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Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program

Opening the North Shore Interpretive Center in the Historic Lester River Fish Hatchery

January 25, 2008

Project Number 306-10-08

Contract Number A92538

Report author: Andrew Slade, Executive Director

Sugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship Association

This project was funded in part under the Coastal Zone Management Act, by NOAA’s
Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with Minnesota’s
Lake Superior Coastal Program

Limno Lab report, Page 1 of 7


The goal of this project was to “enhance the management of the historic Lester River Fish
Hatchery building (the ‘Limno Lab’) to improve North Shore coastal resource
interpretive opportunities.”

The project objectives included: develop exhibit space with UMD partners and other
North Shore natural resource agencies; develop front desk volunteer program, including
recruitment and training; and plan appropriate outdoor signage

The “Limno Lab,” owned by the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD), is situated on a
3-acre lot at the mouth of the Lester River. The building was constructed in the late 1880s
as a U.S. Fish Hatchery. In the 1950s the fish hatchery closed, and the property was
transferred to UMD. In 1956 it became the “Lake Superior Research Center,” a field
station for the University’s Limnological Research Center. It operated for about a decade
as the site of active research on the chemistry and biology of Lake Superior.

The building was unoccupied. UMD brought bring the building up to code for office
space and leased space in it to Sugarloaf.

The building is in a prime location for a visitor center; it is located where the city “ends”
and the North Shore with its rock outcrops, views of Lake Superior, and forested
shoreline “begins.” In addition to the excellent location, the architecture of the building is
unique, making it an appealing spot where people want to stop. The building is listed on
the National Register of Historic Places.

Sugarloaf intends to open and manage the downstairs of the facility as the “North Shore
Interpretive Center.” The center will be modeled after the typical National Park visitor
center, with a small exhibit area, a small theater showing a short interpretive film, an
information desk staffed by volunteers and a small store.

Work Completed

Sugarloaf completed formative evaluations for the exhibits and the volunteer program,
through surveys of “interpretive visitors” and interviews with volunteer program
coordinators. The evaluations for the exhibit area were rather inconclusive, since overall
most interpretive visitors are interested in a wide variety of subject areas and methods of
delivery. For the volunteer program, Sugarloaf staff gained valuable insight on the needs
and interests of local volunteers.

Sugarloaf produced a series of posters for the temporary boathouse exhibit area. The
exhibit outline was approved early on by the coastal program and we then purchased and
installed fabric boards onto which the posters could be mounted.

With support from the Northland Foundation, Sugarloaf recruited and trained 18
volunteer “North Shore Ambassadors” for service in the exhibit area, interacting with the

Limno Lab report, Page 2 of 7

travelling public. Although visitors numbers were lower than anticipated, the right sort of
“interpretive” visitors did come and appreciated the offerings of both exhibits and people.

Finally, based on the experience of the summer with traffic flow, Sugarloaf developed a
signage plan for future implementation by UMD. The plan incorporates a proposed new
turn lane for traffic coming from Duluth, with a right turn lane and a new entrance and
parking lot between the main hatchery building and the cottage.

All of the deliverables proposed (and as amended) were completed:

• Summary of formative evaluation for exhibit

• Photos of exhibit area and pilot exhibit
• List of volunteers and copy of volunteer training curriculum
• Copy of signage plan

Limno Lab report, Page 3 of 7


A. 9 interpretive posters developed, featuring basic information about Lake

Superior and the North Shore as related to UMD research and programs.
This exhibit display system was designed to be easily changed, so as new research
findings are established, the posters can be updated at low cost. The exhibit will
be open again in summer 2008 and beyond, until the final exhibit area in the main
building is complete.

Welcome sign and some of the posters in the temporary

boathouse exhibit. Note coastal program acknowledge-
ment at base of sign.

Limno Lab report, Page 4 of 7

B. 18 “North Shore Ambassadors” recruited, trained and put to work in the
temporary boathouse exhibit area. All of the Ambassadors are willing to
serve again next summer.

The temporary exhibit area was open for approximately 250 hours. Total
visitation was 600 people. The exhibit area will be open again in Summer 2008
and all of the Ambassadors are willing to serve again next summer.

Volunteer Lee Gustafson (rear) meets with visitors inside the boathouse, July 2007

C. Signage plan created, for future consideration and implementation by UMD.

The signage plan will be submitted to MnDOT and to UMD for their review. The
plan outlines two phases. The goal of Phase I is to improve traffic flow through
the site and fix anachronisms from smelting era. Sugarloaf intends to implement
the first phase in 2008. Phase II will require significant engineering and funding,
so it will wait.

