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Lesson plan

Review of past tense forms
Introduction and comprehension of participle clauses
Identifying participle clauses in an article
Reading an article for comprehension and identifying language In context
Thinking critically about language Why we use complex forms?
1 Greet students AOB-Register, check last nights HW if necessary
Warm up
I ask the students what they did this morning. I give them some amusing
I.e I ate broccoli, and I danced tango
I fed my crocodile while I listened to the orchestra
I instruct students that I want them to talk about things they did sequentically
and things they did simultaneously. The Ss are to make two lists
I ask the students to repeat the instructions.
I pair the students, and monitor them. (5-8 minutes or until the students
complete their work)
I may have the Ss share their answers with another pair
Class report back
2) review of various past tense forms
I got up, I showered
I watched TV then I packed my bag
I was listening to the radio When I was brushing my teeth
I write on the board
Drinking my tea, I watched the TV

Having drunk my tea I watched the TV

I ask what I was doing in the first sentence
I am doing two things at once-Concurrently-Simultaneously
In the second sentence, I drank tea and then I watched TV
What about this?(Writes examples on the board)
Letting my tea get cold I answered the door, it was the postman
Opening the mail, I found two concert tickets
First and 2nd?-Which is sim-which is successional?
We can join two clauses with participle clauses. Here we are connecting ideas:
That happens simultaneouslySurfing the net I read the news
Listening to the radio I drank my coffee
That happens sequentially:
Walking up the street I realised I had left my keys in the door
The bus arrived as my phone rang
Or things that happen as a result of one thing
Soaked by the rain I drank a piping hot cup of coffee
(What do I mean by Piping)
Feeling hungry I ate my lunch
Or the reason for action
Arriving late at work, I kept a low profile
Not wanting an argument I let it go
(What do I mean by let it go?)
When a participle phrase introduces a main clause, separate the two sentence
components with a comma. The pattern looks like this:
Participle Phrase + , + Main Clause.

When a participle phrase concludes a main clause and is describing the word
right in front of it, you need no punctuation to connect the two sentence parts.
The pattern looks like this
Main Clause + + Participle Phrase.

I am going to give you a set of sentences I want you to rephrase them in

participle clauses
(Handout 1)
I model on blackboard I distribute the clauses to the students. I place the
students into small groups
I check and monitor the students
(A brief recap of the grammar on the board)
I then hand out worksheet
Students to complete, the worksheet. Then check answers in their pairs I
monitor the students work Class review of answers.

Students to find participle clauses in the following adapted text

CNN article about the fantastic 4 movie
I ask a few warm up questions. Using the grammar
Has anyone seen the new fantastic 4, movie?Having been reading about it I have
heard it bad
Read that it was terrible and decided not to see it
Has anyone else seen it? Does anyone read reviews?
(Working in pairs students read the review, identifying the participle clauses. I
monitor and then class review 15 minutes)
Fantastic Four' reviews are anything but
The big-budget film about the Marvel team, which stars Miles Teller, Kate Mara,
Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Bell, is actually pulling a 9% rating on the review site
Rotten Tomatoes as of Friday morning Critics seeing yet another superhero film
have plenty to say, however -- and, perhaps surprisingly, so does director Josh

But first, over to the critics:

Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News: "A self-destruct mode is apparently
automatically included in any film adaptation of Marvel's 'First Family of
Superheroes.' This is the third attempt at a movie franchise -- and the third lame
Peter Travers, Rolling Stone: "The latest reboot of the Fantastic Four -- the
cinematic equivalent of malware -- is worse than worthless.."
Alan Scherstuhl, The Village Voice: "Counting Roger Corman's unreleased stab,
this is the fourth Fantastic Four movie. It's also the fourth whose producers seem
embarrassed at the thought of making a Fantastic Four movie."
Todd McCarthy, The Hollywood Reporter: "Nearing the end, Teller's Reed
commented on the status of the group's actions by proclaiming, 'We opened this
door, we're gonna close it.' The sooner the better."
But perhaps the most interesting assessment came from Trank himself, who
struck back at the reviews by saying he had a "fantastic" version of "Four" in
mind when he started. His tweet was quickly deleted despite having been
captured for posterity.
It hasn't been a good year for the 31-year-old director, who got good reviews and
box office for his debut feature, 2012's "Chronicle." Leaving in May the planned
"Star Wars Episode VIII," saying he was "making a personal decision to move
forward on a different path," though -- Hollywood being Hollywood -- others told a
different story.
Regardless, "Fantastic Four" is now in the theaters. And if it doesn't do well, the
Boston Globe's Russo does have a solution.
"Oh well," he wrote. "They can always reboot."
Final review of clauses
Can anyone think of song lyrics using participle clauses?
(Answer not really)
When do we use participle clauses- for speaking?
(Sometimes but more for writing)
Why not simply use past simple?
Ask class, give them a few minutes and then answer
It is a bit boring to keep using the same structure. When speaking that is alright,
but when writing it quickly loses interests

Here is a famous one said in England. To Lord Birkenhead, a famous politician

and lawyer
Having heard all your arguments I am still none the wiser
Yes but doubtless better informed
Set HW dismiss class AOB
A Content (receptive and productive)
At the end of the class, students should be able to:
understand and analyze the language, content, structure, meaning and
significance of Participle clauses
understand and apply language terminology Participle clauses in context
analyze the effects of participle clauses c on an audience
B Organization
At the end of the class, students should be able to:
create work that employs organizational structures variety of text types
C Style and language mechanics
At the end of the Class, students should be able to:
Improve their use language to narrate, describe, analyze, explain, argue,
persuade, inform, entertain and express
use language accurately
Improve use correct grammar and syntax
Improve their use appropriate and varied sentence structure

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