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4545-14 245th Street

Douglaston, NY 1136211362-1135
Phone: (718) 631631-4454
Fax: (718) 631631-1774

Douglaston-Little Neck
Salus Animarum Suprema Lex

October 5, 2008

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Rev. Msgr. George J. Ryan, Pastor

Rev. William A. McLaughlin
Rev. Chris J. Piasta, OFM
Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Cantley, S.T.D.,

Pastor Emeritus
Rectory Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 9:15 AM to 8 PM
Saturday 9:15 AM to 1 PM
Mrs. Betty Harris, Secretary
Mrs. Ann Larkin, Accounting Admin.
St. Anastasia School:
45-11 245th Street
Mrs. Lucy Mihulka, Principal
Mrs. Cindy Roma-McCann, Assist. Princ.
Phone: (718) 631-3153; (718) 631-3155
Religious Education & CCD Office:
Mrs. Janine Kramer, Directress
Phone: (718) 225-5191
Music Minister:
Mr. Joseph C. Extejt
Weekend Masses:
Saturday Vigil at 5:30
Sundays 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM & 5 PM
Weekday Masses:
Monday thru Saturday at 8:30 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturdays 44:30 PM
Holy Days and Special Liturgies:
Mass schedules will be printed in the
Bulletin at the appropriate time.
Miraculous Medal Novena:
Mondays after 8:30 AM Mass

All new families are welcome to the Parish and every family should be properly registered.
Registration forms are available at the Rectory.
Use of the electronic giving (Faith Direct) or envelope system is required if statement of
contribution is sought for tax purposes. All parishioners should use either one of the donation forms. If you move or change your address, please notify the Rectory by mail.
First Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM only. Parents should make arrangements by calling the Rectory no later than 2 weeks before the Baptism.
Parents must attend the Baptism instructions before Baptism
Time available: Saturday 11 AM-3 PM; Sunday 2:30 PM-3 PM
Couples must make arrangements six months prior to the selected date of their marriage
and fully participate in the Pre-Cana Parish at home.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
It is the process for adults wishing to become Catholic, complete their sacramental initiation, or attain full membership in the Church. For further information, please contact
Ms. Janine Kramer


rip to Atlantic City

Monday, October 27.
Cost: $30 pp.
Anyone interested, please call
Peggy McKeon at (718) 4282833.

Outreach Committee

etting to Know You

Want some company?
Need some help?
Have a neighbor in need?
Want to help?
Let us know!
The Outreach Committee
Hotline is (347) 481-5477.
St. Anastasias Outreach Committee is a group of parishioners who have come together to
offer services (visits, errands,
etc.) to those in need. Were
ready and waiting for your

Rosary Society Luncheon

t. Aloysius Rosary Society

Luncheon and Fashion
Show. For information call
Joan (516) 487-2864 Price:
$40. pp

Open Position

ectory Cook. Bayside.

Part Time, 2-3 days per
week. Call Fr. Brosnan at (718)

Family and Individual


he Blanton Peale Institute

offers therapy for families, teens, Married Couples
and individuals. Fees are determined by income and family
size. Sacred Heart parishioner
Mary Kane LM SW is now on
staff at the Douglaston Office
located at the Community
Church of Douglaston on
39-50 Douglaston Parkway.
For appointments or information call the Douglaston Office
at (718) 237-3078 or contact


Mary Kane directly at (914)


Leisure Club News

October 5, 2008

Special Retreat Day or

Evenings with Authors

ur Lady of Mercy, Forest

Hills - Tuesday, October
7th at 7:30 PM Autumn Evening of Prayer with Joyful author Father Bob Lauder and
Sister Ave Clark, O.P.

t Marions in Whitestone
Saturday, October 18th
with author Toni Bosco and
Sister Ave Clark, O.P. a Mini
Brunch. Retreat called With
Bells On!
Call: (718) 767-5956.

