CST SPU Syllabus

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the document 2) Are there specific terms or concepts that emerge from the document?

so, please define the terms in your notes 3-4) Does the document reflect a particular
theological doctrine or understanding? Do you see any inconsis-tencies in the document,
any weaknesses? 5-7) Do you sense that the document is a reflection of a particular
historical era? If so, in what way? In what way does the document challenge the church,
society, and you?


Course Title:


Course Description:
Format of Finals Term Group Video Project
By way of synthesizing class discussions on the CST, the class will be divided into
groups composed of 7 to 8 members and produce a mini-documentary presentation, 15-20
minutes running time (cite personal testimonies of the interviewees and their impact on
your group) based on Matthew 25:31-40 (Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one
of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.). (note : the exemplary lives of historical
personalities may also be used as reference)
After each presentation, the group is also required to explain to the rest of the class
the meaning of their video presentation, documentary in 5 to 10 minutes.
Format of Finals Term Group Paper (short bond typewriting paper, word document,
Times New Roman or Arial 12 font size,1 space), 1 page for overview, 1 page for what
each member did, 1 page reflection per member
Choice 1: Visit a charitable institution like an orphanage, home for the aged,
hospital, mental institution, ( *at least two one-hour-visits are required )
Choice 2: Interview an ordinary laborer like xerox ladies, street sweepers,
sampaguita vendor, newspapaer boys, sorbetero, magtataho, magbabalut, pedicab driver,
cigarette vendor or any ordinary worker. ( *at least two one-hour-meetings are required )

The course introduces students to the understanding that the social mission of the
Church is an essential part of Christian faith. It likewise enunciates the notion that social
mission is constitutive of Christianity and not something extra-curricular nor optional to it.
Furthermore, it shows how Church teachings flow from both human experience and
committed and critical faith interacting with each other. Just as the social teaching of the
Church is integral to Catholic faith, the social justice dimensions of teaching are integral to
Christian education and catechesis.
Course Objectives:
(COGNITIVE) The course intends to help the students : 1) understand the nature,
rationale and scope of the Catholic social thought; 2) comprehend how Catholic social
thought is rooted in the experience of God as witnessed to in in the bible and in
contemporary challenges; 3) view faith as working towards the fulfillment of Gods
kingdom. (PRACTICAL) To facilitate a Christian social consciousness that is sensitive to
those who are marginalized and disenfranchised in todays society, every student enrolled
in relsfour is required to participate in SPU Manilas community service activities and
immersion programs which are organized and facilitated by SPU Campus Ministry Office.
Course Outline:

Fr. Francis Xavier R. Salcedo

yahoogroup: cst_salcedo

Introduction to Course

II. Biblical Roots of Social Justice (Prophetic Books and the Gospels)
III. The Present Situation of Social Justice in the World and the Philippines

IV. Rerum Novarum (The Condition of Labor - Of New Things, Leo XIII) &
Quadragesimo Anno (40th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum)

Midterm Exam / Group Video Project (final exams)

33.33 %

V. Christianity Enters the Modern Era: Concerns and Challenges, Mater et

Magistra (Christianity and Social Progress, John XXIII) & Pacem In Terris
(Peace on Earth, John XXIII)

Other Required Readings and References :

VI. The Role of the Church in the 20 th Century, Responding to the Needs of the
World Nations, Gaudium Et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on Church in Modern
World, Paul VI) & Populorum Progresso (On The Development of Peoples,
Paul VI)

Byers, David M., Justitia in Mundo, ed., Justice in the Marketplace: collected Statements of
the Vatican and United States Catholic Bishops on Economic Policy, 1891-1984.
Washington, D.C.: United States Catholic Conference, 1985.

Burghardt, Walter J. Justice: A Global Adventure. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2004.

de Mesa, Jose M., The Prayer Our Lord Taught Us. Metro-Manila: CCM, 2005.
VII. Catholic Social Teaching Broadens its Boundaries, The Importance of Family,
Octogesima Adveniens (The Coming 80th: A Call to Action by Paul VI on the
80th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum) & Justice In The World (Synod of
Bishops, 1971)
VIII.The Causes and Consequences of Social Sin, Standing With the Poor, The
Significance of Liberation Theology & Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (On Social
Concerns: For the 20th Anniversary of Populorum Progressio, John Paul II)
Requirements: attendance, quizzes, reflection paper, midterm exam, group docu-MTV
report (final exam), individual term paper ( a pictorial / literary diary), plus the
required participation in SPU - MANILAs community service activities and
immersion programs.
Basic References :
- The Holy Bible (e.g. NRSV, NAB, RNEB, NIV, TEV, JB, NKJB)
- Catholic Social Teachings documents (available in books or internet sites)
Grading System:
Class Standing (reflection paper, term papers and attendance)

Gorospe, S.J., Vitaliano. Forming the Filipino Social Conscience: Social Theology from A
Filipino-Christian Perspective. Makati: Bookmark, 2000.
Kammer, Fred, S.J. Doing Faith and Justice: An Introduction to Catholic Social Thought.
New York: Paulist Press, 1991.
Masse, Benjamin L., Justice for All: An Introduction to the Social Teaching of the Catholic
Church. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1964.
McBrien, Richard P., The Future Role of the Church in Society in Society in Leslie Griffin,
ed. Religion and Politics. Notre Dame, Ind.: Review of Politics, 2004.
OBrien, David J. and Thomas A. Shannon. Catholic Social Thought: The Documentary
Heritage. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1998.
- http://www.osjspm.org/cst
- http://www.osjspm.org/justed.htm
- http://www.mcgill.pvt.k12.al.us/jerryd/cm/cst.htm
Format of Midterms Individual Term Paper (short bond typewriting paper, word
document, Times New Roman or Arial 12 font size, double-spaced, 5 pages)

33.33 %
33.33 %

Choose a CST document which is not included in our syllabus. 1) List the major themes of

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