ESE215 HW0 Review of Phys151

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ESE 215 Homework 0: Review of Physics 151

The following questions are from material covered in Physics 151 and represent some of the
prerequisite knowledge for ESE 215. If you find that you are rusty/unfamiliar with any of this
this material, it is your responsibility to take the time to review it using your Physics 151
textbook, University Physics by Young and Freedman (Chapters 25 & 26) or your ESE 215
textbook, Circuits by Ulaby and Maharbiz (Chapters 1 & 2). In ESE 215 it will be assumed
that you have a complete mastery of this prerequisite material from Physics 151.
General Knowledge Material (Hint: these questions will also appear on exams!):
1) Define current in quantitative terms
a. ex: quantitative definition of velocity: v(x)=dx/dt
2) Define current in qualitative terms
a. ex: qualitative definition of velocity: the speed of something in a given direction
3) What is the SI unit for current and its makeup?
a. ex: velocity = m/s (velocity itself doesnt have an SI unit, but current does!)
4) When one measures current in a circuit, is the measuring device inserted across two
terminals or in-between? Why?
5) Define voltage (aka potential difference) in quantitative terms
6) Define voltage (aka potential difference) in qualitative terms
7) What is the SI unit for voltage and its makeup?
8) What is ground in a circuit?
9) When one measures voltage in a circuit, is the measuring device inserted across two
terminals or in-between? Why?
10) Define power in quantitative terms
11) Define power in qualitative terms
12) What is the SI unit for power and its makeup?
13) What is the passive sign convention?
14) What is Ohms Law?
15) Define resistance in quantitative terms
16) Define resistance in qualitative terms
17) What is the SI unit for resistance and its makeup?
18) How does one find the resistance of a wire if area, length and resistivity is known?
19) Draw the current-voltage relationship for a resistor that obeys Ohms Law
20) What is an open circuit and what is a short circuit in terms of resistance?
21) What is the definition of a circuit?
22) What is the definition of a node in a circuit?
23) What is the definition of an extraordinary node in a circuit?
24) What is the difference between a loop and a mesh in a circuit?
25) What is Kirchhoffs Voltage Law? What physical law of conservation does it obey?
26) What is Kirchhoffs Current Law? What physical law of conservation does it obey?
27) Plot the linear i-v (current/voltage) relationship for an ideal resistor, voltage source, and
finally a current source.
28) What does it mean for two (or more) devices to be in series? parallel?

ESE 215 Homework 0: Review of Physics 151

Exercises from ESE 215 course textbook: Circuits by Ulaby and Maharbiz (Chapters 1 & 2)
While you are expected to be able solve any problem in the exercises for chapters 1 and 2 with
your PHYS 151 background, the following selected exercises should help you review each topic
listed. Do not be afraid to attempt any problem that is not explicitly assigned.
Charge & Current:
Voltage & Power:
Ohms Law:
Kirchhoffs Laws:
Equivalent circuits:

1.8, 1.18, 1.24

1.25, 1.28, 1.30, 1.33, 1.37, 1.38, 1.39
2.1, 2.3, 2.8
2.10, 2.13, 2.14, 2.17, 2.20, 2.22, 2.25, 2.26, 2.28
2.29, 2.30, 2.33, 2.41, 2.45, 2.50

Dont have the book just yet? I have put the first two chapters on canvas, but you will need to
purchase the book as we will use it all the time.

HW 0 assignment is due at the start of class on Friday 8/28/2015.

Requirements for submission:
This assignment is to be done individually
Write your name on each page of your HW
Indicate the HW assignment # (e.g.: HW 0)
Staple multiple pages
Use paper & pencil (no electronic submission necessary)
Write clearly show all work, use many sheets of paper to make your work clear and
easy to follow (points are deducted for illegible work)
Explain where you found any formulas

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