Choir News

t. Anastasia Adult Choir is

seeking new members to
sing with them at the 12:00
Noon Mass each Sunday. All
voice categories are being
sought: soprano, alto, tenor,
baritone and bass. There will
be no auditions: just the ability
to carry a tune decently and a
desire to sing for God. See the
music director, Joseph Extejt
after Mass in the vestibule today.

Activity Leaders Wanted

zanam Hall of Queens

Nursing Home at 42-41
201st Street in Bayside is looking for part-time Activity
Leaders. No experience necessary with good verbal/writing,
interpersonal skills to work
with senior population 9 Hours
per weekend and/or evening.
Reliability a must! If interested
please call Marilyn Gindi at
(718) 971-2708.

Robert J. Batule speaking on

Homosexuality and the
Catholic Church on Wednesday, October 15 at 7:30 PM
at Sacred Heart Church Hall at
215-35 38th Avenue in Bayside. Light refreshments will
be served.
Msgr. Batule is a priest of the
Rockville Centre Diocese and a
faculty member at Immaculate
Conception Seminary in Huntington, NY. He holds degrees
from Cathedral College, Adelphi University, St. Johns University and the Pontifical University of St. Thomas in Rome.
He has published articles, essays, and book reviews in various journals and magazines for
more than 20 years. He is a
member of the Fellowship of
Catholic Scholars, the Society
of Catholic Social Scientists
and the National Association of
Scholars. He is featured in the
2008 edition of Whos Who in
the World. For more information, call (718) 428-2200 or
visit us online at:

From Fr. Dara:

y Brothers and Sisters

of St. Anastasia

My stay in your parish was
unforgettable. It enriched my
pastoral experience. It helped
my vision of the world
broaden. I also earned good
experience, learning new
culture and faith. I am sure
that this will serve me well,
to better my pastoral service
in my diocese after my studies. I am grateful to Msgr.
George Ryan for giving me
this opportunity to earn such
experience. I am also thankful to him for his love, concern and friendship. My sincere thanks to Father Bill and
Father Chris for their loving
friendship. I acknowledge
my sincere thanks to staff
members in the Rectory for
their concern. I am grateful
to all the Ministers, Lectors,
Choir, Altar-servers, and
Ushers, who helped me in the
church service. I thank each
one of you for your friendship.

Homosexuality and the

Catholic Church

I promise to pray for all of

you. And I ask you to remember me in your prayers
as I continue my doctoral

Fr. Dara Balaswamy

acred Heart Parish Pastoral

Council and Faith Formation Ministry invite you to an
evening with Monsignor


Dear Parishioners,

Msgr. George J. Ryan

Pastor, St. Anastasia Parish

ast week some of you read in the Tablet (our

Diocesan Newspaper) that Bishop DiMarzio and
the Educational Support Office have begun a
process to re-configure all 113 elementary schools in
the Diocese. The Diocese has seen major demographic
changes in all communities. The non-Catholic population has grown. Younger families cannot afford to buy
homes in some communities while some parents cannot
afford Catholic education. Also the cost of running
Catholic schools has increased.
The Diocese believes in the unique role of
Catholic education and that Catholic schools should
continue as viable, excellent and enduring. They desire
that all Catholic children should have access to Catholic
education: geographical access so that if children have
to travel, it will be a reasonable distance and financial
access so that Catholic education is affordable. There is
no one model of configuration for all schools. It will
depend on many factors to be analyzed. So the 7-step
process of reconfiguration begins:
1. In September every school had to submit
data: finances, enrollment trends, state of buildings,
technology advances etc. We submitted our data for the
office to analyze.
2. Information Sessions:
a) The Office will review the data with myself
and the principal on October 3rd.
b) There will be a regional meeting for all the
cluster schools on November 6th to share
the data.
3. The Education Office will use professional
assistance to look at the data and suggest the best options for re-configuration of schools in the cluster.
4. These suggestions will be given to the local
parishes for their review, input and suggestions.