Limno Lab report, Page 5 of 7


Although successful for a first year project, this work has not nearly tapped the full
potential of this location. Nor has it fully addressed the need for outreach to visitors and
landowners regarding North Shore coastal concerns. Therefore, there definitely is still
work to do.

The original proposal called for the exhibit area to be opened inside the main fish
hatchery building. However, building codes made that impossible. Instead, the public
exhibit area

Senior managers at UMD have recognized the university’s responsibility for refurbishing
the historic structure for public use, addressing both historic preservation and code issues.
Partially as a result of this project, UMD has applied to the Coastal Program (and
committed matching funds) for critical exterior renovation of the building. Interior
renovation of the building will wait until the programmatic plans are fully in place; this
stage will be more expensive than the exterior renovations.

The location proved itself to be perfect; this is the gateway to the North Shore and we
have an existing and important historic structure to house the functions we’ve planned.
However, traffic flow and some friendly competition from the Lake Superior North Shore
Association make it difficult to fully realize the potential of the location.

The signage plan (submitted with this report) addresses traffic flow as well as signage.
There are numerous safety concerns at this location with traffic coming off of and back
onto Minnesota Highway 61. Based on feedback from MnDOT, it appears that a new
right turn lane off of eastbound London road would address many of these concerns and
lead to improved signage potentials. However, it depends strongly on future collaboration
with MnDOT and UMD.

About 200 yards further east on Highway 61 is the blue building of the Lake Superior
North Shore Association (LSNSA). LSNSA has operated this facility for over 50 years as
a tourist information point, providing leads to motels, resorts and restaurants further up
the shore. It is awkward and inefficient to have two information centers, one focused on
interpretive visitors and the other on economic visitors. They are the same people, and the
functions should be merged. LSNSA appears to be faltering as an organization and
Sugarloaf has offered to assume the tourist information functions of the blue building in
our own programs. Merging these services in one location would better serve the
travelling public as well as landowners seeking North Shore information.

Limno Lab report, Page 6 of 7


a. Identify, attach or cite any published articles, media reports, web pages,
newsletter articles etc. that resulted from the project.
• Sugarloaf newsletters with articles about the Limno Lab
• Duluth News-Tribune article about Limno Lab

b. Pictures that illustrate the results of the project. MLSCP may use the images in
reports to NOAA or other agencies, or for other outreach and education materials in the
I have submitted pictures with the progress reports and would be happy to add captions to
any of these, if desired.

Limno Lab report, Page 7 of 7

Project Deliverables

Formative evaluation results

Temporary exhibits
Volunteers and curriculum
Signage Plan
Deliverable for MLSCP Project No. 306-10-08
Contract Number: A92538

Project Title:
Opening the North Shore Interpretive Center in the
Historic Lester River Fish Hatchery

Andrew Slade, Executive Director

Molly Thompson, Program Manager
Sugarloaf The North Shore Stewardship Association

This project was hnded in part under the Coastal Zone Management Act, by NOAA's Ofice of
Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with Minnesota's Lake Superior
Coastal Program.
Results of formative evaluation of North Shore
interpretive visitor's interest areas
Deliverable for MLSCP Project No. 306- 10-08
Contract Number: A92538
Project Title:
Opening the North Shore Interpretive Center in the
Historic Lester River Fish Hatchery

Author: Molly Thompson, Program Manager

Sugarloaf The North Shore Stewardship Association

This project was funded in part under the Coastal Zone Management Act, by NOAA's
Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with Minnesota's
Lake Superior Coastal Program.
As a requirement of MLSCP Project No. 306-10-08, Sugarloaf: The North Shore Interpretive
Association conducted surveys of North Shore visitors to assess their interest in possible topic
areas and activities for the North Shore Interpretive Center. Visitors were encouraged to include
additional topics and activities not listed on the survey. A sample of the survey form is included
at the end of this report.

Surveys were conducted on various dates from October to November 2006. All data was entered
into a spreadsheet for analysis.

Fifty-three surveys were completed.

• 59% of the persons surveyed were female.
• The average number of people in the households of visitors surveyed was 2.6.
• 55% of the visitors surveyed were between the ages of 20 and 59; 35% were 60 or older
and 10% were age 19 or younger.

Overall, no specific topic was of significantly greater interest than other topics.

