and safety consultants administered by IOSH and has undertaken both internal
and external audits within the MOD (Army) and a diverse range of commercial and public organisations operating
in the food processing, energy generation, petrochemical, process manufacturing industry, hospitality,
healthcare, engineering, property/construction and local government sectors.
He also has extensive experience in undertaking a number of corporate risk management system reviews and
development programmes focused on business case imperatives which have identified tangible and significant
improvements in production outputs and cost savings. In addition, he has delivered risk management training
programmes and is a registered tutor for IOSH, NEBOSH and CIEH accreditations.
Roy holds a number of citations and honours including the MBE, following high profile involvement in disaster
management and relief while in military service with the British Army.

Partial Client Lists:

States of Jersey Government, Min. of Defence (Army) United Kingdom, Metropolitan Police London, Saudi
Aramco, Petroleum Development Oman, Kuwait Petroleum Company, ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.), Dubal
(Dubai Aluminium Co.), Dubai Dry Docks, Egyptian Drilling company, Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co., SABIC,
Public Warehousing Companies (PWC) Logistics & many more.

Its been an enjoyable 12 day course for me. Special thanks to Kasey for organising the NEBOSH course, I am
definitely looking forward to other courses from Ken Knowledge.
Environmentalist (HSE),
Sembcorp Utilities

Tel: +65-6469 3422 Fax: +65-6469 8183


NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health

13th 28th July 2009 Holiday Inn Resort, Batam Indonesia
Day 1:
Health And Safety Foundations
The Nature And Scope Of Health And Safety (H&S)
The historical perspective
The multi-disciplinary nature of H&S
Traditional obstacles to effective H&S
Meanings And Distinctions
Foundation definitions
The Moral, Legal And Financial Reasons For H&S
The costs of accidents/loss
The business case
Introduction to the safe system of work
Typical Frameworks For Regulating H&S
Employers responsibilities
Responsibilities of employees
Role of enforcement agencies/regulators
Review of international standards
Sources Of Information (Internal And External)
Framework for H&S management
Review of HSG 65
Setting Policy For H&S And Organising For H&S
The role of the H&S policy
Aims, objectives and key elements
Setting targets
Measuring performance
Day 2:
Setting Policy For H&S And Organising For H&S
Organising for H&S
H&S arrangements and planning
Review of H&S policy
Standards and guidance relating to H&S policy
Specimen H&S policy review
Organising For H&S
Organisational roles and responsibilities
Responsibilities of the self-employed
The supply chain and general duties of suppliers,
manufacturers and designers
The relationship between client and contractor
Shared responsibilities for joint occupation premises
Consultation with workers; development of H&S forums
Promoting A Positive H&S Culture
Definition of a health and safety culture
Correlation between H&S culture and performance
Tangible outputs or indicators of an H&S culture
(performance measurements)
Factors promoting a negative H&S culture
Internal influences on H&S

External influences on H&S

The influence of human behaviour
Effecting cultural change

Tel: +65-6469 3422 Fax: +65-6469 8183

Day 3:
Risk Assessment
Objectives of risk assessment
Factors in a risk assessment
Analysing incidents
Categorisation of incidents
The risk assessment process
Distinction between acute and chronic health effects
The extent of risk assessment
Special categories of workers
Principles Of Control
General principles of prevention
General hierarchy of control
Permits to work
Safe systems of work
Emergency procedures
Day 4:
Movement Of People And Vehicles Hazards
And Control
Hazards to pedestrians and control strategies to
protect pedestrians
Vehicle operations
Control strategies for safe vehicle operations
Means of segregating pedestrians and vehicles
Manual And Mechanical Handling Hazards And
Manual handling hazards and injuries
Ergonomic assessment of manual handling and
minimising the risks from manual handling
Recognised techniques for manual lifting
Hazards, safe use and maintenance of mechanical
handling equipment
The need for periodic examination and testing of
lifting equipment
Day 5:
Work Equipment Hazards And Control

General principles
Machinery hazards
Machinery methods of protection and application
Principles of electricity
Hazards of electricity
Control measures

Fees are inclusive of the following:

1. Local Exam Seating fees
2. Examination Fees $300
3. Reference Book & additional training
materials worth SG$300
4. Additional Tuitions if required on
evenings & Sundays
5. Lunch & refreshments

NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health

13th 28th July 2009 Holiday Inn Resort, Batam Indonesia
Day 6:

Day 9:

Fire Hazards And Control

Basic principles of fire
Classification of fires
Basic principles of heat transmission and fire spread
Causes and consequences of fires (including electricity)
Fire risk assessment
Fire control measures
Preventive structural measures
Fire detection, warning and fire fighting equipment
Means of escape
Emergency evacuation procedures

Construction Activities Hazards And Control

Construction related health hazards
Noise and vibration
Deleterious materials

Chemical And Biological Health Hazards And

Forms of chemical agents
Forms of biological agents
Main classification of substances hazardous to health
Health hazards of specific agents

Incident Investigation, Recording And

Role and function of accident and incident
Basic accident investigation
Legal reporting requirements
Internal systems for collecting, analysing and
communicating data
Reporting procedures
Analysing information
Information for civil claims

Day 7:
Chemical And Biological Health Hazards And
Control (Practical Session)
Routes of entry into the body
Body defences against hazardous substances
Application of workplace exposure substances
Sources of information
Basic surveys for health risks
Control measures
Basic environmental issues
Physical And Psychological Health Hazards And
Task and workstation design
Welfare and work environment issues
Noise at work
Physical agents
Day 8:
Physical And Psychological Health Hazards And
Thermal environment and heat related conditions
Radiation ionising and non-ionising
Stress at work causes and effects
Violence at work risk factors
Alcohol and drug related problems in the workplace
Construction Activities Hazards And Control
General principles of construction, scope and storage
Working above ground level
Fall prevention
Head protection
NEBOSH International General
Access equipment

Tel: +65-6469 3422 Fax: +65-6469 8183

Day 10:
Monitoring, Review And Audit
Safety performance measurement
Active monitoring
Training impact assessments
Job safety analysis
Reactive monitoring
Safety sampling
Safety surveys
Safety inspections
Workplace inspections
Roles and responsibilities
Report compilation
Safety sampling
Practical Session
Performance review
Health and safety audits
Day 11:
Revision Of Days 1-5

Revision Of Days 5-10

Practical Examination - Afternoon
Day 12:
Examination Paper A 0930 1130 hours
Examination Paper B 1400 1600 hours

Certificate in Occupational Safety

End of Training


NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health

13th 28th July 2009 Holiday Inn Resort, Batam Indonesia
Please complete this form immediately and fax back
to +(65) 6469 8183


will close by
30th May 09

12-Day Intensive Training Fees:

SG$ 4,290 (Priority Booking before 8th May 09)
SG$ 4,590 per delegate (Book after 8th May 09)

Please write in BLOCK CAPITALS

I. Delegates details

5% Discount for group registration of 3 delegates or

( Fee includes documentation, Examination Fees, refreshment
& Lunch but EXCLUDES Accommodation & Bank charges )


Payment is required within 5 working days from the
invoice date.
SGD Bank Draft Made payable to:
KEN Knowledge International Pte Ltd

E-mail :________________________________________________

Or Telegraphic Transfer to Bank:

E-mail : _________________________________________________


E-mail :_________________________________________________

United Overseas Bank Limited

Clementi Branch
Account Number: 130-314-691-7
SGD Corporate Current Account
Swift Code: UOVBSGSG

Company Name :________________________________________

(Quoting your Company Name and Inv No. As Reference)

3. Name:_______________________________________________
Position :_______________________________________________

Address : _______________________________________________

Country/ State: ______________________Postcode:_________

Nature of Business :_____________________________________
Tel : _________________________ Fax: _____________________
Company Size :





II. The Invoice should be directed to Mr/Ms (Dept):

Name: _________________________________________________


All bookings carry a 50% liability immediately after a fully

completed registration contract has been received by Ken
Knowledge International. All cancellations of registration must
be made in writing. Regrettably, no refund will be made for
cancellation after 8th May 2009. However, a complete set of
documentation will be sent to you. Substitutions are welcomed
at anytime.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, we may change the content

and timing of the event, speaker(s) or venue. Every effort will
be made to inform the participants of the change. KEN
Knowledge International should not be held liable for any costs
arising from this change.


Tel: ____________________________________________________

Accommodation is not included in the workshop fees.

To reserve accommodation near the workshop venue,
please contact us for the list of Hotels available.



Dept: __________________________________________________

III. Authorising Managers details

International delegates requiring visas should contact the

Embassy in their country of origin.

Name : _________________________________________________
Title : _________________________________________________
Tel: ____________________________________________________
Signature :_____________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________
This booking is invalid without a signature

For further information, Contact the KEN Knowledge

International Business Managers,
Tel: +(65) 6469 3422 / 6469 3936
Fax : +(65) 6469 8183
Address: 913 Bukit Timah Road #03-01
Singapore (589623)

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