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45-14 245th Street

Douglaston, NY 11362-1135
Phone: (718) 631-4454
Fax: (718) 631-1774

Douglaston-Little Neck
Salus Animarum Suprema Lex

February 1, 2009

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Rev. Msgr. George J. Ryan, Pastor

Rev. William A. McLaughlin
Rev. Chris J. Piasta, OFM
Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Cantley, S.T.D.,

Pastor Emeritus

Rectory Office Hours:

Monday to Friday 9:15 AM to 8 PM
Saturday 9:15 AM to 1 PM
Mrs. Betty Harris, Secretary
Mrs. Ann Larkin, Accounting Admin.
St. Anastasia School:
45-11 245th Street
Mrs. Lucy Mihulka, Principal
Mrs. Cindy Roma-McCann, Assist. Princ.
Phone: (718) 631-3153; (718) 631-3155
Religious Education & CCD Office:
Mrs. Janine Kramer, Directress
Phone: (718) 225-5191
Music Minister:
Mr. Joseph C. Extejt
Weekend Masses:
Saturday Vigil at 5:30
Sundays 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM & 5 PM
Weekday Masses:
Monday thru Saturday at 8:30 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturdays 44:30 PM
Holy Days and Special Liturgies:
Mass schedules will be printed in the
Bulletin at the appropriate time.
Miraculous Medal Novena:
Mondays after 8:30 AM Mass

All new families are welcome to the Parish and every family should be properly registered.
Registration forms are available at the Rectory.
Use of the electronic giving (Faith Direct) or envelope system is required if statement of
contribution is sought for tax purposes. All parishioners should use either one of the donation forms. If you move or change your address, please notify the Rectory by mail.
First Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM only. Parents should make arrangements by calling the Rectory no later than 2 weeks before the Baptism.
Parents must attend the Baptism instructions before Baptism
Time available: Saturday 11 AM-3 PM; Sunday 2:30 PM-3 PM
Couples must make arrangements six months prior to the selected date of their marriage
and fully participate in the Pre-Cana Parish at home.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
It is the process for adults wishing to become Catholic, complete their sacramental initiation, or attain full membership in the Church. For further information, please contact
Ms. Janine Kramer


omeless men living under

Flushing Meadow
Bridges need clothing
For a number of years now and
thanks to the generosity of our
parishioners; every Sunday
morning during the winter
months, we bring hot chocolate, a sandwich and some
warm clothes to a group of
homeless men living under the
bridges and surrounding areas
of Flushing Meadows Corona
Park. These are men who for
different reasons have given up
on life and seen unable to cope
with it. As the cold weather
approaches, once again we are
preparing to start our mission
and we need clothing. If you
have warm clothes and blankets that are clean and in good
condition and would like to
donate them please call us and
we will pick them up. For more
information call Jorge at (718)
224-8187 or (718) 423-5988.

Revive, Renew, Romance

arried couples are invited to a weekend to

Revive, Renew, Romance at
Sts. Peter and Paul Spirituality
Center, Douglaston Feb. 13
15, 2009. Enjoy the company
of other married couples and
grow closer in your relationship with each other and
God. Total cost of the weekend is $250. To reserve a place,
call (718) 229-8001 Ext. 310.

Annual Coat Drive

he Coats and gently used

clothing have been pouring in and as soon as they
come in Patty and I are distributing to various places. Thanks
for your generosity and we will
keep this endeavor going
throughout the year. Again, if
you need a pick up and cant
drop off your items at my office: Bryce Rea 250-02 Northern Blvd. 9AM- 5PM give me


a call. My number is: (917)

796-2990. Carolyn Meenan

Help the Homeless

February 1, 2009

Flea Market

t. Josaphats Church of
Bayside will hold a Flea
Market plus a Polish Bake Sale
On Sunday, February 15 between 9 AM and 4 PM.

Ministry to American
Catholics at Fordham

ou are invited to a conference at Fordham University that will focus on the generational changes and deep
demographic shifts that impact
the role of laity and ministry in
todays Church. The conference will take place at Rose
Hill on February 6th at 9:30
AM3:00 PM. The fee is
$25.00 and includes breakfast
and lunch. Please visit our
website at
mac to register or for more
information on the guest speakers and detailed schedule.