Topics of Interest



Interest Scale




Maritime Cultural Natural Geology Invasives Climate Fish and Weather Water quality Forest
History and History History Change Fishing health
Additionally, no specific activity type was of significantly greater interest to the people

Interest in Activities


Activity Interest Scale




View Wildlife View Interactive View Film or video Attend Lectures Participate in Learn about Learn about
displays exhibits Guided Outdoor Outdoor Research
activities Recreation
Activity Type

When visitors were asked whether they wanted the interpretive center to focus on being a place
that guides them to natural features of the North Shore or a place that focuses on teaching them
about the natural features of the North Shore, the overwhelming response was that a combination
of areas of both was wanted.

Focus of Interpretive Center




guides you
teaches you



guides you teaches you both Other

Visitor comments included:

• Make people aware of the fragility of the natural environment. "Once you walk thru the
wood and moss, you create a trail"
• Be careful where people are being guided to.

• I believe people want to do too many things while they visit the North Shore, so a guided
experience is too long. However, people like to speak with and ask questions of
"experts" as well as read and look at and interact with info boards.

Other topics of interested they listed included:

• The myths about Lake Superior, superstitions, mystery of lake and north shore.
• hiking, fishing, snowmobiling, "the fun stuff"
• real animals would be fun to see up close
• (information about) other parks in the North Shore area
• Native American traditions on the North Shore. Impact of the loss of old growth trees,
caribou, and fish stocks; Impact of the shoreland encroachment of buildings and
highways; cultural traditions of the Scandinavian immigrants; architectural history;
lodging facilities, information and reservations center
• Cultural history - the families that made it all happen; historical timeline of development
of North Shore.
• It would be smart to a have a tourist info desk funded by NS businesses to help tourists
find attractions and lodging - it would give them another reason to come in
• Quality interpretation of geologic time
• Restoring plan, trees, animal species as much as poss.
• Limiting commercial development any way we can
• North Shore Economics
• Native American cultural influences on the North Shore
• Environmental protection and regulation of the North Shore (waters & forests). How to
balance development of the shore with protection of habitat and protection of water
• How the general population changes the ecosystem-environment and steps we can do to
prevent damage to our natural environment.
Survey # ______

North Shore Interpretive Center Survey

A new North Shore Interpretive Center in the Historic Lester River Fish Hatchery in Duluth is being
planned. The Center would have exhibits and programs that explore many aspects of the North Shore of
Lake Superior. Your answers to the following questions will help us design an exciting and useful Center.

1. How interesting are each of the following aspects of the North Shore environment to you?
(Circle a number for each item)


A. Shipwrecks and Maritime History-------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5

B. Cultural history of the North Shore------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5

C. North Shore wildlife, birds and plants-------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5

D. Geology of the North Shore--------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5

E. Invasive plant and animals of the North Shore--------------- 1 2 3 4 5

F. Climate change effects on the North Shore------------------- 1 2 3 4 5

G. Fish and fishing of Lake Superior and its rivers and streams-
1 2 3 4 5

H. North Shore weather----------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5

I. Lake Superior water quality---------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5

J. North Shore forest health------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5

2. Please rate each of the following visitor activities according to your interest in them.
(Circle a number for each item)


A. Seeing displays about North Shore wildlife------------------- 1 2 3 4 5

B. Experiencing interactive exhibits-------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5

C. Seeing a short film or video about the North Shore--------- 1 2 3 4 5

D. Attending lectures or seminars about North Shore natural and

1 2 3 4 5
cultural history--------------------------------------------
E. Birding, walking, kayaking or driving tours with a North Shore
1 2 3 4 5
F. Learning about North Shore outdoor recreation opportunities
including hiking, camping, kayaking, fishing, skiing, and 1 2 3 4 5
G. Learning about Lake Superior and North Shore research
1 2 3 4 5

Please turn sheet over for more questions…….

Survey # ______

3. What focus would you like to see the new North Shore Interpretive Center take? (check one)

___ An Interpretive Center that guides you to natural features of the North Shore, or

___ An Interpretive Center that teaches you about the natural features of the North Shore, or

___ Both of the above, or

___ Other (please specify) _______________________________________________

4. Please list any other topics you may be interested in seeing discussed at the Interpretive


The following questions are for statistical purposes only.

