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Last week i get four presentation from AISEC.

I get more information about

HIV/AIDS from AISEC,yeah because its material from the presentation . They presentation about
how HIV happened? What thing different about HIV and AIDS?,etc.
The native speakers in this presentation is from the other country and i get 5 people
native speakers, the first is Margarida from portugal,Natasha from slovania,Ryan and his
friend(because i forget his name so,i call him Ryan 's friend)from China,and the last one is Meie
from Egypt. The first,they presentation What is HIV/AIDS? Yeah,i think this was not unusual to be
discussed ,because in MtsN Malang I(my junior high school),i get information about this before..
But,in this presentation is different, beside the native speakers from another
country,we can know too about what out look the people in another country about Indonesia as one
of the countries in the world affected by hiv / aids . And from this presentation i know if HIV is
happened caused virus and if AIDS is disease.
Not only that, we dance and singing together with the nattive speakers and sharing
about HIV/AIDS. We precedes each to raise our hand,and hope an other group not be the first in
Quiz forum. In Quiz forum has 2 groups,left and right group. And Finally no one be win because
the score is same. The Question from quiz about HIV/AIDS. If I may be honest, actually I'm already
bored with this material, but what could I do, this material should be introduced to a young
generation of Indonesia to release the HIV / AIDS from Indonesia.
Because a HIV / AIDS is prevalent in Indonesia due to lack of knowledge about
HIV / AIDS. Moreover, many of the nightlife happens in Indonesia, this happens mostly because of
financial problems. Though this is the cause of HIV / AIDS in Indonesia if the government actually
fully fund education costs the people of Indonesia and there is no corruption in this country which
deprives the rights of others. And I could say HOW BEATIFUL THIS COUNTRY ...
but this is only my thinking about that, in my thinking if 100 percent of the educated
population of Indonesia will not happen anything like HIV / AIDS because of the night life.
I like this presentation,because I can know somebody infected by HIV/AIDS and
there life that excommunicated. This is make me fell sorry and sad.Their lives devastated by HIV /
AIDS and now they should be ostracized in the community because of this disease, I think this is
very unfair to them, because I am sure this is not their will. View as alienating people affected by
this disease that I think should be changed. We should embrace them and talk about things they
experience. I am sure this is not hard to do if we have much knowledge about hiv / aids.
There is one story I get from this AISEC presentation, where there is a doctor who
saved his patient was in critical condition and bleeding, without investigating in advance about the
condition of the patient. After the doctor treating patients, it appeared that these patients have been
infected with HIV?AIDS and the doctor has now infected as well. This story touched me and chills.
A doctor who was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of devotion profession. This is amazing
story .........

With this persentation I know things that can make people infected with HIV / AIDS
like kissing with blood,sharing needles and etc. And i know things that can't make people infected
with HIV/AIDS like hug,swimming together,etc.
Actual HIV / AIDS will not be transmitted in any activity that there is no blood. So,
do not be afraid to hug people affected by HIV / AIDS because they also want to feel the affection
from the people closest to them. They just need encouragement and support to recover . From this
presentation a person suffering from HIV / AIDS must be helped of course with the alert to the
things that make us infected with HIV / AIDS.
I think this is only my thoughts about the presentation that I can. We must make our
country far from the HIV / AIDS and it lies in the hands of the young generation.
end of the word SPIRIT!

Aqidatul Izza X-Olimp(05)

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