Confirmation Date

his message confirms that

Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan is scheduled to administer
the Sacrament of Confirmation
to St. Anastasia candidates on
Sunday, May 17, 2009 at 2:00
PM. Candidates and sponsors
are asked to attend a practice
for our ceremony on Tuesday,
May 12 at 7:30 PM in the

Nominations for Parish

Pastoral Council

sider nominating yourself or

others in the parish for this
important work. If you have
any questions, please contact
the rectory.

Praying with your legs!

apuchin Journey Pilgrimage Program invites you

to join them on various Pilgrimages, Weekend Getaways
and Days of Recollections.
Dome of the highlights for this
2009 Season are:
In the foot steps of St. PaulGreece & Turkey, Lourdes &
Paris, Fatima Franciscan Italy,
Shrines of Sicily, Women of
the Spirit (Umbria & Tuscany),
Niagara Falls & Our Lady of
Victory Shrine, BostonSt.
Anthony Fiesta Weekend Getaway, Shrine of Good St. Anne
& Shrine of Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel. Please call Capuchin
Journeys office toll free at
(866) 363-5917 Ext. 268 or
for a schedule and programs of
our exciting pilgrimages. We
look forward to hearing from

Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration

iocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration 2009

for couples celebrating their
25th, 30th, 40th & 50th and
above: Bishop DiMarzio will
celebrate the Anniversary Mass
on Saturday, April 18, 2009 at
11:00 AM at the Immaculate
Conception Church at 86-45
Edgerton Boulevard in Jamaica, NY. There is a fee of
$30. Per couple. All registered
couples will receive a personalized certificate and will be
greeted by the Bishop. A reception with light refreshments
will follow the Mass. If you are
interested in attending, please
call the rectory for information
and registration.

Tax Statements

tatements for tax purposes

have been generated and
mailed to all who donated $500
or more. If you do not receive a
statement and are in need of
one, you may request one:
Write on your weekly envelope
or call (718) 631-4909.

he parish pastoral council

is dedicated to enriching
and uniting our parish community. The council has sponsored many initiatives to
achieve this mission. The
council is seeking nominations
for new council members.
Nomination forms will be
available next weekend of at
all the Masses. Please con-

Why does a traffic light turn red?

You would too if you had to change in front of all
those people.


February 1, 2009

Need a ride to Church?

and Osteoporosis Screening.

entury Car Service is offering a special rate to

parishioners who need a ride to
Sunday Mass. This offer is
only available to get to St. Anastasia Church for Sunday
Mass. The fee is $5.00 plus
any gratuity they choose to
give. (This is a 16% reduction
in their usual rate. Just advise
the dispatcher that you are going to St. Anastasia Church in
Douglaston in order to get the
discount.) Century Car is located at Springfield Blvd and
Union Turnpike in Bayside.
Call (718) 740-6600 or (718)

High School Reunion

he Bishop McDonnell
High School Reunion will
be held on Saturday, April 4,
2009 at Bishop McDonnell
High School. Classes graduating in years ending in 4 & 9
will be honored. For specific
information, please contact:
Rita Monaghan-Mahoney 59
at (718) 857-2700 Ext. 2253 or
email at
Bishop McDonnell Alumnae
c/o Bishop Loughlin Memorial
High School
357 Clermont Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Phone: (718) 857-2700 Ext.

Screenings Offered

recision Screening Plus

will be at the Community
Church of Little Neck
at 46-16 Little Neck Pkwy in
Little Neck. Appointments:
Monday, February 2, 2009
between 9:00 AM3:00 PM
For an appointment call: (800)
679-1070. Screenings offered:
for stroke/ carotid vascular
screening, Abdominal Aortic
Aneurysm Screening, Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

St. Anastasia School Transition into an Academy

he Parish Staff reports

with great pleasure that St.
Anastasia School has been
designated by the Diocese of
Brooklyn to be one of a select
number of schools to become
an Academy and continue its
mission of Catholic Education.
The Diocese has recognized
the great many attributes of
Saint Anastasia School including its academic excellence,
enrichment programs, investments in technology and its
commitment to Catholic education.
The Academy will have a two tier governance: an Executive
Board who will have the final
authority for decision making
and a Board of Trustees. The
Principal will be responsible to
the Trustees in the daily running of the Academy. They
will have different areas of
expertise to aid in the Academys development. Once established, the Board and Trustees will be given the mandate
to create a three year strategic
plan for approval by the
Thus the new Academy would
be independent from St. Anastasia Parish and no longer
funded by the Parish. Instead
St. Anastasia Parish, like every
other parish, will be taxed by
the Diocese to support all
Catholic schools and funds
from that source would be
available to assist the new

