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Force (N) an influence that changes the velocity of an object
Acceleration (m/s2) change of velocity over time
Inertia - how difficult it is to start/ stop an object moving
Mass (kg) amount of matter an object has
Weight (N) the force of gravity acting on the mass of an object
(gravitational field strength on surface of Earth (g) = 10N/kg)
Work (J) The measure of energy transfer
Resultant Force (F) = Mass (m) x Acceleration (a)
Momentum = Mass (m) x Velocity (v)
Force (F) = Change in momentum (p) / Time (t)
Weight (W) = Mass (m) x Acceleration due to gravity (g(10m/s2))
Work (W) = Force (F) x Distance (d)
Kinetic Energy (KE) = Mass (m) x Velocity 2(v 2)
Potential Energy (PE) = Mass (m) x Gravitational Field Strength (g) x
Change in Height (h(m))

NEWTONS 1st & 2nd LAWS

Newtons 1st Law of Motion is: an object stays at rest or in motion with the
same velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. The amount of
force needed (resultant force) depends on the acceleration and mass of
the object (more mass, more inertia so more difficult to move) this is
Newtons 2nd Law of Motion


Newtons 2nd Law of Motion can be written and explained in a different

way using the change in the momentum of an object. Momentum is a
measure of the amount of motion in an object. The effect of a force on
the velocity of an object depends on the size of the force and the mass of
the object (big force, less mass = more effect). When an object in motion
hits another object with an unbalanced force (acceleration), it transfers
momentum with the acceleration being directly proportional to the
resultant force. If the other object is heavier, the acceleration is less as it
is inversely proportional to mass.


Anywhere in the universe, an object will always have the same mass. The
weight of it, however, will change depending on the strength of gravity
e.g. a 1kg bag of sugar weighs 10N on Earth but 1.6N on the Moon
because the Moon has a weaker gravity.
When something falls through the air, it is pulled down by its weight and
pushed up by air resistance. At first the weight will outweigh the air
resistance and so it will be accelerating downwards. As the velocity
increases, so does the air resistance until it equals the weight when the


falling object will have reached terminal velocity and can move no faster
(unless it changes its shape e.g. releasing a parachute briefly causes the
air resistance to become larger than the weight so you fall at a decreasing


When a force acts on a moving body, energy is transferred although the

total amount of energy always remains constant. Work is the measure of
this energy transfer. There are two types of energy: kinetic and potential.
Kinetic energy is energy as a result of movement e.g. electrical, sound
and light. Potential energy is energy as a result of position e.g. GPE & EPE

Calculating kinetic energy is needed when considering the safe stopping
of vehicles. A car requires friction to brake but before the driver can do so
it takes time for them to think. This is the thinking distance during which
the car can travel many metres and it depends on their reaction times
(average around 0.66s but can be longer if tired, distracted or affected by
drugs). The braking distance is the distance travelled after the driver has
pressed the break and depends on the mass and velocity of the car (also
road surface, weather conditions and conditions of brakes/ tires).
Together, they make up the overall stopping distance.
Cars are designed to collapse gradually on impact at the bonnets or at the
rears. This is where the crumple zone is located. The central part of the
car, the safety cage, is extremely strong to keep the passengers safe.
Side-impact bars are included in this framework which makes the crumple
zones very strong against side-impacts. Seat-belts restrain you during a
crash to prevent you front hitting the dashboard, steering wheel or
windscreen. They are made from a webbing material that stretches on
impact in a controlled way. Some seat-belts lock upon fast movement.
Airbags are automatically released during a crash and when a passengers
head hits the bad, it deflates slowly. All these features are designed to
either increase the time or the area over which a force is applied during a

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