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he service "Help in a crisis situation" is considered in two conditional stages.

The first stage: free snatching

shall a man out of the crisis that occurred, and immediately before treatment, and to ... literally within a
maximum of two days ago, but no more! Note: Execution this service was preceded by a long period of study
and analysis of the complaints people technology work force of the stream at any distance. It should be
noted that the work itself with a man at a distance requires special concentration and psychological
adjustment Magician allotted time, negotiated with the person in advance. Even if the situation develops in
humans is critical for the analysis of which he did not have time, then the start of communication with the
Magician begins smoothly distorted picture of the world of man, which he was, and certainly very critical
begins to disintegrate with the first seconds of treatment. This phenomenon may seem incredible and does
not fit in any frame the rationale and reasoning, but on this page everything is written in such a way as
suggested in fact - Mage has the ability to backlight the reality of man. Moreover, this act for anyone to
address - free of charge! This service is offered in every critical situation, try to feel the force of the impact of
external events, developed around the turn man, magician. I draw your attention that the distance does not
play any role. I have to warn you: - one person can seek free only once! If re-treatment, allegedly on behalf
of another, may be distorted by the reflex of recognition memory, and what may happen in the future, it will
not be controlled by the Magician. If you put it mildly - the hardest possible rollback (the stress of obscure
heavy conditions worsen the situation, health) - you only need to contact the person who came and
personally for him in a critical situation. On request help another person Magician refused just because it is
so and offers. No side conventions. - Handling wizard can give it asked to address data (date of birth, full
name), and may be asked to send by e-mail your photos. All corrections will be necessary to perform the
Magician. Clarifies that already has applied will not be late, with the first bell will start to be a distortion of
the reality of space in favor of the converted, and the rest, what prompted Mage, you will need to perform in
the near future. After all, millions of cases, and each much more complicated than at first sight it might
seem. Therefore, correction of distortions in its favor has addressed yet to be brought to its logical conclusion
understandable, that for some clarifications and your data will be required. Who can contact me? Anyone,
but age is not younger than 25 years! This is a very important condition, be careful! Please people with age
less than 25 years, runs the risk of severe psychological state. In this age period any person has not formed
many energy psychological stability, serve something like a buffer that protects a person from the stresses of
growing up. In what situations can be handled? For any that occurred no later than two days prior to
treatment. This may be a betrayal of a friend (girlfriend), and the sudden news of the dismissal, and the
discovery of a tumor elsewhere in the body and dumped the disease, poisoning, getting a hand to the traffic
police, the news of the application against you in court, and so on. P. In general, no matter what you have a
critical situation has arisen. Here we consider exactly what excited you pulled out the thumb rut of life,
caused severe discomfort ... The term "settle" You should clearly understand that the work will be carried
out, which will not allow you to fall into a coma depression, "fossilized" by the pressure of events, will not fall
into the abyss, to drop out of life flows ... and does not mean that you all will be "chocolate". I repeat - this
service is free. Ie You do not need to pay. Is that thank me after all you have to settle. The second
stage: This is the stage will be paid! And the money to be paid before the correction of the situation. The
first will be considered by those who have turned on the first stage - the Magician will be easier to tune in
teleworking. In what situations can be handled? In all situations, which in your opinion are considered
critical! And, of course, for a weighty when you yourself can not cope. Of course, if the magician will scan
and find out what the situation calls to doctors, for example, it must perform. Think for yourself - if you have
a toothache, you need to go to the dentist. If fibroids - surgery is easier to remove than waving. Another
thing, if the fibroids are very small ... Or if you have an inflammation of the appendix, it is of course
necessary to address to the surgeon, is not it? Also, if you do, and deliberately made not out of duty, but in
connection with collisions require assistance - mage may under -zatushit situation, but the debt you have yet
to return, once you yourself promised his return. And adjust the mage in this development as well as you
would be more comfortable. Well, etc. All the questions I'll answer, face it. The cost of each case need to be
discussed separately. I warn you: If I thought the situation is not critical, then I could well refuse you. And the
first and the second phase. Your right to insult me, sulking and so on. I always do only what I think is correct
at the time of scanning. Justification of the method: The basis of my work is the impact on the performance
of korellyatsionnogo leading range of perception of the Magician at the situation to address. It is not difficult
to explain the scientific words, but in the end all that is in the field of perception of the Magician - locally and
irreversibly changed in favor of the reversible. At the same time in any way other parties (opponents) drew
no harm get. Structurally, it looks like this: The magician enters into a special state of consciousness, which
is available on the influence of the information field is reversible, which has all the information and all the
chains of events at the time of treatment and sotkannost events from the tail of the past. In other cases, it
happens in the first seconds of communication, while others require the allocation of time. Side effects: The
most well is the lack of any unpleasant sensations or isolated and normal steady state of the body and
health.If a person is very impressed and had signs of severe depression, it is that it can be quite shake and
break. Excuse me, to me it does not depend. The magician does not and can not in any way adversely affect

human health. Likewise, it can not in any way harm nor shall a man nor his opponents. In the language of
pure esoterica, Mage their condition involves the action of some higher power, which are much higher than
the concepts of "good" or "bad", "bad" or "good." Who repeatedly above all hierarchies, known to mankind
since the emergence of humankind. This is closer to the concept of God. Here it is, then certainly no one can
hurt, as if someone tried to screw up either. It is at this point, these higher power draw attention to a critical
situation and taut ... all are arranged such that eventually all becomes more or less comfortable tonormal. Ie The situation is balanced. And no matter what the situation, and what is connected: in health, in
partner relationships, business, family, or even an abnormally-weather nature. Often things are going
smoothly, quietly, but naturally and quickly. The man suddenly finds himself in the situation is resolved. Only
I dare say (note!), It is not often that may involve (or desire) to turn. Experience shows that all is not always
as one would assume. In other words - God knows better how to arrange everything at one time for all the
participants of the event. Magician includes a focus on higher powers taut situation around the turn
to. Therefore, adverse conditions can be uncomfortable and disagreement with the fact that I would like a
man turned to me. I would like once again to convey to you that the magician only translates the request
and sends the attention of higher powers to the newly created criticality. But the possible follow-breaking and
tearing the state may be only disturbed people. They "want" or "do not want", as well as their emotions, and
the Magician, and God - indifferent. Just why this service is aimed at correcting the critical (and only critical!)
Situations. For all other situations, sluggish and blurred, where you get lost, get lost, and in them strongly
rooted - only prolonged the individual paid work. The issues of cost, payment and perfection ... How much
money? Someone like, how and when. It depends on me. It happens 10 TR, and sometimes and 100t.r. And
more. Do not ask do smeared situation "for free." No "for free" you will not have to unravel. Also, do not be
naive, believing that the Magician will adjust your situation instead of paying your assessment "in fact" - it
will not. If you do not have money, you do not have that flawless human dignity, which is responsible for
their actions. And if there is no money to pay for exactly what you do not hurry, accumulate. The spread-out
situation, whatever it was, because you still live. And if you live, then you have the money for it. So you can
just accumulate. And nobody is late. It is possible that the situation will recover very soon. So. In the first
stage all calls - free of charge. On the second - Read and understand all that is described above.

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