Academy. By becoming a regional Academy we will thus
benefit from the Diocese in
terms of financial, administrative, marketing, curriculum and
operational support.
The Vicar General of the Diocese, Bishop Caggiano,
will provide our school parents with an update of the Preserving the Vision model. The
meeting will take place on February 5th at 7:00pm in Father
Smith Hall. (our youth

portal) has recently been upgraded with new and exciting
features that allow our messages to be easier shared over
multiple platforms. That is
why our presence on Facebook
has become stronger and more
Also, we are getting ready for a
few fundraisers that will offset
on our week-to-week operations and create new possibilities for the young people to
develop their skills and grow
stronger in faith.

We encourage parishioners to
look at the diocesan website
where you can find explanations of how all schools are to
be reconfigured, as well as
information about Preserving
the Vision at
Continue to join us in prayer
for the success of the new
The Parish Staff

Youth Group News

ue to Super Bowl Sunday, there will be no

Youth Group meeting tonight.
In February we will meet on
Sundays the 8th and 15th. The
last weekend before Ash
Wednesday (21-22) we will
have our Spring Lock-in.


Spirituality for Women

Evening Spirituality Series
Each session will explore unique ways
to enrich our faith, through
reflection, prayer and sharing, using
Joyce Rupps May I Have This Dance?
Tuesday, February 3rd Dry Bones
Tuesday, March 3rd Leaning on God
Tuesday, April 7th Watered Gardens
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: St. Robert Bellarmine School Hall
Bayside Hills, NY
Facilitator: Maryann Villanti, (718) 423-5272
Materials will be supplied

God Grew Tired of Us

God Grew Tired of Us chronicles the arduous journey of three young Sudanese
men - John Dau, Daniel and Panther - to the United States where they strive for
a brighter future. As young boys in the 1980s, they had walked a thousand miles
to escape their war-ridden homeland, and then had to make another arduous
journey to escape Ethiopia.

Luchador Shiraz ($15)

Shiraz is the most popular red wine
grape in Australia (also known as
Syrah in other parts of the world).
Shiraz is a more robust and aggressive grape than Cabernet Sauvignon
or Merlot but no less accessible. The
Shiraz taste is characterized by a
strong up front-grapey fruit character
and a silky, slightly earthy or musty
taste on the back of the palate (that
comes from the tannins in the red
grape skins). Unfortunately, many of
the most popular Australian Shirazes
available today are mass-produced
rough-edged unbalanced wines that
should be avoided. Fortunately, over
the last few years more and more
wines are being imported from talented boutique winemakers who
make first rate wines in a variety of
price ranges. Luchador (Spanish for
"fighter") is one such wine. It has a
delicate and silky balance with a long
finish that is subtle, smoky and
slightly leathery. It's and excellent
match for braised meats, game and
even spicy chili. From the same wine
producer that makes the $1000/bottle
Longitude Shiraz!
Bob Reina

During the five years they walked in search of safety, thousands died from starvation, dehydration, bomb raids and genocidal murder. Finally, they found
relative safety in Kenyas Kakuma refugee camp. In 2001, 3,600 lost boys, including John, Daniel and Panther, were invited by the United States to live in
America. Assisted by Catholic Charities International, the three boys uproot
their lives and once again embark on a journey, leaving behind thousands of
other refugees who, in the course of their traumatic odyssey, have become their
adopted extended family.
They must now learn to adapt to the shock of being thrust into the economically
intense culture of the United States, learning new customs, adapting to new and
strange foods, and coping with the ordeal of getting and keeping a job, or multiple jobs, while never forgetting the loved ones they left behind in Africa. Divided between Pittsburgh, PA and Syracuse, NY, the young men are thrilled
with their suburban lives. Over the next year, however, joy turns to sorrow.
They miss their families and have trouble making connections beyond their social group. They dedicate themselves to doing whatever they can to help those
they left behind in Kakuma, and to discovering the fate of their parents and
At the 2006 Sundance Film Festival, the film won both the "Grand Jury Prize:
Documentary" and the "Audience Award" in the "Independent Film Competition: Documentary" category.
Produced by Brad Pitt; narrated by Nicole Kidman (1:30 hr.); PG

Thursday, February 12 at 7 PM

Youth & Young Adults Center

(Entrance adjacent to the church, 2nd floor)
$3 cover wine, soda & snacks
Movie Club is offered to adults only. We are selecting movies that are interesting, inspiring,
sometimes forgotten, thought-provoking and artistically significant. We use the Youth Center, which is equipped with AC, comfy couches, decent stereo sound and big-size projection
screen. Snacks, wine and soda are served.

times. Side and back entries are the most common access points for burglars.
Plant bushes with thorns or prickly leaves near windows and along fences.
Trim trees so that limbs dont provide access to roofs,
second stories, etc.
Deterrent measures include the following:

Put alarm company, and Operation ID stickers on

entry doors and windows.

