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Project Reference:

BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Art and Design (Fine Art)


Techniques Blog

Timing within Course:

Yr 1, 2015/16

Start Date:

W/c 7th September 2015

Submission Deadline:

Mid-point formative feedback:

Final Deadline:

2/11/15, 4/1/16, 22/2/16, 11/4/16

27th May 2016

Assessment Dates:

W/c Monday 30th May 2016

Artists in charge of Project:

Kate Jenkins, Christian Soukias

Richard Long at work


Alberto Giacometti

Miskin Arts

Unit 2: Materials, Techniques and Processes in Art and Design

Relevant Departmental Notes:

Each assignment will involve set periods of taught workshops/lessons that will give you the skills and knowledge that will be required to achieve the
relevant assessment criteria listed in the assessment grids. This is the evidence which will be shown on your blog.
At the end of the year you will have a complete encyclopaedia of techniques accumulated throughout the year. This is what will be submitted for a
summative grade.
An internet blog with text, images, sound and video files
Grading criteria:

Pass / Merit / Distinction are attainable.

English and Maths: This project will include functional skills in English and Maths. Please bear in mind your industry requires eloquent use of
English and accurate use of figures, to which end, the continuing development of these skills are firmly embedded inside all your work.
Note on copyright and plagiarism: This process will require independent research. Copying from the internet and additional sources is not
appropriate and violates copyright and will be classed as plagiarism unless fully annotated and credited. You must make your work your own. We
need to see that you have an understanding of the areas that you have researched. Copying work directly from ANY source will not be tolerated. If
you quote ANY existing material you must put it in quotation marks and in brackets, attribute the source / author. For example: Copying is
cheating (Robbie McGovan, 2013, Miskin Theatre)

Throughout this year you will be introduced to various techniques and processes using a variety of media and materials. These will be within the
sub-categories Drawing, Painting, Mixed Media, Printmaking and Sculpture. As a professional artist from your second year onwards, you will want
to have a diverse range of skills in different areas so that you are able to most effectively convey your concept to the viewer. Therefore, you will
need to log the materials, techniques and processes you learn as you learn them.
You are being asked to create a website blog which will act as a technique file which you will always be able to refer back to when you are
developing your ideas in the future. You need to log the processes, the health and safety requirements and images of the work you produce in
order to see the effects that can be achieved in different ways.
Professional Practice: Please be aware that you will be putting professional practice into action within Miskin Arts, which is a professional
environment in which you are effectively being given the opportunity to publicly test your skills and gain creditable industrial experience.

What you need to do;

Brief IVd by Marie McGovan

Christian Soukias

Miskin Arts
For each workshop you take part in collect the following evidence and upload it to your blog. It is your choice how you choose to present this, but
you need to include:

Video or sound record the demonstration on your smart phone and upload this to the blog.
Produce samples of the techniques what you have learned. Photograph these samples and upload to the blog.
Make notes of health and safety for each technique.
Using the skills you have learnt in the workshops, experiment further with these processes, combining the skills you have learnt with other
media and materials. Photograph and explain your experimentation on your blog.
Evaluate your use of materials, techniques and processes on the blog discussing how successfully you applied them.
Discuss what concepts, themes or ideas these technique would be suitable for.

Glossary of Terms
Technique - the body of specialist procedures and methods used in art and design
Process - a systematic series of actions directed towards an outcome:
Media a substance with which you can make artwork e.g. acrylic paint, oil pastels etc.
Materials a substance or piece of equipment with which you can make art e.g. silk screen
Diverse numerous and varied
Convey communicate, explain
Concept Idea, theme, message
Website blog e.g. tumblr, wordpress, facebook
Technique file how to guide
Effects cause, consequence, result

Brief IVd by Marie McGovan

Christian Soukias

Miskin Arts

Techniques Blog
Task Grids

Unit 2 - Materials, Techniques and Processes in Art and Design

IMPORTANT: The following are TASKS (not to be confused with grading criteria)
Brief IVd by Marie McGovan

Christian Soukias

Miskin Arts
TASKS To gain a Pass:

TASKS To gain a Merit:

TASKS To gain a Distinction:




Take part in the workshops and produce samples

of what you have learned. Photograph these
samples and upload to the blog.
Make notes of health and safety for each
technique on the blog

Experiment with the techniques in an

individual, creative and effective


Using the skills you have learnt in the workshops,
experiment further with these processes,
combining the skills you have learnt with other
media and materials. Photograph and explain
your experimentation on your blog.

Throughout your evaluations, use

technical vocabulary in a critical manner.
Successfully select the most effective
media and materials for your final


Evaluate your use of materials, techniques and

processes on the blog, discussing what concepts,
themes or ideas they would be suitable for and
how successfully you applied them.

Brief IVd by Marie McGovan

Christian Soukias

Consistently evaluate in a critical

Experiment and manipulate
materials in an imaginative way,
using creative experimental
techniques to produce exciting
Show independence,
sophistication and innovation.

Miskin Arts

Assessment Grid

Brief IVd by Marie McGovan

Christian Soukias

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