5. What is your gender? Female Male

6. How many people (including yourself) live in your household? _____________

7. How many under age 16? ___________

8. What is your age?

12 years old or less

13-19 yrs

20-59 yrs

60+ yrs

9. What is your zip code? ______________

This project was funded in part by NOAA’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in
cooperation with Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program.

Thank you for your time and input!!

Temporary North Shore Interpretive Center Exhibits
Deliverable for MLSCP Project No. 306-10-08
Contract Number: A92538

Project Title:
Opening the North Shore Interpretive Center in the
Historic Lester River Fish Hatchery

Molly Thompson, Program Manager

Sugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship Association

This project was hnded in part under the Coastal Zone Management Act, by NOAA's Office of
Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with Minnesota's Lake Superior
Coastal Program.
Lake Superior was formed by fire and by ice
The dramatic cliffs and rocky beaches of the North Shore were created by massive
geological events. I. I billionyears ago. North America bt#ii~ toyre a @ @

Thick flows of lava poured from beneath, solidifying to form familiar places like Palisade Head
and Shovel Point. In other places, the rising magma brought other rocks with it, creating.
unusual features like Carlton Peak and Silver Cliff.

A rift valley formed, in a 1200-mile arch that ran from modern Kansas through Lake Superior
and down to Ohio. Layers of lava and magma stacked on top of each other, cut across each
other and buried underneath others. The rift stopped forming after about 20 million years. The
hardened rock left behind was over twelve miles thick.

Since there was more rock in the middle of the rift, it was heavier in the middle and the layers
tilted in toward the middle.

The main rock type in these lava flows was basalt, the classic gray rock of North Shore cliffs
and beaches. Other rocks in the North Shore include the red rhyolite of Shovel Point and the
hard diabase underneath Split Rock Lighthouse.

Geologists rely on the "Principleof original horizontality"and the

How do we know this? 'Law of superposition' to understand rock layers and seq_uences.
Simply put, geologists assume that rock layers were mostly flat when first created,
and that the older layers were on bottom and younger layers on top.

Geologists from thc UMD Department of Geological Sciences did

we rely on today to understand the geologic history of the bed
Dr. John Green dedicated his research career to the North Sho
of field research, Dr. Green identified the correct sequence of
and then obtained the dates for the flows, using uraniumfiead
l = - - - = a& RL UOBM~IUVI
radiometric age techniques. U r u ' ~ a ~ 7 1

OILLIIL *,nut 2 ~ ~ 1
Even though it's big, Lake Superior has little capacity to support life.
. . -
out 10,000 years old

Limnologistr looked to the pal..

Even though the lake looks similar to the way it did about 200
populations continue to have their ups and downs. Some fish, I

And studied the present,

anglers enjoy catching Jake trout and introduced species including:

And peered into the future

The future for fish and fishing in Lake Superior is bright. Fisheries ma

genetic implications of fishery management, and contaminants. :



Aliens lurk in Lake Superior

Although they're not from outer space, awatic invas~vespecies ( AIS are plants, animals,and dls

I thrive once they get into waters beyond their natural range.

I Freed from the predators, parasites, pathogens, and competitors in their natural range, AIS behave like weeds. With hearty appetites and high '._.,
rates of survival and reproduction, they overwhelm the environment and native species. Getting rid of them is usually costly and irnprectimi, or
wild land. The North Shore has intact forests instead of farm fields or parking lots.

How ao we know this?

The creatures living on the North Shore today are proof. Scientists at the University of
Minnesota Duluth's Natural Resources Research Institute participated in the Great Lakes
Environmental Indicators project. They figured out how to use #ological indicators -bugs,
birds and algae, for example- to tell them how healthy the Great Lakes watersheds are.

After the scientists had mapped the current condition of the enviro
Lakes, they wanted to find a way to monitor the health of these are


Doctors use your body temperature as an indicator of your health. (It shouId be 98.6
What can scientists use to monitor the health of the Great Lakes watersheds?

mean that the enviranme

Birds respond to enviro ditions such as vegetation types and loss of forest. Some bird species are ~ 4 & about the habibti
and can only be found set of environmental conditions.

d Lake Superior, if these eight bird species are abundant it means the fore
Warbler, Hermit Thrush, White-throated Sparrow, Red-eyed Vireo, Winter

