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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Volume 97; Number 39

A community newspaper serving Browerville, MN and surrounding areas. USPS 067-560

Commissioners try to Proclamation for Girl Scout Week
stop Veterans Memorial
Highway controversy
By Tim King Highway. The resolution, which Ruda also
In a flurry of rescinded, new, and said was premature, will create a
dead-for-a-lack-of-a-second resolutions, Veterans Memorial Highway from the
the Todd County Board of Commissioners northern border of Todd County, at County
attempted to put a lid on the controversy Highway 23, to Bertha. There the Scenic
swirling around the Veterans Memorial Drive will connect with County Road 11,
Highway at their Tuesday, March second which passes through the center of the
meeting. county, until it reaches Stearns County
The first action the commissioners near Sauk Centre. In this new resolution
took was to rescind their December 15, commissioners expressed hope that
2009 resolution. The December resolution Wadena and Stearns counties would
was to accept the recommendation of the extend the scenic route into their coun-
Todd County Parks and Trails Board to ties. Commissioners directed County
designate a Todd County Scenic Loop, to Engineer Loren Fellbaum to work with
be called Veterans Scenic Drive. The res- veteran's organizations to come up with a
olution did not mention a specific route for plan for signs. City of Browerville Proclamation 2010 Girl Scout Week
the scenic drive but many people believed During the discussion regarding the
it would include the long controversial new route, Commissioner Kneisl used WHEREAS, March 12,2010, marks the 98th anniversary of Girl Scouts of the United States
County Highway 55, on the south end of profanity directed against Commissioner of America, founded by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912 in Savannah, Georgia; and
Lake Osakis. Neumann. Without being asked, Kneisl WHEREAS, throughout its distinguished history, Girl Scouting has inspired millions of girls
At the March 2 meeting, later apologized for his profanity. County and women with courage, confidence, and character to make the world a better place; and
Commissioner Ruda urged his fellow Board Chairman Dave Kircher, in WHEREAS, through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience girls develop the skills and les-
commissioners to wait until veteran's response to a comment from the media, sons that will serve them throughout their lives so that they may contribute to their communi-
organizations from Long Prairie met to said he was not able to control what he ties; and
discuss the matter later in the week. He called the "knee-jerk" out bursts of his fel- WHEREAS, Girl Scouting takes an active role in increasing girls' awareness of the oppor-
said action to rescind the resolution was low commissioners. tunities in math, science, sports, technology, and many fields of interest that can expand their
premature. Ruda, and Commissioner Finally, Commissioner Neumann horizons; and
Neumann, voted against rescinding the made a motion to create a spur from WHEREAS, more than 8 million current Girl Scout members nationwide will be celebrating
December 15 resolution. Commissioners Highway 11 to Battle Point Park on Lake this American tradition, and welcome girls from every background to join;
Kircher, Blessing, and Kneisl voted for it. Osakis. No one seconded Neumann's NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mike Aksamit, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of
The second action by the Board of motion, so it died. A spur connecting Browerville, do hereby applaud the commitment Girl Scouting has made to support the lead-
Commissioners was to pass a resolution Veterans Memorial Park, in Long Prairie, ership development of America's girls and proudly proclaim the week of March 7,2010 as Girl
to establish a route for a Memorial Scout Week.
Continued on page 16.
Dated at Browerville, Minnesota this 18th day of February,2010.

Borchert wins state title Town of Browerville

Mike Aksamit, Mayor

to his second state title. This years the score 5-4 to set up the same sit-
rematch proved to be another uation as last year. This year
exciting one. In the first period Travis was able to hold off a bar-
Christian recorded a take down rage of attacks to earn a 5-4 victo-
followed by an escape and take ry and the 119# state title.
down by Travis to end the first This was the third time Travis
period with Travis in the lead with placed in the state tournament. In
a score of 3-2. In the second period 2008 he placed 3rd at 103#. In
Travis chose down and recorded a 2009 he placed 5th at 112#. With
reversal and Christian escaped to this win Travis earned his 150th
end the second period with Travis career win to end his high school
up by a score of 5-3. In the third record at 150 wins and 12 losses.
period Christian escaped to make

Senior Travis Borchert, above, improved his record to a perfect 45-0 by wining four matches at the
2010 Minnesota State High School League Wrestling Tournament. Photo by Curtis Bryniarski.
Travis become the the third Bronco wrestler to win a state title. He joins Torrey Line and Julius Stone as a
state champion.
In the first round Travis earned a technical fall over Matt Plumoff of Benson with a score of 18-2 in 5 min-
utes and 33 seconds. In the second Travis recorded a fall in 2 minutes and 13 seconds over Jake Wirtjes of Blue
Earth Area. This brought Travis to the semifinals in which he scored a 4-1 decision over Tanner Ellenburg of Seniors Travis Borchert, right, and Randy Shamp were the
Frazee. In a rematch of last years semi-finals, Travis was once again paired up with Christian Skillings of guests of honor at a pep fest send off held at the Browerville School
Minneota. In last years match Christian scored a late third period take down to earn a 5-4 victory on his way on March 3rd. Also pictured is senior wrestler Justin Bollin.


Wed. Mar. 10 Thu . Mar. 11 Fri. Mar. 12 Sat. Mar. 13 Sun. Mar. 14 Mon. Mar. 15 Tue. Mar. 16 Wed. Mar. 17
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