Home Security
Burglary is mostly a crime of opportunity that
capitalizes on the carelessness and neglect of
the homeowner or renter.
Controlling Access
The following tips suggest how access to your home,
apartment, or condo can be controlled by physical protection, deterrent measures, burglar alarms, and various
security procedures.
Physical protection measures include the following:

Install single cylinder dead-bolt locks on all

doors. Bolts should have a minimum throw of 1 inch.
Strike plates should have screws that are at least 3 inches
long. Doors should be solid hardwood or metal
clad. Hinges should be located on the inside or have non
-removable pins. Special locks are need on double and
Dutch doors.
Install locking devices on all sliding glass doors and
Install good locks all doors that lead outside through
garages or storage areas.
Dont rely on chain locks for security. Theyre only
good for privacy.
Re-key or change all locks when moving into a new
Install locks on gates, garages, sheds, etc.
Go to a locksmith or hardware store for advice on
Reinforce the glass in windows on the lock sides of
doors so a burglar cannot break them and reach in to
open the door.
Consider installing security bars on side, rear, or
other windows that a burglar might break to enter your
home. Bars must comply with Fire Code requirements
for inside release to permit an occupant to escape in the
event of a fire.
Fence in the yard.
Install a good side-yard gate and keep it locked at all

Consider having a dog that can scare a stranger away

by either barking or looking fierce. Keep an outside dog
in a fenced area and have a good lock on the gate.
Use fencing, gates, landscaping, pavement treatment,
signs, etc. to define clear boundaries between your property and adjoining properties.
Consider installing a home alarm system that provides
monitoring for burglary.

Alarm systems usually include one or more of the

following components: photocell or magnetic contacts on
doors and windows, heat or motion detectors in interior
spaces, glass break detectors, keypads with a means of
checking the status of the system, and audible
alarms. All equipment should be Underwriters Laboratory (UL) certified.
Multiple sensors are preferred because they reduce
false alarms, which are wasteful of police resources
Get alarm company references from friends or
neighbors. Get at least three estimates in writing.
Make sure your system is monitored, make sure the
monitoring station is open 24/7 and has backup
power. The companys customer service department
should also be open 24/7.
Make sure you understand your service contract, all
the points of protection and the equipment to be installed, the initial and monthly payments, and the warranty period.
Inform your insurance company. You may qualify
for a discount.
The system should also have a fail-safe battery
backup. Check the batteries periodically and replace
them if necessary.
Kevin Devlin

Kevin Devlin is St. Anastasia parishioner; he is retired Captain from the Port
Authority Police Department and was commanding officer of the Port Authoritys Emergency Services and Canine unit.

You know what time it is, Fashion Show time!

St. Anastasia annual Fashion Show & Dinner

Thursday April 2, 2009 @ 7 PM

Immaculate Conception Center
Cocktail Hour, Open Bar, Dinner & Dessert
An enjoyable evening of entertainment and dinner
for $60.00 per person
All reservations must be paid by Monday, March 30, 2009.
Please pay by check only.
Mail payments to the School or drop off at the Rectory

Please fill out the form below for yourself or your group. Please note that anything over
12 at a table is not possible. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at
(718) 279-1455



7. ____________________________
8. ____________________________
9. ____________________________

Thanking you in advance for your continued support of our school, parish and neighborhood, I remain,
Sincerely, Pamela Kane.