5. Regional meetings will be held to talk about

the options and gather further input.
6. Announcement of the final re-configuration
plan is scheduled for the end of February 2009.
7. Implementation
This is a very ambitious program as it is assessing all 113 Catholic schools. It is proactive as it looks to
the future and ways to assure the continuation of Catholic education and it is allowing opportunity for parish
input. At a recent Home School Meeting I invited all the
parents who wish to kept informed of the process and
have opportunity to express their reactions and suggestions to give me their names and emails and I will invite
them to various meetings. If any parishioner also wishes
to attend, please send me your name e-mail and telephone number.
I ask for your prayers for this process. It will
not be easy. But these are our challenges living today in
the 21st Century. Jesus has promised that He is with us
always so in Him we trust.




Next Week: Camping Trip

Clarence Fahnestock State Park

Mrs. Lucy Mihulka
Principal, St. Anastasia School
Congratulations and thank you to the new Home School Executive Board. Mrs. Eileen Cunniff is the President, Mrs.
Miriam Bonici is the Vice-President, Mrs. Barbara Stones is
the Treasurer and Mrs. Georgeanne dePasquale is the Secretary. They already had several meetings over the summer and
will announce their first Home School meeting shortly. All
parents are strongly encouraged to attend to be aware of new
The Students of the Month for October are being recognized
for their help to new students in adjusting to a new environment. They were helpful, kind and welcoming. Congratulations to:

Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8

Bohbin Shim
Christina Colletti
Candace Park
Coya Campbell
Brendan Zhang
Thomas Derby
Sophia Huber
Stefanie Wolf

Congratulations to Mrs. Sylvia Roccia who is our Teacher of

the Month for October. Sylvia Roccia is to be commended for
her extensive use of the SMARTboard in the classroom in all
subject areas.
Many of our 8th graders have already registered for the
TACHS the test for Admission into Catholic High Schools.
The test will be given on November 8th to eighth graders who
wish to apply for Fall 2009 admission to Catholic High
Schools in Brooklyn or Queens. Ms. Myszak, the 8th grade
teacher, has given out the student handbooks and applications. She is also announcing the open houses at the local
High Schools. The registration deadline for TACHS varies
from October 8 to October 23rd depending on the registration
method. You may register online at or by
calling 1-866-618-2247. TACHS results begin arriving at
high schools the week of December 15 with admission notices generally sent beginning January, 15, 2009.

We will be leaving St Anastasia at 9:30 AM on Saturday

and return on Sunday around 2 PM.
This 14,086 acre park, covering land in Putnam and
Dutchess counties, boasts hiking trails, a beautiful beach,
picnic areas, scenic campground, and abundant opportunities for boating, hunting, fishing, and birding. The scenic
campground, formed along the park's natural rock ridges,
provides alcoves of privacy and tranquility for campers.
Although there are no hookups available, restroom and
shower facilities are centrally located to all tent sites.
Last minute sign-ups tonight at 6 PM (at the Youth Group
Meeting). Cost: $30.00 covers all. For more information,
(consent form and list of things to take) go to
No regular meeting on Sunday, October 12; join us again
the following Sunday at 6 PM.


The Browning Version

Andrew Crocker-Harris is an embittered and disliked
teacher of Greek and Latin at a British prep school. After
nearly 20 years of service, he is being forced to retire on
the pretext of his health, and perhaps may not even be
given a pension. The boys regard him as a Hitler, with
some justification. His wife Laura is unfaithful, and lives to
wound him any way she can. Andrew must come to
terms with his failed life and regain at least his own selfrespect.
The film is based on the 1948 play by Terence Rattigan
and was nominated for the Golden Palm award at the
Cannes Film Festival and won the Best Actor (Albert Finney) Award at the Boston Society of Film Critics Awards
in 1994.
Starring: Albert Finney, Greta Scacchi, Matthew Modine,
Julian Sands and Michael Gambon.
UK (1994) R-rated, 1:37 hr.