On the other hand, R ckbirds, House Spamws, Common Grackles, Eastern European Starlip and && , V ( ~ U O I ~ ~ ~ T K ] Y V M N R ~ ~ * T H ~ W A ?
P i p n s are birds that graded areas and an abundance of these birds indicates a degraded h d k II*IYUI VmlDY YIllf ro IL(UICH I U L ~ U S ~
rshed is uniQue...and fragile ~7
A watershed is the area of land that drains to a particular lake or river.
A a
As water travels across land it picks up everything on the surface including motor oil, pesticides, fertilizers,
animal feces and sediment. Along the North Shore, all of this flows into the nearest stream, and ultimately,
into Lake Superior - one of the most nrictine and unique ecosystems in North America. I
North Shore watersheds are among the least developed in the sta f Mi ;ota. The cle'an water here is
important to everyone. Clean water provides recreation, fish habitat, d r i n ~ ~ n
g and adds beauty to our
landscape. As we w rk g r o t e c t these watersheds.
The Minnesota DNR divides Minnesota into 8 major basins
HOW do we and 8 1 major watersheds.F I
You are currently in the Great Lakes Basin
and the Lake Superior South watershed. This
means that all of the water from the land
around us flows into Lake Superior.

The 81 major watersheds are subdivided into

approximately 5600 minor watershed units.
You are currently in the LesterIAmity
watershed. The Lester River enters Cake
Volunteers and volunteer
training curriculum
Deliverable for MLSCP Project No. 306- 10-08
Contract Number: A92538
Project Title:
Opening the North Shore Interpretive Center in the
Historic Lester River Fish Hatchery

Author: Molly Thompson, Program Minager

Sugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship Association

This project was finded in part under the Coastal Zone Management Act, by NOAA's Office of
Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with Minnesota's Lake Superior
Coastal Program.
North Shore Ambassador Training Agenda

Thursday, May 10

i 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm i Sugarloaf history, mission and future plans
i North Shore Ambassador program policies I

j 7:30 pm to 7:45 pm i Break

[ 7:45 pm to 8:30 pm i Presentation: Wateshed Protection. Mindy Gnnley, Coastal Nonpoint
[ Specialist, Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Program
I i
i 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm i Presentation: Smart growth and water quality. Jesse Schomberg,
i Minnesota Sea Grant I

!7:15 pm to 7:30 pm i Break

i Interactivesession:
i 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
[CustomerSenrice. Patricia Smith Sauer, Professional Leadership Coach,
Leaders in Motion.

Thursday, May 24
i 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm [ Visitor demographics I

j 7:15 pm to 7:30 pm j Break

i 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm iVisitor demographics - training exercise

i 6:30pm to 8:30pm i Natural and cultural history - Brief introductions to North Shore geology,
i wildlife, plants and cultural history. Meet st Limn, Lab.

i 9 am - 4 pm ;North Shore field trip - details to be announced I

t I
Sugarloaf The North Shore Stewardship Association
North Shore Ambassadors - 2007

1. Dick Anderson
2. Yvonne Anderson
3. Kathleen Anderson
4. Nancy Berg
5. Margaret Cleveland
6. ChuckDavis
7. Cheryl Erickson
8. Jon Farchrnin
9. Lee Gustafson
10. Alyce Hagberg
1 1. Jim Larson
12. Gary Meier
13. Rod Nelson
14. Mike Nordin
15. Becky Norlien
16. Nancy Otos
17. Beryl Peyton
18. Tom Ward
19. Kirby Wood
Signage Plan
UMD Limnology Building campus
Site of proposed North Shore Information Center

Plan written by
Andrew Slade, executive director, Sugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship Association

Plan funded by
Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program

Project name: Opening the North Shore Interpretive Center in the Historic Lester River Fish Hatchery
Contract number: A92538
Project number: 306-10-08

Plan date: December 31, 2007

Purpose of plan
The UMD Limnology Building and associated structures at the Lester River in Duluth are an
important architectural, historic and programmatic resource both for UMD and for the community.
Constructed in the 1880s as a federal fish hatchery, the campus is ideally situated for outreach to the
public visiting or living on Minnesota’s North Shore. The four buildings on the site are on the
National Register of Historic Places.

UMD’s lead partner, Sugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship Association is planning to work with
UMD to restore the buildings and re-open the main building as the North Shore Information Center
(NSIC). The NSIC would serve the travelling public much in the same way as a visitor center in a
national park, with exhibits, an information desk, perhaps a short film, and sales of books and maps.

Current traffic patterns and parking at the site are inadequate to accommodate the significantly
increased traffic this new use would create. In addition, the site has signage left over from the 1970s
and 1980s, when smelters overran the site.