SUNDAY, Feb. 1
8:00 AM Mass
10:00 AM Mass (Coffee & donuts after Mass)
12:00 PM Mass
1:30 PM Baptisms
5:00 PM Mass

February 2009

Monday, Feb. 2
8:30 AM Mass
Tuesday, Feb. 3
8:30 AM Mass
1:45 PM Leisure Club (Fr. Smith Hall)
Wednesday, Feb. 4
8:30 AM Mass
11:00 AM Mommy & Me
2:30 PM Religious Ed Classes
7:00 PM Religious Ed Classes
8:30 PM RCIA
Thursday, Feb. 5
8:30 AM Mass
7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Group (Church)
Friday, Feb. 6
8:30 AM Mass
7:30 PM Al Anon (Annex)
Saturday, Feb. 7
8:30 AM Mass
4:00 PM Reconciliation
5:30 PM Mass
SUNDAY, Feb. 8
8:00 AM Mass (Coffee & donuts after Mass)
10:00 AM Mass
12:00 PM Mass
5:00 PM Mass
6:00 PM Youth Group (Youth Center)
Monday, Feb. 9
8:30 AM Mass
Tuesday, Feb. 10
8:30 AM Mass
1:45 PM Leisure Club (Fr. Smith Hall)
Wednesday, Feb. 11
8:30 AM Mass
11:00 AM Mommy & Me
2:30 PM Religious Ed Classes
7:00 PM Religious Ed Classes
8:30 PM RCIA

Monday, Feb. 16School Closed

8:30 AM Mass
Tuesday, Feb. 17School Closed
8:30 AM Mass
Wednesday, Feb. 18School Closed
8:30 AM Mass
11:00 AM Mommy & Me
8:30 PM RCIA
Thursday, Feb. 19School Closed
8:30 AM Mass
7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Group (Church)
Friday, Feb. 20School Closed
8:30 AM Mass
7:30 PM Al Anon (Annex)
Saturday, Feb. 21
8:30 AM Mass
3:00 PM Youth Lock-in
4:00 PM Reconciliation
5:30 PM Mass
SUNDAY, Feb. 22
8:00 AM Mass (Coffee & donuts after Mass)
10:00 AM Mass
12:00 PM Mass
5:00 PM Mass
Monday, Feb. 23
8:30 AM Mass

Thursday, Feb. 12
8:30 AM Mass
7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Group (Church)
7:00 PM Movie Club

Tuesday, Feb. 24
8:30 AM Mass
1:45 PM Leisure Club (Fr. Smith Hall)

Friday, Feb. 13
8:30 AM Mass
7:30 PM Al Anon (Annex)

Ash Wednesday, Feb. 25

9:00 AM Mass
4:00 PM Prayer Service
7:30 PM Mass

Saturday, Feb. 14
8:30 AM Mass
4:00 PM Reconciliation
5:30 PM Mass

Thursday, Feb. 26
8:30 AM Mass
7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Group (Church)

SUNDAY, Feb. 15
8:00 AM Mass
10:00 AM Mass
12:00 PM Mass (Coffee & donuts after Mass)
5:00 PM Mass
6:00 PM Youth Group (Youth Center)

Friday, Feb. 27
8:30 AM Mass
7:30 PM Al Anon (Annex)
7:30 PM Stations of the Cross (School Yard)
Saturday, Feb. 28
8:30 AM Mass
4:00 PM Reconciliation
5:30 PM Mass


Bread & Wine

January 31February 7, 2009




5:30 PM In Thanksgiving for the Javier Family



*** Thomas P. Larkin ***


8:00 AM Klara Deuber

10:00 AM Mary Proto
12:00 PM For a special intention & Joseph Palmieri
5:00 PM



This feast originating in the 4th c. Jerusalem,
came to be celebrated in Rome by the middle of
the 5th c. under the title Feast of the Meeting;
known also as Candlemas Day.

FEBRUARY 17, 2009

8:30 AM Fran Negrin Brett



8:30 AM Joseph Mulholland and Vincenti Justol

8:30 AM Anthony Corrente


Agatha (c. 251) in Sicily; patroness of Palermo
and Catania; invoked for protection against volcanic eruptions and fires.

{ Remember }

8:30 AM Peter Daly



Paul Miki, Jesuit scholastic, and his twenty-five
companions, including two other Jesuits, six
Franciscans, fifteen tertiaries and two laymen
were crucified on February 5, 1597 in Nagasaki;
among them, the Mexican, Felipe de Jess, the
first martyr from the Americas to be beatified.

Please remember in your prayers all the sick of our

Parish Community, especially:

Ruth Marchese
Annette Montello
Mary Ann Inguagiato

And those who have died, especially:

Rosario Scavelli, Jr.

8:30 AM Joseph Colasuonno



8:30 AM Patrick & Anne Mulhern

Going for the Winter to Florida?

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