Thursday, October 16 at 7 PM
Youth & Young Adults Center
(Entrance adjacent to the church, 2nd floor)
$3 cover wine, soda & snacks

Movie Club is offered to adults only. We are selecting movies that

are interesting, inspiring, sometimes forgotten, thought-provoking
and artistically significant. We use the Youth Center, which is
equipped with AC, comfy couches, decent stereo sound and big-size
projection screen. Snacks, wine and soda are served.

As children go back to school, families

and friends can remember a few tips to
make the transition easier on everybody.

Backpack Awareness
How heavy is a childs backpack? A backpack should not
exceed 15% of the childs body weight. Both straps, wellpadded, should be snugly adjusted and worn over both shoulders. The backpack should ride in the small of the back,
never resting more than four inches below the wearers waistline. Pack light, leaving a second set of school supplies at
home. Place the heaviest items closer to the body, and try to
prevent them from sliding.

Homework, Help!
Kids rarely enjoy doing homework, but there are ways to
make it less of a chore. Allow students to choose which
homework tasks they would like to complete first. Help
them organize the tasks, and provide a well-lit, quiet, uncluttered setting. Create a routine, with clear expectations, giving
the student an opportunity to be independent, leading to a
sense of accomplishment when the homework is finished.

Sitting Safely
Increase a childs endurance and attention by correcting posture with chairs and tables suited to the childs height. If
chairs are too tall, place a phone book under the childs feet.
If the chair is too big, sit the child on a pillow, and use another to lean on while performing table-top activities such as
hand-writing and drawing. Changing positions to read or
recite will also maintain motivation. Although video games
get most of the blame for hand and finger pain among children, incorrect grasp on a pencil will have a similar effect.

I hope you found some of this information interesting and helpful. Look for more next month!
Beth Chiariello, Ph.D., OTR/L
If you are interested in having a column or a page in our Bulletin,
contact Fr. Chris at (718) 631-4454 or

This information (and more) is available on the American

Occupational Therapy Associations website


Bread & Wine

October 411, 2008



5:30 PM Nicholas Guagliariello and Frank X. Byrnes



*** Nella Kos ***

OCTOBER 511, 2008


8:00 AM Jerry & Margaret Docekal

10:00 AM Winifred Bannon and Paddy Smith
12:00 PM Thomas Maher & Marie Leonforte
5:00 PM



8:30 AM Frieda Gregor and Mary & Ralph Lauro


This memorial, established by Pope St. Pius V in

thanksgiving for the victory in Lepanto* on October 7
1571, recalls the rosary and its meditation on the
mysteries of Christ and our salvation

{ Remember }
Please remember in your prayers all the sick of
our Parish Community, especially:

Ruth Marchese
Annette Montello
Joan Radjieski

and those who have died, especially

8:30 AM Adalgisa & Sante Scarapicchia and Klara Deuber

8:30 AM Ann McLaughlin and Emma Gallina


Richard Lynch

The Mommy and Me Program meets on Wednesdays 11:0012:30 in the Annex.

Bible Study Date Change

Please be advised, that the date of the last session
of the Bible Study Series is changed from Monday,
October 27 to Monday, November 3, 2008.

This week:

Scripture Study on Monday

Leisure Club on Tuesday
Mommy & Me on Wednesday
Religious Education Classes on Wednesday
RCIA on Wednesday
Spanish Prayer Group on Thursday
Youth Group Camping Trip on Saturday


8:30 AM Michael & Modesta Reali and Rita Schomp

Mommy & Me


8:30 AM Frank Albert Costa & Martha Bannert




8:30 AM Deidre ODonohue

*The five-hour naval battle fought solely between rowing vessels gave
the Holy League (Republic of Venice, Papacy, Spain, Republic of Genoa,
Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Duchies of Savoy, Parma and Urbino, and the
Knights of Malta) temporary control over the Mediterranean, protected
Rome from invasion, and prevented the Ottomans (Turkish state) from
advancing into Europe.

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