The purpose of this plan is to increase safety with improved traffic flow off of and back onto
London Road. The plan assumes some restructuring of access to and parking on the site.

NSIC signage plan, page 1

Overview of conditions

Current signage was installed in the 1970s to accommodate a large influx of smelt netters that came
for a few weeks in April and May with the annual smelt run. At the time, it was important to keep
smelters from having large fires or camping on the site.

Current traffic flow as signed is clockwise, with the “Enter” sign at the curb cut between the main
building and the bridge, and the exit (implied by the “Do Not Enter” sign, at the curb cut at 60th
Ave. E. 95% of the vehicles both exit and enter London Road at the curb cut near the bridge.

Given current sightlines and speeds, the current signage yields the following problems:
1) Dangerous turning off of London Road. Cars are accelerating past 60th Ave. E, and a car turning
right into the parking lot is in danger of being hit from behind.
2) Dangerous turning left out of the main parking lot. Traffic coming from the east travels over the
rise of the Lester River bridge, and smaller cars actually disappear out of view. Even though
this is signed as the entrance and not the exit, 95% of the vehicles both exit and enter
London Road here.
3) Discouragement of safe turn at 60th Ave. E. The safest way to exit off of London Road at this time
is at 60th Ave. E. However, the current “Do Not Enter” sign discourages many drivers from
taking this turn.

Current site plan, with clockwise flow (December 2007)

60th Ave. E.

Lester River

Limno Lab

NSIC signage plan, page 2
Proposed Site Plan, with counterclockwise flow (Phase I and Phase I1 complete)





NSIC signage plan, page 3

Signage Plan: Phase I
2008 to construction of new parking lot

Phase I addresses current traffic flow issues and is not directly related to future plans for the facility.
Phase I plans can be implemented immediately by UMD (Tasks One and Three) and the City of
Duluth (Task Two). Most of the current signs on the property were installed in the heyday of
smelting at the Lester River (1970s and 1980s) and are no longer relevant.

Phase I Goal: Improve traffic flow through site and fix anachronisms from smelting era

Task One: Remove current directional signage at 60th Ave. E. entrance and exit by Lester River Bridge

** “DO NOT ENTER” sign at base of 60th Ave. E., to be removed.

this sign

** “ENTER” sign at main parking lot, to be removed. This sign was created by the previous tenant,
Great Lakes Aquarium (thus the fish logo).

NSIC signage plan, page 4

this sign

Task Two: Replace illegible, out-of-date signs with “right turn only” sign

Current signs across Highway 61 from building (shown below) read “No Parking This Side of
Street” and “No Camping or Fires.” These signs are nearly illegible and are no longer relevant.

Install “RIGHT

NSIC signage plan, page 5

Task Three: Replace vinyl sign with new identifying sign at Limnology Building

To identify the building, its connection to UMD and its current function, a new sign would replace
the temporary vinyl sign shown in the picture below. The historic “LIMNOLOGICAL
RESEARCH STATION” black on white sign would stay, along with the metal plaque that indicates
the National Historic Register status.

vinyl sign

Install new
UMD sign

New sign text: University of Minnesota

Limnology Building
North Shore Information Center

NSIC signage plan, page 6

Signage Plan: Phase I1
After construction of new parking lot

Phase I1 of the signage plan is contingent on overall site access plans. Representatives from
MnDOT have suggested that given the current sight lines and traffic patterns of the site, a new
entrance and parking area could be created in between the cottage and the Limnology Building. This
would include widening London Road to create a right turn lane. New signs would be placed to
warn and direct traffic to this new entrance.

The new parking lot would not only address traffic flow issues. It would also provide the
opportunity to rehabilitate the old parking lot area east of the Limnology Building and improve the
drainage from the Limnology Building. The current drainage from the building is highly inadequate
and leads to flooding in the basement and structural degradation.

Phase I1 Goal: Improve traffic access to the site

Task One: Instal W&g sign

Sign type: Advance Turn sign

Sign location: At least 120 yards west of NSIC turn-off
Sign size: 30 inches wide, 24 inches high

NSIC signage plan, page 7

Task Two: Install Entrance sign
Sign Type: Destination sign
Sign Location: At planned entry, on post with current Minnesota 61 sign
Sign size: 30 inches wide, 24 inches high
Sign text: VISITOR INFO [with right arrow]

Current appearance

Planned appearance


New info

parking lot

New right
turn lane

NSIC signage plan, page 8

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