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Task 1

1. The discussion about this topic is very complicated because when We study
some aspects about this theories We can find confuse answers, for example: A
family whit two sons with the same sex: Male, the same nurture, the same
parents, the same environment and the same school, they can show a different
attitudes and behavior, only one can be a thief and the other can be a
successful professional. The genes influence in this case because although that
they have the same parents their genes can be different.
The Mendels Laws or genetics laws are the answer of this fact, the genetic
combination of recessive and dominate genes affect the behavior and the
emotions of the individual.
Two brothers can be physically different and their attitude, emotions, feeling
and behavior can be totally distinct. Therefore I think that both the nature
(genetic) and the nurture influence in the personality development and the
behavior, but some negative and positive experiences, also traumas and
problems can generate changes in the attitude of the people.
2. The animals are instinctive they react according to their sensations and
emotions, so like the humans in same circumstances when they feel fear,
sadness and happiness the different is the way of expression because the
humans can talk and show their feelings.
The animals only can defend attacking and moving their bodies for show their
emotions. The animals that are maltreated can react attacking to the people.
The animals can be educated for attacking or protecting to the people. Some
owners have this animals like protectors or guardians that barely detect some
that for they seem dangerous will attack without doubt.
3. Really I think that the people are a combination of genetic and environment, all
that we are comes of our genes, nurture and experiences. The way like our
parents educated us and the aspects that inherited influence in the
development of our personality.
But the experiences, the problems, the traumas and the things that live daily
affect our actions and behaviors. Sometimes we can be able of acts that never
imagine before.
4. The most probably is that we will be another people if other family had taken
care of us because the nurture influence in the development of the
The psychologist thinks that the family is the main environment where the
people learn habits and how to act in determinate circumstances so I think

that in our homes we live the most part of the time therefore this affect our
personality directly. In spite of this the experiences that we lived along our
existence can change or affect the personality that we had developed.

Task 2

The Ethics in the Psychology

In each profession exist an ethic code, this must guide the studies and the practices
derivate of this sciences. Actually this code is a mandatory handbook and the
experiences and works that the scientists have use for their theories can be accepted
by the people.

But the history shows us that in the past the ethics was different and in some
moments was ignored.
Some psychologist wasnt the exception and they become their studies in famous nonethics experiments and some finish in a tragedy.
This facts attempt against the esteem, dignity, development of personality and health
of animals and people
We can remember some of these events:
1. Homosexual Therapy: In 1960, the psychologist though that homosexuality was a
mental illness and they experiences with gay people subjecting them to shock
therapies and multiple tortures for that they feel pain and cured their condition
2. David Reimer: This boy lost their penis when was a child by a bad circumcision, so
a psychologist suggests to his parents that become into a girl. They accepted and
named Brenda, but Brenda acted as a boy and the family confessed to the young
the true. Then Brenda discovered their real identity and she decided become in
David, but the young never recovers his mental health and some years after
commit suicide.
3. The Milgram Experiment
Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram hoped to further understand how so many
people came to participate in the cruel acts of the Holocaust. He theorized that
people are generally inclined to obey authority figures, posing the question, "Could
it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following
orders? Could we call them all accomplices?" In 1961, he began to conduct
experiments of obedience.
4. The Little Albert Experiment
At Johns Hopkins University in 1920, John Watson conducted a study of classical
conditioning on a 9-month-old baby he called Albert B. The young boy started the
experiment loving animals, particularly a white rat, but when Watson started
pairing the presence of the rat with the loud sound of a hammer hitting metal,
Albert began to develop a fear of the white rat as well as most animals and furry

5. The Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes Experiment

Jane Elliott was not a psychologist, but she developed a controversial exercise in
1968 by dividing students into a blue-eyed group and a brown-eyed group, in an
attempt to give her students hands-on experience with discrimination.

And other experiments were with animals like dogs, monkeys and elephants. Some of these
animals finished very much mental and physical sick and another like an elephant died. They
were submitted to tortures and maltreat using shock therapies, weapons, ropes, belts and all
type the instruments that caused pain and suffering in these innocent animals.
The people didnt know or didnt respect the laws for protect animals and people.
Actually the people know the laws and the rights that protect them. The society created rules
and laws for guide the practices and studies; these are very much clear and effective.
The people become in analytic and critic about this topic and dont accept practices against
But the animal topic continues, the protection exists but some people dont respect this and
the authorities in some situations dont act punishing to this aggressors.
Experiments like Little Albert never could be repeat because the laws protect to the children
and they cant be exposed to this practices that generate traumas in the future. Either
practices like the brown-eyes or blue-eyes will be accepted because this promotes the
discrimination and segregation of the people which is against the rules and laws of the
The experiments with are prohibited for the Animal protector Society in the world, nobody
person can use animals in studies where these can finish affected. But some people continue
using animals in secret for their investigations.
Therefore the ethic is a very important, this help to protect the human rights of the
attitudes derivate of practices and studies that violate them. This is a guaranty and manual
for guide the behavior of scientists and investigators.
The psychologist that experiment with people and animals unrespect the rules and the ethic
will must be punish hardly because the traumas and the mental or physical damage caused
never will be eliminated of the life of this living beings

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